Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 2 weeks ago for query Promoting Enduring Peace
Original results
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Promoting Enduring Peace
Promoting Enduring Peace (PEP or PEPeace) is an American peace advocacy organization based in Connecticut. It is sometimes referred to as
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Gandhi Peace Award
The Gandhi Peace Award is an award and cash prize presented annually since 1960 by Promoting Enduring Peace to individuals for "contributions made in the
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International Day of Peace
development and peace, as a sustainable future cannot exist without sustainable peace. Raising awareness, capacity building, promoting understanding and
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Jerome Davis (sociologist)
for international peace and social reform, a labor organizer, and a sociologist who founded the organization Promoting Enduring Peace. Early in his life
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Peace Pilgrim
Peace Pilgrim (July 18, 1908 – July 7, 1981), born Mildred Lisette Norman, was an American spiritual teacher, mystic, pacifist, vegetarian activist and
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Promoting Enduring Peace - Peace, Climate Activism, Global Warmi…
Site Against Saudi-US-Israel Deal Our Administrator's Op-Ed in Hearst Newspapers People power needed to prevent climate collapse from the…
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Promoting Enduring Peace - Peace Activists, Preserve Climate
About Promoting Enduring Peace What We Do Our organization was created in 1952 mainly to prevent another world war. The Cold War was a terrifying time, b…
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Laureates 2 | Promoting Enduring Peace
César Chávez When he was ten, his family lost their farm and became migrant farmworkers, forcing him to quit school to work in the fields. In 1952 he bec…
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peace with earth | Promoting Enduring Peace
A Bold Plan to Preserve a Livable Climate We are in a desperate situation, with awful climate news coming nearly every week and with less than a decade t…
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CT's Investment in Blood Promoting Enduring Peace was founded in Connecticut in 1952 and we're still based there so we take special interest in what goes…
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Promoting Enduring Peace (Organization) - Social Networks and Ar…
Promoting Enduring Peace (Organization) Founded in 1952; headquartered in Woodmont, Conn.; principles included: peace with freedom and justice for all, s…
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Promoting Enduring Peace - KeyWiki
Staff: Promoting Enduring Peace History "By organizing groups of Americans to visit the USSR, Cuba, Costa Rica, China, and Mongolia during and after the …
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Collection: Promoting Enduring Peace Records | Archives & Manusc…
Promoting Enduring Peace Records Scope and Contents This collection consists of records donated by Promoting Enduring Peace over five decades. It consist…
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Peace -- Awards | Archives & Manuscripts
Overview Promoting Enduring Peace was founded in 1952, with headquarters in Woodmont, Connecticut. Principles of the organization included: peace with fr…
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Kali Akuno to Get 2023 Peace Award - New Politics
Over the years, Promoting Enduring Peace has realized that creating enduring peace requires social justice. Decades ago, the Board voted to give this awar…
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KEDO: Promoting Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula and …
The Executive Board of KEDO decided on May 31, 2006 to terminate the LWR project. This decision was taken based on the continued and extended failure of …
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An Enduring Peace – The Ripon Society
An Enduring Peace A Q&A with John McCain Over the course of a career in public service that took him from the U.S. Navy to the United States Senate, John…
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Armenia opposition MP: Enduring peace unattainable when Karabakh…
It has been sixth months since the armed forces of Azerbaijan attacked and conquered the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian opposition MP Levon Koch…
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The Price of an enduring peace : group of studies / prepared by …
Explore Acknowledgement of Country The National Library of Australia acknowledges Australia’s First Nations Peoples – the First Australians – as the Trad…
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July 20, 2022 - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
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South Asia Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
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urgent policy Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public He…
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
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dr edmond fernandes Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Pub…
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
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health & climate action Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of…
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
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The enduring peace of Easter
The enduring peace of Easter As we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter this year, we are conscious in a fresh and striking…
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For Justice and Enduring Peace · Abingdon Press
Since the beginning of the Methodist movement, “Methodists” have spoken to the issues of the day as an expression of the Wesleyan commitment to social ho…
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Press Release: Enduring Peace is Predicated on Expeditious Demar…
For almost four years now, the Ethiopian regime has flouted international law to occupy sovereign territories of a UN member State in violation of the UN…
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Search results for: enduring peace
Search results for: enduring peace The four-year armed conflict between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) e…
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Plea for Afghanistan - Enduring Peace - Norway Today
Plea for Afghanistan – Operation Enduring Peace The Operation ”Enduring Freedom” was launched 17 years ago. The US-led operation, supported by many count…
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Suoda conjugation in Finnish in all forms |
... and build an enduring peace founded upon thy holy laws, and upon that unselfish goodwill to all those who love justice and peace which thou hast give…
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Zbudować conjugation in Polish in all forms |
... and build an enduring peace founded upon thy holy laws, and upon that unselfish goodwill to all those who love justice and peace which thou hast given…
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Where Grieving Begins
An enduring peace is only possible through a genuine understanding of the past. To understand the Troubles is to set them in the context of the historical…
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Xi sends congratulatory letter to China-Africa peace, security f…
Realizing enduring peace and universal security is a common aspiration of the Chinese and African peoples, Xi said in his letter to the event, held by Chi…
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J&K: A Deepening Peace | Continuous Consolidation | South Asia I…
Prospects of an enduring peace in the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) gained further momentum through 2012, with a steep decline in terrorism-related fa…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Promoting Enduring Peace
Promoting Enduring Peace (PEP or PEPeace) is an American peace advocacy organization based in Connecticut. It is sometimes referred to as
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Promoting Enduring Peace - Peace, Climate Activism, Global Warming
Save the Date 9/14 for the Shafer lecture 9-1 Interview with Anas He has lost vision in his right eye Anas Arafat interviewed on 9-1-2024. (17 minutes) He…
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Gandhi Peace Award
The Gandhi Peace Award is an award and cash prize presented annually since 1960 by Promoting Enduring Peace to individuals for "contributions made in the
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International Day of Peace
development and peace, as a sustainable future cannot exist without sustainable peace. Raising awareness, capacity building, promoting understanding and
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Jerome Davis (sociologist)
for international peace and social reform, a labor organizer, and a sociologist who founded the organization Promoting Enduring Peace. Early in his life
- — found via Wikipedia
Peace Pilgrim
Peace Pilgrim (July 18, 1908 – July 7, 1981), born Mildred Lisette Norman, was an American spiritual teacher, mystic, pacifist, vegetarian activist and
- — found via Mwmbl
Promoting Enduring Peace - Peace, Climate Activism, Global Warmi…
Site Against Saudi-US-Israel Deal Our Administrator's Op-Ed in Hearst Newspapers People power needed to prevent climate collapse from the…
- — found via Mwmbl
Promoting Enduring Peace - Peace Activists, Preserve Climate
About Promoting Enduring Peace What We Do Our organization was created in 1952 mainly to prevent another world war. The Cold War was a terrifying time, b…
- — found via Mwmbl
Laureates 2 | Promoting Enduring Peace
César Chávez When he was ten, his family lost their farm and became migrant farmworkers, forcing him to quit school to work in the fields. In 1952 he bec…
- — found via Mwmbl
peace with earth | Promoting Enduring Peace
A Bold Plan to Preserve a Livable Climate We are in a desperate situation, with awful climate news coming nearly every week and with less than a decade t…
- — found via Mwmbl
CT's Investment in Blood Promoting Enduring Peace was founded in Connecticut in 1952 and we're still based there so we take special interest in what goes…
- — found via Mwmbl
Promoting Enduring Peace (Organization) - Social Networks and Ar…
Promoting Enduring Peace (Organization) Founded in 1952; headquartered in Woodmont, Conn.; principles included: peace with freedom and justice for all, s…
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Promoting Enduring Peace - KeyWiki
Staff: Promoting Enduring Peace History "By organizing groups of Americans to visit the USSR, Cuba, Costa Rica, China, and Mongolia during and after the …
- — found via Mwmbl
Collection: Promoting Enduring Peace Records | Archives & Manusc…
Promoting Enduring Peace Records Scope and Contents This collection consists of records donated by Promoting Enduring Peace over five decades. It consist…
- — found via Mwmbl
Peace -- Awards | Archives & Manuscripts
Overview Promoting Enduring Peace was founded in 1952, with headquarters in Woodmont, Connecticut. Principles of the organization included: peace with fr…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kali Akuno to Get 2023 Peace Award - New Politics
Over the years, Promoting Enduring Peace has realized that creating enduring peace requires social justice. Decades ago, the Board voted to give this awar…
- — found via Mwmbl
KEDO: Promoting Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula and …
The Executive Board of KEDO decided on May 31, 2006 to terminate the LWR project. This decision was taken based on the continued and extended failure of …
- — found via Mwmbl
An Enduring Peace – The Ripon Society
An Enduring Peace A Q&A with John McCain Over the course of a career in public service that took him from the U.S. Navy to the United States Senate, John…
- — found via Mwmbl
Armenia opposition MP: Enduring peace unattainable when Karabakh…
It has been sixth months since the armed forces of Azerbaijan attacked and conquered the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian opposition MP Levon Koch…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Price of an enduring peace : group of studies / prepared by …
Explore Acknowledgement of Country The National Library of Australia acknowledges Australia’s First Nations Peoples – the First Australians – as the Trad…
- — found via Mwmbl
July 20, 2022 - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
- — found via Mwmbl
South Asia Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public Health
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
- — found via Mwmbl
urgent policy Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Public He…
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
- — found via Mwmbl
dr edmond fernandes Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of Pub…
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
- — found via Mwmbl
health & climate action Archives - Edward & Cynthia Institute of…
Enduring peace and shared resilience are a collective desire of the people living in South Asia. But South Asia continues to face cascading risks and cha…
- — found via Mwmbl
The enduring peace of Easter
The enduring peace of Easter As we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter this year, we are conscious in a fresh and striking…
- — found via Mwmbl
For Justice and Enduring Peace · Abingdon Press
Since the beginning of the Methodist movement, “Methodists” have spoken to the issues of the day as an expression of the Wesleyan commitment to social ho…
- — found via Mwmbl
Press Release: Enduring Peace is Predicated on Expeditious Demar…
For almost four years now, the Ethiopian regime has flouted international law to occupy sovereign territories of a UN member State in violation of the UN…
- — found via Mwmbl
Search results for: enduring peace
Search results for: enduring peace The four-year armed conflict between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) e…
- — found via Mwmbl
Plea for Afghanistan - Enduring Peace - Norway Today
Plea for Afghanistan – Operation Enduring Peace The Operation ”Enduring Freedom” was launched 17 years ago. The US-led operation, supported by many count…
- — found via Mwmbl
Suoda conjugation in Finnish in all forms |
... and build an enduring peace founded upon thy holy laws, and upon that unselfish goodwill to all those who love justice and peace which thou hast give…
-ć — found via Mwmbl
Zbudować conjugation in Polish in all forms |
... and build an enduring peace founded upon thy holy laws, and upon that unselfish goodwill to all those who love justice and peace which thou hast given…
- — found via Mwmbl
Where Grieving Begins
An enduring peace is only possible through a genuine understanding of the past. To understand the Troubles is to set them in the context of the historical…
- — found via Mwmbl
Xi sends congratulatory letter to China-Africa peace, security f…
Realizing enduring peace and universal security is a common aspiration of the Chinese and African peoples, Xi said in his letter to the event, held by Chi…
- — found via Mwmbl
J&K: A Deepening Peace | Continuous Consolidation | South Asia I…
Prospects of an enduring peace in the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) gained further momentum through 2012, with a steep decline in terrorism-related fa…