Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 3 weeks ago for query The Mercatus Center
Original results
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Mercatus Center - Wikipedia
The Mercatus Center is an American libertarian, free-market-oriented non-profit think tank.[2][3] The Mercatus Center is located at the George Mason Univ…
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Charles Koch
end US 'forever war' policy". The Boston Globe. Retrieved August 23, 2019. "Board of Directors – Mercatus". Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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Tyler Cowen
publications as The New Republic, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and the Wilson Quarterly. He is general director of George Mason's Mercatus Center, a university
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Martin Gurri
CIA analyst who writes about the relationship between politics and media. He is a visiting fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in
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Koch network
conservative ideological think tanks (Cato Institute, the Reason Foundation, the Mercatus Center and Citizens for a Sound Economy). In public opinion pieces
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Eukaryotic small ribosomal subunit (40S) - Wikipedia
Function The 40S subunit contains the decoding center which monitors the complementarity of tRNA and mRNA in protein translation. It is the largest compo…
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Mercatus Center | SlideShare
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University is the world’s premier university source for market-oriented ideas—bridging the gap between academic ideas…
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mercatus center – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
READ CAREFULLY By reading this website, you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NO…
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Senator Sanders | American Council on Science and Health
Senator Sanders The Mercatus Center, alternately characterized as a libertarian think-tank or a “Koch [brothers] backed think tank” released a financial …
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QuantGov and the Mercatus Center Privacy Policy
This is the privacy policy for QuantGov and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University (“Mercatus” or “Mercatus Center”). This policy describes how Qu…
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About - by The Mercatus Center - Discourse
About About Welcome to Discourse, an online journal of politics, economics and culture published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Disco…
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Home | Mercatus Center
The Mercatus Center is a research center at George Mason University that advances knowledge about how markets solve problems and help us lead happier, hea…
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About Mercatus | Mercatus Center
As a university-based research center, the Mercatus Center advances knowledge about how markets work to improve people’s lives. Our mission is to bridge t…
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Eli Dourado | Mercatus Center
Eli Dourado is a former Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He has studied and written about a wide range of technol…
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Liam Sigaud | Mercatus Center
Liam Sigaud is a Postgraduate Fellow on the Open Health Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. His work focuses on state and federal h…
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Veronique de Rugy | Mercatus Center
Veronique de Rugy is the George Gibbs Chair in Political Economy and Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and a nation…
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Charles Koch | Mercatus Center
Charles Koch is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Koch Industries, Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in America. In add…
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David M. Primo | Mercatus Center
David M. Primo Senior Affiliated Scholar, Professor of Political Science and Business Administration, University of Rochester David M. Primo is a Senior …
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Housing | Mercatus Center
Cities are dynamic centers of exchange, innovation, and economic growth, providing the platform where people, ideas, and capital come together. However, t…
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AI Policy Guide | Mercatus Center
Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a huge effect on the economy. To ensure the effect is a net positive, policymakers need to understand AI at a deepe…
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Charles Blahous | Mercatus Center
Blahous served as a public trustee for Social Security and Medicare from 2010 through 2015. He was formerly the deputy director of President Bush’s Nation…
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Fellowships | Mercatus Center
The PhD Fellowship is a competitive, full-time fellowship program for students pursuing a doctoral degree in economics at George Mason University. Our PhD…
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Emergent Ventures | Mercatus Center
Launched in 2018, Emergent Ventures is a low-overhead fellowship and grant program that supports entrepreneurs and brilliant minds with highly scalable, "…
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Matthew D. Mitchell | Mercatus Center
Matthew D. Mitchell is a senior affiliated scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is also a Senior Fellow in the Centre for Economi…
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Richard Fink | Mercatus Center
Dr. Richard Fink founded the Mercatus Center in 1977 at Rutgers University. The center, then known as the Center for the Study of Market Processes, came t…
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Bryan Caplan | Mercatus Center
Bryan Caplan is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and a professor of economics at George Mason University. He specializes in public economic…
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Garett Jones | Mercatus Center
Garett Jones is a senior research fellow and BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism at the Mercatus Center and an associate professor of economics at …
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Todd Zywicki | Mercatus Center
Todd Zywicki is a senior scholar and senior fellow with the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus …
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State Fiscal Rankings | 2018 Edition | Mercatus Center
This study ranks the 50 states according to their financial condition. How does your state rank? For the fifth and final year, a study from the Mercatus C…
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Mercatus Center - DeSmog
The Mercatus Center asserts that a gap exists between economic understanding and real-world decision and policy making. Its mission is to “bridge the gap…
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Center for a Stateless Society » Vulgar Libertarianism from Mer…
The Mercatus Center recently released its Freedom in the 50 States report, and their analysis reaches some pretty ludicrous conclusions. North Dakota, wh…
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Mercatus Center – DSNews
Tag Archives: Mercatus Center The results of a recent small-bank survey found small banks are facing rising compliance costs, and finding it harder to se…
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Academic & Student Programs | Mercatus Center
For over 40 years, the Mercatus Center has recruited, trained, and supported graduate students who have gone on to pursue careers in academia, government,…
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F. A. Harper - Wikipedia
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University established the F.A. Harper Professorship in Economics, a position currently held by Christopher Coyne.[24…
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Mercatus Center - SourceWatch
Mercatus Center The Mercatus Center, part of George Mason University, is one of the best-funded think tanks in the United States. It is listed as "sister…
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This makeup ingredient could destroy 99% of 'forever chemicals' …
The research centered around a process called photocatalysis — a chemical reaction in which tiny, semiconductive particles are suspended in contaminated …
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Mercatus Center
NNDB has added thousands of bibliographies for people, organizations, schools, and general topics, listing more than 50,000 books and 120,000 other kinds …
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Home | Mercatus Center Striving to realize a world where markets… has global traffic rank of 22,550. has an estimated worth of US$ 310,421, based on its estimated Ads revenue. rece…
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Alden Abbott | Mercatus Center
Alden Abbott is a Senior Research Fellow focusing on antitrust issues. Before joining Mercatus, Mr. Abbott served as the Federal Trade Commission’s Genera…
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study – Page 9 – News is My Business
A study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University released Wednesday showed that on the basis of its fiscal solvency in five separate categories,…
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regulations | Illinois Policy
Data from the Mercatus Center shows Illinois faces a high regulatory burden at both the federal and state level. Research shows these regulations place a…
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NEPC Review: Public-Private Virtual-School Partnerships and Fede…
A short report from the Mercatus Center argues that, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, education budgets should be reallocated toward investments in …
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Tyler Cowen | Reason Archives
The Mercatus economist on why the private sector could provide the best response to the coronavirus, why the government should go big anyway, and how the…
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Best Marc Thiele Podcasts (2024)
1 Mercatus Center at George Mason University Tyler Cowen engages today’s deepest thinkers in wide-ranging explorations of their work, the world, and ever…
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KFF Health News
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said it has received more than 200,000 complaints in the first six months of the year about people being sig…
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Davis Kedrosky's Threads – Thread Reader App
Listened to the Mercatus panel on *How the World Became Rich.* Quick thoughts: 1) The Mokyr remark about the Spanish armada was taken out of context -- w…
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What is the Ask Wizard? - Help Center - Stack Overflow
What is the Ask Wizard? The Ask Wizard guides first-time askers through asking a question on Stack Overflow and provides step-by-step instructions to hel…
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How to reference material written by others - Help Center - Stac…
If you copy (or closely rephrase/reword) content that you did not create into something you post on Stack Overflow (e.g., from another site or elsewhere …
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How do I search? - Help Center - Stack Overflow
How do I search? Enter search terms in the search box that appears on the center-left of the top bar on every page, and press Enter. (On small screens, y…
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Grocery eCommerce Software - Mercatus
The Mercatus white-label web and mobile storefronts are easy to navigate and intuitive making it a breeze for your customers to build their basket and che…
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Grocery eCommerce Platform Demo - Mercatus
Preview the Mercatus Digital Commerce Platform The Mercatus Digital Commerce Platform is an enterprise-grade SaaS solution that puts you in charge of you…
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Why Mercatus - Mercatus
Why Choose Mercatus? Reclaim Your Grocery eCommerce Business A lot has changed in the grocery industry as a result of the pandemic, but one thing is cert…
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NIST Center for Neutron Research | NIST
NIST Center for Neutron Research A national user facility that advances economic and technical excellence in the U.S. by providing world-class neutron me…
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The Human Centered Design Network (Non-Premium)
The Human Centered Design Network (Non-Premium) The Human Centered Design Network The Human Centered Design is the premier podcast for human-centered des…
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Healing Centered Conversations
Healing Centered Conversations Dr. Byron McClure Welcome to the Healing Centered Conversations Podcast where we create space for conversations that heal.…
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Center for the Rule of Law
Concerns centered on the rule of law are the consistency, predictability, and transparency of the law. Legal rules that are variable, intrusive, and uncle…
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2013 April 23 — Crooked Timber
A couple weeks back the Mercatus Freedom In The 50 States Index came out and there was much bemusement to be had by most. Matthew Yglesias may be wrong o…
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mercatus – Blogging Blue
Tag: mercatus In the 90’s the republican party could not stand the fact that they no longer had the presidency, so the billionaires of the party(Richard …
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Center for Jewish History :: 15 W. 16th Street NY, NY 10011
Last entry to the Center for Jewish History Exhibitions, Reading Room, and the Genealogy Institute is 30 minutes before closing. The last call to page it…
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Center for Research in Systems and Storage @ UCSC
Upcoming Events The Center for Research in Systems and Storage (CRSS) is a partnership between academia and industry to explore and develop new technolog…
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Mercatus « Breaking Energy - Energy industry news, analysis, an…
Energy industry news, analysis, and commentary Mercatus Various products have hit the market to try to overcome a major hurdle to solar financing and sec…
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Center for AI Safety (CAIS)
Reducing Societal-scale Risks from AI The Center for AI Safety is a research and field-building nonprofit. The Center for AI Safety (CAIS — pronounced 'c…
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Morally Centered People | The Weekly Sift
Morally Centered People I hear this, too, from my Republican Senate colleagues. There is a belief that there is a group in every corner of the government…
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Centers for Student Engagement | FIU Division of Academic & Stud…
Centers for Student Engagement The Centers for Student Engagement enrich the student experience through opportunities that promote intercultural competen…
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Careers Home | Careers at CDC | CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention works 24/7 to provide the American public with timely and accurate health information, responding to publi…
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Visit Home | Visit | University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Centered in the heart of the Entertainment Capital of the World, our campus is blocks away from the neon lights of the Las Vegas Strip and a short drive f…
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Service - ITS Help Centers
ITS Help Centers The ITS Client Services team has dedicated staff available in Help Centers on all three campuses to assist faculty, staff, and students …
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Boston African American National Historic Site (U.S. National Pa…
Centered on the north slope of Beacon Hill, the African American community of 1800s Boston led the city and the nation in the fight against slavery and in…
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'Serial' conclusion leaves podcasters cautiously optimistic abou…
The podcast, centered around the 1999 Baltimore murder of a high school student, came out of nowhere to become one of the most-talked about stories of th…
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Why Mashable centers its video strategy on YouTube - Digiday
Why Mashable centers its video strategy on YouTube Most publishers pushing into video try to get people to their sites and then use YouTube for marketing…
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Briggs & Stratton LLC | BASCO
The Company centers it's giving efforts predominantly around three core initiatives - Education, Community Enrichment and Cultural Assets - in order to be…
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School of Public Health | University of Illinois Chicago
Centered in the nation's largest urban medical district, our work starts at home in Chicago neighborhoods. Across numerous CDC, NIH and World Health Orga…
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Home | School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Centers Centers The school is home to two centers, Roshan Center for Persian Studies, a landmark institution for the promotion of Persian language and cu…
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Data Centers - Google
About Google Data Centers Google owns and operates data centers all over the world, helping to keep the internet humming 24/7. Learn how our relentless f…
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Brand Identity Designer Nela Dunato - Design Fairy Godmother
The Human Centered Brand A Practical Guide to Being Yourself in Business I wrote down everything I think small business owners and creatives should know …
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Gesture centered and Physically inspired Spectral Synthesis appl…
Musical instruments synthesis techniques can be roughly classified into Physical and Spectral models. Physical models try to model the instrument's sound…
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School of Architecture and Planning | The University of New Mexi…
Research Centers The mission of the architecture program is to investigate critically the architectural systems and social forces that define sustainable…
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NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Featured The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) and its sister data centers merged into the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Na…
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Science Tutoring Centers | Old Dominion University
Breadcrumb Science Tutoring Centers Welcome to the Science Tutoring Centers (STC)! We provide tutoring services through both walk-ins and appointments, w…
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World Trade Centers Association
Connecting Businesses, Globally. Access the power of the World Trade Centers Association to unleash your global potential. 1 Global Network 321 Current W…
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Children's Learning Centers - University of Houston
Children's Learning Centers Important Note The University of Houston Children's Learning Centers' (CLC) revised operational hours are Monday through Frid…
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Person Centered Planning | ACL Administration for Community Livi…
Person-centered planning (PCP) is a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that an older adult or person with a disability may ne…
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About - NEMAA
About Centered in Northeast Minneapolis, we serve working artists both here and in geographically and artistically adjacent communities. NEMAA has over 1…
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Home - Susan McClellan's Site
Soul Centered Healing Therapies: Curious or Skeptical? Hello my name is Susan McClellan, I have been a student and a practitioner of shamanism for twenty…
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ACLJ | American Center for Law and Justice
ACLJ Movies centered on biblical narratives continue to fascinate audiences. Just in time for Passover, here’s a list of the top five Bible-themed movies…
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WDCs in Russia
World Data Centers (WDC) in Russia are accepted as the Regular Members of the World Data System (WDS), created through a decision of the 29th General Ass…
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Dwyer CC
Cultural centers have a big role to play in many communities. They are a central meeting location that allows everyone to learn and explore the different…
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Blog - South Street
Centered on south south street in the media One of the many things that makes the South Street Headhouse District so unique is our diversity.As one of th…
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We’re centered on a scene where Jasnah confronts the invaders. A giant has smashed a breach in the city wall, and Jasnah is called upon to restore it. Af…
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Milwaukee, WI |
Centered around technology and powered by our people, our 100,000-square-foot Milwaukee location boasts a KBA 205 Lithograph, the largest offset sheetfed …
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Goodman - Adult Family Life | Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of …
Family life centered on Urner’s job, the children, and church involvement. Both Urner and Louise were talented musicians, thus the children learned to pla…
- — found via Mwmbl Video Game Reviews, Cheats, and More
Launch Centers Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance RELEASE: February 19, 2013 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a Metal Gear title focused on the adventures o…
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Cladism - definition of cladism by The Free Dictionary
Arguments have centered on how representative the fossil record is and the usefulness of techniques such as cladism and specially molecular analysis (Ber…
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Home - Plain Values
Faith Centered Simple Living SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $19 Grab our next 12 issues both in print and digitally! The current digital issue will become available ri…
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Welcome to the Pipe Wrench archive!
Centered on a beautifully written, unrelentingly honest exploration of race, Covid, white supremacy, the limits of empathy, and what the real work of cha…
New results
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Mercatus Center - Wikipedia
The Mercatus Center is an American libertarian, free-market-oriented non-profit think tank.[2][3] The Mercatus Center is located at the George Mason Univ…
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Charles Koch
end US 'forever war' policy". The Boston Globe. Retrieved August 23, 2019. "Board of Directors – Mercatus". Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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Tyler Cowen
publications as The New Republic, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and the Wilson Quarterly. He is general director of George Mason's Mercatus Center, a university
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Martin Gurri
CIA analyst who writes about the relationship between politics and media. He is a visiting fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in
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Koch network
conservative ideological think tanks (Cato Institute, the Reason Foundation, the Mercatus Center and Citizens for a Sound Economy). In public opinion pieces
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Eukaryotic small ribosomal subunit (40S) - Wikipedia
Function The 40S subunit contains the decoding center which monitors the complementarity of tRNA and mRNA in protein translation. It is the largest compo…
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Mercatus Center | SlideShare
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University is the world’s premier university source for market-oriented ideas—bridging the gap between academic ideas…
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mercatus center – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
READ CAREFULLY By reading this website, you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NO…
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Senator Sanders | American Council on Science and Health
Senator Sanders The Mercatus Center, alternately characterized as a libertarian think-tank or a “Koch [brothers] backed think tank” released a financial …
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QuantGov and the Mercatus Center Privacy Policy
This is the privacy policy for QuantGov and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University (“Mercatus” or “Mercatus Center”). This policy describes how Qu…
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About - by The Mercatus Center - Discourse
About About Welcome to Discourse, an online journal of politics, economics and culture published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Disco…
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Home | Mercatus Center
The Mercatus Center is a research center at George Mason University that advances knowledge about how markets solve problems and help us lead happier, hea…
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About Mercatus | Mercatus Center
As a university-based research center, the Mercatus Center advances knowledge about how markets work to improve people’s lives. Our mission is to bridge t…
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Eli Dourado | Mercatus Center
Eli Dourado is a former Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He has studied and written about a wide range of technol…
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Liam Sigaud | Mercatus Center
Liam Sigaud is a Postgraduate Fellow on the Open Health Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. His work focuses on state and federal h…
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Veronique de Rugy | Mercatus Center
Veronique de Rugy is the George Gibbs Chair in Political Economy and Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and a nation…
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Charles Koch | Mercatus Center
Charles Koch is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Koch Industries, Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in America. In add…
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David M. Primo | Mercatus Center
David M. Primo Senior Affiliated Scholar, Professor of Political Science and Business Administration, University of Rochester David M. Primo is a Senior …
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Housing | Mercatus Center
Cities are dynamic centers of exchange, innovation, and economic growth, providing the platform where people, ideas, and capital come together. However, t…
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AI Policy Guide | Mercatus Center
Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a huge effect on the economy. To ensure the effect is a net positive, policymakers need to understand AI at a deepe…
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Charles Blahous | Mercatus Center
Blahous served as a public trustee for Social Security and Medicare from 2010 through 2015. He was formerly the deputy director of President Bush’s Nation…
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Fellowships | Mercatus Center
The PhD Fellowship is a competitive, full-time fellowship program for students pursuing a doctoral degree in economics at George Mason University. Our PhD…
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Emergent Ventures | Mercatus Center
Launched in 2018, Emergent Ventures is a low-overhead fellowship and grant program that supports entrepreneurs and brilliant minds with highly scalable, "…
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Matthew D. Mitchell | Mercatus Center
Matthew D. Mitchell is a senior affiliated scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is also a Senior Fellow in the Centre for Economi…
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Richard Fink | Mercatus Center
Dr. Richard Fink founded the Mercatus Center in 1977 at Rutgers University. The center, then known as the Center for the Study of Market Processes, came t…
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Bryan Caplan | Mercatus Center
Bryan Caplan is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and a professor of economics at George Mason University. He specializes in public economic…
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Garett Jones | Mercatus Center
Garett Jones is a senior research fellow and BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism at the Mercatus Center and an associate professor of economics at …
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Todd Zywicki | Mercatus Center
Todd Zywicki is a senior scholar and senior fellow with the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus …
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State Fiscal Rankings | 2018 Edition | Mercatus Center
This study ranks the 50 states according to their financial condition. How does your state rank? For the fifth and final year, a study from the Mercatus C…
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Mercatus Center - DeSmog
The Mercatus Center asserts that a gap exists between economic understanding and real-world decision and policy making. Its mission is to “bridge the gap…
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Center for a Stateless Society » Vulgar Libertarianism from Mer…
The Mercatus Center recently released its Freedom in the 50 States report, and their analysis reaches some pretty ludicrous conclusions. North Dakota, wh…
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Mercatus Center – DSNews
Tag Archives: Mercatus Center The results of a recent small-bank survey found small banks are facing rising compliance costs, and finding it harder to se…
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Academic & Student Programs | Mercatus Center
For over 40 years, the Mercatus Center has recruited, trained, and supported graduate students who have gone on to pursue careers in academia, government,…
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F. A. Harper - Wikipedia
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University established the F.A. Harper Professorship in Economics, a position currently held by Christopher Coyne.[24…
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Mercatus Center - SourceWatch
Mercatus Center The Mercatus Center, part of George Mason University, is one of the best-funded think tanks in the United States. It is listed as "sister…
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This makeup ingredient could destroy 99% of 'forever chemicals' …
The research centered around a process called photocatalysis — a chemical reaction in which tiny, semiconductive particles are suspended in contaminated …
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Mercatus Center
NNDB has added thousands of bibliographies for people, organizations, schools, and general topics, listing more than 50,000 books and 120,000 other kinds …
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Home | Mercatus Center Striving to realize a world where markets… has global traffic rank of 22,550. has an estimated worth of US$ 310,421, based on its estimated Ads revenue. rece…
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Alden Abbott | Mercatus Center
Alden Abbott is a Senior Research Fellow focusing on antitrust issues. Before joining Mercatus, Mr. Abbott served as the Federal Trade Commission’s Genera…
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study – Page 9 – News is My Business
A study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University released Wednesday showed that on the basis of its fiscal solvency in five separate categories,…
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regulations | Illinois Policy
Data from the Mercatus Center shows Illinois faces a high regulatory burden at both the federal and state level. Research shows these regulations place a…
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NEPC Review: Public-Private Virtual-School Partnerships and Fede…
A short report from the Mercatus Center argues that, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, education budgets should be reallocated toward investments in …
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Tyler Cowen | Reason Archives
The Mercatus economist on why the private sector could provide the best response to the coronavirus, why the government should go big anyway, and how the…
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Best Marc Thiele Podcasts (2024)
1 Mercatus Center at George Mason University Tyler Cowen engages today’s deepest thinkers in wide-ranging explorations of their work, the world, and ever…
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KFF Health News
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said it has received more than 200,000 complaints in the first six months of the year about people being sig…
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Davis Kedrosky's Threads – Thread Reader App
Listened to the Mercatus panel on *How the World Became Rich.* Quick thoughts: 1) The Mokyr remark about the Spanish armada was taken out of context -- w…
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What is the Ask Wizard? - Help Center - Stack Overflow
What is the Ask Wizard? The Ask Wizard guides first-time askers through asking a question on Stack Overflow and provides step-by-step instructions to hel…
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How to reference material written by others - Help Center - Stac…
If you copy (or closely rephrase/reword) content that you did not create into something you post on Stack Overflow (e.g., from another site or elsewhere …
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How do I search? - Help Center - Stack Overflow
How do I search? Enter search terms in the search box that appears on the center-left of the top bar on every page, and press Enter. (On small screens, y…
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Grocery eCommerce Software - Mercatus
The Mercatus white-label web and mobile storefronts are easy to navigate and intuitive making it a breeze for your customers to build their basket and che…
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Grocery eCommerce Platform Demo - Mercatus
Preview the Mercatus Digital Commerce Platform The Mercatus Digital Commerce Platform is an enterprise-grade SaaS solution that puts you in charge of you…
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Why Mercatus - Mercatus
Why Choose Mercatus? Reclaim Your Grocery eCommerce Business A lot has changed in the grocery industry as a result of the pandemic, but one thing is cert…
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NIST Center for Neutron Research | NIST
NIST Center for Neutron Research A national user facility that advances economic and technical excellence in the U.S. by providing world-class neutron me…
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The Human Centered Design Network (Non-Premium)
The Human Centered Design Network (Non-Premium) The Human Centered Design Network The Human Centered Design is the premier podcast for human-centered des…
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Healing Centered Conversations
Healing Centered Conversations Dr. Byron McClure Welcome to the Healing Centered Conversations Podcast where we create space for conversations that heal.…
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Center for the Rule of Law
Concerns centered on the rule of law are the consistency, predictability, and transparency of the law. Legal rules that are variable, intrusive, and uncle…
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2013 April 23 — Crooked Timber
A couple weeks back the Mercatus Freedom In The 50 States Index came out and there was much bemusement to be had by most. Matthew Yglesias may be wrong o…
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mercatus – Blogging Blue
Tag: mercatus In the 90’s the republican party could not stand the fact that they no longer had the presidency, so the billionaires of the party(Richard …
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Center for Jewish History :: 15 W. 16th Street NY, NY 10011
Last entry to the Center for Jewish History Exhibitions, Reading Room, and the Genealogy Institute is 30 minutes before closing. The last call to page it…
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Center for Research in Systems and Storage @ UCSC
Upcoming Events The Center for Research in Systems and Storage (CRSS) is a partnership between academia and industry to explore and develop new technolog…
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Mercatus « Breaking Energy - Energy industry news, analysis, an…
Energy industry news, analysis, and commentary Mercatus Various products have hit the market to try to overcome a major hurdle to solar financing and sec…
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Center for AI Safety (CAIS)
Reducing Societal-scale Risks from AI The Center for AI Safety is a research and field-building nonprofit. The Center for AI Safety (CAIS — pronounced 'c…
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Morally Centered People | The Weekly Sift
Morally Centered People I hear this, too, from my Republican Senate colleagues. There is a belief that there is a group in every corner of the government…
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Centers for Student Engagement | FIU Division of Academic & Stud…
Centers for Student Engagement The Centers for Student Engagement enrich the student experience through opportunities that promote intercultural competen…
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Careers Home | Careers at CDC | CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention works 24/7 to provide the American public with timely and accurate health information, responding to publi…
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Visit Home | Visit | University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Centered in the heart of the Entertainment Capital of the World, our campus is blocks away from the neon lights of the Las Vegas Strip and a short drive f…
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Service - ITS Help Centers
ITS Help Centers The ITS Client Services team has dedicated staff available in Help Centers on all three campuses to assist faculty, staff, and students …
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Boston African American National Historic Site (U.S. National Pa…
Centered on the north slope of Beacon Hill, the African American community of 1800s Boston led the city and the nation in the fight against slavery and in…
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'Serial' conclusion leaves podcasters cautiously optimistic abou…
The podcast, centered around the 1999 Baltimore murder of a high school student, came out of nowhere to become one of the most-talked about stories of th…
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Why Mashable centers its video strategy on YouTube - Digiday
Why Mashable centers its video strategy on YouTube Most publishers pushing into video try to get people to their sites and then use YouTube for marketing…
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Briggs & Stratton LLC | BASCO
The Company centers it's giving efforts predominantly around three core initiatives - Education, Community Enrichment and Cultural Assets - in order to be…
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School of Public Health | University of Illinois Chicago
Centered in the nation's largest urban medical district, our work starts at home in Chicago neighborhoods. Across numerous CDC, NIH and World Health Orga…
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Home | School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Centers Centers The school is home to two centers, Roshan Center for Persian Studies, a landmark institution for the promotion of Persian language and cu…
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Data Centers - Google
About Google Data Centers Google owns and operates data centers all over the world, helping to keep the internet humming 24/7. Learn how our relentless f…
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Brand Identity Designer Nela Dunato - Design Fairy Godmother
The Human Centered Brand A Practical Guide to Being Yourself in Business I wrote down everything I think small business owners and creatives should know …
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Gesture centered and Physically inspired Spectral Synthesis appl…
Musical instruments synthesis techniques can be roughly classified into Physical and Spectral models. Physical models try to model the instrument's sound…
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School of Architecture and Planning | The University of New Mexi…
Research Centers The mission of the architecture program is to investigate critically the architectural systems and social forces that define sustainable…
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NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Featured The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) and its sister data centers merged into the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Na…
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Science Tutoring Centers | Old Dominion University
Breadcrumb Science Tutoring Centers Welcome to the Science Tutoring Centers (STC)! We provide tutoring services through both walk-ins and appointments, w…
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World Trade Centers Association
Connecting Businesses, Globally. Access the power of the World Trade Centers Association to unleash your global potential. 1 Global Network 321 Current W…
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Children's Learning Centers - University of Houston
Children's Learning Centers Important Note The University of Houston Children's Learning Centers' (CLC) revised operational hours are Monday through Frid…
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Person Centered Planning | ACL Administration for Community Livi…
Person-centered planning (PCP) is a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that an older adult or person with a disability may ne…
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About - NEMAA
About Centered in Northeast Minneapolis, we serve working artists both here and in geographically and artistically adjacent communities. NEMAA has over 1…
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Home - Susan McClellan's Site
Soul Centered Healing Therapies: Curious or Skeptical? Hello my name is Susan McClellan, I have been a student and a practitioner of shamanism for twenty…
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ACLJ | American Center for Law and Justice
ACLJ Movies centered on biblical narratives continue to fascinate audiences. Just in time for Passover, here’s a list of the top five Bible-themed movies…
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WDCs in Russia
World Data Centers (WDC) in Russia are accepted as the Regular Members of the World Data System (WDS), created through a decision of the 29th General Ass…
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Dwyer CC
Cultural centers have a big role to play in many communities. They are a central meeting location that allows everyone to learn and explore the different…
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Blog - South Street
Centered on south south street in the media One of the many things that makes the South Street Headhouse District so unique is our diversity.As one of th…
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We’re centered on a scene where Jasnah confronts the invaders. A giant has smashed a breach in the city wall, and Jasnah is called upon to restore it. Af…
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Milwaukee, WI |
Centered around technology and powered by our people, our 100,000-square-foot Milwaukee location boasts a KBA 205 Lithograph, the largest offset sheetfed …
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Goodman - Adult Family Life | Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of …
Family life centered on Urner’s job, the children, and church involvement. Both Urner and Louise were talented musicians, thus the children learned to pla…
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Launch Centers Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance RELEASE: February 19, 2013 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a Metal Gear title focused on the adventures o…
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Cladism - definition of cladism by The Free Dictionary
Arguments have centered on how representative the fossil record is and the usefulness of techniques such as cladism and specially molecular analysis (Ber…
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Home - Plain Values
Faith Centered Simple Living SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $19 Grab our next 12 issues both in print and digitally! The current digital issue will become available ri…
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Welcome to the Pipe Wrench archive!
Centered on a beautifully written, unrelentingly honest exploration of race, Covid, white supremacy, the limits of empathy, and what the real work of cha…