Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 2 weeks ago for query Translunar Academy
Original results
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Apollo 13
planned circular 190 kilometers (100 nmi) parking orbit, followed by a translunar injection (TLI) about two hours later, setting the mission on course for
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Super heavy-lift launch vehicle
Spacecraft/LM Adapter, Saturn V Instrument Unit, S-IVB stage, and propellant for translunar injection; payload mass to LEO is about 122.4 t (270,000 lb) ^B Required
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Thomas P. Stafford
achieved orbit without incident, docked the LM and CM, and achieved its translunar injection burn. Upon arriving in lunar orbit, Stafford and Cernan undocked
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Apollo 8
originally planned, and replaced the planned lunar module training with translunar navigation training. Apollo 8 took 68 hours to travel to the Moon. The
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Apollo 10
Earth's atmosphere, its remnants scattering in the Pacific Ocean. After translunar injection, the Saturn V's S-IVB third stage was accelerated past Earth
New results
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Welcome to the Ætherverse a multimedia project by Winter A century after the cataclysmic Earth-Space War between the colonies and the Earth Protectorate, …
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Apollo 13
planned circular 190 kilometers (100 nmi) parking orbit, followed by a translunar injection (TLI) about two hours later, setting the mission on course for
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Super heavy-lift launch vehicle
Spacecraft/LM Adapter, Saturn V Instrument Unit, S-IVB stage, and propellant for translunar injection; payload mass to LEO is about 122.4 t (270,000 lb) ^B Required
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Thomas P. Stafford
achieved orbit without incident, docked the LM and CM, and achieved its translunar injection burn. Upon arriving in lunar orbit, Stafford and Cernan undocked
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Apollo 8
originally planned, and replaced the planned lunar module training with translunar navigation training. Apollo 8 took 68 hours to travel to the Moon. The
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Apollo 10
Earth's atmosphere, its remnants scattering in the Pacific Ocean. After translunar injection, the Saturn V's S-IVB third stage was accelerated past Earth