Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 3 weeks ago for query Conservapedia
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
Conservapedia (/kənˌsɜː(r)vəˈpiːdiə/; kən-SU(R)-və-PEE-di-ə) is an English-language, wiki-based, online encyclopedia written from a self-described American
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Andrew Schlafly
activist. He is the founder and owner of the wiki encyclopedia project Conservapedia. He is the son of the conservative activist and lawyer Phyllis Schlafly
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counterpoint to the Christian fundamentalist Conservapedia after an incident in which some editors of Conservapedia were banned. RationalWiki has been described
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List of online encyclopedias
co-founder". The Daily Pennsylvanian. Anderson, Nate (2007-03-05). "Conservapedia hopes to "fix" Wikipedia's "liberal bias"". Retrieved 2019-04-05. Stöcker
- — found via Wikipedia
Ideological bias on Wikipedia
content of wikis with explicit ideological biases, like RationalWiki and Conservapedia, is more unbalanced than that of wikis (like Wikipedia) or encyclopedias
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"I myself believe that the duel between Christianity and atheism is the most important in the world. I further believe that the struggle between individua…
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Gad - Conservapedia
Contents Date of birth In the summer of 2250 AM, Leah realized that she had broken her earlier pattern of pregnancy and childbirth. So, just as Rachel ha…
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Asa - Conservapedia
The Bible does not say how old Asa was when he began to reign. However, his grandfather Rehoboam [1] died at the age of 58, and Asa began to reign a scant…
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Pan - Conservapedia
Pan Pan is the god of nature in ancient Greekmythology. He is a lesser god and is usually viewed having legs similar to a goat including fur. Pan is also…
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Reu - Conservapedia
Reu Reu (Hebrew: רְעוּ, Re'u; "his friend, his shepherd") (1787 AM-2026 AM or 2217 BC-1978 BC) is the named son of Peleg. He was born in 1787 AM. When he…
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Dog - Conservapedia
The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a mammal of the family Canidae, order Carnivora, and the principal animal companion to mankind. With domestication ma…
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HPV - Conservapedia
HPV is short for the "human papillomavirus," which is a family of viruses that infect epithelial tissues such as the skin and mucosa. There are over 200 k…
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NGO - Conservapedia
NGO NGO is the abbreviation for non-governmental organization. The term represents a wide variety of typically private organizations engaged in social,hu…
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Air - Conservapedia
The atmosphere surrounding the Earth consists of a mixture of gases commonly called air . The most common gases are nitrogen (77%) and oxygen (about 22%).…
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Eon - Conservapedia
Eon Eon, a variation of aeon (Greek αίών—a space of time, an age, a cycle (of time), especially of the present age as contrasted with the future age, and…
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Egg - Conservapedia
Egg An egg is a reproductive capsule produced by many animals to reproduce. Fertilized eggs contain embryos which develop into whichever animal laid it. …
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Leg - Conservapedia
Leg A leg is a limb that is used for standing, walking and running. It consists of several muscles, joints, and bones. Humans and bipedal animals have tw…
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DDT - Conservapedia
DDT Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, commonly known as DDT, is a synthetic organic chemical compound that was first made in 1874 by Othmar Zeidler, an …
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War - Conservapedia
War is a prolonged state of violent conflict between two or more states. War has been conducted for many purposes, such as the acquisition of goods, seizi…
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FLQ - Conservapedia
FLQ The Front de libération du Québec (Quebec Liberation Front) also known as the FLQ was a nationalist and Marxist revolutionary group seeking independe…
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VRT - Conservapedia
VRT VRT (Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroeporganisatie, English: Flemish Radio and Television Broadcasting Organization) is a national broadcaster in Fland…
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PWA - Conservapedia
PWA The PWA or Public Works Administration of 1933 was a part of the first New Deal, and operated 1933-1939. It was designed as a stimuls program for bui…
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AUC - Conservapedia
AUC The AUC also known as the United Self-Defence Force of Colombia is a right-wing paramilitary organization that was formed to stop guerilla terrorists…
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Hip hop - Conservapedia
Hip hop In the fall of 2021 Loza Alexander's Let's Go Brandon soared to No. 1 on the charts. Hip-hop, or rap, is a music style that originated in the Afr…
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Russia Today - Conservapedia
Russia Today RT (formerly Russia Today) is a Moscow-based television channel and a global news network subsidized by the government of the Russian Federa…
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Noah's Ark - Conservapedia
Noah's Ark The replica of Noah's ark shown above is 1/75 scale. For comparison purposes, both the railroad stockcar and model of the sailing ship Pinta (…
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United Kingdom - Conservapedia
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( UK ) is a sovereign state north-west of mainland Europe . It comprises England , Scotland and W…
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Sturmabteilung - Conservapedia
Sturmabteilung The Sturmabteilung (German: "Assault Division"; abbreviated as SA), were a paramilitary organization within the Nazi Party in interwar Ger…
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Prisoner of War - Conservapedia
A Prisoner of War (POW) is a soldier captured by an enemy military force during the course of war , and held as a prisone], often for the purposes of inte…
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King James Bible - Conservapedia
The King James Version (also called the Authorized Version , or, in older texts, the English Bible , our English Bible , and sometimes the She Bible ) of …
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Cable News Network - Conservapedia
Cable News Network The Cable News Network (CNN also known in some quarters as Xi-NN) is a far-left outlet for Chinese Communist propaganda posing as an a…
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United States of America - Conservapedia
The United States Constitution remains in effect today, albeit with several amendments since then. The Americans created political parties and, since abo…
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United Arab Emirates - Conservapedia
The majority of U.A.E. citizens are Sunni Muslims with a very small Shi'a minority. Many foreigners also are Muslim, although Hindus and Christians make u…
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Social justice warrior - Conservapedia
Prior to the explosion of the internet, only a small number of societal problems were brought forth at any given moment, racism perhaps being foremost. D…
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National Hockey League - Conservapedia
National Hockey League The National Hockey League (NHL) is a professional hockey league with teams across Canada and the United States. Comprised of 32 t…
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Gross domestic product - Conservapedia
Gross domestic product The annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total dollar value of the production of goods and services (economic output) within…
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Young Earth Creationism - Conservapedia
Young earth creationists hold that both creation and the evolutionary position are at root tied to worldviews, and because they are both claims about his…
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Uniform Resource Locator - Conservapedia
Uniform Resource Locator Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a technical term used in two distinct meanings: In popular usage, it is a widespread synonym f…
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Global Positioning System - Conservapedia
Global Positioning System Global Positioning System (GPS) is a United Statessatellite system that lets those on the ground, on the water or in the air de…
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National Basketball Association - Conservapedia
During its early years, due to lack of competition, it chose to play games on Christmas Day; it now plays up to five games on that day featuring top team…
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Drug Enforcement Administration - Conservapedia
Drug Enforcement Administration The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is a United States Department of Justice law enforcement agency. It is tasked w…
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Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Conservapedia
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) is a federal law enforcement agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security , re…
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United States Department of Justice - Conservapedia
The Department of Justice officially came into existence on July 1, 1870, by the congressional Act to Establish the Department of Justice, ch. 150, 16 Sta…
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LeftyGreenMario - Conservapedia
LeftyGreenMario is not sure if she has bad judgment. She feels as if she is a bad person due to her gossiping about other RationalWikians at the RationalW…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Conservapedia (/kənˌsɜː(r)vəˈpiːdiə/; kən-SU(R)-və-PEE-di-ə) is an English-language, wiki-based, online encyclopedia written from a self-described American
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Conservapedia seeks new content writers Famous quotes “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civi…
- — found via Wikipedia
Andrew Schlafly
activist. He is the founder and owner of the wiki encyclopedia project Conservapedia. He is the son of the conservative activist and lawyer Phyllis Schlafly
- — found via Wikipedia
counterpoint to the Christian fundamentalist Conservapedia after an incident in which some editors of Conservapedia were banned. RationalWiki has been described
- — found via Wikipedia
List of online encyclopedias
co-founder". The Daily Pennsylvanian. Anderson, Nate (2007-03-05). "Conservapedia hopes to "fix" Wikipedia's "liberal bias"". Retrieved 2019-04-05. Stöcker
- — found via Wikipedia
Ideological bias on Wikipedia
content of wikis with explicit ideological biases, like RationalWiki and Conservapedia, is more unbalanced than that of wikis (like Wikipedia) or encyclopedias
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"I myself believe that the duel between Christianity and atheism is the most important in the world. I further believe that the struggle between individua…
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Gad - Conservapedia
Contents Date of birth In the summer of 2250 AM, Leah realized that she had broken her earlier pattern of pregnancy and childbirth. So, just as Rachel ha…
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Asa - Conservapedia
The Bible does not say how old Asa was when he began to reign. However, his grandfather Rehoboam [1] died at the age of 58, and Asa began to reign a scant…
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Pan - Conservapedia
Pan Pan is the god of nature in ancient Greekmythology. He is a lesser god and is usually viewed having legs similar to a goat including fur. Pan is also…
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Reu - Conservapedia
Reu Reu (Hebrew: רְעוּ, Re'u; "his friend, his shepherd") (1787 AM-2026 AM or 2217 BC-1978 BC) is the named son of Peleg. He was born in 1787 AM. When he…
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Dog - Conservapedia
The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a mammal of the family Canidae, order Carnivora, and the principal animal companion to mankind. With domestication ma…
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HPV - Conservapedia
HPV is short for the "human papillomavirus," which is a family of viruses that infect epithelial tissues such as the skin and mucosa. There are over 200 k…
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NGO - Conservapedia
NGO NGO is the abbreviation for non-governmental organization. The term represents a wide variety of typically private organizations engaged in social,hu…
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Air - Conservapedia
The atmosphere surrounding the Earth consists of a mixture of gases commonly called air . The most common gases are nitrogen (77%) and oxygen (about 22%).…
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Eon - Conservapedia
Eon Eon, a variation of aeon (Greek αίών—a space of time, an age, a cycle (of time), especially of the present age as contrasted with the future age, and…
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Egg - Conservapedia
Egg An egg is a reproductive capsule produced by many animals to reproduce. Fertilized eggs contain embryos which develop into whichever animal laid it. …
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Leg - Conservapedia
Leg A leg is a limb that is used for standing, walking and running. It consists of several muscles, joints, and bones. Humans and bipedal animals have tw…
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DDT - Conservapedia
DDT Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, commonly known as DDT, is a synthetic organic chemical compound that was first made in 1874 by Othmar Zeidler, an …
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War - Conservapedia
War is a prolonged state of violent conflict between two or more states. War has been conducted for many purposes, such as the acquisition of goods, seizi…
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FLQ - Conservapedia
FLQ The Front de libération du Québec (Quebec Liberation Front) also known as the FLQ was a nationalist and Marxist revolutionary group seeking independe…
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VRT - Conservapedia
VRT VRT (Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroeporganisatie, English: Flemish Radio and Television Broadcasting Organization) is a national broadcaster in Fland…
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PWA - Conservapedia
PWA The PWA or Public Works Administration of 1933 was a part of the first New Deal, and operated 1933-1939. It was designed as a stimuls program for bui…
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AUC - Conservapedia
AUC The AUC also known as the United Self-Defence Force of Colombia is a right-wing paramilitary organization that was formed to stop guerilla terrorists…
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Hip hop - Conservapedia
Hip hop In the fall of 2021 Loza Alexander's Let's Go Brandon soared to No. 1 on the charts. Hip-hop, or rap, is a music style that originated in the Afr…
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Russia Today - Conservapedia
Russia Today RT (formerly Russia Today) is a Moscow-based television channel and a global news network subsidized by the government of the Russian Federa…
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Noah's Ark - Conservapedia
Noah's Ark The replica of Noah's ark shown above is 1/75 scale. For comparison purposes, both the railroad stockcar and model of the sailing ship Pinta (…
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United Kingdom - Conservapedia
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( UK ) is a sovereign state north-west of mainland Europe . It comprises England , Scotland and W…
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Sturmabteilung - Conservapedia
Sturmabteilung The Sturmabteilung (German: "Assault Division"; abbreviated as SA), were a paramilitary organization within the Nazi Party in interwar Ger…
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Prisoner of War - Conservapedia
A Prisoner of War (POW) is a soldier captured by an enemy military force during the course of war , and held as a prisone], often for the purposes of inte…
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King James Bible - Conservapedia
The King James Version (also called the Authorized Version , or, in older texts, the English Bible , our English Bible , and sometimes the She Bible ) of …
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Cable News Network - Conservapedia
Cable News Network The Cable News Network (CNN also known in some quarters as Xi-NN) is a far-left outlet for Chinese Communist propaganda posing as an a…
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United States of America - Conservapedia
The United States Constitution remains in effect today, albeit with several amendments since then. The Americans created political parties and, since abo…
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United Arab Emirates - Conservapedia
The majority of U.A.E. citizens are Sunni Muslims with a very small Shi'a minority. Many foreigners also are Muslim, although Hindus and Christians make u…
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Social justice warrior - Conservapedia
Prior to the explosion of the internet, only a small number of societal problems were brought forth at any given moment, racism perhaps being foremost. D…
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National Hockey League - Conservapedia
National Hockey League The National Hockey League (NHL) is a professional hockey league with teams across Canada and the United States. Comprised of 32 t…
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Gross domestic product - Conservapedia
Gross domestic product The annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total dollar value of the production of goods and services (economic output) within…
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Young Earth Creationism - Conservapedia
Young earth creationists hold that both creation and the evolutionary position are at root tied to worldviews, and because they are both claims about his…
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Uniform Resource Locator - Conservapedia
Uniform Resource Locator Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a technical term used in two distinct meanings: In popular usage, it is a widespread synonym f…
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Global Positioning System - Conservapedia
Global Positioning System Global Positioning System (GPS) is a United Statessatellite system that lets those on the ground, on the water or in the air de…
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National Basketball Association - Conservapedia
During its early years, due to lack of competition, it chose to play games on Christmas Day; it now plays up to five games on that day featuring top team…
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Drug Enforcement Administration - Conservapedia
Drug Enforcement Administration The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is a United States Department of Justice law enforcement agency. It is tasked w…
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Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Conservapedia
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) is a federal law enforcement agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security , re…
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United States Department of Justice - Conservapedia
The Department of Justice officially came into existence on July 1, 1870, by the congressional Act to Establish the Department of Justice, ch. 150, 16 Sta…
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LeftyGreenMario - Conservapedia
LeftyGreenMario is not sure if she has bad judgment. She feels as if she is a bad person due to her gossiping about other RationalWikians at the RationalW…