Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months ago for query Galaxy Zoo
Original results
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Galaxy Zoo
Galaxy Zoo is a crowdsourced astronomy project which invites people to assist in the morphological classification of large numbers of galaxies. It is an
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Radio Galaxy Zoo
Radio Galaxy Zoo (RGZ) is an internet crowdsourced citizen science project that seeks to locate supermassive black holes in distant galaxies. It is hosted
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successful citizen science projects. The organization grew from the original Galaxy Zoo project and now hosts dozens of projects which allow volunteers to participate
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Galaxy morphological classification
classifying galaxies, both in professional astronomical research and in amateur astronomy. Nonetheless, in June 2019, citizen scientists through Galaxy Zoo reported
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Chris Lintott
of Galaxy Zoo, an online crowdsourcing project where members of the public can volunteer their time to assist in classifying over a million galaxies.(e
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[0909.2925] Galaxy Zoo: Exploring the Motivations of Citizen Sci…
Abstract: The Galaxy Zoo citizen science website invites anyone with an Internet connection to participate in research by classifying galaxies from the S…
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[1206.5020] Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators of …
Abstract:We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan D…
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[1308.3496] Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications…
Abstract:We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122…
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[1011.2199] Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
Abstract:This paper presents the first results from a new citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo Supernovae. This proof of concept project uses members of t…
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[2102.08414] Galaxy Zoo DECaLS: Detailed Visual Morphology Measu…
Abstract:We present Galaxy Zoo DECaLS: detailed visual morphological classifications for Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey images of galaxies within the S…
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[0907.4155] Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: Discovery of A Class of Compa…
Abstract: We investigate a class of rapidly growing emission line galaxies, known as "Green Peas", first noted by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo project be…
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[1206.5020v2] Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators o…
Abstract:We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan D…
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[1206.5020v1] Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators o…
Abstract:We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan D…
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[1007.3265] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Classif…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[0804.4483] Galaxy Zoo : Morphologies derived from visual inspec…
Abstract: In order to understand the formation and subsequent evolution of galaxies one must first distinguish between the two main morphological classes…
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[1205.5271] Galaxy Zoo and ALFALFA: Atomic Gas and the Regulatio…
Abstract:We study the observed correlation between atomic gas content and the likelihood of hosting a large scale bar in a sample of 2090 disc galaxies. …
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[0906.5304] Galaxy Zoo : 'Hanny's Voorwerp', a quasar light echo?
Abstract: We report the discovery of an unusual object near the spiral galaxy IC 2497, discovered by visual inspection of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (S…
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[2406.20096] Galaxy Zoo DESI: large-scale bars as a secular mech…
Abstract:Despite the evidence that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) co-evolve with their host galaxy, and that most of the growth of these SMBHs occurs v…
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[1308.3496v2] Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classificatio…
Abstract:We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122…
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[1308.3496v1] Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classificatio…
Abstract:We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122…
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[1011.2199v1] Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
Abstract:This paper presents the first results from a new citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo Supernovae. This proof of concept project uses members of t…
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[1011.2199v2] Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
Abstract:This paper presents the first results from a new citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo Supernovae. This proof of concept project uses members of t…
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[1708.04628] Galaxy Zoo and SpArcFiRe: Constraints on spiral arm…
Abstract:In this paper we study the morphological properties of spiral galaxies, including measurements of spiral arm number and pitch angle. Using Galax…
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[2309.11425] Galaxy Zoo DESI: Detailed Morphology Measurements f…
Abstract:We present detailed morphology measurements for 8.67 million galaxies in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (DECaLS, MzLS, and BASS, plus DES). The…
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[2105.04500] Galaxy Zoo Builder: Morphological Dependence of Spi…
Abstract:Spiral structure is ubiquitous in the Universe, and the pitch angle of arms in spiral galaxies provide an important observable in efforts to dis…
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[2006.10450] Galaxy Zoo Builder: Four Component Photometric deco…
Abstract:Multi-component modelling of galaxies is a valuable tool in the effort to quantitatively understand galaxy evolution, yet the use of the techniq…
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[1110.6921] The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds: …
Abstract:Some active galactic nuclei (AGN) are surrounded by extended emission-line regions (EELRs), which trace both the illumination pattern of escapin…
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[1007.3265v2] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Class…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[1007.3265v3] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Class…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[1007.3265v1] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Class…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[1205.5271v1] Galaxy Zoo and ALFALFA: Atomic Gas and the Regulat…
Abstract:We study the observed correlation between atomic gas content and the likelihood of hosting a large scale bar in a sample of 2090 disc galaxies. …
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[0906.5304v1] Galaxy Zoo : 'Hanny's Voorwerp', a quasar light ec…
Abstract: We report the discovery of an unusual object near the spiral galaxy IC 2497, discovered by visual inspection of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (S…
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[1708.04628v1] Galaxy Zoo and SpArcFiRe: Constraints on spiral a…
Abstract:In this paper we study the morphological properties of spiral galaxies, including measurements of spiral arm number and pitch angle. Using Galax…
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[2006.10450v2] Galaxy Zoo Builder: Four Component Photometric de…
Abstract:Multi-component modelling of galaxies is a valuable tool in the effort to quantitatively understand galaxy evolution, yet the use of the techniq…
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[2304.07171] Radio Galaxy Zoo EMU: Towards a Semantic Radio Gala…
Abstract:We present a novel natural language processing (NLP) approach to deriving plain English descriptors for science cases otherwise restricted by ob…
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[1110.6921v1] The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds…
Abstract:Some active galactic nuclei (AGN) are surrounded by extended emission-line regions (EELRs), which trace both the illumination pattern of escapin…
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[1910.08177] Twelve Years of Galaxy Zoo
Title:Twelve Years of Galaxy Zoo Abstract:The Galaxy Zoo (GZ) project has provided quantitative visual morphologies for over a million galaxies, and has …
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[1206.1266] Chandra Observations of Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Frequenc…
Abstract: We present the results from a Chandra pilot study of 12 massive galaxy mergers selected from Galaxy Zoo. The sample includes major mergers down …
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Galaxy Zoo | A Zooniverse Project Blog
Galaxy Zoo Mobile is back! This time, we have two challenges for you; understanding rings and finding gravitational lenses. Both can be accessed through …
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Galaxy Zoo Data
This table gives classifications of galaxies which have spectra included in SDSS Data Release 7. The fraction of the vote in each of the six categories i…
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Galaxy Zoo Upgrade: Better Galaxies, Better Science | Galaxy Zoo
Galaxy Zoo Upgrade: Better Galaxies, Better Science Since I joined the team in 2018, citizen scientists like you have given us over 2 million classificat…
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How to Translate Galaxy Zoo | Galaxy Zoo
How to Translate Galaxy Zoo Not too long ago we announced that Galaxy Zoo has gone open source – along with several other Zooniverse projects. Part of th…
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Sunset in Hawai’i | Galaxy Zoo
Sunset in Hawai’i Hello from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawai’i! We’re here to follow up on a host of Galaxy Zoo blue ellipticals, trying to use the Caltec…
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Classification tree tweaks | Galaxy Zoo
Classification tree tweaks Some of you may have noticed that on Thursday we made a couple of small changes to the flow of questions that are asked for ea…
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Galaxy Zoo
Galaxy Zoo A Zooniverse Project BlogWed, 10 Jul 2024 15:29:36 +0000en hourly 1…
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Home | Galaxy Zoo
Thanks for making Galaxy Zoo such a success! THIS SITE IS NOW ARCHIVED; go here for the latest Galaxy Zoo project. With your help, we collected millions …
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Radio Galaxy Zoo: Archive
Radio Galaxy Zoo As supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies consume their surrounding material, large amounts of radio synchrotron emission i…
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Galaxy Zoo 2 images | Flickr
An international group of researchers, led by the University of Minnesota, has produced a catalog of data for more than 300,000 galaxies. More than 83,00…
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All-Time Classifications From Galaxy Zoo All-Time Completed Galaxies Zooniverse is the world's largest people-powered research platform. What does that me…
New results
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Galaxy Zoo
Galaxy Zoo is a crowdsourced astronomy project which invites people to assist in the morphological classification of large numbers of galaxies. It is an
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Radio Galaxy Zoo
Radio Galaxy Zoo (RGZ) is an internet crowdsourced citizen science project that seeks to locate supermassive black holes in distant galaxies. It is hosted
- — found via Wikipedia
successful citizen science projects. The organization grew from the original Galaxy Zoo project and now hosts dozens of projects which allow volunteers to participate
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Galaxy morphological classification
classifying galaxies, both in professional astronomical research and in amateur astronomy. Nonetheless, in June 2019, citizen scientists through Galaxy Zoo reported
- — found via Wikipedia
Chris Lintott
of Galaxy Zoo, an online crowdsourcing project where members of the public can volunteer their time to assist in classifying over a million galaxies.(e
- — found via Mwmbl
[0909.2925] Galaxy Zoo: Exploring the Motivations of Citizen Sci…
Abstract: The Galaxy Zoo citizen science website invites anyone with an Internet connection to participate in research by classifying galaxies from the S…
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[1206.5020] Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators of …
Abstract:We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan D…
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[1308.3496] Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications…
Abstract:We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122…
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[1011.2199] Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
Abstract:This paper presents the first results from a new citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo Supernovae. This proof of concept project uses members of t…
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[2102.08414] Galaxy Zoo DECaLS: Detailed Visual Morphology Measu…
Abstract:We present Galaxy Zoo DECaLS: detailed visual morphological classifications for Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey images of galaxies within the S…
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[0907.4155] Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: Discovery of A Class of Compa…
Abstract: We investigate a class of rapidly growing emission line galaxies, known as "Green Peas", first noted by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo project be…
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[1206.5020v2] Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators o…
Abstract:We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan D…
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[1206.5020v1] Galaxy Zoo: Quantifying Morphological Indicators o…
Abstract:We use Galaxy Zoo 2 visual classifications to study the morphological signatures of interaction between similar-mass galaxy pairs in the Sloan D…
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[1007.3265] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Classif…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[0804.4483] Galaxy Zoo : Morphologies derived from visual inspec…
Abstract: In order to understand the formation and subsequent evolution of galaxies one must first distinguish between the two main morphological classes…
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[1205.5271] Galaxy Zoo and ALFALFA: Atomic Gas and the Regulatio…
Abstract:We study the observed correlation between atomic gas content and the likelihood of hosting a large scale bar in a sample of 2090 disc galaxies. …
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[0906.5304] Galaxy Zoo : 'Hanny's Voorwerp', a quasar light echo?
Abstract: We report the discovery of an unusual object near the spiral galaxy IC 2497, discovered by visual inspection of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (S…
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[2406.20096] Galaxy Zoo DESI: large-scale bars as a secular mech…
Abstract:Despite the evidence that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) co-evolve with their host galaxy, and that most of the growth of these SMBHs occurs v…
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[1308.3496v2] Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classificatio…
Abstract:We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122…
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[1308.3496v1] Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classificatio…
Abstract:We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122…
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[1011.2199v1] Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
Abstract:This paper presents the first results from a new citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo Supernovae. This proof of concept project uses members of t…
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[1011.2199v2] Galaxy Zoo Supernovae
Abstract:This paper presents the first results from a new citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo Supernovae. This proof of concept project uses members of t…
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[1708.04628] Galaxy Zoo and SpArcFiRe: Constraints on spiral arm…
Abstract:In this paper we study the morphological properties of spiral galaxies, including measurements of spiral arm number and pitch angle. Using Galax…
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[2309.11425] Galaxy Zoo DESI: Detailed Morphology Measurements f…
Abstract:We present detailed morphology measurements for 8.67 million galaxies in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (DECaLS, MzLS, and BASS, plus DES). The…
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[2105.04500] Galaxy Zoo Builder: Morphological Dependence of Spi…
Abstract:Spiral structure is ubiquitous in the Universe, and the pitch angle of arms in spiral galaxies provide an important observable in efforts to dis…
- — found via Mwmbl
[2006.10450] Galaxy Zoo Builder: Four Component Photometric deco…
Abstract:Multi-component modelling of galaxies is a valuable tool in the effort to quantitatively understand galaxy evolution, yet the use of the techniq…
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[1110.6921] The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds: …
Abstract:Some active galactic nuclei (AGN) are surrounded by extended emission-line regions (EELRs), which trace both the illumination pattern of escapin…
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[1007.3265v2] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Class…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[1007.3265v3] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Class…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[1007.3265v1] Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Class…
Abstract:Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, includin…
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[1205.5271v1] Galaxy Zoo and ALFALFA: Atomic Gas and the Regulat…
Abstract:We study the observed correlation between atomic gas content and the likelihood of hosting a large scale bar in a sample of 2090 disc galaxies. …
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[0906.5304v1] Galaxy Zoo : 'Hanny's Voorwerp', a quasar light ec…
Abstract: We report the discovery of an unusual object near the spiral galaxy IC 2497, discovered by visual inspection of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (S…
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[1708.04628v1] Galaxy Zoo and SpArcFiRe: Constraints on spiral a…
Abstract:In this paper we study the morphological properties of spiral galaxies, including measurements of spiral arm number and pitch angle. Using Galax…
- — found via Mwmbl
[2006.10450v2] Galaxy Zoo Builder: Four Component Photometric de…
Abstract:Multi-component modelling of galaxies is a valuable tool in the effort to quantitatively understand galaxy evolution, yet the use of the techniq…
- — found via Mwmbl
[2304.07171] Radio Galaxy Zoo EMU: Towards a Semantic Radio Gala…
Abstract:We present a novel natural language processing (NLP) approach to deriving plain English descriptors for science cases otherwise restricted by ob…
- — found via Mwmbl
[1110.6921v1] The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds…
Abstract:Some active galactic nuclei (AGN) are surrounded by extended emission-line regions (EELRs), which trace both the illumination pattern of escapin…
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[1910.08177] Twelve Years of Galaxy Zoo
Title:Twelve Years of Galaxy Zoo Abstract:The Galaxy Zoo (GZ) project has provided quantitative visual morphologies for over a million galaxies, and has …
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[1206.1266] Chandra Observations of Galaxy Zoo Mergers: Frequenc…
Abstract: We present the results from a Chandra pilot study of 12 massive galaxy mergers selected from Galaxy Zoo. The sample includes major mergers down …
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Galaxy Zoo | A Zooniverse Project Blog
Galaxy Zoo Mobile is back! This time, we have two challenges for you; understanding rings and finding gravitational lenses. Both can be accessed through …
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Galaxy Zoo Data
This table gives classifications of galaxies which have spectra included in SDSS Data Release 7. The fraction of the vote in each of the six categories i…
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Galaxy Zoo Upgrade: Better Galaxies, Better Science | Galaxy Zoo
Galaxy Zoo Upgrade: Better Galaxies, Better Science Since I joined the team in 2018, citizen scientists like you have given us over 2 million classificat…
- — found via Mwmbl
How to Translate Galaxy Zoo | Galaxy Zoo
How to Translate Galaxy Zoo Not too long ago we announced that Galaxy Zoo has gone open source – along with several other Zooniverse projects. Part of th…
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Sunset in Hawai’i | Galaxy Zoo
Sunset in Hawai’i Hello from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawai’i! We’re here to follow up on a host of Galaxy Zoo blue ellipticals, trying to use the Caltec…
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Classification tree tweaks | Galaxy Zoo
Classification tree tweaks Some of you may have noticed that on Thursday we made a couple of small changes to the flow of questions that are asked for ea…
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Galaxy Zoo
Galaxy Zoo A Zooniverse Project BlogWed, 10 Jul 2024 15:29:36 +0000en hourly 1…
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Home | Galaxy Zoo
Thanks for making Galaxy Zoo such a success! THIS SITE IS NOW ARCHIVED; go here for the latest Galaxy Zoo project. With your help, we collected millions …
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Radio Galaxy Zoo: Archive
Radio Galaxy Zoo As supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies consume their surrounding material, large amounts of radio synchrotron emission i…
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Galaxy Zoo 2 images | Flickr
An international group of researchers, led by the University of Minnesota, has produced a catalog of data for more than 300,000 galaxies. More than 83,00…
- — found via Mwmbl
All-Time Classifications From Galaxy Zoo All-Time Completed Galaxies Zooniverse is the world's largest people-powered research platform. What does that me…