Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 2 weeks ago for query Bill Clinton Swag
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
Scientific wild-ass guess
Scientific wild-ass guess (SWAG) is an American English slang term meaning a rough estimate made by an expert in the field, based on experience and intuition
- — found via Wikipedia
Make America Great Again
speeches by Bill Clinton during his 1992 presidential campaign. Clinton also used the phrase in a radio commercial aired for his wife Hillary Clinton's 2008
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Robert L. Johnson
campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues
- — found via Wikipedia
gatherings could go from a rock & country sound to a bluegrass riff to a reggae swag. It was a tribe of serious, and seriously open-minded musicians. The godfathers
- — found via Wikipedia
Melania Trump
and the first lady's hairdresser's room. She kept one office, called the "swag room" by aides, in which she kept trinkets she collected while she was first
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Bill Clinton portrait contains Lewinsky in-joke, artist says | C…
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton stand next to a new portrait of Clinton in Washington, on April 24, 2006. (Reute…
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Hillary and Bill Clinton spotted shopping in Quebec's Eastern To…
The pair shook hands and posed for photos in North Hatley Bill and Hillary Clinton window shopping in North Hatley The Clintons were out and about in Nor…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton Swag | Know Your Meme
About Bill Clinton Swag is an exploitablephotoshop meme featuring a template image of former U.S. President Bill Clinton sitting down on the floor with s…
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Bill Clinton Father Of The Financial Fallout: Clinton’s 1999 Der…
Bill Clinton Repeals The Glass Steagall Act in 1999 allowing Banks to invest depositor’s hard earned cash in high risk bets, creating bubbles via ‘Paper …
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Bill Clinton on Larry Craig – The Dish
Bill Clinton on Larry Craig "Well, first of all, I think we ought to recognize that this is a very traumatic time for him and his family. And whatever ha…
- — found via Mwmbl
After Nike, Bill Clinton Drops Manny Pacquiao | The Adobo Chroni…
After Nike, Bill Clinton Drops Manny Pacquiao CHAPPAQUA, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) – Just days after Nike severed its relationsh…
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HILLARY PICKS BILL CLINTON AS VP RUNNING MATE! NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles) – While Republicans are struggling to pick their nominee for pre…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hillary Clinton Calls for Privacy Bill of Rights – MichaelZimmer…
Hillary Clinton Calls for Privacy Bill of Rights My U.S. Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is calling for the creation of a “privacy bill of rights” to pr…
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Clinton on Structural Unemployment | Rortybomb
I saw Bill Clinton on Letterman explaining that for the “first time new job postings are opening up twice as fast as job hires….because of skills mismatc…
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News you may have missed #0047 |
CIA Director praises Bill Clinton during visit. CIA Director Panetta “complimented Mr. Clinton for his understanding of the CIA’s role in intelligence ga…
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Bill Clinton Pitches Texans on Hillary Clinton | The Texas Tribu…
Former President Bill Clinton at a rally for current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Paul Quinn College in Dallas, Texas on Feb. 22, 2016. Cred…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton outlines Hillary's journey in keynote speech at Dem…
Former president Bill Clinton portrayed his wife Hillary Clinton on Tuesday as a dynamic force for change and a longtime fighter for social justice as he…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton Health Crisis–Family Gathering In Little Rock ⋆ USA…
Sources close to the Clinton family say that Slick Willy, 40th President of the United States and perpetual cheater, will be lucky to make it through the …
- — found via Mwmbl
Video Showing Bill Clinton Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl Plunges Pres…
The true purpose of J. Epstein & Company, however, this report continues, was to allow Jeffery Epstein to operate within the society circles of America’s …
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton was a perv, but apparently, voters did not apprecia…
As regards these potential investigations of Biden that are being floated by the hard-right MAGA folks, Republicans have: 1. Hunter Biden's laptop: whate…
- — found via Mwmbl
Why does that sound familiar? - Imgflip
Bill Clinton lied about having an affair in front of cameras. He was not impeached and I agree that he should not have been. It was a clear attempt by Re…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Weld: Clinton camp ‘planted’ rumors of Libertarian collapse…
Libertarian vice presidential candidate Bill Weld said he was inundated with dozens of phone calls and emails last week telling him to drop out of his ca…
- — found via Mwmbl
Meeting Between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch Provokes Politica…
WASHINGTON — An airport encounter this week between Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton has welled into a political storm,…
- — found via Mwmbl
Boston Herald - Boston news, sports, politics, opinion, entertai…
Featured If President Bill Clinton can pardon his brother, there is no reason why President Biden can’t pardon his son. If there is anyone who won’t get …
- — found via Mwmbl
Our Presidents • President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Go…
About One space to bring the past 14 Presidents together. Discover behind-the-scenes history here. We're a nationwide network of the U.S. National Archiv…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur
In 2004, Bill Clinton visited Iceland. As he was walking past Bæjarins Beztu, Mæja called his name and offered him to try a hot dog. Bill was on a diet. …
- — found via Mwmbl
Hugh Morton Collection of Photographs and Films
President Bill Clinton speaking at event celebrating the designation of the New River as an American Heritage River, Ashe County, NC. Vice President Al G…
- — found via Mwmbl
Perma | Biden's NYC fundraiser with Obama and Clinton raised $25…
Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and some big names from the entertainment world have delivered a rousing New York embrace of President Joe Biden at a campaign…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sea of Men | ELMCIP
1995: Did Bill Clinton really? 1996: Can men and women be friends? 1997: Do men get violent because of Marilyn Manson? 1998: Should men dress better? 199…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Clinton Wars - Sidney Blumenthal - Google Books
The Clinton Wars An invaluable history of an extraordinary presidency, and the chronicle of a generation's political odyssey When in 1997 Bill Clinton ap…
- — found via Mwmbl
Broaddrick Friend Norma Rogers on BEL |
* 2014 Update: Bill Clinton wasn't the first man that Hillary helped get away with rape. Turns out, that distinction goes to Thomas Alfred Taylor. The re…
- — found via Mwmbl
Airport Security Service: ASS | End the War on Freedom
George W Bush and Bill Clinton somehow ended up at the same barber shop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was sp…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Scientific wild-ass guess
Scientific wild-ass guess (SWAG) is an American English slang term meaning a rough estimate made by an expert in the field, based on experience and intuition
- — found via Wikipedia
Make America Great Again
speeches by Bill Clinton during his 1992 presidential campaign. Clinton also used the phrase in a radio commercial aired for his wife Hillary Clinton's 2008
- — found via Wikipedia
Robert L. Johnson
campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues
- — found via Wikipedia
gatherings could go from a rock & country sound to a bluegrass riff to a reggae swag. It was a tribe of serious, and seriously open-minded musicians. The godfathers
- — found via Wikipedia
Melania Trump
and the first lady's hairdresser's room. She kept one office, called the "swag room" by aides, in which she kept trinkets she collected while she was first
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton portrait contains Lewinsky in-joke, artist says | C…
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton stand next to a new portrait of Clinton in Washington, on April 24, 2006. (Reute…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hillary and Bill Clinton spotted shopping in Quebec's Eastern To…
The pair shook hands and posed for photos in North Hatley Bill and Hillary Clinton window shopping in North Hatley The Clintons were out and about in Nor…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton Swag | Know Your Meme
About Bill Clinton Swag is an exploitablephotoshop meme featuring a template image of former U.S. President Bill Clinton sitting down on the floor with s…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton Father Of The Financial Fallout: Clinton’s 1999 Der…
Bill Clinton Repeals The Glass Steagall Act in 1999 allowing Banks to invest depositor’s hard earned cash in high risk bets, creating bubbles via ‘Paper …
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton on Larry Craig – The Dish
Bill Clinton on Larry Craig "Well, first of all, I think we ought to recognize that this is a very traumatic time for him and his family. And whatever ha…
- — found via Mwmbl
After Nike, Bill Clinton Drops Manny Pacquiao | The Adobo Chroni…
After Nike, Bill Clinton Drops Manny Pacquiao CHAPPAQUA, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) – Just days after Nike severed its relationsh…
- — found via Mwmbl
HILLARY PICKS BILL CLINTON AS VP RUNNING MATE! NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles) – While Republicans are struggling to pick their nominee for pre…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hillary Clinton Calls for Privacy Bill of Rights – MichaelZimmer…
Hillary Clinton Calls for Privacy Bill of Rights My U.S. Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is calling for the creation of a “privacy bill of rights” to pr…
- — found via Mwmbl
Clinton on Structural Unemployment | Rortybomb
I saw Bill Clinton on Letterman explaining that for the “first time new job postings are opening up twice as fast as job hires….because of skills mismatc…
- — found via Mwmbl
News you may have missed #0047 |
CIA Director praises Bill Clinton during visit. CIA Director Panetta “complimented Mr. Clinton for his understanding of the CIA’s role in intelligence ga…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton Pitches Texans on Hillary Clinton | The Texas Tribu…
Former President Bill Clinton at a rally for current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Paul Quinn College in Dallas, Texas on Feb. 22, 2016. Cred…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton outlines Hillary's journey in keynote speech at Dem…
Former president Bill Clinton portrayed his wife Hillary Clinton on Tuesday as a dynamic force for change and a longtime fighter for social justice as he…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton Health Crisis–Family Gathering In Little Rock ⋆ USA…
Sources close to the Clinton family say that Slick Willy, 40th President of the United States and perpetual cheater, will be lucky to make it through the …
- — found via Mwmbl
Video Showing Bill Clinton Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl Plunges Pres…
The true purpose of J. Epstein & Company, however, this report continues, was to allow Jeffery Epstein to operate within the society circles of America’s …
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Clinton was a perv, but apparently, voters did not apprecia…
As regards these potential investigations of Biden that are being floated by the hard-right MAGA folks, Republicans have: 1. Hunter Biden's laptop: whate…
- — found via Mwmbl
Why does that sound familiar? - Imgflip
Bill Clinton lied about having an affair in front of cameras. He was not impeached and I agree that he should not have been. It was a clear attempt by Re…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bill Weld: Clinton camp ‘planted’ rumors of Libertarian collapse…
Libertarian vice presidential candidate Bill Weld said he was inundated with dozens of phone calls and emails last week telling him to drop out of his ca…
- — found via Mwmbl
Meeting Between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch Provokes Politica…
WASHINGTON — An airport encounter this week between Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton has welled into a political storm,…
- — found via Mwmbl
Boston Herald - Boston news, sports, politics, opinion, entertai…
Featured If President Bill Clinton can pardon his brother, there is no reason why President Biden can’t pardon his son. If there is anyone who won’t get …
- — found via Mwmbl
Our Presidents • President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Go…
About One space to bring the past 14 Presidents together. Discover behind-the-scenes history here. We're a nationwide network of the U.S. National Archiv…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur
In 2004, Bill Clinton visited Iceland. As he was walking past Bæjarins Beztu, Mæja called his name and offered him to try a hot dog. Bill was on a diet. …
- — found via Mwmbl
Hugh Morton Collection of Photographs and Films
President Bill Clinton speaking at event celebrating the designation of the New River as an American Heritage River, Ashe County, NC. Vice President Al G…
- — found via Mwmbl
Perma | Biden's NYC fundraiser with Obama and Clinton raised $25…
Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and some big names from the entertainment world have delivered a rousing New York embrace of President Joe Biden at a campaign…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sea of Men | ELMCIP
1995: Did Bill Clinton really? 1996: Can men and women be friends? 1997: Do men get violent because of Marilyn Manson? 1998: Should men dress better? 199…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Clinton Wars - Sidney Blumenthal - Google Books
The Clinton Wars An invaluable history of an extraordinary presidency, and the chronicle of a generation's political odyssey When in 1997 Bill Clinton ap…
- — found via Mwmbl
Broaddrick Friend Norma Rogers on BEL |
* 2014 Update: Bill Clinton wasn't the first man that Hillary helped get away with rape. Turns out, that distinction goes to Thomas Alfred Taylor. The re…
- — found via Mwmbl
Airport Security Service: ASS | End the War on Freedom
George W Bush and Bill Clinton somehow ended up at the same barber shop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was sp…