Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 3 weeks ago for query The Reason Foundation
Original results
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Reason Foundation
The Reason Foundation is an American libertarian think tank that was founded in 1978. The foundation publishes the magazine Reason. Based in Los Angeles
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Reason (magazine)
Reason is an American libertarian monthly magazine published by the Reason Foundation, with the tagline "Free Minds and Free Markets". The magazine aims
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Reason is the capacity of consciously applying logic by drawing valid conclusions from new or existing information, with the aim of seeking the truth
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Libertarianism in the United States
Reason". Reason. Reason Foundation. Retrieved September 20, 2020. Kevin D. Williamson (April 2, 2018). "The Passing of the Libertarian Moment". The Atlantic
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Reason (disambiguation)
a digital audio workstation Reason (magazine), a monthly libertarian magazine published by the Reason Foundation "Reason" (short story), a 1941 science
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4G - Wikipedia
This article needs to be updated. The reason given is: Article is messy and contains out of date information.. Please help update this article to reflect…
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Reason Foundation · GitHub
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed…
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The Apache Software Foundation · GitHub
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed…
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Reason Foundation Accessibility Statement
Reasonable Accommodations Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation to access Reason Foundation's materials and information should send an email to…
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Terms Of Use
TERMS OF USE The Reason Foundation Web sites including, but not limited to,,, and (the "Websites"), contain material tha…
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Privacy Policy
Login Form Privacy Policy Reason Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy and taking great care of your personal information. Our Privacy Polic…
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About Reason
Login Form About Reason Founded in 1968, Reason is the nation's leading libertarian magazine. We produce hard-hitting independent journalism on civil lib…
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Work at Reason
Login Form Work at Reason Founded in 1968, Reason is the magazine of free minds and free markets. We produce independent journalism on civil liberties, p…
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Advertise With Reason
Login Form Advertise With Reason Since 1968, Reason's readers have turned to us for fair, independent-minded coverage of the things that matter. Our repo…
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Reason Foundation on High-Speed Rail – The Antiplanner
Reason Foundation on High-Speed Rail The Reason Foundation just published its analysis of California’s high-speed rail plan. The full study is also accom…
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American Mathematical Society :: Homepage
Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry in 1899 made Poincaré think of "reasoning machines" before Hilbert did. Poincaré found the idea "deadly for teaching, an…
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The ArchGPT Foundation
The ArchGPT Foundation is a none-profit organization founded in Singapore on 19th June 2024 to educate and advocate for the recognition of the unique qua…
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About Reason Foundation
About Reason Foundation Reason Foundation, Reason Magazine, ReasonTV Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying, and promoting lib…
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Donate Crypto - Reason Foundation
Donate Crypto Reason Foundation’s mission to advance a free society by developing, applying, and promoting the libertarian principles of individual liber…
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FAQs Archive - Reason Foundation
Here are some of the common questions about banning menthol cigarettes, the supposed evidence in support of a menthol cigarette ban, and a ban's possible…
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Latest - Reason Foundation
Chairman Crawford, Ranking Member Norton, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today. My name is Marc Scr…
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Ways To Give - Reason Foundation
Ways To Give Reason Foundation’s tolerance, civility, and consistency in defending individual liberty make it a haven for believers in a free society of …
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Events Archive - Reason Foundation
Debate: The break-up of the United States into different regions is a workable option likely to bring a marked improvement in human affairs. For the affir…
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Frequently Asked Questions - Reason Foundation
» What is Reason Foundation? Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including individua…
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Internships Available at Reason Foundation - Reason Foundation
Internships Available at Reason Foundation Reason offers internships in journalism, public policy, and fundraising. Reason has internship opportunities y…
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Reason Fellow - Reason Foundation
Reason Fellow Put your skills to work at Reason, the world’s most popular libertarian platform! This year-long fellowship will give you a chance to explo…
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Debtor Nation - Reason Foundation
The national debt is over $30 trillion. The federal government ran an annual budget deficit in 52 of the last 57 years. This post was originally publishe…
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Testimonies Archive - Reason Foundation
S.1848 should raise concern that the state will enlarge the already substantial illicit tobacco trade, push sales and tax revenue to other jurisdictions,…
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Events Manager - Reason Foundation
Events Manager We are seeking a dynamic Events Manager to join our team and play a crucial role in organizing and executing events in the NYC area and be…
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HAMP Fail. - Reason Foundation
HAMP Fail. Treasury released information on the progress of HAMP. The grade? Fail. According to analysis from the WSJ: “Just one in four of the 2.7 milli…
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Amicus Briefs Archive - Reason Foundation
The structure of the Authority violates the separation of powers because the members of the Authority, although Officers, are not appointed with presiden…
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Policy Studies Archive - Reason Foundation
There is growing bipartisan support that the NEPA process, as it has evolved since the legislation’s enactment in 1970, has gone too far, placing obstacl…
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Policy Briefs Archive - Reason Foundation
Policy Briefs There is growing bipartisan support that the NEPA process, as it has evolved since the legislation’s enactment in 1970, has gone too far, p…
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Steve Vu, Author at Reason Foundation
The following tool created by the Pension Integrity Project displays the year-by-year accrual of retirement benefits for a wide variety of Alaska workers…
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Pension reform consulting from Reason Foundation - Reason Founda…
Pension reform consulting from Reason Foundation Pro-bono public pension reform consulting that gets results. Unfunded public pension liabilities are a f…
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Working Papers Archive - Reason Foundation
Working Papers Using individual-level data for all Alaska teachers in the Teacher Retirement System before and after the retirement benefit change, we as…
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Rod Crane, Author at Reason Foundation
This study presents a new retirement plan design, the Personal Retirement Optimization Plan, or PRO Plan, which is built on a defined-contribution founda…
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Hunt Beaty, Author at Reason Foundation
In addition, after directing a lauded short film set in a sound recording booth called The Sound of Your Voice, Short of the Weeksaid it was "Simple in c…
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Reason Foundation
Leaving a Legacy of Freedom Did you know there are creative ways to support Reason Foundation in addition to outright gifts? Such giving techniques are c…
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Support Reason - Reason Foundation
Your tax-deductible support of Reason Foundation makes you a partner in the fight for liberty. Thanks to the generous contributions of people like you, Re…
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Teach, learn, and make with the Raspberry Pi Foundation
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK company limited by guarantee and a charity registered in England and Wales with number 1129409. The Raspberry Pi Foun…
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About the Python Software Foundation | Python Software Foundation
Infrastructure We are the stewards of Python intellectual property—We establish PSF licenses, hold intellectual property rights to most Python releases, …
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Sponsor the PSF | Python Software Foundation
The Python Software Foundation Sponsorship Program The PSF is excited to unveil a new sponsorship program that offers an array of benefits across the Pyt…
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Work Groups of the Python Software Foundation | Python Software …
The workgroup's purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing guidance and rec…
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The Python Logo | Python Software Foundation
The Python Logo The Python Logo Projects and companies that use Python are encouraged to incorporate the Python logo on their websites, brochures, packag…
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Python Software Foundation FAQ | Python Software Foundation
The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the grow…
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Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct - Python Software Fou…
Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct The Python community is made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, …
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Volunteer | Python Software Foundation
Volunteer The Python Software Foundation needs your help building infrastructure for the PSF and PyCon US, helping with fundraising and advocacy, and run…
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Mission | Python Software Foundation
Mission The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate …
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PSF Bylaws | Python Software Foundation
PSF Bylaws Bylaws of the Python Software Foundation, Version 2 ARTICLE I Business Offices The corporation shall have such offices either within or outsid…
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Diversity | Python Software Foundation
Diversity On October 12, 2009, the Board of the Python Software Foundation adopted the following Diversity Statement: The Python Software Foundation and …
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Python Software Foundation Staff | Python Software Foundation
Python Software Foundation Staff Deb Nicholson Executive Director Deb Nicholson joined the PSF in April 2022. She is an experienced non-profit profession…
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Front Page — Free Software Foundation — working together for fre…
"This community that we have, that we're building, that does so much, has to grow. We can't compete with Apple, we can't compete with Google, directly, i…
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Is the FSF on Twitter? — Free Software Foundation — Working toge…
Is the FSF on Twitter? Curious how we post to Twitter? The Free Software Foundation uses a custom script** to post to our GNU social, Mastodon, and Twitt…
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The FSF turns 30 — Free Software Foundation — Working together f…
The free software community celebrated around the world, coordinating and promoting their events in the FSF30 Party Network. Watch FSF general counsel an…
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Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending your rights in the di…
Protecting people's privacy is the first step we should take to create meaningful online regulation. That's why EFF has previously expressed concerns abo…
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The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. Our…
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OWASP Foundation, the Open Source Foundation for Application Sec…
Explore the world of cyber security Conference Registration is Open! Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunities are being accepted! Join OWASP Global AppSec…
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The Foundational Economy
Home The Foundational Economy Collective is a loose international grouping of (mainly) European academic researchers working together to develop a new wa…
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Foundations of Magical Practice: Divination – Ecosophia
Foundations of Magical Practice: Divination The last two monthly posts here on The Well of Galabes have outlined two of the three basic elements of magic…
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Another reason to reconsider your password approach – Factory Joe
Interestingly, OpenID would have, to some degree, mitigated this breach by moving the username and password combo off by one step, so at worst, the only …
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Weekly Photo Challenge: The World Through Your Eyes | Photograph…
The reason he is here perhaps explains the intense look in his eyes. He was seized by the US Fish and Wildlife Service when someone cut off his crest, sp…
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About | Mass Communication Theory
About The reason I created this site… not that you care but I’m going to indulge myself anyway, is to have a place where I can spend 10 minutes reading a…
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Broken Wings & Silver Linings | Screenwriting from Iowa
Perhaps the reason I decided to start a post about the movie Silver Linings Playbook with a couple of lines from seventies songs is the movie has a seven…
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Legal Cases | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Search form Legal Cases Legal Cases The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s impact litigation has set important precedents for the treatment of rights in cy…
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Another reason banks need more equity: They tend to have less th…
Another reason banks need more equity: They tend to have less than they claim We reported yesterday on the argument by Stanford University professor Anat…
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FFII | Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure informat…
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) is a European alliance defending your right …
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UNSDG | Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable D…
Breadcrumb Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development This SDG Primer aims to establish a common base of understanding and approa…
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Foundational Principles | The Institute for Creation Research
The physical universe of space, time, matter, and energy has not always existed but was supernaturally created by a transcendent personal Creator who alon…
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Cookies Policies | Linux Foundation
Policies Cookies The websites of The Linux Foundation and its open source projects (collectively, the “Sites”) use cookies, in combination with pixels, l…
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Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
The Foundations support private colleges and universities that place a strong emphasis on undergraduate, liberal arts education. Proposals from associati…
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varlen - Rust
varlen defines foundational types and traits for working with variable-length types in Rust. The main example of variable-length type is a struct that st…
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Foundations of Electronic Markets (FEM)
CFEM – Center for Research in the Foundations of Electronic Markets CFEM - Center for Research in the Foundations of Electronic Markets CFEM was a resear…
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Foundational Questions in Gender and Sexuality Research | Univer…
The research group Foundational Questions in Gender and Sexuality Research is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty research group for academic staff at t…
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Software Foundations
The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software. The principal novelty of the series is th…
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TAG Heuer from 1860 to 1887: Edouard Heuer and the First Patent
Strong Foundations The company established by Edouard Heuer in 1860 would rely on two foundations – family leadership and technical innovation. These foun…
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The Reason for the Delays - Hugh Howey
The Reason for the Delays I think we can now confirm that the reason for the delays for Hachette titles was that Amazon wasn’t stocking the books in thei…
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The New MacBook Air: Apple Competes With Itself- The Mac Observer
The reason it’s okay is because 1) Apple understands its MacBook Air customers very well, 2) Apple likes to compete with itself, and 3) We may yet see a …
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Proposal: Discourage questions that are nothing besides a proble…
The reason that I create a new post is because I want to remove the issue from a homework-related issue to a minimum-quality-standard issue. The current …
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Make your way into the Lote4 program - LOTE4 “The Stewardship” -…
The reason why Living On The Edge happens every year is because nothing comes close to having conversations sitting in front of each other instead of our…
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EXCEPTION_RECORD (winnt.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
Members The reason the exception occurred. This is the code generated by a hardware exception, or the code specified in the RaiseException function for a…
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Edgeryders LBG: one year checkpoint - Campfire - Edgeryders
You will remember, the reason why Edgeryders incorporated in 2013 was to make a convincing case to economic and state level actors that the work citizens…
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Function (biology) - Wikipedia
Reason for a change under natural selection; in physiology, what a system does In evolutionary biology, function is the reason some object or process occ…
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OSF | Foundations for Success: Developing Effective Mathematics …
Tags Recent Activity OSF does not support the use of Internet Explorer. For optimal performance, please switch to another browser. Accept This website re…
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OSF | Moral Foundations Elicit Shared and Dissociable Cortical A…
Description: Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) proposes that morality consists of innate, modular, and contextually variable moral foundations. Despite its …
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Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking | U.S. Department of…
Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (comm…
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GNU 40th anniversary - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
A Reason for Celebration Forty years ago, Richard Stallman announced the plan to develop the GNU operating system, which would be entirely composed of fr…
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Foundational Drum Beats
Foundational Drum Beats 275 drum loops recorded with acoustic drums and run through the Elektron Analog Heat for a warm saturation. The Foundational Drum…
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Foundations of Digital Games 2011
INTRODUCTION FDG 2011, the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, is a focal point for academic efforts in all areas of research a…
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Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage | PIRSA
Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage The workshop marks the halfway point of the similarly named (FoQaCiA, pronounced "focaccia") collaboration…
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Events - FQxI
The Foundational Questions Institute, FQxI, a philanthropically-funded science funding agency and think tank, is delighted to announce that Dr Pinar Emird…
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FQxI - Foundational Questions Institute - FQxI
OUR Mission FQxI catalyzes research and outreach primarily on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology. FQxI supports high-risk, high-reward…
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Foundations of Garbled Circuits
Paper 2012/265 Foundations of Garbled Circuits Abstract Garbled circuits, a classical idea rooted in the work of Andrew Yao, have long been understood as…
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Foundational Open Science Skills | CyVerse
Foundational Open Science Skills CyVerse's 12-week virtual workshop teaches you the principles, practices, and how-tos for doing collaborative open scien…
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#if -
The foundational tenet of "the Cult of Mac" is that buying products from a $3t company makes you a member of an oppressed ethnic minority and therefore e…
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AppSumo Plus: Save More. Grow Faster.
Get the foundational tools to start and scale a seven figure business with our AppSumo Originals products. You'll have FULL access to KingSumo Lifetime an…
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Peter Nixey
The reason I was a Magic Pony stockholder was that three years earlier I’d received an email from Matt Clifford and Alice Bentick asking me to meet for d…
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Barnard College in New York City
The Barnard Foundations curriculum encourages you to explore widely across disciplines, discover new territory, and then dive deep. It’s structured to ens…
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Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning
IFML digs deep into the foundations of machine learning to impact the design of practical AI Systems We are the National AI Institute for Foundations of …
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Healthy DEvelopments - Health & social protection
Setting the foundations for quality diagnostics in Cambodian laboratories July 17, 2024 Setting the foundations for quality diagnostics in Cambodian labo…
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Social Foundations of Computation - Max Planck Institute for Int…
Social Foundations of Computation Social foundations of computation support the design, use, and evaluation of algorithms in social contexts, as well as …
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Code Foundations Courses & Tutorials | Codecademy
Interested in learning how to code, but unsure where to start? Our Code Foundations domain provides an overview of the main applications of programming an…
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Home - California Community Foundation
Our Foundational Principles The California Community Foundation (CCF) is a vibrant and enduring resource committed to fulfilling the promise of Los Angel…
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National Capital Area Skeptics
The historical foundations of cancer risk assessment were based on fundamental scientific errors that were never corrected, all within the framework of a…
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Recent SQLite News
The primary reason for this patch is to fix two bugs three-year-old bugs identified by Forum posts 919c6579c8 and 440f2a2f17. These problems could result…
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Joseph Kolacinski
Foundational Readings: On The Edge It's been a while since we've done an installment of "Foundational Readings" or of "Next Time on Stars End." I used th…
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Investing in Foundational Companies in the Emerging Global Cannabis Industry A plant that’s been consumed for millennia is becoming legal, creating one o…
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Ubisoft says DRM isn’t the reason Assassin’s Creed: Origins push…
Ubisoft is pushing back against reports that the DRM used in Assassin's Creed: Origins is eating up significant CPU cycles and causing performance problem…
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Why the Iron Bowl point spread quickly shifted more in favor of …
The reason behind the quick shift in the point spread was an early $2,000 limit bet in favor of the Crimson Tide (11-0, 7-0 SEC) by a "respected customer…
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Don’t include wp-load, please. » Otto on WordPress
The reason for this sort of thing is that there’s some option or code or something that the javascript needs from the database or from WordPress or whate…
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The 11 Funniest Reactions to Donald Trump on Twitter This Week –…
4) He ‘s the reason for the treason 5) New playoff strategy Mr. President is there any chance we Clevelanders could convince you to give your full-throat…
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Big Sam's big mouth is not the problem - the FA has to raise the…
It's the reason super-agent Mino Raiola collected more in fees in a single year than Cristiano Ronaldo earned on the pitch. It's the men behind him you n…
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Another Good Story Ruined – Mulholland and the Valley ‘Conspirac…
One reason Mulholland took on the biography was to provide what she viewed as a more balanced portrayal of her grandfather. I haven’t read the book (I bo…
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APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition
“As a foundational resource, written by the profession for the profession, we hope you find the content informative and useful in guiding your endeavours…
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Whitepaper This foundational whitepaper of the Golem Network was first introduced in 2016, marking the inception of our ambitious journey in decentralize…
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Standards | CDISC
Standards CDISC Foundational Standards are the basis of the complete suite of standards, supporting clinical and non-clinical research processes from end…
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Notes - joshua stein
For some reason I thought only electrolytic capacitors made during the "capacitor plague" era fail early, but my garage door opener from 2008 died the ot…
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President Taylor R. Randall
Metrics Foundational Pillars President Randall’s strategic vision is built upon the University of Utah’s foundational pillars with the goal to continuall…
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Identity is foundational to modern security strategy. Identity-based attacks are on the rise, and most data breaches are caused by stolen credentials. Wit…
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LAByrinth Theater Company
Open Society Foundations congratulates LAByrinth on over 30 years of programming helping to expand American Theatre’s landscape with diverse and inclusiv…
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Leftish – Reason and reasonableness in the public discourse
Reason and reasonableness in the public discourse Re: the McLeans article on health care in Canada titled Private Health Care is Here The more we have pr…
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Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, & Society
A foundational concept in computer science, algorithms – loosely defined as a set of rules to direct the behavior of machines or humans – have shaped infr…
- — found via Mwmbl — Accountability groups for developers
The reason I joined the Builders group was mostly for the community. And I think that accomplished that goal 100%. The small group setting is way better …
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Cave Markings
The reason for my friendly invitation is that I need to remind myself that it is perfectly ok for me to share my experiences using social media. I read a…
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Supply Chain Consultants | Logistics Consulting | MWPVL
The reason that companies from a wide range of industries seek our consulting services is simple. They seek innovative insight combined with proven experi…
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Dave Peck's Blog
The reason the persistent and the obstinate seem similar is that they’re both hard to stop. But they’re hard to stop in different senses. The persistent …
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ignore the code: Honey, Please Shrink the Touchpad
The reason this trackpad just works is that its form follows its function. It's built to move the cursor without getting into your way when you do anythi…
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LF EDGE: Building an Open Source Framework for the Edge. – Linux…
"The reason why we joined LF Edge is simple: we believe that the fastest route to innovation and success in edge computing is by working together with oth…
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Quia - Quia Web
The reason I'm writing is that I just logged in for the first time in a week and NOW I CAN IMPORT QUESTIONS from other quizzes and activities! I really r…
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Bug #815077 “restart is missing from SessionMenu” : Bugs : indic…
The reason I opened bug 820666 was because of a change between 20110803 and 20110803.1 (both i386). What I said in comment #6 worked with 20110803 but it…
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douglas adams – a personal place to share my thoughts with you
"The reason people get good ideas in the shower is because it's the only time during the day when most people are away from screens long enough to think c…
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Tcl Improvement Proposals: TIP 237: Arbitrary-Precision Integers…
The reason here is that the string of digits is first converted to a 64-bit unsigned integer (Tcl_WideUInt). The '-' sign causes the unsigned integer to …
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Grue - IFWiki
The reason for this was to discourage the PC from wandering between dark rooms and getting to places he shouldn't (or forcing the programmer to code lots…
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Home - The Doe Fund
“The only reason I’m not in prison is this program.” – Kellety, Harlem trainee “It’s not just pushing the bucket. It’s responsibility.” – Michael, Harlem…
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Sebastiaan Andeweg
The only reason I dare to write any of this is because Henrique wrote about the positives and negatives of his new workplace. I have a relatively new job…
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Manuela Langella - Graphic & Web Design - Freelance Palermo
That's the reason I decided to merge my two skills - webdesign and languages - into a new project: WebDesign Translate, a kind of Translating world for a…
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The Comics Curmudgeon
Post Content So, the reason the electricity went out at Walt’s is that a big tree fell over and pulled down the power line running from the utility pole …
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Sometimes, the reason isn’t you, it’s them. Case in point a coworker is on a cruise right now and contacted me via text messaging to ask why he couldn’t …
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@1x20 on Tumblr
ANYWAY so the reason i wanted to post this painting is because i've been obsessed with it for over a year. yes yes we've all seen the fransisco goya pain…
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BC Schizophrenia Society | Family Support Group | Vancouver
A reason to hope and the means to cope What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a severe and persistent mental illness that affects how a person thinks, f…
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The UK's Eating Disorder Charity - Beat
Our amazing supporters are the reason we're able to keep helping people, year after year. No one should battle an eating disorder alone. Whether they’re …
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Sun The Sun is the reason why our Solar System has formed, the planets have stable orbits and we have pleasant temperatures here on Earth. So, there are …
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Blog - JRMF
Math anxiety is the reason I fell in love with math festivals. Math festivals give all people — regardless of age or background — permission to play, exp…
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0. Reason for this all Just bought an HP Photosmart 5510 with wifi & ePrint and my MacBook Air found and installed it via wifi without the need of any dr…
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For some reason I have mostly documented my digital painting and old ink work here. Most likely because I wanted to document the bursts of Inktober relat…
- — found via Mwmbl – Simplified hosting
Good reason to switch to us now. We've been providing hosting packages since 2013 - is a new consolidation of multiple brands under the …
New results
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Reason Foundation
The Reason Foundation is an American libertarian think tank that was founded in 1978. The foundation publishes the magazine Reason. Based in Los Angeles
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Home - Reason Foundation
In 1977, prominent Yale scholar Bayless Manning published a law review article titled “Hyperlexis: Our National Disease,” in which he assailed the alarmin…
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Reason (magazine)
Reason is an American libertarian monthly magazine published by the Reason Foundation, with the tagline "Free Minds and Free Markets". The magazine aims
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Reason is the capacity of consciously applying logic by drawing valid conclusions from new or existing information, with the aim of seeking the truth
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Libertarianism in the United States
Reason". Reason. Reason Foundation. Retrieved September 20, 2020. Kevin D. Williamson (April 2, 2018). "The Passing of the Libertarian Moment". The Atlantic
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Reason (disambiguation)
a digital audio workstation Reason (magazine), a monthly libertarian magazine published by the Reason Foundation "Reason" (short story), a 1941 science
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4G - Wikipedia
This article needs to be updated. The reason given is: Article is messy and contains out of date information.. Please help update this article to reflect…
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Reason Foundation · GitHub
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed…
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The Apache Software Foundation · GitHub
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed…
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Reason Foundation Accessibility Statement
Reasonable Accommodations Individuals who need a reasonable accommodation to access Reason Foundation's materials and information should send an email to…
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Terms Of Use
TERMS OF USE The Reason Foundation Web sites including, but not limited to,,, and (the "Websites"), contain material tha…
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Privacy Policy
Login Form Privacy Policy Reason Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy and taking great care of your personal information. Our Privacy Polic…
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About Reason
Login Form About Reason Founded in 1968, Reason is the nation's leading libertarian magazine. We produce hard-hitting independent journalism on civil lib…
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Work at Reason
Login Form Work at Reason Founded in 1968, Reason is the magazine of free minds and free markets. We produce independent journalism on civil liberties, p…
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Advertise With Reason
Login Form Advertise With Reason Since 1968, Reason's readers have turned to us for fair, independent-minded coverage of the things that matter. Our repo…
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Reason Foundation on High-Speed Rail – The Antiplanner
Reason Foundation on High-Speed Rail The Reason Foundation just published its analysis of California’s high-speed rail plan. The full study is also accom…
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American Mathematical Society :: Homepage
Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry in 1899 made Poincaré think of "reasoning machines" before Hilbert did. Poincaré found the idea "deadly for teaching, an…
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The ArchGPT Foundation
The ArchGPT Foundation is a none-profit organization founded in Singapore on 19th June 2024 to educate and advocate for the recognition of the unique qua…
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About Reason Foundation
About Reason Foundation Reason Foundation, Reason Magazine, ReasonTV Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying, and promoting lib…
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Donate Crypto - Reason Foundation
Donate Crypto Reason Foundation’s mission to advance a free society by developing, applying, and promoting the libertarian principles of individual liber…
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FAQs Archive - Reason Foundation
Here are some of the common questions about banning menthol cigarettes, the supposed evidence in support of a menthol cigarette ban, and a ban's possible…
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Latest - Reason Foundation
Chairman Crawford, Ranking Member Norton, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today. My name is Marc Scr…
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Ways To Give - Reason Foundation
Ways To Give Reason Foundation’s tolerance, civility, and consistency in defending individual liberty make it a haven for believers in a free society of …
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Events Archive - Reason Foundation
Debate: The break-up of the United States into different regions is a workable option likely to bring a marked improvement in human affairs. For the affir…
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Frequently Asked Questions - Reason Foundation
» What is Reason Foundation? Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including individua…
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Internships Available at Reason Foundation - Reason Foundation
Internships Available at Reason Foundation Reason offers internships in journalism, public policy, and fundraising. Reason has internship opportunities y…
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Reason Fellow - Reason Foundation
Reason Fellow Put your skills to work at Reason, the world’s most popular libertarian platform! This year-long fellowship will give you a chance to explo…
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Debtor Nation - Reason Foundation
The national debt is over $30 trillion. The federal government ran an annual budget deficit in 52 of the last 57 years. This post was originally publishe…
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Testimonies Archive - Reason Foundation
S.1848 should raise concern that the state will enlarge the already substantial illicit tobacco trade, push sales and tax revenue to other jurisdictions,…
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Events Manager - Reason Foundation
Events Manager We are seeking a dynamic Events Manager to join our team and play a crucial role in organizing and executing events in the NYC area and be…
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HAMP Fail. - Reason Foundation
HAMP Fail. Treasury released information on the progress of HAMP. The grade? Fail. According to analysis from the WSJ: “Just one in four of the 2.7 milli…
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Amicus Briefs Archive - Reason Foundation
The structure of the Authority violates the separation of powers because the members of the Authority, although Officers, are not appointed with presiden…
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Policy Studies Archive - Reason Foundation
There is growing bipartisan support that the NEPA process, as it has evolved since the legislation’s enactment in 1970, has gone too far, placing obstacl…
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Policy Briefs Archive - Reason Foundation
Policy Briefs There is growing bipartisan support that the NEPA process, as it has evolved since the legislation’s enactment in 1970, has gone too far, p…
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Steve Vu, Author at Reason Foundation
The following tool created by the Pension Integrity Project displays the year-by-year accrual of retirement benefits for a wide variety of Alaska workers…
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Pension reform consulting from Reason Foundation - Reason Founda…
Pension reform consulting from Reason Foundation Pro-bono public pension reform consulting that gets results. Unfunded public pension liabilities are a f…
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Working Papers Archive - Reason Foundation
Working Papers Using individual-level data for all Alaska teachers in the Teacher Retirement System before and after the retirement benefit change, we as…
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Rod Crane, Author at Reason Foundation
This study presents a new retirement plan design, the Personal Retirement Optimization Plan, or PRO Plan, which is built on a defined-contribution founda…
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Hunt Beaty, Author at Reason Foundation
In addition, after directing a lauded short film set in a sound recording booth called The Sound of Your Voice, Short of the Weeksaid it was "Simple in c…
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Reason Foundation
Leaving a Legacy of Freedom Did you know there are creative ways to support Reason Foundation in addition to outright gifts? Such giving techniques are c…
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Support Reason - Reason Foundation
Your tax-deductible support of Reason Foundation makes you a partner in the fight for liberty. Thanks to the generous contributions of people like you, Re…
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Teach, learn, and make with the Raspberry Pi Foundation
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK company limited by guarantee and a charity registered in England and Wales with number 1129409. The Raspberry Pi Foun…
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About the Python Software Foundation | Python Software Foundation
Infrastructure We are the stewards of Python intellectual property—We establish PSF licenses, hold intellectual property rights to most Python releases, …
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Sponsor the PSF | Python Software Foundation
The Python Software Foundation Sponsorship Program The PSF is excited to unveil a new sponsorship program that offers an array of benefits across the Pyt…
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Work Groups of the Python Software Foundation | Python Software …
The workgroup's purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing guidance and rec…
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The Python Logo | Python Software Foundation
The Python Logo The Python Logo Projects and companies that use Python are encouraged to incorporate the Python logo on their websites, brochures, packag…
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Python Software Foundation FAQ | Python Software Foundation
The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the grow…
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Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct - Python Software Fou…
Python Software Foundation Code of Conduct The Python community is made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, …
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Volunteer | Python Software Foundation
Volunteer The Python Software Foundation needs your help building infrastructure for the PSF and PyCon US, helping with fundraising and advocacy, and run…
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Mission | Python Software Foundation
Mission The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate …
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PSF Bylaws | Python Software Foundation
PSF Bylaws Bylaws of the Python Software Foundation, Version 2 ARTICLE I Business Offices The corporation shall have such offices either within or outsid…
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Diversity | Python Software Foundation
Diversity On October 12, 2009, the Board of the Python Software Foundation adopted the following Diversity Statement: The Python Software Foundation and …
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Python Software Foundation Staff | Python Software Foundation
Python Software Foundation Staff Deb Nicholson Executive Director Deb Nicholson joined the PSF in April 2022. She is an experienced non-profit profession…
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Front Page — Free Software Foundation — working together for fre…
"This community that we have, that we're building, that does so much, has to grow. We can't compete with Apple, we can't compete with Google, directly, i…
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Is the FSF on Twitter? — Free Software Foundation — Working toge…
Is the FSF on Twitter? Curious how we post to Twitter? The Free Software Foundation uses a custom script** to post to our GNU social, Mastodon, and Twitt…
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The FSF turns 30 — Free Software Foundation — Working together f…
The free software community celebrated around the world, coordinating and promoting their events in the FSF30 Party Network. Watch FSF general counsel an…
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Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending your rights in the di…
Protecting people's privacy is the first step we should take to create meaningful online regulation. That's why EFF has previously expressed concerns abo…
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The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. Our…
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OWASP Foundation, the Open Source Foundation for Application Sec…
Explore the world of cyber security Conference Registration is Open! Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunities are being accepted! Join OWASP Global AppSec…
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The Foundational Economy
Home The Foundational Economy Collective is a loose international grouping of (mainly) European academic researchers working together to develop a new wa…
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Foundations of Magical Practice: Divination – Ecosophia
Foundations of Magical Practice: Divination The last two monthly posts here on The Well of Galabes have outlined two of the three basic elements of magic…
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Another reason to reconsider your password approach – Factory Joe
Interestingly, OpenID would have, to some degree, mitigated this breach by moving the username and password combo off by one step, so at worst, the only …
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Weekly Photo Challenge: The World Through Your Eyes | Photograph…
The reason he is here perhaps explains the intense look in his eyes. He was seized by the US Fish and Wildlife Service when someone cut off his crest, sp…
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About | Mass Communication Theory
About The reason I created this site… not that you care but I’m going to indulge myself anyway, is to have a place where I can spend 10 minutes reading a…
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Broken Wings & Silver Linings | Screenwriting from Iowa
Perhaps the reason I decided to start a post about the movie Silver Linings Playbook with a couple of lines from seventies songs is the movie has a seven…
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Legal Cases | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Search form Legal Cases Legal Cases The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s impact litigation has set important precedents for the treatment of rights in cy…
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Another reason banks need more equity: They tend to have less th…
Another reason banks need more equity: They tend to have less than they claim We reported yesterday on the argument by Stanford University professor Anat…
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FFII | Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure informat…
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) is a European alliance defending your right …
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UNSDG | Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable D…
Breadcrumb Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development This SDG Primer aims to establish a common base of understanding and approa…
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Foundational Principles | The Institute for Creation Research
The physical universe of space, time, matter, and energy has not always existed but was supernaturally created by a transcendent personal Creator who alon…
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Cookies Policies | Linux Foundation
Policies Cookies The websites of The Linux Foundation and its open source projects (collectively, the “Sites”) use cookies, in combination with pixels, l…
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Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
The Foundations support private colleges and universities that place a strong emphasis on undergraduate, liberal arts education. Proposals from associati…
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varlen - Rust
varlen defines foundational types and traits for working with variable-length types in Rust. The main example of variable-length type is a struct that st…
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Foundations of Electronic Markets (FEM)
CFEM – Center for Research in the Foundations of Electronic Markets CFEM - Center for Research in the Foundations of Electronic Markets CFEM was a resear…
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Foundational Questions in Gender and Sexuality Research | Univer…
The research group Foundational Questions in Gender and Sexuality Research is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty research group for academic staff at t…
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Software Foundations
The Software Foundations series is a broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software. The principal novelty of the series is th…
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TAG Heuer from 1860 to 1887: Edouard Heuer and the First Patent
Strong Foundations The company established by Edouard Heuer in 1860 would rely on two foundations – family leadership and technical innovation. These foun…
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The Reason for the Delays - Hugh Howey
The Reason for the Delays I think we can now confirm that the reason for the delays for Hachette titles was that Amazon wasn’t stocking the books in thei…
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The New MacBook Air: Apple Competes With Itself- The Mac Observer
The reason it’s okay is because 1) Apple understands its MacBook Air customers very well, 2) Apple likes to compete with itself, and 3) We may yet see a …
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Proposal: Discourage questions that are nothing besides a proble…
The reason that I create a new post is because I want to remove the issue from a homework-related issue to a minimum-quality-standard issue. The current …
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Make your way into the Lote4 program - LOTE4 “The Stewardship” -…
The reason why Living On The Edge happens every year is because nothing comes close to having conversations sitting in front of each other instead of our…
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EXCEPTION_RECORD (winnt.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn
Members The reason the exception occurred. This is the code generated by a hardware exception, or the code specified in the RaiseException function for a…
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Edgeryders LBG: one year checkpoint - Campfire - Edgeryders
You will remember, the reason why Edgeryders incorporated in 2013 was to make a convincing case to economic and state level actors that the work citizens…
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Function (biology) - Wikipedia
Reason for a change under natural selection; in physiology, what a system does In evolutionary biology, function is the reason some object or process occ…
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OSF | Foundations for Success: Developing Effective Mathematics …
Tags Recent Activity OSF does not support the use of Internet Explorer. For optimal performance, please switch to another browser. Accept This website re…
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OSF | Moral Foundations Elicit Shared and Dissociable Cortical A…
Description: Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) proposes that morality consists of innate, modular, and contextually variable moral foundations. Despite its …
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Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking | U.S. Department of…
Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (comm…
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GNU 40th anniversary - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
A Reason for Celebration Forty years ago, Richard Stallman announced the plan to develop the GNU operating system, which would be entirely composed of fr…
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Foundational Drum Beats
Foundational Drum Beats 275 drum loops recorded with acoustic drums and run through the Elektron Analog Heat for a warm saturation. The Foundational Drum…
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Foundations of Digital Games 2011
INTRODUCTION FDG 2011, the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, is a focal point for academic efforts in all areas of research a…
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Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage | PIRSA
Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage The workshop marks the halfway point of the similarly named (FoQaCiA, pronounced "focaccia") collaboration…
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Events - FQxI
The Foundational Questions Institute, FQxI, a philanthropically-funded science funding agency and think tank, is delighted to announce that Dr Pinar Emird…
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FQxI - Foundational Questions Institute - FQxI
OUR Mission FQxI catalyzes research and outreach primarily on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology. FQxI supports high-risk, high-reward…
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Foundations of Garbled Circuits
Paper 2012/265 Foundations of Garbled Circuits Abstract Garbled circuits, a classical idea rooted in the work of Andrew Yao, have long been understood as…
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Foundational Open Science Skills | CyVerse
Foundational Open Science Skills CyVerse's 12-week virtual workshop teaches you the principles, practices, and how-tos for doing collaborative open scien…
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#if -
The foundational tenet of "the Cult of Mac" is that buying products from a $3t company makes you a member of an oppressed ethnic minority and therefore e…
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AppSumo Plus: Save More. Grow Faster.
Get the foundational tools to start and scale a seven figure business with our AppSumo Originals products. You'll have FULL access to KingSumo Lifetime an…
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Peter Nixey
The reason I was a Magic Pony stockholder was that three years earlier I’d received an email from Matt Clifford and Alice Bentick asking me to meet for d…
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Barnard College in New York City
The Barnard Foundations curriculum encourages you to explore widely across disciplines, discover new territory, and then dive deep. It’s structured to ens…
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Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning
IFML digs deep into the foundations of machine learning to impact the design of practical AI Systems We are the National AI Institute for Foundations of …
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Healthy DEvelopments - Health & social protection
Setting the foundations for quality diagnostics in Cambodian laboratories July 17, 2024 Setting the foundations for quality diagnostics in Cambodian labo…
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Social Foundations of Computation - Max Planck Institute for Int…
Social Foundations of Computation Social foundations of computation support the design, use, and evaluation of algorithms in social contexts, as well as …
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Code Foundations Courses & Tutorials | Codecademy
Interested in learning how to code, but unsure where to start? Our Code Foundations domain provides an overview of the main applications of programming an…
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Home - California Community Foundation
Our Foundational Principles The California Community Foundation (CCF) is a vibrant and enduring resource committed to fulfilling the promise of Los Angel…
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National Capital Area Skeptics
The historical foundations of cancer risk assessment were based on fundamental scientific errors that were never corrected, all within the framework of a…
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Recent SQLite News
The primary reason for this patch is to fix two bugs three-year-old bugs identified by Forum posts 919c6579c8 and 440f2a2f17. These problems could result…
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Joseph Kolacinski
Foundational Readings: On The Edge It's been a while since we've done an installment of "Foundational Readings" or of "Next Time on Stars End." I used th…
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Investing in Foundational Companies in the Emerging Global Cannabis Industry A plant that’s been consumed for millennia is becoming legal, creating one o…
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Ubisoft says DRM isn’t the reason Assassin’s Creed: Origins push…
Ubisoft is pushing back against reports that the DRM used in Assassin's Creed: Origins is eating up significant CPU cycles and causing performance problem…
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Why the Iron Bowl point spread quickly shifted more in favor of …
The reason behind the quick shift in the point spread was an early $2,000 limit bet in favor of the Crimson Tide (11-0, 7-0 SEC) by a "respected customer…
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Don’t include wp-load, please. » Otto on WordPress
The reason for this sort of thing is that there’s some option or code or something that the javascript needs from the database or from WordPress or whate…
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The 11 Funniest Reactions to Donald Trump on Twitter This Week –…
4) He ‘s the reason for the treason 5) New playoff strategy Mr. President is there any chance we Clevelanders could convince you to give your full-throat…
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Big Sam's big mouth is not the problem - the FA has to raise the…
It's the reason super-agent Mino Raiola collected more in fees in a single year than Cristiano Ronaldo earned on the pitch. It's the men behind him you n…
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Another Good Story Ruined – Mulholland and the Valley ‘Conspirac…
One reason Mulholland took on the biography was to provide what she viewed as a more balanced portrayal of her grandfather. I haven’t read the book (I bo…
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APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition
“As a foundational resource, written by the profession for the profession, we hope you find the content informative and useful in guiding your endeavours…
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Whitepaper This foundational whitepaper of the Golem Network was first introduced in 2016, marking the inception of our ambitious journey in decentralize…
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Standards | CDISC
Standards CDISC Foundational Standards are the basis of the complete suite of standards, supporting clinical and non-clinical research processes from end…
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Notes - joshua stein
For some reason I thought only electrolytic capacitors made during the "capacitor plague" era fail early, but my garage door opener from 2008 died the ot…
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President Taylor R. Randall
Metrics Foundational Pillars President Randall’s strategic vision is built upon the University of Utah’s foundational pillars with the goal to continuall…
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Identity is foundational to modern security strategy. Identity-based attacks are on the rise, and most data breaches are caused by stolen credentials. Wit…
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LAByrinth Theater Company
Open Society Foundations congratulates LAByrinth on over 30 years of programming helping to expand American Theatre’s landscape with diverse and inclusiv…
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Leftish – Reason and reasonableness in the public discourse
Reason and reasonableness in the public discourse Re: the McLeans article on health care in Canada titled Private Health Care is Here The more we have pr…
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Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, & Society
A foundational concept in computer science, algorithms – loosely defined as a set of rules to direct the behavior of machines or humans – have shaped infr…
- — found via Mwmbl — Accountability groups for developers
The reason I joined the Builders group was mostly for the community. And I think that accomplished that goal 100%. The small group setting is way better …
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Cave Markings
The reason for my friendly invitation is that I need to remind myself that it is perfectly ok for me to share my experiences using social media. I read a…
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Supply Chain Consultants | Logistics Consulting | MWPVL
The reason that companies from a wide range of industries seek our consulting services is simple. They seek innovative insight combined with proven experi…
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Dave Peck's Blog
The reason the persistent and the obstinate seem similar is that they’re both hard to stop. But they’re hard to stop in different senses. The persistent …
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ignore the code: Honey, Please Shrink the Touchpad
The reason this trackpad just works is that its form follows its function. It's built to move the cursor without getting into your way when you do anythi…
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LF EDGE: Building an Open Source Framework for the Edge. – Linux…
"The reason why we joined LF Edge is simple: we believe that the fastest route to innovation and success in edge computing is by working together with oth…
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Quia - Quia Web
The reason I'm writing is that I just logged in for the first time in a week and NOW I CAN IMPORT QUESTIONS from other quizzes and activities! I really r…
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Bug #815077 “restart is missing from SessionMenu” : Bugs : indic…
The reason I opened bug 820666 was because of a change between 20110803 and 20110803.1 (both i386). What I said in comment #6 worked with 20110803 but it…
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douglas adams – a personal place to share my thoughts with you
"The reason people get good ideas in the shower is because it's the only time during the day when most people are away from screens long enough to think c…
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Tcl Improvement Proposals: TIP 237: Arbitrary-Precision Integers…
The reason here is that the string of digits is first converted to a 64-bit unsigned integer (Tcl_WideUInt). The '-' sign causes the unsigned integer to …
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Grue - IFWiki
The reason for this was to discourage the PC from wandering between dark rooms and getting to places he shouldn't (or forcing the programmer to code lots…
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Home - The Doe Fund
“The only reason I’m not in prison is this program.” – Kellety, Harlem trainee “It’s not just pushing the bucket. It’s responsibility.” – Michael, Harlem…
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Sebastiaan Andeweg
The only reason I dare to write any of this is because Henrique wrote about the positives and negatives of his new workplace. I have a relatively new job…
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Manuela Langella - Graphic & Web Design - Freelance Palermo
That's the reason I decided to merge my two skills - webdesign and languages - into a new project: WebDesign Translate, a kind of Translating world for a…
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The Comics Curmudgeon
Post Content So, the reason the electricity went out at Walt’s is that a big tree fell over and pulled down the power line running from the utility pole …
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Sometimes, the reason isn’t you, it’s them. Case in point a coworker is on a cruise right now and contacted me via text messaging to ask why he couldn’t …
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@1x20 on Tumblr
ANYWAY so the reason i wanted to post this painting is because i've been obsessed with it for over a year. yes yes we've all seen the fransisco goya pain…
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BC Schizophrenia Society | Family Support Group | Vancouver
A reason to hope and the means to cope What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a severe and persistent mental illness that affects how a person thinks, f…
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The UK's Eating Disorder Charity - Beat
Our amazing supporters are the reason we're able to keep helping people, year after year. No one should battle an eating disorder alone. Whether they’re …
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Sun The Sun is the reason why our Solar System has formed, the planets have stable orbits and we have pleasant temperatures here on Earth. So, there are …
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Blog - JRMF
Math anxiety is the reason I fell in love with math festivals. Math festivals give all people — regardless of age or background — permission to play, exp…
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0. Reason for this all Just bought an HP Photosmart 5510 with wifi & ePrint and my MacBook Air found and installed it via wifi without the need of any dr…
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For some reason I have mostly documented my digital painting and old ink work here. Most likely because I wanted to document the bursts of Inktober relat…
- — found via Mwmbl – Simplified hosting
Good reason to switch to us now. We've been providing hosting packages since 2013 - is a new consolidation of multiple brands under the …