Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 2 weeks ago for query Canadian Childrens Opera Chorus
Original results
-'s_Opera_Company — found via Wikipedia
Canadian Children's Opera Company
The Canadian Children's Opera Company (formerly the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus, CCOC) is a large choral group based in Toronto. The company consists
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Nicole Lyn
School's Junior Dance division, and was also a member of the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus. Nicole entered show business when she was offered a spot on
-!_The_Genetic_Opera — found via Wikipedia
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Repo! The Genetic Opera is a 2008 American rock opera directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. Based on the 2002 opera of the same name, written and composed by
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Laura Bertram
ceramics instructor at Kilcoo Camp. She also used to sing in the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus. Her credits include the TV series Ready or Not, Are You Afraid
- — found via Wikipedia
Metropolitan Opera
The Metropolitan Opera is an American opera company based in New York City, currently resident at the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center, situated
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Opera Web Browser | Faster, Safer, Smarter | Opera
Ditch the default Ditch the default Opera offers a complete web experience you can’t get from system defaults such as Chrome, Safari and Edge. Chosen by m…
New results
-'s_Opera_Company — found via Wikipedia
Canadian Children's Opera Company
The Canadian Children's Opera Company (formerly the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus, CCOC) is a large choral group based in Toronto. The company consists
- — found via Wikipedia
Nicole Lyn
School's Junior Dance division, and was also a member of the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus. Nicole entered show business when she was offered a spot on
-!_The_Genetic_Opera — found via Wikipedia
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Repo! The Genetic Opera is a 2008 American rock opera directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. Based on the 2002 opera of the same name, written and composed by
- — found via Wikipedia
Laura Bertram
ceramics instructor at Kilcoo Camp. She also used to sing in the Canadian Children's Opera Chorus. Her credits include the TV series Ready or Not, Are You Afraid
- — found via Wikipedia
Metropolitan Opera
The Metropolitan Opera is an American opera company based in New York City, currently resident at the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center, situated
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Opera Web Browser | Faster, Safer, Smarter | Opera
Ditch the default Ditch the default Opera offers a complete web experience you can’t get from system defaults such as Chrome, Safari and Edge. Chosen by m…