Curation by crmsnbleyd 1 year, 2 months ago for query goa
Original results
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Goa :: Design first.
The Goa design language is flexible and stays out of the way – you decide how your API works. The design is the Single Source Of Truth from which both beh…
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Goa Taco
Credit and debit cards, as well as Internet Banking, can be used to make payments. We are excited to announce that we now accept Bitcoin payments! Paying …
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Goa University, Goa's premier University, Post Graduation, PH.D,…
School of Physical and Applied Sciences (SPAS) & School of Chemical Sciences (SCS) International Conference on Advanced Materials: Properties and Applica…
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URL Shortener - Short URLs & Custom Free Link Shortener | Bitly
Our goal was to implement a system that would not interrupt the gameplay experience when a new update was announced, and we found QR Codes to be the perfe…
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Allen Institute for AI
Our goal is to improve the world’s understanding of climate change, its effects, and what can be done now. Better data and technologies will inform how we…
- — found via Mwmbl
Why Not Mars (Idle Words)
The goal of this essay is to persuade you that we shouldn’t send human beings to Mars, at least not anytime soon. Landing on Mars with existing technolog…
- — found via Mwmbl
Intel® Product Specifications
Our goal is to make the ARK family of tools a valuable resource for you. Please submit your comments, questions, or suggestions here. You will receive a r…
- — found via Mwmbl
Home | Sula
Floor Pillow Goa Tray Goa Hammam Towel Hydra Yin Yang Rug Meet our Products Quality, function and design are the core principles of Sula’s collections. W…
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THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for…
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Home – Center on Long-Term Risk
Our goal is to address worst-case risks from the development and deployment of advanced AI systems. We are currently focused on conflict scenarios as well…
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Accenture UK | Strategy, Consulting, Digital, Technology and Ope…
“Our goal is to create 360° Value for all our stakeholders—our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities. This goal reflects our growth stra…
- — found via Mwmbl
Your goals can be anything quantifiable — weight, pushups, minutes spent on Facebook, points on Duolingo. Answer with your number when Beeminder asks — or…
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BDC Buzz
My goal is to prioritize the best potential performers as well as underpriced/overlooked BDCs that are offering higher yields. I will be adding some of th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Linux Containers
The goal is to offer a distro and vendor neutral environment for the development of Linux container technologies. Our focus is providing containers and vi…
- — found via Mwmbl
About - 826 National
826's goal is to encourage the exploration of endless possibility through the power of writing. for Students To create space for students to develop the s…
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7 Goals for 2006 –
Here are my New Year’s Resolution / goals for 2006. Keep me accountable and see if I reach them all (I bet I will) Become FULLY polyphasic – I’m working h…
- — found via Mwmbl
Phoenix Mars Lander | Lunar and Planetary Laboratory & Departmen…
The goals of the Phoenix Mars Lander were to study the history of water in the Martian arctic, search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biol…
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Universe Today - Space and astronomy news
NASA’s continued goal of sending humans into deep space using its Space Launch System (SLS) recently took a giant leap as the world’s largest space agency…
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RaspbianFAQ - Raspbian
The goal of Raspbian is to become the leading OS of choice for all users of the Raspberry Pi. This goal has been largely achieved. There are still some ro…
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UC Berkeley Labor Center
The goal of the C.L. Dellums African American Leadership School is to train union and community members active in the Black community so they can strength…
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Goa University - Wikipedia
The traditions of Goa University date back to the 17th century, [4] with the creation of the first university courses by the Portuguese Empire . [5] [6] H…
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XML - Wikipedia
The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet . [6] It is a textual data format with strong support via Unic…
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Food and Drugs Administration Govt. of Goa, India - Home
The Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, Government of Goa was established in November’ 1991 with its office functioning from the building premis…
- — found via Mwmbl
From Goa to Rabin Square: notes for a research on the uses and m…
Resumos Psytrance or Psychedelic trance music was born at the end of the 1980s within the “full moon parties” organised by a temporary community of inter…
- — found via Mwmbl
CSS Tools: Reset CSS
The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. Th…
- — found via Mwmbl
7 Practices | youthESource
Teaching End Goals are 40 statements we pray teens know and personalize by the time they graduate from high school. As youth ministry teaches from Scriptu…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Trustworthy, Free (Libre), Linux Capable, Self-Hosting 64bit R…
My goal is to build a Free/OpenSource computer from the ground up, so I may completely trust that the entire hardware+software system's behavior is 100% …
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ExpressVPN Digital Security Lab
Our goal at ExpressVPN is to help build a safe, private, and open internet that empowers people around the globe. One of the tools we employ in pursuit of…
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About goals - Analytics Help
Goals measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives. A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion, that contributes to …
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Security/Server Side TLS - MozillaWiki
The goal of this document is to help operational teams with the configuration of TLS. All Mozilla websites and deployments should follow the recommendatio…
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Made in China 2025 - Wikipedia
The stated goals of Made in China 2025 include increasing the Chinese-domestic content of core materials to 40 percent by 2020 and 70 percent by 2025. [8]…
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Anvi'o User Tutorial for Metagenomic Workflow –
The goal of this tutorial is to provide a brief overview of the anvi’o workflow for the analysis of assembly-based shotgun metagenomic data. Throughout t…
- — found via Mwmbl
Life Goals: Definition, Examples, & Strategies for Reaching Them…
Life goals are defined as the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain or avoid ( Nair, 2003). When we set goals, we envision, plan for, and co…
- — found via Mwmbl
Early Childhood |
Our main goals are to expand access to high-quality early education and childcare programs, invest in Boston’s early education and care workforce, and se…
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'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees alleg…
Sometime after midnight, they came to the cells to select the women they wanted and took them down the corridor to a "black room", where there were no sur…
- — found via Mwmbl
Stretch Goals - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the developmen…
Star Citizen will feature an additional ship class, the frigate. Command and Control Center – Supervise the battle from the deck of your Idris or Destroye…
- — found via Mwmbl
Personal Goals: Definition, 30 Examples, & Tips for Goal Setting…
Goals are defined as the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain, or avoid ( Nair, 2003). Personal goals are goals related to your work, relat…
- — found via Mwmbl
Long-Term Goals: Techniques & Examples for Setting and Achieving…
Goals are defined as the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain, or avoid ( Nair, 2003). Long-term goals are defined as bigger goals that req…
- — found via Mwmbl
The goals focused on President Bush making specific positive accomplishments in areas such as the economy, home values, the stock market, the war on terro…
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Learning Complex Goals with Iterated Amplification
We’re proposing an AI safety technique called iterated amplification that lets us specify complicated behaviors and goals that are beyond human scale, by …
- — found via Mwmbl
"If the goal was to get rid of poverty, we failed": the legacy o…
Presidents are usually effusive, grandiose, and triumphant when they sign major legislation that will form a huge part of their legacy. In 1996, Bill Clin…
- — found via Mwmbl
Showing Fewer Hoaxes | Meta
The goal of News Feed is to catch up with your friends and find the things that matter to you. We’re always looking to people on Facebook to tell us how w…
- — found via Mwmbl
Building a Better News Feed for You | Meta
The goal of News Feed is to show people the stories that are most relevant to them. Today, we’re announcing an update to News Feed that helps you see more…
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Millenium Development Goals Indicators - Millenium Development G…
We are currently migrating the content of the MDG Indicators website here and the content will be available soon. This site will present the official data…
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Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure | COP 15:…
The UN climate summit reached a weak outline of a global agreement in Copenhagen tonight, falling far short of what Britain and many poor countries were s…
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Marking HTTP As Non-Secure
The goal of this proposal is to more clearly display to users that HTTP provides no data security. Request We’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this p…
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Goals For The Origin Info Bubble
As you can see, it has a lot of stuff in it, with 2 tabs to hold 2 (arguably 3: site data, permissions, and connection state) broad categories of informat…
- — found via Mwmbl
Official Google Blog: Finding more high-quality sites in search
Our goal is simple: to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible. This requires constant tuning of our algorithms, as …
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GOA Praises Introduction of Home Defense and Competitive Shootin…
Springfield, VA — On December 2, 2019, the Home Defense and Competitive Shooting Act was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Roger M…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa govt has rethink: Can’t link deaths, O2 | India News,The Ind…
The SGAA suggested that the commission should not only trace the victims and the dependents but also determine the amount of compensation to be paid to th…
- — found via Mwmbl
GOA Secures Permanent Injunction Against Philadelphia Mayor’s Il…
Philadelphia, PA – Less than one week after Mayor Jim Kenney signed an unlawful Executive Order to prohibit citizens from lawfully carrying at Philadelph…
- — found via Mwmbl
The goals of regenerative medicine — regrowing a diseased organ, or a hand lost in an accident — often feel like an impossibility. But not to biologist Mi…
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Goa Tourism mulls wooing Chinese tourists | Goa News - Times of …
PANAJI: Although it lags behind Kerala and Andhra Pradesh in attracting Chinese tourists, Goa Tourism is likely to step up its efforts in this respect soo…
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Consumers and Innovators Win on a Level Playing Field — Spotify
My goal for Spotify is and has always been to reimagine the audio experience by giving consumers the best creativity and innovation we have to offer. For …
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa Congress Crisis: Amid Defection Talk, Digambar Kamat, Michae…
Lobo was subsequently removed from the post of the Leader of Opposition in the Goa Assembly. In a press conference addressed in the presence of six out of…
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Guided Data Capture
The goal of the Guided Data Capture (GDC) program is to serve as a bridge between two communities: (1) scientists and engineers involved directly in prope…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa Tiger Deaths: Tigress, Three Cubs Found Dead In Goa, Centre …
Goa tiger deaths: Three men were arrested on Wednesday by Goa Police after the fourth carcass was found. The tigress and her cubs were found dead in in t…
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XML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability over the Internet.[6] It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode…
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Overview of the OOMMF project at NIST
The goal of the OOMMF project in ITL/NIST is to develop a portable, extensible public domain micromagnetic program and associated tools. This code will fo…
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Zuckerberg's Failed Donation to Public Schools
The goals Zuckerberg set out to achieve — to enact a number of reforms that would make Newark a model city for education reform — are widely seen as a fai…
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Charter of the Efficient XML Interchange Working Group
Scope and Goals XML has been enormously successful as a markup language for documents and data, but is not an optimal format for all purposes. The XML Bi…
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Goa court adjourns Tarun Tejpal rape case for Nov 27-28
Mapusa ( Goa ) [India], Nov 14 (ANI): A trial court here adjourned for November 27-28 an alleged case of rape against senior journalist Tarun Tejpal on Th…
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Climate Goals Pledged by China and the U.S. - The New York Times
Site Search Navigation President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China announced an historic climate change agreement last November that included a new …
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BJP: ‘I didn’t expect BJP to form the government’
Goa governor drew flak for allowing BJP to stake a claim even though it didn’t have the mandate of the majority. She tells Mirror she was waiting for Con…
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Armin Van Buuren To Headline Sunburn Festival Goa 2021
Sunburn Festival Goa will be making an on-ground comeback with a three-day showcase on December 27, 28 and 29. Grammy-nominated Dutchman, Armin van Buuren…
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Reach your goals in 2023 with this functional and stylish smartw…
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. Stepping into t…
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Manohar Parrikar has cancer, no hiding from that fact: Goa minis…
Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is being treated at home. (File) In probably the first official admissio…
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Goa Congress News: Crisis hits Goa Congress, 6 of its 11 MLAs wi…
PANAJI: In a vertical split, Congress has been left holding on to just five of its 11 MLAs in the 40-member Goa assembly within four months of BJP retaini…
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Coronavirus | Goa is now COVID-19-free - The Hindu
This makes Goa the first green State in the country with no case of coronavirus being reported from April 3. The coastal State had a total of seven posit…
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Twitter sets goals to double revenue, reach 315 million users by…
Twitter said Thursday it aims to have 315 million monetizable daily active users (mDAUs) by the end of 2023 and to at least double its annual revenue in t…
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Goa defections: Congress says HC order will encourage mandate re…
Congress emerged as the single largest party after the 2017 assembly elections, but the BJP formed the government HT Image Follow Us Follow Us Share Via C…
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SEC Roadmap: Goals
Define Your Goals To end up where you want to be, you’ll need a roadmap, a financial plan. To get started on your plan, you’ll need to ask yourself what …
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Ailing Manohar Parrikar attends office for first time in last fo…
Panaji: Ailing Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar Tuesday attended his office at the secretariat here for the first time in the last four months, on the…
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THOMAS: The Last Update of the Year | In Custodia Legis: Law Lib…
Our goal at the start of the year was to roll out four sets of enhancements. With only a few weeks to spare, we’ve done it. In this fourth and final updat…
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Office of Disability Affairs - NSA/CSS
The goal of the National Security Agency is to provide a work environment that allows all employees, including those with disabilities, to have long and p…
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Meanwhile, a Goa meltdown: 10 of 15 Congress MLAs join BJP | Ind…
Ten Congress MLAs in Goa submitted their resignation letter to the Speaker AS the Congress struggles to save the coalition government with JD(S) in Karnat…
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New Goa CM is BJP’s Pramod Sawant, an RSS thoroughbred & ayurved…
Mumbai: Goa assembly Speaker Pramod Sawant, a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was sworn in as Chief Minister after midnight Monday, as the par…
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Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, About Us |
A primary goal of PSHSB is to support and advance initiatives that further strengthen and enhance the security and reliability of the nation's communicati…
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Solar System Exploration: Missions: By Name: G: GRAIL
Goals : GRAIL flew twin spacecraft -- named Ebb and Flow -- in tandem around the moon to precisely measure and map variations in the moon's gravitational …
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Solar System Exploration: Missions: By Name: E: EPOXI
Goals : Deep Impact's primary mission was to deliver a special impactor spacecraft into the path of Comet Tempel 1. Accomplishments : The spacecraft -- an…
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Goa news: 26 die due to oxygen shortage at Goa’s premier governm…
PANAJI: Goa health minister Vishwajit Rane made a startling announcement on Tuesday — that many Covid patients were dying due to oxygen supply problems in…
New results
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Goa - Wikipedia
The origin of the city name "Goa" is unclear. In ancient literature, Goa was known by many names, such as Gomanchala, Gopakapattana, Gopakapattam, Gopakap…
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Goa :: Design first.
The Goa design language is flexible and stays out of the way – you decide how your API works. The design is the Single Source Of Truth from which both beh…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa Taco
Credit and debit cards, as well as Internet Banking, can be used to make payments. We are excited to announce that we now accept Bitcoin payments! Paying …
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa University, Goa's premier University, Post Graduation, PH.D,…
School of Physical and Applied Sciences (SPAS) & School of Chemical Sciences (SCS) International Conference on Advanced Materials: Properties and Applica…
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URL Shortener - Short URLs & Custom Free Link Shortener | Bitly
Our goal was to implement a system that would not interrupt the gameplay experience when a new update was announced, and we found QR Codes to be the perfe…
- — found via Mwmbl
Allen Institute for AI
Our goal is to improve the world’s understanding of climate change, its effects, and what can be done now. Better data and technologies will inform how we…
- — found via Mwmbl
Why Not Mars (Idle Words)
The goal of this essay is to persuade you that we shouldn’t send human beings to Mars, at least not anytime soon. Landing on Mars with existing technolog…
- — found via Mwmbl
Intel® Product Specifications
Our goal is to make the ARK family of tools a valuable resource for you. Please submit your comments, questions, or suggestions here. You will receive a r…
- — found via Mwmbl
Home | Sula
Floor Pillow Goa Tray Goa Hammam Towel Hydra Yin Yang Rug Meet our Products Quality, function and design are the core principles of Sula’s collections. W…
- — found via Mwmbl
THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for…
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Home – Center on Long-Term Risk
Our goal is to address worst-case risks from the development and deployment of advanced AI systems. We are currently focused on conflict scenarios as well…
- — found via Mwmbl
Accenture UK | Strategy, Consulting, Digital, Technology and Ope…
“Our goal is to create 360° Value for all our stakeholders—our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities. This goal reflects our growth stra…
- — found via Mwmbl
Your goals can be anything quantifiable — weight, pushups, minutes spent on Facebook, points on Duolingo. Answer with your number when Beeminder asks — or…
- — found via Mwmbl
BDC Buzz
My goal is to prioritize the best potential performers as well as underpriced/overlooked BDCs that are offering higher yields. I will be adding some of th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Linux Containers
The goal is to offer a distro and vendor neutral environment for the development of Linux container technologies. Our focus is providing containers and vi…
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About - 826 National
826's goal is to encourage the exploration of endless possibility through the power of writing. for Students To create space for students to develop the s…
- — found via Mwmbl
7 Goals for 2006 –
Here are my New Year’s Resolution / goals for 2006. Keep me accountable and see if I reach them all (I bet I will) Become FULLY polyphasic – I’m working h…
- — found via Mwmbl
Phoenix Mars Lander | Lunar and Planetary Laboratory & Departmen…
The goals of the Phoenix Mars Lander were to study the history of water in the Martian arctic, search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biol…
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Universe Today - Space and astronomy news
NASA’s continued goal of sending humans into deep space using its Space Launch System (SLS) recently took a giant leap as the world’s largest space agency…
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RaspbianFAQ - Raspbian
The goal of Raspbian is to become the leading OS of choice for all users of the Raspberry Pi. This goal has been largely achieved. There are still some ro…
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UC Berkeley Labor Center
The goal of the C.L. Dellums African American Leadership School is to train union and community members active in the Black community so they can strength…
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Goa University - Wikipedia
The traditions of Goa University date back to the 17th century, [4] with the creation of the first university courses by the Portuguese Empire . [5] [6] H…
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XML - Wikipedia
The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet . [6] It is a textual data format with strong support via Unic…
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Food and Drugs Administration Govt. of Goa, India - Home
The Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, Government of Goa was established in November’ 1991 with its office functioning from the building premis…
- — found via Mwmbl
From Goa to Rabin Square: notes for a research on the uses and m…
Resumos Psytrance or Psychedelic trance music was born at the end of the 1980s within the “full moon parties” organised by a temporary community of inter…
- — found via Mwmbl
CSS Tools: Reset CSS
The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. Th…
- — found via Mwmbl
7 Practices | youthESource
Teaching End Goals are 40 statements we pray teens know and personalize by the time they graduate from high school. As youth ministry teaches from Scriptu…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Trustworthy, Free (Libre), Linux Capable, Self-Hosting 64bit R…
My goal is to build a Free/OpenSource computer from the ground up, so I may completely trust that the entire hardware+software system's behavior is 100% …
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ExpressVPN Digital Security Lab
Our goal at ExpressVPN is to help build a safe, private, and open internet that empowers people around the globe. One of the tools we employ in pursuit of…
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About goals - Analytics Help
Goals measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives. A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion, that contributes to …
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Security/Server Side TLS - MozillaWiki
The goal of this document is to help operational teams with the configuration of TLS. All Mozilla websites and deployments should follow the recommendatio…
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Made in China 2025 - Wikipedia
The stated goals of Made in China 2025 include increasing the Chinese-domestic content of core materials to 40 percent by 2020 and 70 percent by 2025. [8]…
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Anvi'o User Tutorial for Metagenomic Workflow –
The goal of this tutorial is to provide a brief overview of the anvi’o workflow for the analysis of assembly-based shotgun metagenomic data. Throughout t…
- — found via Mwmbl
Life Goals: Definition, Examples, & Strategies for Reaching Them…
Life goals are defined as the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain or avoid ( Nair, 2003). When we set goals, we envision, plan for, and co…
- — found via Mwmbl
Early Childhood |
Our main goals are to expand access to high-quality early education and childcare programs, invest in Boston’s early education and care workforce, and se…
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'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees alleg…
Sometime after midnight, they came to the cells to select the women they wanted and took them down the corridor to a "black room", where there were no sur…
- — found via Mwmbl
Stretch Goals - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the developmen…
Star Citizen will feature an additional ship class, the frigate. Command and Control Center – Supervise the battle from the deck of your Idris or Destroye…
- — found via Mwmbl
Personal Goals: Definition, 30 Examples, & Tips for Goal Setting…
Goals are defined as the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain, or avoid ( Nair, 2003). Personal goals are goals related to your work, relat…
- — found via Mwmbl
Long-Term Goals: Techniques & Examples for Setting and Achieving…
Goals are defined as the desired states that people seek to obtain, maintain, or avoid ( Nair, 2003). Long-term goals are defined as bigger goals that req…
- — found via Mwmbl
The goals focused on President Bush making specific positive accomplishments in areas such as the economy, home values, the stock market, the war on terro…
- — found via Mwmbl
Learning Complex Goals with Iterated Amplification
We’re proposing an AI safety technique called iterated amplification that lets us specify complicated behaviors and goals that are beyond human scale, by …
- — found via Mwmbl
"If the goal was to get rid of poverty, we failed": the legacy o…
Presidents are usually effusive, grandiose, and triumphant when they sign major legislation that will form a huge part of their legacy. In 1996, Bill Clin…
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Showing Fewer Hoaxes | Meta
The goal of News Feed is to catch up with your friends and find the things that matter to you. We’re always looking to people on Facebook to tell us how w…
- — found via Mwmbl
Building a Better News Feed for You | Meta
The goal of News Feed is to show people the stories that are most relevant to them. Today, we’re announcing an update to News Feed that helps you see more…
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Millenium Development Goals Indicators - Millenium Development G…
We are currently migrating the content of the MDG Indicators website here and the content will be available soon. This site will present the official data…
- — found via Mwmbl
Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure | COP 15:…
The UN climate summit reached a weak outline of a global agreement in Copenhagen tonight, falling far short of what Britain and many poor countries were s…
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Marking HTTP As Non-Secure
The goal of this proposal is to more clearly display to users that HTTP provides no data security. Request We’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this p…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goals For The Origin Info Bubble
As you can see, it has a lot of stuff in it, with 2 tabs to hold 2 (arguably 3: site data, permissions, and connection state) broad categories of informat…
- — found via Mwmbl
Official Google Blog: Finding more high-quality sites in search
Our goal is simple: to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible. This requires constant tuning of our algorithms, as …
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GOA Praises Introduction of Home Defense and Competitive Shootin…
Springfield, VA — On December 2, 2019, the Home Defense and Competitive Shooting Act was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Roger M…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa govt has rethink: Can’t link deaths, O2 | India News,The Ind…
The SGAA suggested that the commission should not only trace the victims and the dependents but also determine the amount of compensation to be paid to th…
- — found via Mwmbl
GOA Secures Permanent Injunction Against Philadelphia Mayor’s Il…
Philadelphia, PA – Less than one week after Mayor Jim Kenney signed an unlawful Executive Order to prohibit citizens from lawfully carrying at Philadelph…
- — found via Mwmbl
The goals of regenerative medicine — regrowing a diseased organ, or a hand lost in an accident — often feel like an impossibility. But not to biologist Mi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa Tourism mulls wooing Chinese tourists | Goa News - Times of …
PANAJI: Although it lags behind Kerala and Andhra Pradesh in attracting Chinese tourists, Goa Tourism is likely to step up its efforts in this respect soo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Consumers and Innovators Win on a Level Playing Field — Spotify
My goal for Spotify is and has always been to reimagine the audio experience by giving consumers the best creativity and innovation we have to offer. For …
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Goa Congress Crisis: Amid Defection Talk, Digambar Kamat, Michae…
Lobo was subsequently removed from the post of the Leader of Opposition in the Goa Assembly. In a press conference addressed in the presence of six out of…
- — found via Mwmbl
Guided Data Capture
The goal of the Guided Data Capture (GDC) program is to serve as a bridge between two communities: (1) scientists and engineers involved directly in prope…
- — found via Mwmbl
Goa Tiger Deaths: Tigress, Three Cubs Found Dead In Goa, Centre …
Goa tiger deaths: Three men were arrested on Wednesday by Goa Police after the fourth carcass was found. The tigress and her cubs were found dead in in t…
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XML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability over the Internet.[6] It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode…
- — found via Mwmbl
Overview of the OOMMF project at NIST
The goal of the OOMMF project in ITL/NIST is to develop a portable, extensible public domain micromagnetic program and associated tools. This code will fo…
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Zuckerberg's Failed Donation to Public Schools
The goals Zuckerberg set out to achieve — to enact a number of reforms that would make Newark a model city for education reform — are widely seen as a fai…
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Charter of the Efficient XML Interchange Working Group
Scope and Goals XML has been enormously successful as a markup language for documents and data, but is not an optimal format for all purposes. The XML Bi…
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Goa court adjourns Tarun Tejpal rape case for Nov 27-28
Mapusa ( Goa ) [India], Nov 14 (ANI): A trial court here adjourned for November 27-28 an alleged case of rape against senior journalist Tarun Tejpal on Th…
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Climate Goals Pledged by China and the U.S. - The New York Times
Site Search Navigation President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China announced an historic climate change agreement last November that included a new …
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BJP: ‘I didn’t expect BJP to form the government’
Goa governor drew flak for allowing BJP to stake a claim even though it didn’t have the mandate of the majority. She tells Mirror she was waiting for Con…
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Armin Van Buuren To Headline Sunburn Festival Goa 2021
Sunburn Festival Goa will be making an on-ground comeback with a three-day showcase on December 27, 28 and 29. Grammy-nominated Dutchman, Armin van Buuren…
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Reach your goals in 2023 with this functional and stylish smartw…
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. Stepping into t…
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Manohar Parrikar has cancer, no hiding from that fact: Goa minis…
Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is being treated at home. (File) In probably the first official admissio…
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Goa Congress News: Crisis hits Goa Congress, 6 of its 11 MLAs wi…
PANAJI: In a vertical split, Congress has been left holding on to just five of its 11 MLAs in the 40-member Goa assembly within four months of BJP retaini…
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Coronavirus | Goa is now COVID-19-free - The Hindu
This makes Goa the first green State in the country with no case of coronavirus being reported from April 3. The coastal State had a total of seven posit…
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Twitter sets goals to double revenue, reach 315 million users by…
Twitter said Thursday it aims to have 315 million monetizable daily active users (mDAUs) by the end of 2023 and to at least double its annual revenue in t…
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Goa defections: Congress says HC order will encourage mandate re…
Congress emerged as the single largest party after the 2017 assembly elections, but the BJP formed the government HT Image Follow Us Follow Us Share Via C…
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SEC Roadmap: Goals
Define Your Goals To end up where you want to be, you’ll need a roadmap, a financial plan. To get started on your plan, you’ll need to ask yourself what …
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Ailing Manohar Parrikar attends office for first time in last fo…
Panaji: Ailing Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar Tuesday attended his office at the secretariat here for the first time in the last four months, on the…
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THOMAS: The Last Update of the Year | In Custodia Legis: Law Lib…
Our goal at the start of the year was to roll out four sets of enhancements. With only a few weeks to spare, we’ve done it. In this fourth and final updat…
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Office of Disability Affairs - NSA/CSS
The goal of the National Security Agency is to provide a work environment that allows all employees, including those with disabilities, to have long and p…
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Meanwhile, a Goa meltdown: 10 of 15 Congress MLAs join BJP | Ind…
Ten Congress MLAs in Goa submitted their resignation letter to the Speaker AS the Congress struggles to save the coalition government with JD(S) in Karnat…
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New Goa CM is BJP’s Pramod Sawant, an RSS thoroughbred & ayurved…
Mumbai: Goa assembly Speaker Pramod Sawant, a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was sworn in as Chief Minister after midnight Monday, as the par…
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Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, About Us |
A primary goal of PSHSB is to support and advance initiatives that further strengthen and enhance the security and reliability of the nation's communicati…
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Solar System Exploration: Missions: By Name: G: GRAIL
Goals : GRAIL flew twin spacecraft -- named Ebb and Flow -- in tandem around the moon to precisely measure and map variations in the moon's gravitational …
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Solar System Exploration: Missions: By Name: E: EPOXI
Goals : Deep Impact's primary mission was to deliver a special impactor spacecraft into the path of Comet Tempel 1. Accomplishments : The spacecraft -- an…
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Goa news: 26 die due to oxygen shortage at Goa’s premier governm…
PANAJI: Goa health minister Vishwajit Rane made a startling announcement on Tuesday — that many Covid patients were dying due to oxygen supply problems in…