Curation by mkidd 1 year, 2 months ago for query economist
Original results
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The Economist | World News, Economics, Politics, Business & Fina…
Residents of China began preparing plans for travel , after the government announced a plan to end mandatory quarantine for inbound travellers, beginning …
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Economist - Apps on Google Play
Each week over 1.5m subscribers trust The Economist to help them make sense of the world and the news. Join them by downloading The Economist app. The a…
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Whataboutism | The Economist
SOVIET propagandists during the cold war were trained in a tactic that their western interlocutors nicknamed “whataboutism”. Any criticism of the Soviet U…
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The Big Sort | The Economist
Americans are increasingly choosing to live among like-minded neighbours. This makes the culture war more bitter and politics harder Jun 19th 2008 | bethe…
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Transcript: Interview with Donald Trump | The Economist
The Economist talks to the President of the United States about economic policy May 11th 2017 Share DONALD TRUMP, the President of the United States, alon…
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Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indones…
Offering the first comprehensive history of U.S relations with Indonesia during the 1960s, Economists with Guns explores one of the central dynamics of in…
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Squeezing the balloon, not popping it | The Economist
America’s drug tsar has admitted that an undiminished amount of cocaine is flowing into the country despite years of huge efforts to disrupt supply from S…
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Tim Duy's Fed Watch
Market participants widely expect the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at the conclusion today’s FOMC meeting. The only real debate surrounding thi…
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Transcript: Interview with Muhammad bin Salman | The Economist
Muhammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s deputy crown prince and the country's defence minister, spoke to The Economist on January 4th. As part of a five-hour …
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The Big Mac index | The Economist
T HE BIG MAC index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the th…
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Economist's View: Links (5/28/19)
Trump Tantrums the Dems Out of a Trap - Paul Krugman I gotta say, it was very clever of Nancy Pelosi to steal Donald Trump’s strawberries, pushing him ove…
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Economist's View: The Decline in Manufacturing Jobs
The Economist takes a look at trends in manufacturing and service employment. The article argues that the trend towards a more service oriented economy is…
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Economist's View: It is Outlandish
[ Note : There are five updates - including additional rebuttals to the posts at The Economist's blog from others - at the end of this post.] The Economis…
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Economist's View: Opposition to the Introduction of Machines Dur…
To the Merchants, Clothiers and all such as wish well to the Staple Manufactory of this Nation. The Humble ADDRESS and PETITION of Thousands, who labour i…
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Economist's View: The Rise of Populism
Were Clintonites Wrong About the Economy?, Freakoutonomics, by Jonathan Chait, New Republic : In 1993, mere months into the Clinton era, the new administr…
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Economist's View: "Comparative Advantage, Comparative Advantage,…
An email suggested looking at this paper by Richard Freeman on globalization and trends in U.S. and worldwide labor markets. It was a good suggestion. Thi…
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Economist's View: Hedge Fund Wizard or Scam Artist?
Hedge funds are risky for another reason. It is extremely difficult to tell, based on past performance, whether a fund is being run by true financial wiza…
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Economist's View: David Warsh on Amity Shlaes' "The Forgotten Ma…
David Warsh takes a look at Amity Shlaes' The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression and finds that it is "an elaborate cautionary tale..., …
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Economist's View: "Why Sheila Bair Must Resign"
Why Sheila Bair must resign, Bronte Capital : Sheila Bair is doing a fine job at one thing – modifying mortgage terms in the mortgages she has taken over …
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Economist's View: Robert Barro: Bill Gates' Charitable Vistas
Charitable giving seems to be the topic of the day. Here, Harvard's Robert Barro is unimpressed with Bill Gates philanthropy: Bill Gates' Charitable Vista…
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Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum Wag…
July will mark five years since the federal minimum wage was last raised. We urge you to act now and enact a three-step raise of 95 cents a year for three…
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Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Minimum Wage
Friday, June 23, 2006 Paul Krugman is on vacation this week so, for those who visit regularly for the condensed versions of his columns, here's something…
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Poorly made | The Economist
THE recent scandals about poisoned baby milk, contaminated pet food and dangerous toys from China have raised questions about manufacturing standards in t…
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Our Plan | Climate Leadership Council
Economists agree that an escalating carbon fee offers the most cost-effective climate policy solution, sending a powerful price signal to steer businesses…
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President—Forecasting the US 2020 elections | The Economist
Our final pre-election forecast is that Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college . Joe Biden Democrat Donald Trump Republican
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Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Economist Tyler Cowen : “Ben is a broad and impressive thinker and researcher. This prize is obviously deserved. In my admittedly unorthodox opinion, his …
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Economist's View: "Paul Romer's Many Hong Kongs"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Paul Romer’s Many Hong Kongs, by Michael Perelman: I just got this from Stewart Brand, who organizes lectures at San Francisco’s Fo…
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Economist's View: "Superfreakonomics on Climate"
Superfreakonomics on climate, part 1, by Paul Krugman : OK, I’m working my way through the climate chapter — and the first five pages, by themselves, are …
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Economist's View: "It Could Have Been Much Worse"
Sunday, August 22, 2010 ...The tea leaves are clear: The Great Recession will not be a second Great Depression. And, as I argue below, President Obama’s …
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Economist's View: Greenspan: The Fed Didn't Do It
Alan Greenspan takes on John Taylor's claim that the Fed caused the housing bubble, and he warns against "micromanagement by government" regulators. Green…
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Who is ahead in the Democratic primary race?
T WENTY-EIGHT candidates have thrown their hat into the ring for the Democrats’ presidential nominating contest in 2020. This field, the largest ever, inc…
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How Did Economists Get It So Wrong? - The New York Times
It’s hard to believe now, but not long ago economists were congratulating themselves over the success of their field. Those successes — or so they believe…
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Economist's View: Paul Collier on Why Nations Fail
Scholars have struggled for decades to find a convincing answer. ... In the 1960s, the dominant explanation was that poor countries lacked capital; by th…
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Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Stimulus Tragedy
The Stimulus Tragedy, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times : Five years have passed since President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment A…
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The pandemic’s true death toll | The Economist
H ow many people have died because of the covid-19 pandemic? The answer depends both on the data available, and on how you define “because”. Many people w…
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Thomas Piketty’s “Capital”, summarised in four paragraphs | The …
It is the economics book that took the world by storm. Capital in the Twenty-First Century , written by the French economist Thomas Piketty, was published…
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On The Fed Credibility Gap - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
Monday, February 09, 2015 On The Fed Credibility Gap First, financial markets are not interested in the median Fed official; they’re interested in Chairw…
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Freelance Forward Economist Report | Upwork
The past two years have ushered in monumental change for the labor market, but a constant remains: freelancing. We’ve seen evidence of this over the past …
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Missing The Big Japan Story - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
The potential exists for groundbreaking changes in Japanese economic policy - and I sense that Western journalists, caught up in the current celebration o…
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How farmers still rule Europe
A RMED WITH a device designed for throwing tennis balls for dogs, it is possible to launch an egg a very satisfying 60 metres. Head to the Quartier Leopol…
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Economist's View: Easterlin: When Growth Outpaces Happiness
Friday, September 28, 2012 My attempt to defend the social safety net in a recent column received a fairly ho-hum response, so let me see if (and hope th…
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Most mainstream economists and economic commentators, the same group who didn’t foresee the housing & Global Financial Crisis, are now saying that the eco…
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Economist's View: Bad Advice from Experts, Herding, and Bubbles
Here's the introduction to a paper I'm giving at the AEA meetings ( journal version of paper ). The model in the paper, which is a variation of the Brock …
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Emmanuel Macron in his own words (English) | The Economist
Editor’s note: The interview was conducted at the Elysée Palace in Paris on October 21st. The French transcript ( here ) has been lightly edited for clari…
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Jobs report April 2020: Record 20.5 million jobs lost, unemploym…
Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting payrolls to shed 21.5 million and the unemployment rate to go to 16%. April's unemployment rate topped…
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Desperately Searching For A New Strategy - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
President-Donald Trump’s renewed call for a 35% import tax on firms that ship jobs out of the United States triggered the expected round of derision from …
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Is The Fed About To Experience A Repeat of 2016? - Tim Duy's Fed…
In the most recent Summary of Economic Projections, Fed officials penciled in three 25bp rate hikes for 2017. The reality, however, could be very differen…
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Fed economists project recession this year, in potential blow to…
Staff members at the central bank, who brief policymakers before interest rate decisions, had long expected GDP growth to slow this year in the wake of th…
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After the Wall Fell: The Poor Balance Sheet of the Transition to…
Many Western economists were rapturous about the prospects for Eastern Europe’s transition to rapid growth and solid democracy once the Berlin Wall fell i…
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When Does Faith in Financial Engineering Wane? - Tim Duy's Fed W…
The data flow is truly horrible, painting a picture of an economy so weakened that it promises to engulf the recently passed stimulus package. Fiscal auth…
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Chicago school of economics - Wikipedia
Chicago economists have also left their intellectual influence in other fields, notably in pioneering public choice theory and law and economics , which h…
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Economist's View: 'The Prospects and Consequences of a Possible …
Jamie Galbraith in interviewed by Roger Strassburg on the upcoming Greek election and the prospects and consequences of a possible Syriza government: Roge…
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Survey: Economists Expect Biden Recession, Slowing Growth, Job L…
A Wall Street Journal survey of economists put the probability of a recession in the next year at 63 percent, which is up 14 percent from July. The WSJ re…
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Economist's View: 'Why the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction Shoul…
The source of increased inequality is simple. The private benefits of the mortgage interest deduction rise both with a person’s income and with the cost o…
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Economists Actually Agree on This: The Wisdom of Free Trade - Th…
If Congress were to take an exam in Economics 101, would it pass? We are about to find out. The issue at hand is whether Congress will give President Obam…
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Emmanuel Macron warns Europe: NATO is becoming brain-dead | The …
America is turning its back on the European project. Time to wake up, the French president tells The Economist Nov 7th 2019 Share EMMANUEL MACRON, the Fre…
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Economists Seem to Back Off Growth Claim for Tax Cuts - Bloomberg
A group of conservative economists appear to be backing off their claim, embraced this week by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, that Congress’s proposed…
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Wanted: A First National Bank of Innovation
Some economists portray the U.S. government’s initiatives in health care, climate change, and energy as engines of recovery. In their view, the state’s po…
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Happy people really do work harder | Psychology | The Guardian
Economists have established a link between workers' happiness and their performance, and say employers should take note David Brent, played by Ricky Gerva…
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Craig Steven Wright claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Is he? | The …
IMAGINE that the paternity of a particularly brilliant child is in doubt, and someone steps forward to claim he is the father. In the real world a DNA tes…
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Economist's View: The Crisis and the Regulation of the Financial…
Friday, April 13, 2012 The Russell Sage Foundation and the Century Foundation will host a conference on the financial crisis at the Princeton Club on Fri…
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The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data | …
A NEW commodity spawns a lucrative, fast-growing industry, prompting antitrust regulators to step in to restrain those who control its flow. A century ago…
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China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like no other | Th…
Totalitarian determination and modern technology have produced a massive abuse of human rights May 31st 2018 | HOTAN, XINJIANG PROVINCE Share Listen to th…
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Donald Trump will “never” support Putin, says Volodymyr Zelensky
V OLODYMYR ZELENSKY does not want to think about a long war, let alone talk about the possibility to Ukrainians, many of whom still dream of winning fast.…
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The invasion has stalled, but Putin’s war on dissent marches on …
The invasion has stalled, but Putin’s war on dissent marches on Russian society is almost as closed and repressive as it was in Soviet times Feb 20th 202…
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An Open Letter from 1,470 Economists on Immigration - New Americ…
The undersigned economists represent a broad swath of political and economic views. Among us are Republicans and Democrats alike. Some of us favor free ma…
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Progressive Policy Institute Ending America's Public Investment …
Economists from Adam Smith onward have understood that free markets don’t exist or thrive in a state of nature. They are nestled within a framework of gov…
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Trump’s economists say a corporate tax cut will raise wages by $…
This story is part of a group of stories called Outside contributors' opinions and analysis of the most important issues in politics, science, and culture.
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Google rewards reputable reporting, not left-wing politics | The…
Nonetheless, a subtle bias might not show up in such broad statistics. To test for favouritism, The Economist ran an experiment, comparing a news site’s s…
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Latin America’s second “lost decade” is not as bad as the first …
Latin America’s second “lost decade” is not as bad as the first The 2010s have seen stagnation, but not all is gloom THINK BACK to the start of 2010, whe…
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For Economists Saez and Piketty, the Buffett Rule Is Just a Star…
Research done by Emmanuel Saez, left, and Thomas Piketty has shown that inequality among the middle class and the rich is nearly as acute as it was before…
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The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp …
The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp it? As the United States pulls away from China, it needs its neighbours more than ever Ma…
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Too much of a good thing | The Economist
AMERICA’S airlines used to be famous for two things: terrible service and worse finances. Today flyers still endure hidden fees, late flights, bruised kne…
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Does An Inverted Yield Curve Mean I Should Get Out Of The Market…
Economists and less reliable pundits have been predicting a recession or major correction in the stock market for several years now. In 1966, Paul Samuels…
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How Do Economists Determine Whether the Economy Is in a Recessio…
What is a recession? While some maintain that two consecutive quarters of falling real GDP constitute a recession, that is neither the official definition…
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In defense of concerns over the $1.9 trillion relief plan | PIIE
Those economists (like myself) who agree with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen about the need to “go big” on a protection and stimulus package, but who hav…
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Fed Seen Hiking Rates One Final Time to a 22-Year Peak in Econom…
Most economists expect the Federal Reserve to lift interest rates one more time next week as it ends a 16-month hiking cycle that has been the most aggres…
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Fed is set to raise rates yet again. After that, then what? | AP…
Yet economists and Wall Street traders will be more interested in what the Fed and Chair Jerome Powell signal in a statement and at a news conference abou…
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Recession Alphabet: Letters Project Economic Recovery From Coron…
Economists say the US economy is either entering a recession or already in one, but the way it rebounds could take several forms. Experts have turned to t…
New results
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The Economist | World News, Economics, Politics, Business & Fina…
Residents of China began preparing plans for travel , after the government announced a plan to end mandatory quarantine for inbound travellers, beginning …
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Economist - Apps on Google Play
Each week over 1.5m subscribers trust The Economist to help them make sense of the world and the news. Join them by downloading The Economist app. The a…
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Whataboutism | The Economist
SOVIET propagandists during the cold war were trained in a tactic that their western interlocutors nicknamed “whataboutism”. Any criticism of the Soviet U…
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The Big Sort | The Economist
Americans are increasingly choosing to live among like-minded neighbours. This makes the culture war more bitter and politics harder Jun 19th 2008 | bethe…
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Transcript: Interview with Donald Trump | The Economist
The Economist talks to the President of the United States about economic policy May 11th 2017 Share DONALD TRUMP, the President of the United States, alon…
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Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indones…
Offering the first comprehensive history of U.S relations with Indonesia during the 1960s, Economists with Guns explores one of the central dynamics of in…
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Squeezing the balloon, not popping it | The Economist
America’s drug tsar has admitted that an undiminished amount of cocaine is flowing into the country despite years of huge efforts to disrupt supply from S…
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Tim Duy's Fed Watch
Market participants widely expect the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at the conclusion today’s FOMC meeting. The only real debate surrounding thi…
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Transcript: Interview with Muhammad bin Salman | The Economist
Muhammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s deputy crown prince and the country's defence minister, spoke to The Economist on January 4th. As part of a five-hour …
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The Big Mac index | The Economist
T HE BIG MAC index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the th…
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Economist's View: Links (5/28/19)
Trump Tantrums the Dems Out of a Trap - Paul Krugman I gotta say, it was very clever of Nancy Pelosi to steal Donald Trump’s strawberries, pushing him ove…
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Economist's View: The Decline in Manufacturing Jobs
The Economist takes a look at trends in manufacturing and service employment. The article argues that the trend towards a more service oriented economy is…
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Economist's View: It is Outlandish
[ Note : There are five updates - including additional rebuttals to the posts at The Economist's blog from others - at the end of this post.] The Economis…
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Economist's View: Opposition to the Introduction of Machines Dur…
To the Merchants, Clothiers and all such as wish well to the Staple Manufactory of this Nation. The Humble ADDRESS and PETITION of Thousands, who labour i…
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Economist's View: The Rise of Populism
Were Clintonites Wrong About the Economy?, Freakoutonomics, by Jonathan Chait, New Republic : In 1993, mere months into the Clinton era, the new administr…
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Economist's View: "Comparative Advantage, Comparative Advantage,…
An email suggested looking at this paper by Richard Freeman on globalization and trends in U.S. and worldwide labor markets. It was a good suggestion. Thi…
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Economist's View: Hedge Fund Wizard or Scam Artist?
Hedge funds are risky for another reason. It is extremely difficult to tell, based on past performance, whether a fund is being run by true financial wiza…
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Economist's View: David Warsh on Amity Shlaes' "The Forgotten Ma…
David Warsh takes a look at Amity Shlaes' The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression and finds that it is "an elaborate cautionary tale..., …
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Economist's View: "Why Sheila Bair Must Resign"
Why Sheila Bair must resign, Bronte Capital : Sheila Bair is doing a fine job at one thing – modifying mortgage terms in the mortgages she has taken over …
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Economist's View: Robert Barro: Bill Gates' Charitable Vistas
Charitable giving seems to be the topic of the day. Here, Harvard's Robert Barro is unimpressed with Bill Gates philanthropy: Bill Gates' Charitable Vista…
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Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum Wag…
July will mark five years since the federal minimum wage was last raised. We urge you to act now and enact a three-step raise of 95 cents a year for three…
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Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Minimum Wage
Friday, June 23, 2006 Paul Krugman is on vacation this week so, for those who visit regularly for the condensed versions of his columns, here's something…
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Poorly made | The Economist
THE recent scandals about poisoned baby milk, contaminated pet food and dangerous toys from China have raised questions about manufacturing standards in t…
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Our Plan | Climate Leadership Council
Economists agree that an escalating carbon fee offers the most cost-effective climate policy solution, sending a powerful price signal to steer businesses…
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President—Forecasting the US 2020 elections | The Economist
Our final pre-election forecast is that Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college . Joe Biden Democrat Donald Trump Republican
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Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Economist Tyler Cowen : “Ben is a broad and impressive thinker and researcher. This prize is obviously deserved. In my admittedly unorthodox opinion, his …
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Economist's View: "Paul Romer's Many Hong Kongs"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Paul Romer’s Many Hong Kongs, by Michael Perelman: I just got this from Stewart Brand, who organizes lectures at San Francisco’s Fo…
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Economist's View: "Superfreakonomics on Climate"
Superfreakonomics on climate, part 1, by Paul Krugman : OK, I’m working my way through the climate chapter — and the first five pages, by themselves, are …
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Economist's View: "It Could Have Been Much Worse"
Sunday, August 22, 2010 ...The tea leaves are clear: The Great Recession will not be a second Great Depression. And, as I argue below, President Obama’s …
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Economist's View: Greenspan: The Fed Didn't Do It
Alan Greenspan takes on John Taylor's claim that the Fed caused the housing bubble, and he warns against "micromanagement by government" regulators. Green…
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Who is ahead in the Democratic primary race?
T WENTY-EIGHT candidates have thrown their hat into the ring for the Democrats’ presidential nominating contest in 2020. This field, the largest ever, inc…
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How Did Economists Get It So Wrong? - The New York Times
It’s hard to believe now, but not long ago economists were congratulating themselves over the success of their field. Those successes — or so they believe…
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Economist's View: Paul Collier on Why Nations Fail
Scholars have struggled for decades to find a convincing answer. ... In the 1960s, the dominant explanation was that poor countries lacked capital; by th…
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Economist's View: Paul Krugman: The Stimulus Tragedy
The Stimulus Tragedy, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times : Five years have passed since President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment A…
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The pandemic’s true death toll | The Economist
H ow many people have died because of the covid-19 pandemic? The answer depends both on the data available, and on how you define “because”. Many people w…
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Thomas Piketty’s “Capital”, summarised in four paragraphs | The …
It is the economics book that took the world by storm. Capital in the Twenty-First Century , written by the French economist Thomas Piketty, was published…
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On The Fed Credibility Gap - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
Monday, February 09, 2015 On The Fed Credibility Gap First, financial markets are not interested in the median Fed official; they’re interested in Chairw…
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Freelance Forward Economist Report | Upwork
The past two years have ushered in monumental change for the labor market, but a constant remains: freelancing. We’ve seen evidence of this over the past …
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Missing The Big Japan Story - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
The potential exists for groundbreaking changes in Japanese economic policy - and I sense that Western journalists, caught up in the current celebration o…
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How farmers still rule Europe
A RMED WITH a device designed for throwing tennis balls for dogs, it is possible to launch an egg a very satisfying 60 metres. Head to the Quartier Leopol…
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Economist's View: Easterlin: When Growth Outpaces Happiness
Friday, September 28, 2012 My attempt to defend the social safety net in a recent column received a fairly ho-hum response, so let me see if (and hope th…
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Most mainstream economists and economic commentators, the same group who didn’t foresee the housing & Global Financial Crisis, are now saying that the eco…
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Economist's View: Bad Advice from Experts, Herding, and Bubbles
Here's the introduction to a paper I'm giving at the AEA meetings ( journal version of paper ). The model in the paper, which is a variation of the Brock …
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Emmanuel Macron in his own words (English) | The Economist
Editor’s note: The interview was conducted at the Elysée Palace in Paris on October 21st. The French transcript ( here ) has been lightly edited for clari…
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Jobs report April 2020: Record 20.5 million jobs lost, unemploym…
Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting payrolls to shed 21.5 million and the unemployment rate to go to 16%. April's unemployment rate topped…
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Desperately Searching For A New Strategy - Tim Duy's Fed Watch
President-Donald Trump’s renewed call for a 35% import tax on firms that ship jobs out of the United States triggered the expected round of derision from …
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Is The Fed About To Experience A Repeat of 2016? - Tim Duy's Fed…
In the most recent Summary of Economic Projections, Fed officials penciled in three 25bp rate hikes for 2017. The reality, however, could be very differen…
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Fed economists project recession this year, in potential blow to…
Staff members at the central bank, who brief policymakers before interest rate decisions, had long expected GDP growth to slow this year in the wake of th…
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After the Wall Fell: The Poor Balance Sheet of the Transition to…
Many Western economists were rapturous about the prospects for Eastern Europe’s transition to rapid growth and solid democracy once the Berlin Wall fell i…
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When Does Faith in Financial Engineering Wane? - Tim Duy's Fed W…
The data flow is truly horrible, painting a picture of an economy so weakened that it promises to engulf the recently passed stimulus package. Fiscal auth…
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Chicago school of economics - Wikipedia
Chicago economists have also left their intellectual influence in other fields, notably in pioneering public choice theory and law and economics , which h…
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Economist's View: 'The Prospects and Consequences of a Possible …
Jamie Galbraith in interviewed by Roger Strassburg on the upcoming Greek election and the prospects and consequences of a possible Syriza government: Roge…
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Survey: Economists Expect Biden Recession, Slowing Growth, Job L…
A Wall Street Journal survey of economists put the probability of a recession in the next year at 63 percent, which is up 14 percent from July. The WSJ re…
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Economist's View: 'Why the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction Shoul…
The source of increased inequality is simple. The private benefits of the mortgage interest deduction rise both with a person’s income and with the cost o…
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Economists Actually Agree on This: The Wisdom of Free Trade - Th…
If Congress were to take an exam in Economics 101, would it pass? We are about to find out. The issue at hand is whether Congress will give President Obam…
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Emmanuel Macron warns Europe: NATO is becoming brain-dead | The …
America is turning its back on the European project. Time to wake up, the French president tells The Economist Nov 7th 2019 Share EMMANUEL MACRON, the Fre…
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Economists Seem to Back Off Growth Claim for Tax Cuts - Bloomberg
A group of conservative economists appear to be backing off their claim, embraced this week by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, that Congress’s proposed…
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Wanted: A First National Bank of Innovation
Some economists portray the U.S. government’s initiatives in health care, climate change, and energy as engines of recovery. In their view, the state’s po…
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Happy people really do work harder | Psychology | The Guardian
Economists have established a link between workers' happiness and their performance, and say employers should take note David Brent, played by Ricky Gerva…
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Craig Steven Wright claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Is he? | The …
IMAGINE that the paternity of a particularly brilliant child is in doubt, and someone steps forward to claim he is the father. In the real world a DNA tes…
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Economist's View: The Crisis and the Regulation of the Financial…
Friday, April 13, 2012 The Russell Sage Foundation and the Century Foundation will host a conference on the financial crisis at the Princeton Club on Fri…
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The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data | …
A NEW commodity spawns a lucrative, fast-growing industry, prompting antitrust regulators to step in to restrain those who control its flow. A century ago…
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China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like no other | Th…
Totalitarian determination and modern technology have produced a massive abuse of human rights May 31st 2018 | HOTAN, XINJIANG PROVINCE Share Listen to th…
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Donald Trump will “never” support Putin, says Volodymyr Zelensky
V OLODYMYR ZELENSKY does not want to think about a long war, let alone talk about the possibility to Ukrainians, many of whom still dream of winning fast.…
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The invasion has stalled, but Putin’s war on dissent marches on …
The invasion has stalled, but Putin’s war on dissent marches on Russian society is almost as closed and repressive as it was in Soviet times Feb 20th 202…
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An Open Letter from 1,470 Economists on Immigration - New Americ…
The undersigned economists represent a broad swath of political and economic views. Among us are Republicans and Democrats alike. Some of us favor free ma…
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Progressive Policy Institute Ending America's Public Investment …
Economists from Adam Smith onward have understood that free markets don’t exist or thrive in a state of nature. They are nestled within a framework of gov…
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Trump’s economists say a corporate tax cut will raise wages by $…
This story is part of a group of stories called Outside contributors' opinions and analysis of the most important issues in politics, science, and culture.
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Google rewards reputable reporting, not left-wing politics | The…
Nonetheless, a subtle bias might not show up in such broad statistics. To test for favouritism, The Economist ran an experiment, comparing a news site’s s…
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Latin America’s second “lost decade” is not as bad as the first …
Latin America’s second “lost decade” is not as bad as the first The 2010s have seen stagnation, but not all is gloom THINK BACK to the start of 2010, whe…
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For Economists Saez and Piketty, the Buffett Rule Is Just a Star…
Research done by Emmanuel Saez, left, and Thomas Piketty has shown that inequality among the middle class and the rich is nearly as acute as it was before…
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The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp …
The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp it? As the United States pulls away from China, it needs its neighbours more than ever Ma…
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Too much of a good thing | The Economist
AMERICA’S airlines used to be famous for two things: terrible service and worse finances. Today flyers still endure hidden fees, late flights, bruised kne…
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Does An Inverted Yield Curve Mean I Should Get Out Of The Market…
Economists and less reliable pundits have been predicting a recession or major correction in the stock market for several years now. In 1966, Paul Samuels…
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How Do Economists Determine Whether the Economy Is in a Recessio…
What is a recession? While some maintain that two consecutive quarters of falling real GDP constitute a recession, that is neither the official definition…
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In defense of concerns over the $1.9 trillion relief plan | PIIE
Those economists (like myself) who agree with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen about the need to “go big” on a protection and stimulus package, but who hav…
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Fed Seen Hiking Rates One Final Time to a 22-Year Peak in Econom…
Most economists expect the Federal Reserve to lift interest rates one more time next week as it ends a 16-month hiking cycle that has been the most aggres…
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Fed is set to raise rates yet again. After that, then what? | AP…
Yet economists and Wall Street traders will be more interested in what the Fed and Chair Jerome Powell signal in a statement and at a news conference abou…
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Recession Alphabet: Letters Project Economic Recovery From Coron…
Economists say the US economy is either entering a recession or already in one, but the way it rebounds could take several forms. Experts have turned to t…