Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 3 weeks ago for query SKYbrary
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
SKYbrary is a wiki created by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, International Civil Aviation Organization, and the Flight Safety
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Reading Rainbow
at $5,408,916 from 105,857 backers. This campaign led to the launch of Skybrary by Reading Rainbow, a web-based expansion of the Reading Rainbow app experience
- — found via Wikipedia
In-flight fire
Passengers from Cargo Fires" (PDF). SkyBrary. Safety First. Retrieved 5 March 2024. "Halon Fire Extinguishers". SkyBrary. Retrieved 5 March 2024. "What is
- — found via Wikipedia
In-flight breakup
Report: Flash Airlines Flt 604 (LOC) - Factual Information | SKYbrary Aviation Safety". Retrieved 2024-01-22. "ASN Aircraft accident Boeing
-'Hare_International_Airport_runway_incursion — found via Wikipedia
2006 O'Hare International Airport runway incursion
N418MC". Retrieved 6 August 2024. "B733 / B744, Chicago IL USA, 2006 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety". Retrieved 6 August 2024.
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GPWS | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) generates advisory Alerts and mandatory response Warnings to the flight crew in respect of their proximity to …
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Flaps | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
There are many different flap designs and configurations in use. Large aircraft sometimes incorporate more than one type, utilising different flap design…
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Browsers | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Browsers Browsers This directory contains articles about particular Accidents and Incidents that are considered illustrative of the contempo…
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Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Wind Wind Description Wind is the term used to describe the large-scale flow of atmospheric air. In global terms, the main cause of wind is …
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Snow | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Snow Snow Description Snow is a type of precipitation occurring in the form of crystalline ice and consisting of a multitude of snowflakes t…
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Team Resource Management (TRM) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Team Resource Management (TRM) Team Resource Management (TRM) Description Team Resource Management (TRM) is defined as: Strategies for the best use of al…
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Stall | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Stall Stall Definition Stall is defined as a sudden reduction in the lift generated by an aerofoil when the critical angle of attack is reac…
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Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Description Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in an ATC Unit ar…
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IR-OPS | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here IR-OPS IR-OPS Introduction Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 and its subsequent amendments lay down technical require…
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Medium Term Conflict Detection (MTCD) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Medium-Term Conflict Detection (MTCD) is a flight data processing system designed to warn the controller of potential conflict between flights in his area…
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Microburst | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Microburst Microburst Definition A Downburst is created by an area of significantly rain-cooled, descending air that, after hitting ground l…
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Level Bust | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Definitions applied by other organisations are similar but sometimes refer to a deviation of 300 feet or more. The level bust issue only relates to aircr…
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Aspect Ratio | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Aspect Ratio Aspect Ratio Description The aspect ratio of an aerofoil is the ratio between the length and the average width of the surface. …
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Landing Gear | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The components of an aircraft or a spacecraft that support the weight of the craft and its load and give it mobility on ground or water. Source: EUROCONTR…
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Multilateration | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Multilateration Multilateration Description Multilateration (MLat) is a proven technology that has been in use for many decades in both navi…
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Situational Awareness | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Situational Awareness Situational Awareness Description Put simply, situational awareness (SA) means appreciating all you need to know about…
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Runway Excursion | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
In the case of a minor runway excursion, International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) regulations specifying minimum cleared areas adjacent to and at…
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Rejected Take Off | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Rejected Take Off Rejected Take Off Description The actions taken when it is decided to abandon the takeoff and stop an aircraft during the …
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Cumulonimbus (Cb) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Cumulonimbus (Cb) Cumulonimbus (Cb) Definition Cumulonimbus is a heavy and dense cloud of considerable vertical extent in the form of a moun…
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Loss of Separation | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Loss of Separation Loss of Separation Description A defined loss of separation between airborne aircraft occurs whenever specified separatio…
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Rotation Speed (Vr) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Rotation Speed (Vr) Rotation Speed (Vr) Definition Vr is defined as the speed at which the rotation of the aircraft should be initiated to t…
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Bank Angle Awareness | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Bank Angle Awareness Bank Angle Awareness Description Loss of Control accidents and incidents can happen as a result of a particular form of…
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Airspace Infringement | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Airspace Infringement Airspace Infringement Description Airspace infringement occurs when an aircraft enters notified airspace without previously request…
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Flight Progress Strips | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Flight Progress Strips Flight Progress Strips Definition "Electronic or paper strip containing planned and current flight plan data for a sp…
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Air Traffic Service (ATS) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Description Objectives of ATS prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area; note that this objective does no…
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ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859 ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859 Purpose Development of the ICAO Safety Management Manual, Four…
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Altimeter Pressure Settings | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Altimeter Pressure Settings Altimeter Pressure Settings Description Aircraft pressure altimeters indicate the elevation of the aircraft abov…
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Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Definition A Flight Manual is a manual, associated with the Certificate of Airworthiness, conta…
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Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) Description The Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) contains all the procedures app…
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Air Operator Certificate (AOC) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Air Operator Certificate (AOC) Air Operator Certificate (AOC) Definition An Air Operator Certificate (AOC) is a certificate authorising an operator to ca…
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Inertial Reference System (IRS) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Inertial Reference System (IRS) Inertial Reference System (IRS) Definitions A clear and universally agreed upon definition for the term “Inertial Navigat…
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National Aviation Authority (NAA) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here National Aviation Authority (NAA) National Aviation Authority (NAA) Definition The Agency of a sovereign state, or by agreement or statute, …
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Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) | SKYbrary Aviation Safe…
The mean wind direction in degrees true to the nearest 10 degrees, from which the wind is blowing and the mean wind speed in knots over the 10 minute peri…
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Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/MDH) | SKYbrary Aviation Sa…
You are here Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/MDH) Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/MDH) Definition The Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Minimum…
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Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) | SKYbrary Aviation …
Standard Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which i…
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Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) | SKYbrary Aviation …
You are here Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) Description When two pilots fly a fixed-wing aeropla…
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European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) | SKYbrary Aviation…
You are here European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Establishment The European Union Aviation Safety A…
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Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems (VASIS) | SKYbrary Aviat…
You are here Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems (VASIS) Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems (VASIS) Description A visual approach slope indicato…
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ICAO Council's Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) | SKYbrary Av…
The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on air travel and the aviation industry. During the depths of the pandemic, operational levels were a small fracti…
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ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) | SKYbra…
ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Description The International Civil Aviat…
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FAQ | Reading Is Fundamental
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Skybrary: New Customers Does Skybrary just play videos from the original TV series? Nope! This is a completely new digit…
- — found via Mwmbl
SKYbrary – WikiIndex – the index of all wiki
SKYbrary is an electronic repository of safety knowledge related to flight operations, air traffic management (ATM), and aviation safety in general. It i…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
SKYbrary is a wiki created by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, International Civil Aviation Organization, and the Flight Safety
- — found via Wikipedia
Reading Rainbow
at $5,408,916 from 105,857 backers. This campaign led to the launch of Skybrary by Reading Rainbow, a web-based expansion of the Reading Rainbow app experience
- — found via Wikipedia
In-flight fire
Passengers from Cargo Fires" (PDF). SkyBrary. Safety First. Retrieved 5 March 2024. "Halon Fire Extinguishers". SkyBrary. Retrieved 5 March 2024. "What is
- — found via Wikipedia
In-flight breakup
Report: Flash Airlines Flt 604 (LOC) - Factual Information | SKYbrary Aviation Safety". Retrieved 2024-01-22. "ASN Aircraft accident Boeing
-'Hare_International_Airport_runway_incursion — found via Wikipedia
2006 O'Hare International Airport runway incursion
N418MC". Retrieved 6 August 2024. "B733 / B744, Chicago IL USA, 2006 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety". Retrieved 6 August 2024.
- — found via Mwmbl
GPWS | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) generates advisory Alerts and mandatory response Warnings to the flight crew in respect of their proximity to …
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Flaps | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
There are many different flap designs and configurations in use. Large aircraft sometimes incorporate more than one type, utilising different flap design…
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Browsers | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Browsers Browsers This directory contains articles about particular Accidents and Incidents that are considered illustrative of the contempo…
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Wind | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Wind Wind Description Wind is the term used to describe the large-scale flow of atmospheric air. In global terms, the main cause of wind is …
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Snow | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Snow Snow Description Snow is a type of precipitation occurring in the form of crystalline ice and consisting of a multitude of snowflakes t…
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Team Resource Management (TRM) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Team Resource Management (TRM) Team Resource Management (TRM) Description Team Resource Management (TRM) is defined as: Strategies for the best use of al…
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Stall | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Stall Stall Definition Stall is defined as a sudden reduction in the lift generated by an aerofoil when the critical angle of attack is reac…
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Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Description Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in an ATC Unit ar…
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IR-OPS | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here IR-OPS IR-OPS Introduction Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 and its subsequent amendments lay down technical require…
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Medium Term Conflict Detection (MTCD) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Medium-Term Conflict Detection (MTCD) is a flight data processing system designed to warn the controller of potential conflict between flights in his area…
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Microburst | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Microburst Microburst Definition A Downburst is created by an area of significantly rain-cooled, descending air that, after hitting ground l…
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Level Bust | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Definitions applied by other organisations are similar but sometimes refer to a deviation of 300 feet or more. The level bust issue only relates to aircr…
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Aspect Ratio | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Aspect Ratio Aspect Ratio Description The aspect ratio of an aerofoil is the ratio between the length and the average width of the surface. …
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Landing Gear | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The components of an aircraft or a spacecraft that support the weight of the craft and its load and give it mobility on ground or water. Source: EUROCONTR…
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Multilateration | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Multilateration Multilateration Description Multilateration (MLat) is a proven technology that has been in use for many decades in both navi…
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Situational Awareness | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Situational Awareness Situational Awareness Description Put simply, situational awareness (SA) means appreciating all you need to know about…
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Runway Excursion | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
In the case of a minor runway excursion, International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) regulations specifying minimum cleared areas adjacent to and at…
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Rejected Take Off | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Rejected Take Off Rejected Take Off Description The actions taken when it is decided to abandon the takeoff and stop an aircraft during the …
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Cumulonimbus (Cb) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Cumulonimbus (Cb) Cumulonimbus (Cb) Definition Cumulonimbus is a heavy and dense cloud of considerable vertical extent in the form of a moun…
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Loss of Separation | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Loss of Separation Loss of Separation Description A defined loss of separation between airborne aircraft occurs whenever specified separatio…
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Rotation Speed (Vr) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Rotation Speed (Vr) Rotation Speed (Vr) Definition Vr is defined as the speed at which the rotation of the aircraft should be initiated to t…
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Bank Angle Awareness | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Bank Angle Awareness Bank Angle Awareness Description Loss of Control accidents and incidents can happen as a result of a particular form of…
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Airspace Infringement | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Airspace Infringement Airspace Infringement Description Airspace infringement occurs when an aircraft enters notified airspace without previously request…
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Flight Progress Strips | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Flight Progress Strips Flight Progress Strips Definition "Electronic or paper strip containing planned and current flight plan data for a sp…
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Air Traffic Service (ATS) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Description Objectives of ATS prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area; note that this objective does no…
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ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859 ICAO Safety Management Manual Doc 9859 Purpose Development of the ICAO Safety Management Manual, Four…
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Altimeter Pressure Settings | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Altimeter Pressure Settings Altimeter Pressure Settings Description Aircraft pressure altimeters indicate the elevation of the aircraft abov…
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Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Definition A Flight Manual is a manual, associated with the Certificate of Airworthiness, conta…
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Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) Description The Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) contains all the procedures app…
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Air Operator Certificate (AOC) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Air Operator Certificate (AOC) Air Operator Certificate (AOC) Definition An Air Operator Certificate (AOC) is a certificate authorising an operator to ca…
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Inertial Reference System (IRS) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Inertial Reference System (IRS) Inertial Reference System (IRS) Definitions A clear and universally agreed upon definition for the term “Inertial Navigat…
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National Aviation Authority (NAA) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
You are here National Aviation Authority (NAA) National Aviation Authority (NAA) Definition The Agency of a sovereign state, or by agreement or statute, …
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Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) | SKYbrary Aviation Safe…
The mean wind direction in degrees true to the nearest 10 degrees, from which the wind is blowing and the mean wind speed in knots over the 10 minute peri…
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Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/MDH) | SKYbrary Aviation Sa…
You are here Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/MDH) Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/MDH) Definition The Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Minimum…
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Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) | SKYbrary Aviation …
Standard Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which i…
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Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) | SKYbrary Aviation …
You are here Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) Description When two pilots fly a fixed-wing aeropla…
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European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) | SKYbrary Aviation…
You are here European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Establishment The European Union Aviation Safety A…
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Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems (VASIS) | SKYbrary Aviat…
You are here Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems (VASIS) Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems (VASIS) Description A visual approach slope indicato…
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ICAO Council's Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) | SKYbrary Av…
The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on air travel and the aviation industry. During the depths of the pandemic, operational levels were a small fracti…
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ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) | SKYbra…
ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Description The International Civil Aviat…
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FAQ | Reading Is Fundamental
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Skybrary: New Customers Does Skybrary just play videos from the original TV series? Nope! This is a completely new digit…
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SKYbrary – WikiIndex – the index of all wiki
SKYbrary is an electronic repository of safety knowledge related to flight operations, air traffic management (ATM), and aviation safety in general. It i…