Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 3 weeks ago for query Opasnet
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
Opasnet is a web-workspace for making open assessments, which are impact assessments where anyone can freely participate and contribute. Opasnet is a wiki
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Open assessment
can participate and contribute. Most open assessments have been made in Opasnet, which is a wiki-based web-workspace specifically designed for this purpose
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Knowledge crystal
using knowledge crystals . Knowledge crystals are extensively used in Opasnet, a web-workspace for making open assessments to support societal decisions
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Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds
ISSN 2002-4436. "Are the dioxins the most dangerous chemicals in our environment?". Synopsis on dioxins and PCBs Pohjanvirta R, Tuomisto J (December 1994)
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Environmental medicine
hundred questions about the environment and health. Arsenic to zoonoses - Opasnet Archived 2022-03-27 at the Wayback Machine ATSDR Case Studies in Environmental
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R - Opasnet
R R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics that is widely used for statistical and data analysis. It i…
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DDT - Opasnet
DDT DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], a well known insecticide (insect killer). DDT is not related to PCBs or dioxins, but it is also …
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EDx - Opasnet
EDx EDx is an effective dose associated with a biological effect in x% of the individuals. Dose may be the external exposure often expressed in mg per da…
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ETA - Opasnet
ETA The ETA(European Tax Analyzer) is a computer-based model for the computation and comparison of the tax burdens for partnerships and corporations incl…
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CII - Opasnet
CII Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (CII) is a part of the Cyprus University of Technology, Department of Nursery. The…
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DNA - Opasnet
DNA DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): the basic chemical structure of the genes. It is formed of four bases, adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymi…
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TEq - Opasnet
TEq, TCDD equivalent quantity, toxicity equivalent (see also TEF). Different congeners of dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans have many of the same biolog…
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RADs - Opasnet
↑Eva Samakovlis, Anni Huhtala, Tom Bellander and Magnus Svartengren. Air Quality and Morbidity: Concentration-response Relationships for Sweden. Working …
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HEDS - Opasnet
HEDS This page provides a description and a link to a "HEDS" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposu…
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CHAD - Opasnet
Contents Short Description Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD) contains data obtained from pre-existing human activity studies that were collecte…
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IRIS - Opasnet
Contents Short description IRIS is a database of human health effects that may result from exposure to various substances found in the environment. The h…
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EFSA - Opasnet
EFSA The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)[1] is the keystone of European Union (EU) risk assessment regarding food and feed safety. In close collabo…
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IPTS - Opasnet
IPTS The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Cen…
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Scud - Opasnet
Abstract Title of the project: Environmental health risk analysis: scientific uncertainties in decision-making (SCUD) Number of person-years: 5 (1.8.2005…
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PUrE - Opasnet
PUrE Pollutants in the Urban Environment (PUrE) is a four-year research consortium project (2005 to 2009) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences…
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CNSP - Opasnet
CNSP The CNSP(Costs of Non-Social Policy) spreadsheet model can be seen as an aid to qualitative decision-making. It is an empirical approach to appraisa…
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ARNT - Opasnet
ARNT ARNT: (AH Receptor Nuclear Translocator) a protein in cell nucleus which acts as a partner of AH receptor and some other transcription factors. The …
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PCBs - Opasnet
PCBs Chemical structures PCBs consist of 12 carbon atoms, forming two aromatic phenyl rings attached to one another through a carbon-carbon bridge, and 1…
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E3ME - Opasnet
E3ME The E3ME(Energy-Environment-Economy Model for Europe) model is a multi-country econometric macro-sectoral simulation model for EU-25 countries plus …
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EDGE - Opasnet
EDGE The EDGE model is a dynamic, multi-sector, multi-region general equilibrium model. It divides the world into eight regions. Among others, the dynami…
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E3MG - Opasnet
E3MG The E3MG model is a multi-country econometric macro-sectoral simulation model for 20 world regions. The model combines the features of an annual med…
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YMAL - Opasnet
YMAL is the Assessment and Modelling Unit in the Department of Environmental Health in the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). This page con…
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ALMA - Opasnet
Partnerships Funding Contact person(s) Background Recent studies suggest that microbial exposure associated with farming environment may decrease the ris…
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PCDF - Opasnet
PCDF PCDF, polychlorinated dibenzofuran. See that and PCDF - specific items; since the properties are usually very close, a treatise is usually given und…
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Onor - Opasnet
Onor Onor is a respect currency originally designed to distribute respect for actions reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nowadays it is more about the re…
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Urbis - Opasnet
Urbis Urbis is a GIS instrument that TNO has developed. It enables the detailed mapping of noise and air pollution (inc. odour) in (parts of) municipalit…
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Tapas - Opasnet
Tapas Tapas (Transportation, air pollution, and physical activity: climate change and urban policies) is a research project coordinated by Creal (Barcelo…
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Radon - Opasnet
Contents What is Radon Radon is a colourless, odourless, radioactive gas. It comes from the radioactive decay of radium, which in turn comes from the rad…
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SIPs and SLURPs - Opasnet
SIPs and SLURPs Stochastic information packet (SIP) is a format for describing random samples from probability distributions. A SIP is essentially a Mont…
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Open policy practice - Opasnet
Open policy practice In Opasnet many pages being worked on and are in different classes of progression. Thus the information on those pages should be reg…
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Value of information - Opasnet
Value of information (VOI) in decision analysis is the amount a decision maker would be willing to pay for information prior to making a decision.[1]. Va…
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Health impact assessment - Opasnet
Inputs If you are able to describe your data in the format similar to the tables below, you can use ready-made tools in Opasnet and things are quite stra…
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Toxic equivalency factor - Opasnet
Toxic equivalency factor <section begin=glossary /> TEF (TCDD equivalency factor, toxic equivalency factor): a relative toxicity factor of a PCDD/F or PC…
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Polychlorinated biphenyl - Opasnet
Acute toxicity toxicity occurring after a single dose within a few weeks. It is generally low, but it depends on the mixture of congeners, because dioxin…
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Index conversion function - Opasnet
Index conversion function (ICF) is a method describing how one index can be converted to another in a particular context. To this aim, a weight variable …
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Exposure-response function - Opasnet
Exposure-response function (ERF) (or exposure-response relationship) is the relationship between the exposure of a given organism, system, or (sub)popula…
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Plant-based food supplements - Opasnet
Plant-based food supplements Plant-based food supplements are products that are manufactured from plants and marketed to consumers as food supplements, i…
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National Institute for Health and Welfare - Opasnet
National Institute for Health and Welfare National Institute for Health and Welfare (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, THL) is a governmental research an…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Opasnet is a web-workspace for making open assessments, which are impact assessments where anyone can freely participate and contribute. Opasnet is a wiki
- — found via Wikipedia
Open assessment
can participate and contribute. Most open assessments have been made in Opasnet, which is a wiki-based web-workspace specifically designed for this purpose
- — found via Wikipedia
Knowledge crystal
using knowledge crystals . Knowledge crystals are extensively used in Opasnet, a web-workspace for making open assessments to support societal decisions
- — found via Wikipedia
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds
ISSN 2002-4436. "Are the dioxins the most dangerous chemicals in our environment?". Synopsis on dioxins and PCBs Pohjanvirta R, Tuomisto J (December 1994)
- — found via Wikipedia
Environmental medicine
hundred questions about the environment and health. Arsenic to zoonoses - Opasnet Archived 2022-03-27 at the Wayback Machine ATSDR Case Studies in Environmental
- — found via User
Main Page Information about Opasnet Opasnet is a wiki-based website and workspace for helping societal decision making. Opasnet is maintained and develope…
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R - Opasnet
R R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics that is widely used for statistical and data analysis. It i…
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DDT - Opasnet
DDT DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], a well known insecticide (insect killer). DDT is not related to PCBs or dioxins, but it is also …
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EDx - Opasnet
EDx EDx is an effective dose associated with a biological effect in x% of the individuals. Dose may be the external exposure often expressed in mg per da…
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ETA - Opasnet
ETA The ETA(European Tax Analyzer) is a computer-based model for the computation and comparison of the tax burdens for partnerships and corporations incl…
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CII - Opasnet
CII Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (CII) is a part of the Cyprus University of Technology, Department of Nursery. The…
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DNA - Opasnet
DNA DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): the basic chemical structure of the genes. It is formed of four bases, adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymi…
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TEq - Opasnet
TEq, TCDD equivalent quantity, toxicity equivalent (see also TEF). Different congeners of dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans have many of the same biolog…
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RADs - Opasnet
↑Eva Samakovlis, Anni Huhtala, Tom Bellander and Magnus Svartengren. Air Quality and Morbidity: Concentration-response Relationships for Sweden. Working …
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HEDS - Opasnet
HEDS This page provides a description and a link to a "HEDS" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposu…
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CHAD - Opasnet
Contents Short Description Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD) contains data obtained from pre-existing human activity studies that were collecte…
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IRIS - Opasnet
Contents Short description IRIS is a database of human health effects that may result from exposure to various substances found in the environment. The h…
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EFSA - Opasnet
EFSA The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)[1] is the keystone of European Union (EU) risk assessment regarding food and feed safety. In close collabo…
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IPTS - Opasnet
IPTS The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Cen…
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Scud - Opasnet
Abstract Title of the project: Environmental health risk analysis: scientific uncertainties in decision-making (SCUD) Number of person-years: 5 (1.8.2005…
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PUrE - Opasnet
PUrE Pollutants in the Urban Environment (PUrE) is a four-year research consortium project (2005 to 2009) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences…
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CNSP - Opasnet
CNSP The CNSP(Costs of Non-Social Policy) spreadsheet model can be seen as an aid to qualitative decision-making. It is an empirical approach to appraisa…
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ARNT - Opasnet
ARNT ARNT: (AH Receptor Nuclear Translocator) a protein in cell nucleus which acts as a partner of AH receptor and some other transcription factors. The …
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PCBs - Opasnet
PCBs Chemical structures PCBs consist of 12 carbon atoms, forming two aromatic phenyl rings attached to one another through a carbon-carbon bridge, and 1…
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E3ME - Opasnet
E3ME The E3ME(Energy-Environment-Economy Model for Europe) model is a multi-country econometric macro-sectoral simulation model for EU-25 countries plus …
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EDGE - Opasnet
EDGE The EDGE model is a dynamic, multi-sector, multi-region general equilibrium model. It divides the world into eight regions. Among others, the dynami…
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E3MG - Opasnet
E3MG The E3MG model is a multi-country econometric macro-sectoral simulation model for 20 world regions. The model combines the features of an annual med…
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YMAL - Opasnet
YMAL is the Assessment and Modelling Unit in the Department of Environmental Health in the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). This page con…
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ALMA - Opasnet
Partnerships Funding Contact person(s) Background Recent studies suggest that microbial exposure associated with farming environment may decrease the ris…
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PCDF - Opasnet
PCDF PCDF, polychlorinated dibenzofuran. See that and PCDF - specific items; since the properties are usually very close, a treatise is usually given und…
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Onor - Opasnet
Onor Onor is a respect currency originally designed to distribute respect for actions reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Nowadays it is more about the re…
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Urbis - Opasnet
Urbis Urbis is a GIS instrument that TNO has developed. It enables the detailed mapping of noise and air pollution (inc. odour) in (parts of) municipalit…
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Tapas - Opasnet
Tapas Tapas (Transportation, air pollution, and physical activity: climate change and urban policies) is a research project coordinated by Creal (Barcelo…
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Radon - Opasnet
Contents What is Radon Radon is a colourless, odourless, radioactive gas. It comes from the radioactive decay of radium, which in turn comes from the rad…
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SIPs and SLURPs - Opasnet
SIPs and SLURPs Stochastic information packet (SIP) is a format for describing random samples from probability distributions. A SIP is essentially a Mont…
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Open policy practice - Opasnet
Open policy practice In Opasnet many pages being worked on and are in different classes of progression. Thus the information on those pages should be reg…
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Value of information - Opasnet
Value of information (VOI) in decision analysis is the amount a decision maker would be willing to pay for information prior to making a decision.[1]. Va…
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Health impact assessment - Opasnet
Inputs If you are able to describe your data in the format similar to the tables below, you can use ready-made tools in Opasnet and things are quite stra…
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Toxic equivalency factor - Opasnet
Toxic equivalency factor <section begin=glossary /> TEF (TCDD equivalency factor, toxic equivalency factor): a relative toxicity factor of a PCDD/F or PC…
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Polychlorinated biphenyl - Opasnet
Acute toxicity toxicity occurring after a single dose within a few weeks. It is generally low, but it depends on the mixture of congeners, because dioxin…
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Index conversion function - Opasnet
Index conversion function (ICF) is a method describing how one index can be converted to another in a particular context. To this aim, a weight variable …
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Exposure-response function - Opasnet
Exposure-response function (ERF) (or exposure-response relationship) is the relationship between the exposure of a given organism, system, or (sub)popula…
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Plant-based food supplements - Opasnet
Plant-based food supplements Plant-based food supplements are products that are manufactured from plants and marketed to consumers as food supplements, i…
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National Institute for Health and Welfare - Opasnet
National Institute for Health and Welfare National Institute for Health and Welfare (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, THL) is a governmental research an…