Curation by juander 4 months, 2 weeks ago for query dave the diver
Original results
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Dave the Diver
Dave the Diver is a 2023 video game developed and published by Mintrocket. The game combines both action-adventure and management gameplay styles as players
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Dave Shaw
Australian scuba diver, technical diver, and airline pilot for Cathay Pacific, flying the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, then the 747-400, and then the A330-300, A340-300
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20th British Academy Games Awards
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Tron: Identity, Viewfinder, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Debut Game: Atomic Heart, Cocoon, Dave the Diver, Dredge
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The Game Awards 2023
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Dave the Diver Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Final Fantasy XVI The Finals The First Descendant Fortnite
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sub-brand 'Mintrocket' on the 3rd". April 5, 2022. Retrieved July 15, 2023. Koselke, Anna (July 12, 2023). "Dave the Diver does swimmingly on
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CMAS** scuba diver - Wikipedia
It indicates that the diver has been assessed as competent to plan and undertake dives to a maximum depth of 30 metres, or with some additional experience…
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Tag Results: dave the diver | Tedium
Tedium is a labor of love and appreciation. Is it weird to say we love the internet? Because at Tedium, we love the internet—as a source of never-ending …
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Dave the Diver
The King of Monsters makes a terrifying appearance in this extended trailer for the upcoming Dave the Diver x Godzilla collaboration, and he's bringing a…
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Buy cheap DAVE THE DIVER Steam key - best price
Where to buy a cheap DAVE THE DIVER Steam key ? Compare prices from 18 stores to discover the top deal among 23 offers available on At the momen…
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[1510.02978] The Diver with a Rotor
Title:The Diver with a Rotor Abstract:We present and analyse a simple model for the twisting somersault. The model is a rigid body with a rotor attached …
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Diver finds evidence of Cree sacred site that was destroyed in 1…
Diver finds evidence of Cree sacred site that was destroyed in 1966 Saskatoon-based diver, Steven Thair is the first person in nearly 50 years to lay eye…
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British diver who helped in Thai cave rescue sues Elon Musk | CB…
Musk called the diver 'pedo guy' in a July tweet to 22.5 million followers Elon Musk is being sued for defamation for $75,000 U.S. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuter…
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Scuba diver killed in Australia shark attack | CBC News
Victim was 20-year-old scuba diver off the coast of Queensland state In this image from a video, the covered body is placed on a cliff near Indian Head, …
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Post by Dave the Knave in Affinity comments -
Thanks so much for contributing Affinity to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've enjoyed playing through the bundle and writing revie…
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Post by Dave the Knave in Dead Pixels: The 8-bit zombie sim. com…
Thanks so much for contributing this game to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've been slowly but surely going through and reviewing t…
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Post by Dave the Knave in Wakamarina Valley, New Zealand comment…
Thanks so much for contributing wakamarina valley to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I've been playing through the bundle and came ac…
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Post by Dave the Knave in Resistance is Fruitile comments - itch…
Hi, thanks Phase Pixel for donating Resistance if Fruitile to the racial justice bundle back in 2020. I've been slowly making my way through the games an…
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Post by stackman in Dave the Game jam comments -
The platforming was pretty fun to execute, lots of tech. But I think there could of been a little more tutorialization. Lots of barreling through rooms w…
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Diversity | Python Software Foundation
Diversity On October 12, 2009, the Board of the Python Software Foundation adopted the following Diversity Statement: The Python Software Foundation and …
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Work Groups of the Python Software Foundation | Python Software …
The workgroup's purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing guidance and rec…
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Mintrocket Archives - RPGamer
Dave the Diver brings its unique mix of adventure RPG and restaurant management sim gameplay to Nintendo Switch. This underwater adventure is a wonderful…
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The Diversity Hiring Coalition of Maine – LEADERSHIP, CONNECTION…
Welcome to the Diversity Hiring Coalition! Our Mission We provide leadership, connections, education, and resources to Maine employers with the purpose o…
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Nintendo Life - Nintendo News & Reviews 24/7
Updated with Dave The Diver and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Enjoy! Since its launch back in 2017, the amount of quality games that have come to Swi…
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overview for themean
+1 on dave the diver. This game has a comfortable vibe, and great characters. You can either take things easy by diving only in the shallows or go really…
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Suggestions for good mindless games? - Lemmy.World
+1 on dave the diver. This game has a comfortable vibe, and great characters. You can either take things easy by diving only in the shallows or go really…
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The Diver & The Mermaid | Underwater Photography Collaboration
We all have a precious memory early on in our lives that initially struck curiosity and wonder inside of us. Whether it was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ,…
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Dave the Knave -
In the summer of 2020, while protests were raging across the United States, came up with an incredible idea. They reached out to their community …
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The Diver Who Fell from the Sky by Simon Pridmore Read Online on…
The Diver Who Fell from the Sky Maverick, innovator, entrepreneur, environmentalist and sheer force of nature, Francis Toribiong would have been a unique…
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Dave the Platypus
To understand any technical concept you must first understand the context in which it is applied. When I use the word “architecture” most people will imm…
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Contact — Dave the Platypus
While reality may be an illusion, your chance to talk to Dave isn't. Simply fill out the form below and click Send. In less time than it would take to des…
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Diver Lab
The Diver Lab Most drugs target membrane proteins, accessible on the surface of cells, to alter the transport of ions and molecules and the transduction …
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The Diver - Fanlore
Contents Chris Soto for “The Diver”, a glorious long-haired Spock -- “A simply beautiful rendition of an unclothed warrior Spock, complete with long hair…
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The Diver – Art Blart _ art and cultural memory archive
Exhibition dates: 10th November 2016 – 7th May 2017 Many thankx to Tate Modern for allowing me to publish the photographs in the posting. Please click on…
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The Diver -
All lists are publicly visible and can be browsed and favorited by other users. Refrain from vulgarity and slurs in the titles and overview. Popular list…
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The Diver | University of Iowa Press - The University of Iowa
Breadcrumb The Diver Marta doesn’t mean to kill her husband. In fact, she hardly believes that he’s dead. After a dramatic accident leaves him drowned at…
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The Diver — Mailee Osten-Tan
For Rochelle, diving into the ocean is like entering another world: a world where she feels safe. Exploring themes of LGBTIQ+ identity and mental health, …
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Dave the Epic (@EpicDave) | Minds
@EpicDave An incredibly random guy who's trying to do some good in this World! Former Combat Medic (Army) and PMC, now an Aerospace Engineer who cannot st…
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Divergence of the aerobactin iron uptake systems encoded by plas…
Abstract Although the aerobactin-mediated iron uptake system has been characterized genetically in Escherichia coli, the siderophore aerobactin was chemi…
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Divergence in the expression of molecular markers of neuronal ac…
Abstract Immediate early gene (IEG) expression has been routinely used by neuroscientists as an index of neuronal activation. In the case of the hypothal…
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Divergence between the occurrence of antibody and cellular immun…
Authors Abstract A lymphocyte stimulation assay is described which detects immune reactivity to antigens derived from the CaSki cervical carcinoma cell l…
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Genetic divergence in the clonal evolution of breast cancer - Pu…
Affiliation Abstract The progression of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to infiltrating and metastatic cancer of the breast is thought to be a consequenc…
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Allelic divergence in the human insulin gene provides evidence f…
Affiliation Abstract Intragenic polymorphism of the human insulin gene (INS) was investigated in Korean subjects. The 1.9 kb INS sequence, including the …
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An ancient divergence among the bacteria - PubMed
Authors Abstract The 16S ribosomal RNAs from two species of methanogenic bacteria, the mesophile Methanobacterium ruminantium and the thermophile Methano…
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Divergence of genetic sequences for the vacuolating cytotoxin am…
Authors Affiliation 1 Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2605. PMID: 8144644 Item in Clipboard …
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High divergence of reproductive tract proteins and their associa…
Authors Affiliation Abstract The possible association between gonadal protein divergence and postzygotic reproductive isolation was investigated among sp…
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Evolutionary divergence of promoters and spacers in the rDNA fam…
Authors Affiliation Abstract The organization and sequence of the rDNA multigene family of four Drosophila species (melanogaster, orena, virilis and hyde…
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Evolutionary divergence of human chromosome 9 as revealed by the…
Affiliation Abstract Attempts to solve the fundamental questions regarding the descent of man are dogged by superstitions and unexamined orthodoxies. The…
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Polynucleotide sequence divergence among strains of Salmonella s…
Authors Abstract Polynucleotide sequence relatedness studies were carried out to determine the extent of divergence present in Salmonella sub-genus IV st…
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Dave the Rave's Shows | Mixcloud
Dave the Rave Dave the Rave-Radio DJ and record collector. Insurance and Financial services. My show, once heard weekly on XM …
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diver – Hepforge
Diver releases can be obtained as tarballs from Hepforge. The latest and greatest version, along with a full revision history, can always be found in the …
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Home - DIVER magazine
Recent After 48 years DIVER has ceased publishing, the current issue will be our last. We will also be closing the digital edition and website in the com…
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dead sea Archives - DIVER magazine
Tag: dead sea For the diver who’s done it all, this place is one for the logbook Text by Michel Braunstein Photography by Michel Braunstein & Jacki Soiki…
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Dave the debater: a retrieval-based and generative argumentative…
Abstract In this paper, we explore the problem of developing an argumentative dialogue agent that can be able to discuss with human users on controversia…
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[CSDb] - The Diver
About this site: CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the comm…
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[CSDb] - Dave the Heroic Frog
About this site: CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the comm…
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Diversity and Inclusion @VLDB
Diversity and Inclusion @VLDB The Data Management community is committed to the promotion of diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our professional a…
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The Diver project has been retired and is no longer supported by our team. Understanding the engineering behind modern software can be a great challenge.…
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Diver - definition of diver by The Free Dictionary
diver 3. (Animals) Also called: loom any aquatic bird of the genus Gavia, family Gaviidae, and order Gaviiformes of northern oceans, having a straight po…
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Challenges in pulmonary hypertension: managing the unexpected | …
The diverse challenges associated with diagnosis and management of patients with pulmonary hypertension are illustrated in this case-based review. Case 1 …
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Diversity Boot Camp Closed At The University Of Delaware—But Big…
Compare and contrast, as examination questions used to say, these two passages: "[University training] is the education which gives a man a clear conscio…
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Humanities & Social Sciences
The diversity of the curricula offered through the College of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) will provide students with a foundational base of skills…
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Seeds of Diversity – People Protecting the People's Seeds
For Seed Savers Not every gardener has to be a seed saver, but we believe that every seed saver should be a great seed saver. That's why we provide infor…
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The Tomb of the Diver | American Journal of Archaeology
Dating from about 470 B.C., the frescoes of the Tomba del Tuffatore (Tomb of the Diver) at Paestum are the only example of Greek wall painting with figure…
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Finnish diver receives Thai award for role in gripping cave resc…
The diver, who was one of a team of professionals involved in the extraction operation, said he was touched by the Thai king’s gesture. Open image viewer …
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Scuba diver trapped under ice dies | Yle
A scuba diver perished on Saturday at the Ojamo lime mine in Lohja, after a group dive into the mine’s meandering tunnels. Open image viewer Image: Yle Uu…
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Finnish diver finds sub from WWII | Yle
Finnish diver finds sub from WWII The wreck of a German U-679 submarine was found in the sea off the coast of Estonia in August – by a Finn. Video: Subzo…
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Lost diver rescued after 8 hours in icy mine pit | Yle
Lost diver rescued after 8 hours in icy mine pit A diver who took part in a diving exercise on Thursday got lost in the old Haveri mine pit in central Fi…
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Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Ohio State University |
Highlights of Hale Center Art Collection King's Life The “King's Life” painting was the first piece of artwork donated to the Hale Center. Created specif…
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Get The Mobile Banking App That's Making Finances Easier | Dave
Control how you spend, budget, and deposit money with the Dave Spending account. You can also get your paycheck up to 2 days early with direct deposit 2 ,…
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Dave Ho - About Me
I am Dave Ho Studying Computer Science and Statistics at UCLA. Interested in the fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. L…
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Kensho
Creating a diverse environment, sense of belonging and a place where employees can bring their whole selves to work DEI Goals & How We Measure Them Kensho…
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Diversity in STEM Cooperative | Northern Arizona University
Get in touch! Looking for more resources and contacts? Reach out to anyone in the DiSCO network! Join the DiSCO google group to find events and opportuni…
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Dave Lane |
Dave Lane: OERF and Lane Ventures Primary tabs Since 2015, I've had a full-time role as Open Source Technologist with the Open Education Resource Foundat…
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Divergence Online Graphics Settings Are, Well, Smedley – MMO Fal…
Divergence Online Graphics Settings Are, Well, Smedley I’ve written quite a bit in the past about how indie developers are indie because they aren’t corp…
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Killer whale and dog, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog
The free diver was on his way back in when he must have seen the Orcas and quickly got out onto the rocks. It seemed like there was at least 4 Orcas arou…
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KL divergence between two normal distributions | Statistical Odd…
Main menu Post navigation KL divergence between two normal distributions In a recent blog post, John Cook gave an explicit formula for the KL divergence …
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Aug.30.2006 Our e-mail address for mail concerning the discussion boards has become overwhelmed with spam. So we've had to change the …
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Drunk | World News - Russian opinion
The diver of the automotive that ran over two folks at a pedestrian crossing in St. Petersburg didn't even attempt to decelerate and drove at a pace over…
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Tag: Dave The Simpsons has made some eerily accurate predictions over the years. Smartwatches, video-calling, NSA spying, and Disney’s takeover of 21st C…
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Dave & Gunnar Show
December 21st, 2023 | 49 mins 58 secs This week Dave joins Dynatrace’s Carolyn Ford on the Tech Transforms Podcast about what's scaring the public sector…
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Wariyum Technologies - Your Technology Partner in Building ecomm…
Discover the diverse array of technologies that fuel our operations. We rely on AWS, Ionic, Angular, Firebase, Stripe, Razorpay, Twilio, and Google Analyt…
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Dave Vandyke, Programmer, Bristol UK
Dave Vandyke (formerly Dave Barker) Programmer Hi, I'm a Bristol-based programmer. I'm currently working at DuckDuckGo in the Privacy Engineering team. B…
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The University of Southern Mississippi
This diverse campus spans 300 acres in the heart of Hattiesburg, Mississippi and is home to the sixth-oldest acceptance-based Honors College in the nation…
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Dave Haslam In Conversation | Rock N Roll Brewhouse, Birmingham …
About Dave Haslam raved on as a DJ at Manchester's legendary Hacienda night club, collecting a treasure trove of stories along the way. His latest book, …
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IR divergence problem in single-field models of inflation | PIRSA
Abstract We clarify the origin of IR divergence in single-field models of inflation and provide the correct way to calculate the observable fluctuations.…
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dave | Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council
dave The annual allotment awards were held at the Parish Tea in September 2017. The winners were: Best Kept – Jill Gregory Best Overall – John & Sharon B…
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The Kathmandu Post | Read online latest news and articles from N…
Diverse yet concrete initiatives are being implemented. SCO deputy secretary-general Nurlan Yermekbayev noted that the Shanghai Spirit charts the course …
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EUDML | La medida de divergencia de Kagan en el muestreo secue…
The Kagan divergence measure for sequential sampling with Dirichlet processes. Access Full Article Abstract top In this paper the Kagan divergence measur…
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European University Institute
Equality, diversity and inclusiveness at the EUI News Deterring AI from committing crimes, an interview with Elina Nerantzi If AI commits a crime, who is…
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The Association of Moving Image Archivists -
Our diverse range of AMIA Committees and Task Forces collaborate with colleagues from around the world. We create forums for exchange, and develop program…
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t a r p
The Tomb of the Diver has been a vivid and constant presence in the mind of artist Olivia Booth for the twenty-five years since she first encountered it i…
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by Dave Liggat The term 'serverless' is awfully in-vogue today, and I get the sense its utterances have started provoking eye-rolls and sighs from beleag…
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Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) | Food and… DAD-IS is the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System maintained and developed by FAO. It provides you with access to searchable databases o…
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Angela Buchdahl, First Asian-American Rabbi, Vies for Role at Ce…
It’s a diversity that reflects the emergence of an American Jewry of unprecedented ethnic breadth, and a diversity that Buchdahl — born to an Ashkenazi, R…
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Helmets | Kirby Morgan
For the diver that demands the rigorously tested, best selling larger shell of the SuperLite ® 17C coupled with the versatility of mounting brackets and p…
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Rugged Vehicle Mounts, Consoles, Docking Solutions | Havis Inc. …
Equip diverse vehicles with the strongest mounting solutions available to secure valuable equipment. With tunnel mounts, heavy-duty passenger side mounts…
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California State University, Northridge
With a diverse student body, the vibrancy of California State University, Northridge is evident daily in our classrooms as well as students engaged in rec…
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Home | National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS)
modern and diverse workforce The NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy is creating a robust talent pipeline that will futureproof Scotland’s emerging markets…
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Front Page | Chemistry
Events Diversity & Inclusion The Duke Chemistry Department aspires to create a community built on excellence, collaboration, innovation, creativity, and …
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Wikimedia Language Diversity - Meta
Wikimedia Language Diversity's vision is to see the sum of the knowledge available to everybody in their own languages and to share the knowledge of thos…
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Diversity and inclusion are core values of the Botanical Society of America. Click here to read BSA's 2020 Response to Racism Against our Black Colleagues…
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Home | PaperMC
A diverse plugin ecosystem Crafted by the PaperMC team & contributors, Hangar is our own dedicated plugin repository, now in open beta! A place for devel…
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Sports Diver - British Sub-Aqua Club
Sports Diver Advancing your scuba diving qualifications to become a Sports Diver gives you the opportunity to perform longer, deeper dives with decompres…
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Advanced Ocean Diver - British Sub-Aqua Club
Advanced Ocean Diver If you are an already qualified BSAC Ocean Diver (or other agency equivalent) and would like to extend your diving range progressive…
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Diversity - Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Corporate Site
Committed to Diversity Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to unlocking our individual and collective potential and furthering our mission to …
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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external pa…
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GlueX Experiment | GlueX is a particle physics experiment locate…
Statement on Diversity and Inclusion: The GlueX Collaboration affirms that diversity of experience, culture and perspective is essential to achieving its…
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David Rabin MD, PhD
Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD is a board-certified psychiatrist, neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and inventor who has studied resilience and the impact of chronic …
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DURA Home | Solar Decathlon 2015
DURA Home DIVERSE DURA is a product of the vibrant ethnic diversity of New York City, In each of the last ten years, US News and World Report has listed …
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FBNQuest - Merchant Banking & Asset Management
A diverse range of investment solutions – there to help you preserve and grow your wealth. Securing a Prosperous and Sustainable Future for All We consid…
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User:Fyr/YANI/Diver - NetHack Wiki
User:Fyr/YANI/Diver The diver is one of the player roles in NetHack. All divers are human and can be any alignment. Guidebook entry: "Divers are intrepid…
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Explore | SKAO
Diversity and inclusion are foundational values at the SKAO. We want to break down stereotypes about working in science, technology, engineering and maths…
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Download Dave - Dave Ljung Madison Stellar, David Ljung Madison …
David Ljung Madison Stellar I run a number of websites, from my personal sites to information sites to software sites. GetDave is the central hub for all…
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Home - Innovate UK Business Connect
We create diverse connections to drive positive change. Innovate UK Business Connect is the new name for Innovate UK KTN. We connect innovators with new …
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Hetal Dave presentations
Hetal Dave The waves of the ocean are no different from the ocean.Similarly the inner soul. Just as a person casts off worn-out garments and puts on othe…
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JERDE | Team
A diverse group of thinkers, dreamers, and doers. Over the years, we've developed a multidisciplinary team of experts ready to take on projects of any sh…
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The pearl |
The pearl Summary:Annotation: For the diver Kino, finding a magnificent pearl means the promise of a better life for his impoverished family. His dreams …
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bearded clams
Dave the affable Web Developer dude and Sherms the equally-affable Web Designer dude brought me along on a lunch run to a nearby Mission Center food cour…
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Diversity & Inclusion Toolset YOUROPE has developed and released the “3F Diversity & Inclusion Toolset” for the European festival sector. The Toolset is …
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Jeff Goode - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Dave the barbarian 1x11 thor loser Jeff Goode is an American television writer and playwright, perhaps best known as the creator of Disney Channel's Amer…
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Investigating the Post Office Scandal / Ep 22 - Dave the Destroy…
Ep 22 - Dave the Destroyer Dave McDonnell becomes the most important witness of the second phase of the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry so far by explaini…
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Serving a diverse international clientele, we are committed to excellence and innovation in all we do. Since our inception in the first quarter of 2015, …
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Home | Careers at CERN
Diversity has been an integral part of CERN's mission since its foundation and is an established value of the Organization. Areas of interest CERN offers…
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ProQuest | Databases, EBooks and Technology for Research
Learning From Diverse Perspectives Clarivate Partners with EveryLibrary to Support and Nurture Libraries in the U.S. Clarivate, a global leader in connec…
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IANTD World Headquarters - Home
IANTD DIVER & PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Whatever you want to do - whether you're completely new to diving and would like to explore the world's tropical reef…
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Speaker Dave is equally at home motivating associations, corporate meetings, management and their boards to action. Book Dave today and find why one meet…
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Home Page - MCNC
Join a diverse culture focused on NC's most important institutions. Testimonials Carousel It is always good to hear from "boots on the ground" staff both…
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4DOS.INFO - Klaus Meinhard's Homepage: Index Page
Thanks to Dave Warren, who provided this webspace, my website is now back online under a new name: 4DOS.INFO (formerly 4XBTM.DE). The name is the program:…
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B B Dave | Economic and Political Weekly
Articles By B B Dave The monopoly of the Indian postal department over mail delivery is being eroded by a number of private couriers. This article sugges…
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Home - Robbinsdale Community Education
Diverse programming to engage our community We inspire, educate and connect people of all walks of life to develop their potential and positively contrib…
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designboom magazine | your first source for architecture, design…
a diverse digital database that acts as a valuable guide in gaining insight and information about a product directly from the manufacturer, and serves as…
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SJX Watches
Ming Introduces the Diver 18.01 H41 Having already developed a dive watch last year – the small batch of prototypes were then sold – Ming refined the ori…
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Salish Kootenai College - Empowering the Future - Salish Kootena…
Diverse and Inclusive SKC welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, creating a rich and inclusive learning environment. Our diversity enhances the learn…
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Take a Ritalin, Dave « Climate Audit
Take a Ritalin, Dave The Team have snarled back at Wegman here . They’ve posted up an August 16, 2006 letter from David Ritson to Waxman, accusing Wegman…
New results
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Dave the Diver
Dave the Diver is a 2023 video game developed and published by Mintrocket. The game combines both action-adventure and management gameplay styles as players
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Dave Shaw
Australian scuba diver, technical diver, and airline pilot for Cathay Pacific, flying the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, then the 747-400, and then the A330-300, A340-300
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20th British Academy Games Awards
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Tron: Identity, Viewfinder, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Debut Game: Atomic Heart, Cocoon, Dave the Diver, Dredge
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The Game Awards 2023
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Dave the Diver Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Final Fantasy XVI The Finals The First Descendant Fortnite
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sub-brand 'Mintrocket' on the 3rd". April 5, 2022. Retrieved July 15, 2023. Koselke, Anna (July 12, 2023). "Dave the Diver does swimmingly on
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CMAS** scuba diver - Wikipedia
It indicates that the diver has been assessed as competent to plan and undertake dives to a maximum depth of 30 metres, or with some additional experience…
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Tag Results: dave the diver | Tedium
Tedium is a labor of love and appreciation. Is it weird to say we love the internet? Because at Tedium, we love the internet—as a source of never-ending …
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Dave the Diver
The King of Monsters makes a terrifying appearance in this extended trailer for the upcoming Dave the Diver x Godzilla collaboration, and he's bringing a…
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Buy cheap DAVE THE DIVER Steam key - best price
Where to buy a cheap DAVE THE DIVER Steam key ? Compare prices from 18 stores to discover the top deal among 23 offers available on At the momen…
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[1510.02978] The Diver with a Rotor
Title:The Diver with a Rotor Abstract:We present and analyse a simple model for the twisting somersault. The model is a rigid body with a rotor attached …
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Diver finds evidence of Cree sacred site that was destroyed in 1…
Diver finds evidence of Cree sacred site that was destroyed in 1966 Saskatoon-based diver, Steven Thair is the first person in nearly 50 years to lay eye…
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British diver who helped in Thai cave rescue sues Elon Musk | CB…
Musk called the diver 'pedo guy' in a July tweet to 22.5 million followers Elon Musk is being sued for defamation for $75,000 U.S. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuter…
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Scuba diver killed in Australia shark attack | CBC News
Victim was 20-year-old scuba diver off the coast of Queensland state In this image from a video, the covered body is placed on a cliff near Indian Head, …
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Post by Dave the Knave in Affinity comments -
Thanks so much for contributing Affinity to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've enjoyed playing through the bundle and writing revie…
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Post by Dave the Knave in Dead Pixels: The 8-bit zombie sim. com…
Thanks so much for contributing this game to the bundle for racial equality and justice! I've been slowly but surely going through and reviewing t…
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Post by Dave the Knave in Wakamarina Valley, New Zealand comment…
Thanks so much for contributing wakamarina valley to the bundle for racial justice and equality. I've been playing through the bundle and came ac…
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Post by Dave the Knave in Resistance is Fruitile comments - itch…
Hi, thanks Phase Pixel for donating Resistance if Fruitile to the racial justice bundle back in 2020. I've been slowly making my way through the games an…
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Post by stackman in Dave the Game jam comments -
The platforming was pretty fun to execute, lots of tech. But I think there could of been a little more tutorialization. Lots of barreling through rooms w…
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Diversity | Python Software Foundation
Diversity On October 12, 2009, the Board of the Python Software Foundation adopted the following Diversity Statement: The Python Software Foundation and …
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Work Groups of the Python Software Foundation | Python Software …
The workgroup's purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing guidance and rec…
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Mintrocket Archives - RPGamer
Dave the Diver brings its unique mix of adventure RPG and restaurant management sim gameplay to Nintendo Switch. This underwater adventure is a wonderful…
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The Diversity Hiring Coalition of Maine – LEADERSHIP, CONNECTION…
Welcome to the Diversity Hiring Coalition! Our Mission We provide leadership, connections, education, and resources to Maine employers with the purpose o…
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Nintendo Life - Nintendo News & Reviews 24/7
Updated with Dave The Diver and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Enjoy! Since its launch back in 2017, the amount of quality games that have come to Swi…
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overview for themean
+1 on dave the diver. This game has a comfortable vibe, and great characters. You can either take things easy by diving only in the shallows or go really…
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Suggestions for good mindless games? - Lemmy.World
+1 on dave the diver. This game has a comfortable vibe, and great characters. You can either take things easy by diving only in the shallows or go really…
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The Diver & The Mermaid | Underwater Photography Collaboration
We all have a precious memory early on in our lives that initially struck curiosity and wonder inside of us. Whether it was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ,…
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Dave the Knave -
In the summer of 2020, while protests were raging across the United States, came up with an incredible idea. They reached out to their community …
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The Diver Who Fell from the Sky by Simon Pridmore Read Online on…
The Diver Who Fell from the Sky Maverick, innovator, entrepreneur, environmentalist and sheer force of nature, Francis Toribiong would have been a unique…
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Dave the Platypus
To understand any technical concept you must first understand the context in which it is applied. When I use the word “architecture” most people will imm…
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Contact — Dave the Platypus
While reality may be an illusion, your chance to talk to Dave isn't. Simply fill out the form below and click Send. In less time than it would take to des…
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Diver Lab
The Diver Lab Most drugs target membrane proteins, accessible on the surface of cells, to alter the transport of ions and molecules and the transduction …
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The Diver - Fanlore
Contents Chris Soto for “The Diver”, a glorious long-haired Spock -- “A simply beautiful rendition of an unclothed warrior Spock, complete with long hair…
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The Diver – Art Blart _ art and cultural memory archive
Exhibition dates: 10th November 2016 – 7th May 2017 Many thankx to Tate Modern for allowing me to publish the photographs in the posting. Please click on…
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The Diver -
All lists are publicly visible and can be browsed and favorited by other users. Refrain from vulgarity and slurs in the titles and overview. Popular list…
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The Diver | University of Iowa Press - The University of Iowa
Breadcrumb The Diver Marta doesn’t mean to kill her husband. In fact, she hardly believes that he’s dead. After a dramatic accident leaves him drowned at…
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The Diver — Mailee Osten-Tan
For Rochelle, diving into the ocean is like entering another world: a world where she feels safe. Exploring themes of LGBTIQ+ identity and mental health, …
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Dave the Epic (@EpicDave) | Minds
@EpicDave An incredibly random guy who's trying to do some good in this World! Former Combat Medic (Army) and PMC, now an Aerospace Engineer who cannot st…
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Divergence of the aerobactin iron uptake systems encoded by plas…
Abstract Although the aerobactin-mediated iron uptake system has been characterized genetically in Escherichia coli, the siderophore aerobactin was chemi…
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Divergence in the expression of molecular markers of neuronal ac…
Abstract Immediate early gene (IEG) expression has been routinely used by neuroscientists as an index of neuronal activation. In the case of the hypothal…
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Divergence between the occurrence of antibody and cellular immun…
Authors Abstract A lymphocyte stimulation assay is described which detects immune reactivity to antigens derived from the CaSki cervical carcinoma cell l…
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Genetic divergence in the clonal evolution of breast cancer - Pu…
Affiliation Abstract The progression of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to infiltrating and metastatic cancer of the breast is thought to be a consequenc…
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Allelic divergence in the human insulin gene provides evidence f…
Affiliation Abstract Intragenic polymorphism of the human insulin gene (INS) was investigated in Korean subjects. The 1.9 kb INS sequence, including the …
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An ancient divergence among the bacteria - PubMed
Authors Abstract The 16S ribosomal RNAs from two species of methanogenic bacteria, the mesophile Methanobacterium ruminantium and the thermophile Methano…
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Divergence of genetic sequences for the vacuolating cytotoxin am…
Authors Affiliation 1 Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2605. PMID: 8144644 Item in Clipboard …
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High divergence of reproductive tract proteins and their associa…
Authors Affiliation Abstract The possible association between gonadal protein divergence and postzygotic reproductive isolation was investigated among sp…
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Evolutionary divergence of promoters and spacers in the rDNA fam…
Authors Affiliation Abstract The organization and sequence of the rDNA multigene family of four Drosophila species (melanogaster, orena, virilis and hyde…
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Evolutionary divergence of human chromosome 9 as revealed by the…
Affiliation Abstract Attempts to solve the fundamental questions regarding the descent of man are dogged by superstitions and unexamined orthodoxies. The…
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Polynucleotide sequence divergence among strains of Salmonella s…
Authors Abstract Polynucleotide sequence relatedness studies were carried out to determine the extent of divergence present in Salmonella sub-genus IV st…
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Dave the Rave's Shows | Mixcloud
Dave the Rave Dave the Rave-Radio DJ and record collector. Insurance and Financial services. My show, once heard weekly on XM …
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diver – Hepforge
Diver releases can be obtained as tarballs from Hepforge. The latest and greatest version, along with a full revision history, can always be found in the …
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Home - DIVER magazine
Recent After 48 years DIVER has ceased publishing, the current issue will be our last. We will also be closing the digital edition and website in the com…
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dead sea Archives - DIVER magazine
Tag: dead sea For the diver who’s done it all, this place is one for the logbook Text by Michel Braunstein Photography by Michel Braunstein & Jacki Soiki…
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Dave the debater: a retrieval-based and generative argumentative…
Abstract In this paper, we explore the problem of developing an argumentative dialogue agent that can be able to discuss with human users on controversia…
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[CSDb] - The Diver
About this site: CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the comm…
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[CSDb] - Dave the Heroic Frog
About this site: CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the comm…
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Diversity and Inclusion @VLDB
Diversity and Inclusion @VLDB The Data Management community is committed to the promotion of diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our professional a…
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The Diver project has been retired and is no longer supported by our team. Understanding the engineering behind modern software can be a great challenge.…
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Diver - definition of diver by The Free Dictionary
diver 3. (Animals) Also called: loom any aquatic bird of the genus Gavia, family Gaviidae, and order Gaviiformes of northern oceans, having a straight po…
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Challenges in pulmonary hypertension: managing the unexpected | …
The diverse challenges associated with diagnosis and management of patients with pulmonary hypertension are illustrated in this case-based review. Case 1 …
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Diversity Boot Camp Closed At The University Of Delaware—But Big…
Compare and contrast, as examination questions used to say, these two passages: "[University training] is the education which gives a man a clear conscio…
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Humanities & Social Sciences
The diversity of the curricula offered through the College of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) will provide students with a foundational base of skills…
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Seeds of Diversity – People Protecting the People's Seeds
For Seed Savers Not every gardener has to be a seed saver, but we believe that every seed saver should be a great seed saver. That's why we provide infor…
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The Tomb of the Diver | American Journal of Archaeology
Dating from about 470 B.C., the frescoes of the Tomba del Tuffatore (Tomb of the Diver) at Paestum are the only example of Greek wall painting with figure…
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Finnish diver receives Thai award for role in gripping cave resc…
The diver, who was one of a team of professionals involved in the extraction operation, said he was touched by the Thai king’s gesture. Open image viewer …
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Scuba diver trapped under ice dies | Yle
A scuba diver perished on Saturday at the Ojamo lime mine in Lohja, after a group dive into the mine’s meandering tunnels. Open image viewer Image: Yle Uu…
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Finnish diver finds sub from WWII | Yle
Finnish diver finds sub from WWII The wreck of a German U-679 submarine was found in the sea off the coast of Estonia in August – by a Finn. Video: Subzo…
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Lost diver rescued after 8 hours in icy mine pit | Yle
Lost diver rescued after 8 hours in icy mine pit A diver who took part in a diving exercise on Thursday got lost in the old Haveri mine pit in central Fi…
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Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Ohio State University |
Highlights of Hale Center Art Collection King's Life The “King's Life” painting was the first piece of artwork donated to the Hale Center. Created specif…
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Get The Mobile Banking App That's Making Finances Easier | Dave
Control how you spend, budget, and deposit money with the Dave Spending account. You can also get your paycheck up to 2 days early with direct deposit 2 ,…
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Dave Ho - About Me
I am Dave Ho Studying Computer Science and Statistics at UCLA. Interested in the fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. L…
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Kensho
Creating a diverse environment, sense of belonging and a place where employees can bring their whole selves to work DEI Goals & How We Measure Them Kensho…
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Diversity in STEM Cooperative | Northern Arizona University
Get in touch! Looking for more resources and contacts? Reach out to anyone in the DiSCO network! Join the DiSCO google group to find events and opportuni…
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Dave Lane |
Dave Lane: OERF and Lane Ventures Primary tabs Since 2015, I've had a full-time role as Open Source Technologist with the Open Education Resource Foundat…
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Divergence Online Graphics Settings Are, Well, Smedley – MMO Fal…
Divergence Online Graphics Settings Are, Well, Smedley I’ve written quite a bit in the past about how indie developers are indie because they aren’t corp…
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Killer whale and dog, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog
The free diver was on his way back in when he must have seen the Orcas and quickly got out onto the rocks. It seemed like there was at least 4 Orcas arou…
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KL divergence between two normal distributions | Statistical Odd…
Main menu Post navigation KL divergence between two normal distributions In a recent blog post, John Cook gave an explicit formula for the KL divergence …
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Aug.30.2006 Our e-mail address for mail concerning the discussion boards has become overwhelmed with spam. So we've had to change the …
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Drunk | World News - Russian opinion
The diver of the automotive that ran over two folks at a pedestrian crossing in St. Petersburg didn't even attempt to decelerate and drove at a pace over…
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Tag: Dave The Simpsons has made some eerily accurate predictions over the years. Smartwatches, video-calling, NSA spying, and Disney’s takeover of 21st C…
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Dave & Gunnar Show
December 21st, 2023 | 49 mins 58 secs This week Dave joins Dynatrace’s Carolyn Ford on the Tech Transforms Podcast about what's scaring the public sector…
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Wariyum Technologies - Your Technology Partner in Building ecomm…
Discover the diverse array of technologies that fuel our operations. We rely on AWS, Ionic, Angular, Firebase, Stripe, Razorpay, Twilio, and Google Analyt…
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Dave Vandyke, Programmer, Bristol UK
Dave Vandyke (formerly Dave Barker) Programmer Hi, I'm a Bristol-based programmer. I'm currently working at DuckDuckGo in the Privacy Engineering team. B…
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The University of Southern Mississippi
This diverse campus spans 300 acres in the heart of Hattiesburg, Mississippi and is home to the sixth-oldest acceptance-based Honors College in the nation…
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Dave Haslam In Conversation | Rock N Roll Brewhouse, Birmingham …
About Dave Haslam raved on as a DJ at Manchester's legendary Hacienda night club, collecting a treasure trove of stories along the way. His latest book, …
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IR divergence problem in single-field models of inflation | PIRSA
Abstract We clarify the origin of IR divergence in single-field models of inflation and provide the correct way to calculate the observable fluctuations.…
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dave | Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council
dave The annual allotment awards were held at the Parish Tea in September 2017. The winners were: Best Kept – Jill Gregory Best Overall – John & Sharon B…
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The Kathmandu Post | Read online latest news and articles from N…
Diverse yet concrete initiatives are being implemented. SCO deputy secretary-general Nurlan Yermekbayev noted that the Shanghai Spirit charts the course …
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EUDML | La medida de divergencia de Kagan en el muestreo secue…
The Kagan divergence measure for sequential sampling with Dirichlet processes. Access Full Article Abstract top In this paper the Kagan divergence measur…
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European University Institute
Equality, diversity and inclusiveness at the EUI News Deterring AI from committing crimes, an interview with Elina Nerantzi If AI commits a crime, who is…
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The Association of Moving Image Archivists -
Our diverse range of AMIA Committees and Task Forces collaborate with colleagues from around the world. We create forums for exchange, and develop program…
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t a r p
The Tomb of the Diver has been a vivid and constant presence in the mind of artist Olivia Booth for the twenty-five years since she first encountered it i…
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by Dave Liggat The term 'serverless' is awfully in-vogue today, and I get the sense its utterances have started provoking eye-rolls and sighs from beleag…
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Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) | Food and… DAD-IS is the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System maintained and developed by FAO. It provides you with access to searchable databases o…
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Angela Buchdahl, First Asian-American Rabbi, Vies for Role at Ce…
It’s a diversity that reflects the emergence of an American Jewry of unprecedented ethnic breadth, and a diversity that Buchdahl — born to an Ashkenazi, R…
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Helmets | Kirby Morgan
For the diver that demands the rigorously tested, best selling larger shell of the SuperLite ® 17C coupled with the versatility of mounting brackets and p…
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Rugged Vehicle Mounts, Consoles, Docking Solutions | Havis Inc. …
Equip diverse vehicles with the strongest mounting solutions available to secure valuable equipment. With tunnel mounts, heavy-duty passenger side mounts…
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California State University, Northridge
With a diverse student body, the vibrancy of California State University, Northridge is evident daily in our classrooms as well as students engaged in rec…
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Home | National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS)
modern and diverse workforce The NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy is creating a robust talent pipeline that will futureproof Scotland’s emerging markets…
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Front Page | Chemistry
Events Diversity & Inclusion The Duke Chemistry Department aspires to create a community built on excellence, collaboration, innovation, creativity, and …
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Wikimedia Language Diversity - Meta
Wikimedia Language Diversity's vision is to see the sum of the knowledge available to everybody in their own languages and to share the knowledge of thos…
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Diversity and inclusion are core values of the Botanical Society of America. Click here to read BSA's 2020 Response to Racism Against our Black Colleagues…
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Home | PaperMC
A diverse plugin ecosystem Crafted by the PaperMC team & contributors, Hangar is our own dedicated plugin repository, now in open beta! A place for devel…
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Sports Diver - British Sub-Aqua Club
Sports Diver Advancing your scuba diving qualifications to become a Sports Diver gives you the opportunity to perform longer, deeper dives with decompres…
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Advanced Ocean Diver - British Sub-Aqua Club
Advanced Ocean Diver If you are an already qualified BSAC Ocean Diver (or other agency equivalent) and would like to extend your diving range progressive…
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Diversity - Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Corporate Site
Committed to Diversity Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to unlocking our individual and collective potential and furthering our mission to …
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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
We support diverse research activities with talented staff, state-of-the-art facilities and core competencies. From internal collaboration to external pa…
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GlueX Experiment | GlueX is a particle physics experiment locate…
Statement on Diversity and Inclusion: The GlueX Collaboration affirms that diversity of experience, culture and perspective is essential to achieving its…
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David Rabin MD, PhD
Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD is a board-certified psychiatrist, neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and inventor who has studied resilience and the impact of chronic …
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DURA Home | Solar Decathlon 2015
DURA Home DIVERSE DURA is a product of the vibrant ethnic diversity of New York City, In each of the last ten years, US News and World Report has listed …
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FBNQuest - Merchant Banking & Asset Management
A diverse range of investment solutions – there to help you preserve and grow your wealth. Securing a Prosperous and Sustainable Future for All We consid…
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User:Fyr/YANI/Diver - NetHack Wiki
User:Fyr/YANI/Diver The diver is one of the player roles in NetHack. All divers are human and can be any alignment. Guidebook entry: "Divers are intrepid…
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Explore | SKAO
Diversity and inclusion are foundational values at the SKAO. We want to break down stereotypes about working in science, technology, engineering and maths…
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Download Dave - Dave Ljung Madison Stellar, David Ljung Madison …
David Ljung Madison Stellar I run a number of websites, from my personal sites to information sites to software sites. GetDave is the central hub for all…
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Home - Innovate UK Business Connect
We create diverse connections to drive positive change. Innovate UK Business Connect is the new name for Innovate UK KTN. We connect innovators with new …
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Hetal Dave presentations
Hetal Dave The waves of the ocean are no different from the ocean.Similarly the inner soul. Just as a person casts off worn-out garments and puts on othe…
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JERDE | Team
A diverse group of thinkers, dreamers, and doers. Over the years, we've developed a multidisciplinary team of experts ready to take on projects of any sh…
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The pearl |
The pearl Summary:Annotation: For the diver Kino, finding a magnificent pearl means the promise of a better life for his impoverished family. His dreams …
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bearded clams
Dave the affable Web Developer dude and Sherms the equally-affable Web Designer dude brought me along on a lunch run to a nearby Mission Center food cour…
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Diversity & Inclusion Toolset YOUROPE has developed and released the “3F Diversity & Inclusion Toolset” for the European festival sector. The Toolset is …
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Jeff Goode - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Dave the barbarian 1x11 thor loser Jeff Goode is an American television writer and playwright, perhaps best known as the creator of Disney Channel's Amer…
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Investigating the Post Office Scandal / Ep 22 - Dave the Destroy…
Ep 22 - Dave the Destroyer Dave McDonnell becomes the most important witness of the second phase of the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry so far by explaini…
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Serving a diverse international clientele, we are committed to excellence and innovation in all we do. Since our inception in the first quarter of 2015, …
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Home | Careers at CERN
Diversity has been an integral part of CERN's mission since its foundation and is an established value of the Organization. Areas of interest CERN offers…
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ProQuest | Databases, EBooks and Technology for Research
Learning From Diverse Perspectives Clarivate Partners with EveryLibrary to Support and Nurture Libraries in the U.S. Clarivate, a global leader in connec…
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IANTD World Headquarters - Home
IANTD DIVER & PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Whatever you want to do - whether you're completely new to diving and would like to explore the world's tropical reef…
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Speaker Dave is equally at home motivating associations, corporate meetings, management and their boards to action. Book Dave today and find why one meet…
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Home Page - MCNC
Join a diverse culture focused on NC's most important institutions. Testimonials Carousel It is always good to hear from "boots on the ground" staff both…
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4DOS.INFO - Klaus Meinhard's Homepage: Index Page
Thanks to Dave Warren, who provided this webspace, my website is now back online under a new name: 4DOS.INFO (formerly 4XBTM.DE). The name is the program:…
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B B Dave | Economic and Political Weekly
Articles By B B Dave The monopoly of the Indian postal department over mail delivery is being eroded by a number of private couriers. This article sugges…
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Home - Robbinsdale Community Education
Diverse programming to engage our community We inspire, educate and connect people of all walks of life to develop their potential and positively contrib…
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designboom magazine | your first source for architecture, design…
a diverse digital database that acts as a valuable guide in gaining insight and information about a product directly from the manufacturer, and serves as…
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SJX Watches
Ming Introduces the Diver 18.01 H41 Having already developed a dive watch last year – the small batch of prototypes were then sold – Ming refined the ori…
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Salish Kootenai College - Empowering the Future - Salish Kootena…
Diverse and Inclusive SKC welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, creating a rich and inclusive learning environment. Our diversity enhances the learn…
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Take a Ritalin, Dave « Climate Audit
Take a Ritalin, Dave The Team have snarled back at Wegman here . They’ve posted up an August 16, 2006 letter from David Ritson to Waxman, accusing Wegman…