Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months ago for query Fellowship of Friends
Original results
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Fellowship of Friends
The Fellowship of Friends, also known as Living Presence and the Fourth Way School, is a new religious organization which is non-denominational that has
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a 2001 epic high fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson from a screenplay by Fran Walsh
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Universalist Fellowship in 1978. Later his views spread to the United States, where the Quaker Universalist Fellowship was founded in 1983. Most of the Friends who
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The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes of the epic novel The Lord of the Rings by the English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It is followed
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"worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of an
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Fellowship of Friends – a cult for intellectuals | Animam Recro
Fellowship of Friends – a cult for intellectuals Hello and welcome to the the Fellowship of Friends discussion. The article that you will find beneath wa…
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Circle of Friends | Brian Jay Jones
Circle of Friends Washington Irving had a remarkably wide circle of friends and acquaintances, representing some of the most respected — and famous — wri…
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FAQs | Circle of Friends Animal Society, Inc
If you have any questions that were not answered here, please contact us at Thank you! I found a dog/cat. What should I do? The first thi…
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Demeaning The Friendships Of Women, Ctd – The Dish
Demeaning The Friendships Of Women, Ctd I’d like to respond to the reader who wrote in with this criticism of the Bechdel Test. It’s not designed to be a…
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Demeaning The Friendships Of Women – The Dish
Demeaning The Friendships Of Women In a review of the new film Hannah Arendt, Michelle Dean appraises the subject’s friendship with Mary McCarthy: McCart…
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Friendship in Commercial Society Revisited: Adam Smith on Commer…
Friendship is a rather unusual topic for Adam Smith scholars given the emphasis that the concept of sympathy has received in the field of Scottish Enlight…
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Is online friendship worth less than a piece of meat? – The Nois…
Is online friendship worth less than a piece of meat? In a brilliant marketing campaign, Burger King is offering a coupon for a free Whopper to anyone wh…
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Facebook Friendship Map | Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings
written by Anita Graser aka Underdark Facebook Friendship Map Paul Butler, an intern at facebook, has created a map of facebook relationships. Relationsh…
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Reinvigorating Friendship | L.M. Sacasas
Technology, Culture, and Ethics Reinvigorating Friendship For friendship these are the best of times, and these are the worst of times. We claim, with a …
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The Romanian Table – Health, History, Friendship
Health, History, Friendship Home Welcome to our Romanian table! Poftă bună! Latest from the Blog This year for my birthday my dad surprised me with a vin…
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International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ): Making a…
IFCJ The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) promotes understanding between Christians and Jews, builds broad support for Israel, and …
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Fellowship of Reconciliation – Building peace, seeking justice a…
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a member-led movement of Christians committed to peace, justice and nonviolence. We provide education, campaign and s…
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Fellowship of Ailbe - Fellowship of Ailbe
The Fellowship of Ailbe is a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. Our vision, values, and ministry are informed and shaped in many way…
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Fellowship of Christian Athletes
You are using an outdated browser that may impact your experience on Please upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer here or download …
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Fellowship of Christian Magicians - Creatively Sharing the Gospel
The FCM was formed in 1953 by a group of individuals interested in sharing the Gospel using sleight of hand illusions. Since its humble California beginni…
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Fellowship of Australian Writers New South Wales | Supporting an…
Welcome Your H2 subheadline here Do you have a pile of half written masterpieces that you just can’t seem to finish? Well you are not alone and there is …
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Fellowship of St. Moses the Black (formerly Brotherhood of St. M…
The Mission of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black is to equip Orthodox Christians for the ministry of Racial Reconciliation, and to share the Orthodox …
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Fellowship of Christian Faculty and Staff | A community of Chris…
In 1880, the prolific author George MacDonald self-published a long poem in book form as a gift for his friends. He called it, in full, A Book of Strife …
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The Fellowship of the Thing | Old School RPG's
The Secrets of Blackmoor Team We've launched a new channel, The Informal Game, covering how-to's on making RPGs more fun to play, as well as covering the…
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Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets
Welcome Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets (WFOP) is dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of poets and poetic heritage in the state, mentoring an…
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Mission — Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets
Mission Mission Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets (WFOP) is a non-profit organized around reading, writing, and advocating poetry. WFOP was created exclusive…
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Donate in Honor of Friends and Family | Electronic Frontier Foun…
Donate in Honor of Friends and Family Donate to EFF in honor of your colleagues, friends, and loved ones. It's a wonderful way to pay tribute to the peop…
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The Godsring Fellowship of Heathens
The Godsring Fellowship of Heathens Who We Are The Godsring Fellowship of Heathens is an international faith organization dedicated to creating contempor…
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Home - Fellowship of the Wheel
Welcome to the Fellowship. We’re a non-profit that builds and maintains sustainable multi-use singletrack for human-powered recreation in Chittenden C…
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Unitarian Fellowship of Houston
Title: "The Fall of Civility" Speaker: Bob Pryor "Is civility and the desire to compromise gone forever? How long will civilization last without it?" Joi…
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Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA)
The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) is a worldwide fellowship of Orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses within the Anglican Communi…
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Global South Fellowship of Anglicans
Shepherding Orthodox Anglicans Worldwide Latest News We are a worldwide fellowship (‘koinonia’) of orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses within the An…
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Church | The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples | United S…
The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples is an interfaith, interracial, intercultural community of seekers dedicated to personal empowerment and socia…
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GitKon 2023 - The Fellowship of Code
Featured Speakers Sean AStin Award-winning actor, director, and producer. Known for his beloved and iconic characters such as Mikey in The Goonies, Danie…
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IFES · International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
word & world Journal Word & World provides a space for theological conversations and reflection about the world students live in. Each issue includes a u…
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Home | Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of Houston Galveston
OUR NEWSLETTER "The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship rejects all forms of racism. Racism in any form will not be tolerated here or in any program created thr…
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Fellowship – NXTHVN
Year-long Fellowships The NXTHVN Fellowship Program catalyzes art careers and long-term creative connections through mentorship, professional development…
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Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation
Upcoming regional conference at Seabeck, WA, see the Oregon FOR website for information on the July 3-6, 2008 conference.WA and BC re…
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Free Software as Social Innovation | Fellowship News
Latest news from the Fellowship of the FSFE Main menu Post navigation Free Software as Social Innovation The event was held in a converted warehouse, hos…
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First batch of SmartCards has been shipped | Fellowship News
Latest news from the Fellowship of the FSFE Main menu Post navigation First batch of SmartCards has been shipped After two long days of SmartCard printin…
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It's alive! | Fellowship News
Latest news from the Fellowship of the FSFE Main menu Post navigation It's alive! The long march to a better blogging platform has reached a new mileston…
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ICANN Fellowship Program - ICANN
ICANN Fellowship Program About The goal of the ICANN Fellowship Program is to strengthen the diversity of the multistakeholder model by fostering opportu…
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Friends of Canadian Media - Standing up for Canadian voices in C…
“Closing the Loophole” can help save local media in Canada Have your say on the future of the CBC Invest in our advocacy, research, polling, and grassroo…
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Friends of the GAR Cemetery Park
Friends of the GAR Cemetery Park The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Cemetery was platted in 1896 in the north Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Was…
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Friends of Roundhay Park – Keeping our park beautiful for everyo…
Friends of Roundhay Park Who We Are The Friends of Roundhay Park (FoRP) is a charitable organisation formed in 1994 by local Leeds residents who d…
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Friends of Vamizi - Conservation & Community
Friends of Vamizi Vamizi is a ‘Hope Spot’, a term given to a part of the world that is critical to the world’s health and its ecosystem. Any positive eff…
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Friends of the Delaware Canal | Restore, Preserve and Improve th…
Friends of the Delaware Canal The Friends of the Delaware Canal is an independent, non-profit organization working to restore, preserve, and improve the …
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Friends of Bay Minette -
We are the Friends of Bay Minette We love the community of Bay Minette. It's the place we call home, and we share that space with our local wildlife. The…
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Friends of the Mississippi River |
It was a big year for our high school youth council: advocacy, community engagement, planning, paddling and more. Check out this collection of reflection…
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Friends of UFM
The mission of Friends of UFM is to support the work of Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM) by growing the base of support among alumni and friends in t…
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NASA Hubble Fellowship Program | STScI
NHFP fellowships are tenable at U.S. host institutions of the fellow's choice, subject to a maximum of two new fellows per host institution per year, and…
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Friends of Fine Arts Quartet | Supporting the quartet's appearan…
Our Partners The Peck School of the Arts, UW-Milwaukee has been collaborating with the series, assisting with the Zelazo Center performances. The Friends…
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Friends of the Earth | Home
We need more renewables nowTell our leaders Friends of the Earth is the UK's biggest grassroots network dedicated to protecting people and planet. Boycot…
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The Fellowship of Catholic University Students is a Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college and…
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Friends of Mineralogy – Pacific Northwest Chapter – Scroll down …
Posts Precious Metals and Golden Memories Notes on this year’s symposium Most important: This year’s symposium will be held in ELLENSBURG, Washington! We…
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Friends of Israel | The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry New Ze…
WHAT WE DO PROCLAIMING TRUTH BIBLE TEACHING Our mission is to connect with the local Church providing teaching and resources that proclaims what the Bibl…
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Friends of the Earth Australia
Who we are What we do Our campaigns are powered by supporters like you What we do There is no climate justice without First Nations justice, gender justi…
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Member groups - Friends of the Earth Australia
Member groups All members of Friends of the Earth Australia are autonomous but agree with and work towards the aims and objectives of the federation, whi…
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Royal Academy of Engineering
The Fellowship of the Academy is an unrivalled community of leading business people, entrepreneurs, innovators and academics from every part of engineerin…
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Friends of e.1027
e.1027 is committed to making its website accessible to all people, including individuals with disabilities. We are in the process of making sure our web…
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Christian Military Fellowship - Serving Our Troops
Christian Military Fellowship To Win ... To Disciple ... To Equip ... To Win We are an association of believers who are committed to encouraging Men and …
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Friends of Community Media – Assist citizen participation in the…
Headline: News and tech media mostly quiet after UN chief calls for ban on ads for oil and gas For example, “‘Geoffrey Supran, an associate professor and…
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Zürich Friends of Haskell
Zürich Friends of Haskell The Zürich Friends of Haskell is a club founded to foster the worldwide knowledge of functional programming, and Haskell in par…
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Rosalind Franklin Fellowship | Werken bij de RUG | Rijksuniversi…
Rosalind Franklin Fellowship The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme promotes the advancement of talented international researchers. Its unique featur…
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Home | 1000 Friends of Oregon
The ruling prevents potential unwarranted UGB expansion and threat valuable surrounding farmland, a win for the careful way we set our urban growth bound…
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OMF | Mission among East Asia’s people
OMF is a global fellowship of Christians with a heart for East Asia. Our network of websites will connect you to local teams, resources and information. I…
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East Asia - OMF | Mission among East Asia’s people
OMF is a global fellowship of Christians with a heart for East Asia. Our network of websites will connect you to local teams, resources and information. I…
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Zegrahm Expeditions & Exodus Travels | 600 Trips in 100+ Countri…
A Bold Fellowship of Explorers A Bold Fellowship of Explorers We’re thrilled to announce that Zegrahm Expeditions is trading under our sister company’s b…
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Home - NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP)
Fellowship Benefits Access to supplemental funding to sustain research while on medical deferral (e.g. family leave) The purpose of the NSF Graduate Rese…
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Home - Friends of Falun Gong
Truthfulness, Compassion & Forbearance These three values form the core of Falun Gong’s philosophy. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that consists of s…
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Circle of Friends Animal Society, Inc | Rescued is our favorite …
Meet your new best friend! __________________________________________________ Low Cost Spay / Neuter Clinic Financially assisting the residents of Greene…
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TRI: Of Friendship and Madness by Rat King - Home
In the world of the Odd Gods players experience a mind-bending first-person adventure as they discover the magical power of the TRI. By conjuring triangl…
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Home - Friends of Kishinev Jewry
For those who hunger, we are a hot meal and a pantry full of groceries. For those who go barefoot, we are a strong, new pair of shoes. For those who are …
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A worldwide fellowship of churches seeking unity, a common witness and Christian service English Deutsch Français Español 小语加速器安卓手机版下载 한국어 ... About us …
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Friendship Force | Creating Friendships Around the Globe
a world of friends is a world of peace For us, travel is about more than taking a vacation. With over 300 clubs and thousands of members worldwide, Frien…
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Master - Overview WMS
The Fellowship program (Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine™ or FAWM) offers a means to identify those who have fulfilled a demanding set of req…
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Just (@Just_3li) — 3493 answers, 11415 likes | ASKfm
What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends? What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship …
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Yashashvi ❤ (@yashu_63) — 602 answers, 7430 likes | ASKfm
Happy friendship day yassassvi ❤️ I am not going to lie, you really are perfect. You are the most beautiful girl, your smile is like a gift of god,your e…
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American Friends of Combatants for Peace
Peace Justice Collective Liberation Using nonviolent resistance to end the occupation & create a world where all Palestinians & Israelis are safe & free.…
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Building Ambitious Startups | The Family
The Family is a fellowship of founders. Twice a year, The Family selects 50 startups from around the world. In exchange for 5% equity, we provide ever…
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American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem – Transfo…
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Native Friendship Centre of Montreal
Native Friendship Centre of Montreal inc. Serving the Urban Indigenous Community since 1974 Brief Description For over 40 years the Native Friendship Cen…
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Hill Country Intergroup - Austin Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common prob…
- — found via Mwmbl | Friends of the LA River
Introducing FoLAR’s NEW online store! Shop online today and become a member. OUR IMPACT There was a time in the not-too-distant past when the average Ang…
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News – FOR-USA
LATEST POSTS Join the Fellowship of Reconciliation for our monthly Gathering Voices series, featuring a conversation with Dr. Elliot Ratzman. An academic…
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Circle of Friends | Mennonite Central Committee
In British Columbia and Ontario, Circle of Friends supports individuals and families transitioning from homelessness and shelter-living back into the com…
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BC Circle of Friends volunteer application | Mennonite Central C…
BC Circle of Friends volunteer application Volunteers support individuals making the transition out of homelessness. No special experience or background …
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The Fight
A couple of months ago, I received a text message that hit me like a brick. It said that one of my closest friends, who is in his early twenties and in p…
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Home - Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and …
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What is A.A.? | Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There …
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Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We wel…
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Home | Department of Pathology
Pathology Fellowship Program The Department of Pathology offers 15 unique training opportunities. Training is provided through extensive clinical, resear…
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Friendship Is Magic 01: P2 by mauroz on DeviantArt
Friendship Is Magic 01: P2 Description Thanks to to offer their help and also to send their translations (use the translation of Toniasis, being the firs…
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Crane Center for Transgender Surgery - Gender Surgery Experts
With fellowship training in transgender surgery and craniofacial surgery, our surgeons have the training and experience to provide superior FFS results. …
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Home — The National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC)
Representing Friendship Centres since 1972 The National Association of Friendship Centres is a network of over 100 Friendship Centres and Provincial/Terr…
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The Brew Coffee House – Friendships and Coffee
Friendships and Coffee. Welcome to the best coffee in town. The Brew Coffee House is located in historic downtown Pella. We feature a full espresso and s…
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Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - RUDN University
In RUDN University you can Choose the profession you’re dreaming about. RUDN University offers any specialization e.g. technical, scientific, medical, ec…
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British Association of Friends of Museums
BAFM's new President Baron Cormack of Enville in the County of Staffordshire Drinks Reception at the Doncaster Conference 2023 The British Association of…
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Alumni and Friends - School of Social Sciences and Philosophy - …
Language Alumni Dear Alumni and Friends Welcome to the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy Alumni Page. We are privileged to have connections with m…
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AAMSX Website Association of Friends of the MSX
AAMSX Website Association of Friends of the MSX Website of the Association of Friends of the MSX, meetings and related activities.enA…
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friendships 🔥 khasiat obat ranitidine hcl 150 mg
friendships 🔥 khasiat obat ranitidine hcl 150 mg friendships Learn the benefits of friendships, how to meet new friends, and how to nourish your existing…
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Beegit - Farewell, Friends
Farewell, Friends As of July 1, 2018, the Beegit SaaS platform has closed down. This means there is no longer a log in for existing users and no way for …
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CRPIT - One Stop Destination For Education
Fellowship Grants Our Process We provide tips for writing scholarship essays, finding scholarships for specific fields of study, or strategies for maximi…
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Underappreciated Philosophical Friendships - Daily Nous
“Margaret MacDonald and Gilbert Ryle: a philosophical friendship” appears in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy (it is paywalled, though r…
- — found via Mwmbl [World Map of Friends]
World Map of Friends Using a Plate Carrée style map I have written PHP code to map Latitude/Longitude to X/Y coordinates. If you want to add a friend or …
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Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research | Homepage
Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline is June 21, 2024 Image Unparalleled access to world-class mentorship in the heart of San Francisco Image Our…
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Home | Independent Social Research Foundation
MID-CAREER FELLOWSHIP COMPETITION The Independent Social Research Foundation is a public benefit foundation funded by a group of private philanthropists …
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Victoria Native Friendship Centre
The VNFC is a partner of the National Association of Friendship Centres and the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres. The VNFC supports local …
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Asian American adolescents’ cross-race friendships are poorly understood. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study for Adolescent to Adult Health,…
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Livingston Area Parents of Multiples - Home
Offering friendship and support for parents, guardians, and primary caregivers of multiple birth children. Welcome! Livingston Area Parents of Multiples…
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Haxx is a bunch of friends who work as software developers and hackers in Sweden. Haxx developers do embedded programming, realtime magic, network deep di…
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Home - Korean Friendship Association
Korean Friendship Association Korean Friendship Association Korean Friendship Association Korean Friendship Association Our Story The KFA was officially …
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8KPeak | AT Skiing & Mountaineering Gear
We are a group of friends who grew up skiing, climbing, and playing baseball together in Aspen Colorado. Our passion for the mountains was instilled in u…
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Main Home - Amici
In 1993, a group of friends got together to make their dream of owning a pizzeria a reality. The result was Amici, a place where you’ll always find pizza,…
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Rohan Kapoor
Recently, a group of friends and I discovered Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, a 4-6 person PC game that lets you command and run a starship while wor…
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Archive: 2022-05 -
I met a couple of friends from university for an evening of live music from Mount Forel, Anteloper (who are looking for a new name, I think because there…
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Quaker Beliefs & Worship - Quaker Resources
The Religious Society of Friends (better known as the Quakers) is a diverse global community. You may have heard about Quakers sitting in silence, waiting…
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Store Watch: eco|stems at KITKA design toronto
We have two pairs of friends who recently got engaged to be married. Congratulations Jen & Taylor and Julia & Payman!!! So in honor of our bridezillas to…
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GCAP1CA Meeting in Belgium (Event Cache) in Liège, Belgium creat…
We are a group of friends who were enchanted by geocaching. We are from the Czech Republic, Vysočina region from the city of Žďár nad Sázavou (Tulak50, M…
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About Revision | Revision
About As a group of friends and tech enthusiasts from all over the world, we have dedicated ourselves to the idea of sharing insights and ideas freely am…
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Ralph DORMER [1898-1948] | Gwulo
A large crowd of friends and brother Scouts from the St. Andrew's Troop, St. Paul's College Troop and 1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph's College) Troop, gathere…
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Comments my group of friends had a spate at frequenting the speakeasy - short lived as you couldn't hop elsewhere in the vicinity which is what we did. b…
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quit buggin on Tumblr
ladynoir are the type of friends who plan out their futures together. they'll say stuff like 'our kids are going to be best friends. they HAVE to be' or …
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@embbu on Tumblr
maintaining friendships as an adult be like you know i don’t think we often talk about how difficult it actually is to suddenly realize that a belief you…
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@nakhtflug on Tumblr
On Particular Friendships Those who have these types of friendships usually stray from the rest of the community to converse together, and to have a hear…
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@ayetroyler on Tumblr
Friendships can be just as toxic as any other type of relationship. It’s okay to cut toxic friends out of your life. You don’t have to suffer through it …
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Alumni | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security a…
Association of Friends and Supporters of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law e.V. (Alumni) The purpose of the Association…
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Welcome to Hamilton - Tourism Hamilton
Top Events Festival of Friends Art Crawl RBG After Dark: Summer Salsa STAY IN THE KNOW Thanks for signing up! You can unsubscribe at any time using the U…
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Events - Queensland Brain Institute - University of Queensland
Gather a group of friends and join us for a magnificent day of racing and fashion which raises funds to support research at the Queensland Brain Institut…
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Give — Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival
Support Join our family of friends Make a one-time or recurring gift to our annual fund. We try to make our concerts as accessbile as possible and only 1…
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Join FIAF - French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF)
Join an intimate circle of friends for luncheons with best-selling authors, talks by renowned journalists and luminaries from the worlds of French litera…
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Native Daughters of the Golden West – Est. 1886
Friendship and Charity The Native Daughters of the Golden West is a fraternal and patriotic organization who strive to improve the state of California th…
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Home -
KFAUK Korean Friendship Association UK UK KFA is part of the worldwide Korean Friendship Association which has over 17,000 members worldwide with new mem…
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#585636 - safe, artist:el-yeguero, applejack, rainbow dash, rari…
@Poptard Platonic friendships is of course the main theme, they aren’t going to change that, but they aren’t going to erase romantic inclinations from th…
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DAFG: البداية
The German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG) is a vibrant and lively association that works in the fields of politics, business & economy, culture, scien…
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♡ mezucore ♡
FRIENDS about me i'm mezu!! i'm 22, and my dream is to one day become a princess! well, at least, dress and behave like one: a perfect mix of elegant, pr…
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A Bangladesh hospital is world’s ‘best new building’ | In Pictur…
Friendship Hospital in cyclone-prone Satkhira district gains recognition from the Royal Institute of British Architects. A community hospital in a remote…
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here for a good time not a long time
Friendships can be just as toxic as any other type of relationship. It’s okay to cut toxic friends out of your life. You don’t have to suffer through it …
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CPEC | China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Secretariat Offic…
Pakistan-China friendship is deep rooted and eternal. This friendship is rooted in the hearts of people of the two countries. The all-weather strategic co…
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★gays into the iris★
maintaining friendships as an adult be like you know i don’t think we often talk about how difficult it actually is to suddenly realize that a belief you…
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Lasting Friendships Students build strong friendships and bonds through a diverse and spirited set of student-run clubs and organizations, sports, field …
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Portofelice Family Camping Village | Seaside holidays near Venice
Where long-lasting friendships are born ! Private Pool Club Portofelice. The wonderful holiday village for families! All the team here at Portofelice are…
New results
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Fellowship of Friends
The Fellowship of Friends, also known as Living Presence and the Fourth Way School, is a new religious organization which is non-denominational that has
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a 2001 epic high fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson from a screenplay by Fran Walsh
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Universalist Fellowship in 1978. Later his views spread to the United States, where the Quaker Universalist Fellowship was founded in 1983. Most of the Friends who
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The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes of the epic novel The Lord of the Rings by the English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It is followed
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"worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of an
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Fellowship of Friends – a cult for intellectuals | Animam Recro
Fellowship of Friends – a cult for intellectuals Hello and welcome to the the Fellowship of Friends discussion. The article that you will find beneath wa…
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Circle of Friends | Brian Jay Jones
Circle of Friends Washington Irving had a remarkably wide circle of friends and acquaintances, representing some of the most respected — and famous — wri…
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FAQs | Circle of Friends Animal Society, Inc
If you have any questions that were not answered here, please contact us at Thank you! I found a dog/cat. What should I do? The first thi…
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Demeaning The Friendships Of Women, Ctd – The Dish
Demeaning The Friendships Of Women, Ctd I’d like to respond to the reader who wrote in with this criticism of the Bechdel Test. It’s not designed to be a…
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Demeaning The Friendships Of Women – The Dish
Demeaning The Friendships Of Women In a review of the new film Hannah Arendt, Michelle Dean appraises the subject’s friendship with Mary McCarthy: McCart…
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Friendship in Commercial Society Revisited: Adam Smith on Commer…
Friendship is a rather unusual topic for Adam Smith scholars given the emphasis that the concept of sympathy has received in the field of Scottish Enlight…
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Is online friendship worth less than a piece of meat? – The Nois…
Is online friendship worth less than a piece of meat? In a brilliant marketing campaign, Burger King is offering a coupon for a free Whopper to anyone wh…
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Facebook Friendship Map | Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings
written by Anita Graser aka Underdark Facebook Friendship Map Paul Butler, an intern at facebook, has created a map of facebook relationships. Relationsh…
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Reinvigorating Friendship | L.M. Sacasas
Technology, Culture, and Ethics Reinvigorating Friendship For friendship these are the best of times, and these are the worst of times. We claim, with a …
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The Romanian Table – Health, History, Friendship
Health, History, Friendship Home Welcome to our Romanian table! Poftă bună! Latest from the Blog This year for my birthday my dad surprised me with a vin…
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International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ): Making a…
IFCJ The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) promotes understanding between Christians and Jews, builds broad support for Israel, and …
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Fellowship of Reconciliation – Building peace, seeking justice a…
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a member-led movement of Christians committed to peace, justice and nonviolence. We provide education, campaign and s…
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Fellowship of Ailbe - Fellowship of Ailbe
The Fellowship of Ailbe is a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. Our vision, values, and ministry are informed and shaped in many way…
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Fellowship of Christian Athletes
You are using an outdated browser that may impact your experience on Please upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer here or download …
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Fellowship of Christian Magicians - Creatively Sharing the Gospel
The FCM was formed in 1953 by a group of individuals interested in sharing the Gospel using sleight of hand illusions. Since its humble California beginni…
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Fellowship of Australian Writers New South Wales | Supporting an…
Welcome Your H2 subheadline here Do you have a pile of half written masterpieces that you just can’t seem to finish? Well you are not alone and there is …
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Fellowship of St. Moses the Black (formerly Brotherhood of St. M…
The Mission of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black is to equip Orthodox Christians for the ministry of Racial Reconciliation, and to share the Orthodox …
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Fellowship of Christian Faculty and Staff | A community of Chris…
In 1880, the prolific author George MacDonald self-published a long poem in book form as a gift for his friends. He called it, in full, A Book of Strife …
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The Fellowship of the Thing | Old School RPG's
The Secrets of Blackmoor Team We've launched a new channel, The Informal Game, covering how-to's on making RPGs more fun to play, as well as covering the…
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Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets
Welcome Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets (WFOP) is dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of poets and poetic heritage in the state, mentoring an…
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Mission — Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets
Mission Mission Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets (WFOP) is a non-profit organized around reading, writing, and advocating poetry. WFOP was created exclusive…
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Donate in Honor of Friends and Family | Electronic Frontier Foun…
Donate in Honor of Friends and Family Donate to EFF in honor of your colleagues, friends, and loved ones. It's a wonderful way to pay tribute to the peop…
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The Godsring Fellowship of Heathens
The Godsring Fellowship of Heathens Who We Are The Godsring Fellowship of Heathens is an international faith organization dedicated to creating contempor…
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Home - Fellowship of the Wheel
Welcome to the Fellowship. We’re a non-profit that builds and maintains sustainable multi-use singletrack for human-powered recreation in Chittenden C…
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Unitarian Fellowship of Houston
Title: "The Fall of Civility" Speaker: Bob Pryor "Is civility and the desire to compromise gone forever? How long will civilization last without it?" Joi…
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Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA)
The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) is a worldwide fellowship of Orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses within the Anglican Communi…
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Global South Fellowship of Anglicans
Shepherding Orthodox Anglicans Worldwide Latest News We are a worldwide fellowship (‘koinonia’) of orthodox Anglican Provinces and Dioceses within the An…
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Church | The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples | United S…
The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples is an interfaith, interracial, intercultural community of seekers dedicated to personal empowerment and socia…
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GitKon 2023 - The Fellowship of Code
Featured Speakers Sean AStin Award-winning actor, director, and producer. Known for his beloved and iconic characters such as Mikey in The Goonies, Danie…
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IFES · International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
word & world Journal Word & World provides a space for theological conversations and reflection about the world students live in. Each issue includes a u…
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Home | Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of Houston Galveston
OUR NEWSLETTER "The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship rejects all forms of racism. Racism in any form will not be tolerated here or in any program created thr…
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Fellowship – NXTHVN
Year-long Fellowships The NXTHVN Fellowship Program catalyzes art careers and long-term creative connections through mentorship, professional development…
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Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation
Upcoming regional conference at Seabeck, WA, see the Oregon FOR website for information on the July 3-6, 2008 conference.WA and BC re…
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Free Software as Social Innovation | Fellowship News
Latest news from the Fellowship of the FSFE Main menu Post navigation Free Software as Social Innovation The event was held in a converted warehouse, hos…
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First batch of SmartCards has been shipped | Fellowship News
Latest news from the Fellowship of the FSFE Main menu Post navigation First batch of SmartCards has been shipped After two long days of SmartCard printin…
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It's alive! | Fellowship News
Latest news from the Fellowship of the FSFE Main menu Post navigation It's alive! The long march to a better blogging platform has reached a new mileston…
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ICANN Fellowship Program - ICANN
ICANN Fellowship Program About The goal of the ICANN Fellowship Program is to strengthen the diversity of the multistakeholder model by fostering opportu…
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Friends of Canadian Media - Standing up for Canadian voices in C…
“Closing the Loophole” can help save local media in Canada Have your say on the future of the CBC Invest in our advocacy, research, polling, and grassroo…
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Friends of the GAR Cemetery Park
Friends of the GAR Cemetery Park The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Cemetery was platted in 1896 in the north Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Was…
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Friends of Roundhay Park – Keeping our park beautiful for everyo…
Friends of Roundhay Park Who We Are The Friends of Roundhay Park (FoRP) is a charitable organisation formed in 1994 by local Leeds residents who d…
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Friends of Vamizi - Conservation & Community
Friends of Vamizi Vamizi is a ‘Hope Spot’, a term given to a part of the world that is critical to the world’s health and its ecosystem. Any positive eff…
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Friends of the Delaware Canal | Restore, Preserve and Improve th…
Friends of the Delaware Canal The Friends of the Delaware Canal is an independent, non-profit organization working to restore, preserve, and improve the …
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Friends of Bay Minette -
We are the Friends of Bay Minette We love the community of Bay Minette. It's the place we call home, and we share that space with our local wildlife. The…
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Friends of the Mississippi River |
It was a big year for our high school youth council: advocacy, community engagement, planning, paddling and more. Check out this collection of reflection…
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Friends of UFM
The mission of Friends of UFM is to support the work of Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM) by growing the base of support among alumni and friends in t…
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NASA Hubble Fellowship Program | STScI
NHFP fellowships are tenable at U.S. host institutions of the fellow's choice, subject to a maximum of two new fellows per host institution per year, and…
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Friends of Fine Arts Quartet | Supporting the quartet's appearan…
Our Partners The Peck School of the Arts, UW-Milwaukee has been collaborating with the series, assisting with the Zelazo Center performances. The Friends…
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Friends of the Earth | Home
We need more renewables nowTell our leaders Friends of the Earth is the UK's biggest grassroots network dedicated to protecting people and planet. Boycot…
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The Fellowship of Catholic University Students is a Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college and…
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Friends of Mineralogy – Pacific Northwest Chapter – Scroll down …
Posts Precious Metals and Golden Memories Notes on this year’s symposium Most important: This year’s symposium will be held in ELLENSBURG, Washington! We…
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Friends of Israel | The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry New Ze…
WHAT WE DO PROCLAIMING TRUTH BIBLE TEACHING Our mission is to connect with the local Church providing teaching and resources that proclaims what the Bibl…
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Friends of the Earth Australia
Who we are What we do Our campaigns are powered by supporters like you What we do There is no climate justice without First Nations justice, gender justi…
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Member groups - Friends of the Earth Australia
Member groups All members of Friends of the Earth Australia are autonomous but agree with and work towards the aims and objectives of the federation, whi…
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Royal Academy of Engineering
The Fellowship of the Academy is an unrivalled community of leading business people, entrepreneurs, innovators and academics from every part of engineerin…
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Friends of e.1027
e.1027 is committed to making its website accessible to all people, including individuals with disabilities. We are in the process of making sure our web…
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Christian Military Fellowship - Serving Our Troops
Christian Military Fellowship To Win ... To Disciple ... To Equip ... To Win We are an association of believers who are committed to encouraging Men and …
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Friends of Community Media – Assist citizen participation in the…
Headline: News and tech media mostly quiet after UN chief calls for ban on ads for oil and gas For example, “‘Geoffrey Supran, an associate professor and…
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Zürich Friends of Haskell
Zürich Friends of Haskell The Zürich Friends of Haskell is a club founded to foster the worldwide knowledge of functional programming, and Haskell in par…
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Rosalind Franklin Fellowship | Werken bij de RUG | Rijksuniversi…
Rosalind Franklin Fellowship The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme promotes the advancement of talented international researchers. Its unique featur…
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Home | 1000 Friends of Oregon
The ruling prevents potential unwarranted UGB expansion and threat valuable surrounding farmland, a win for the careful way we set our urban growth bound…
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OMF | Mission among East Asia’s people
OMF is a global fellowship of Christians with a heart for East Asia. Our network of websites will connect you to local teams, resources and information. I…
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East Asia - OMF | Mission among East Asia’s people
OMF is a global fellowship of Christians with a heart for East Asia. Our network of websites will connect you to local teams, resources and information. I…
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Zegrahm Expeditions & Exodus Travels | 600 Trips in 100+ Countri…
A Bold Fellowship of Explorers A Bold Fellowship of Explorers We’re thrilled to announce that Zegrahm Expeditions is trading under our sister company’s b…
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Home - NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP)
Fellowship Benefits Access to supplemental funding to sustain research while on medical deferral (e.g. family leave) The purpose of the NSF Graduate Rese…
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Home - Friends of Falun Gong
Truthfulness, Compassion & Forbearance These three values form the core of Falun Gong’s philosophy. Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that consists of s…
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Circle of Friends Animal Society, Inc | Rescued is our favorite …
Meet your new best friend! __________________________________________________ Low Cost Spay / Neuter Clinic Financially assisting the residents of Greene…
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TRI: Of Friendship and Madness by Rat King - Home
In the world of the Odd Gods players experience a mind-bending first-person adventure as they discover the magical power of the TRI. By conjuring triangl…
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Home - Friends of Kishinev Jewry
For those who hunger, we are a hot meal and a pantry full of groceries. For those who go barefoot, we are a strong, new pair of shoes. For those who are …
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A worldwide fellowship of churches seeking unity, a common witness and Christian service English Deutsch Français Español 小语加速器安卓手机版下载 한국어 ... About us …
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Friendship Force | Creating Friendships Around the Globe
a world of friends is a world of peace For us, travel is about more than taking a vacation. With over 300 clubs and thousands of members worldwide, Frien…
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Master - Overview WMS
The Fellowship program (Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine™ or FAWM) offers a means to identify those who have fulfilled a demanding set of req…
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Just (@Just_3li) — 3493 answers, 11415 likes | ASKfm
What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends? What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship …
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Yashashvi ❤ (@yashu_63) — 602 answers, 7430 likes | ASKfm
Happy friendship day yassassvi ❤️ I am not going to lie, you really are perfect. You are the most beautiful girl, your smile is like a gift of god,your e…
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American Friends of Combatants for Peace
Peace Justice Collective Liberation Using nonviolent resistance to end the occupation & create a world where all Palestinians & Israelis are safe & free.…
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Building Ambitious Startups | The Family
The Family is a fellowship of founders. Twice a year, The Family selects 50 startups from around the world. In exchange for 5% equity, we provide ever…
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American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem – Transfo…
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Native Friendship Centre of Montreal
Native Friendship Centre of Montreal inc. Serving the Urban Indigenous Community since 1974 Brief Description For over 40 years the Native Friendship Cen…
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Hill Country Intergroup - Austin Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common prob…
- — found via Mwmbl | Friends of the LA River
Introducing FoLAR’s NEW online store! Shop online today and become a member. OUR IMPACT There was a time in the not-too-distant past when the average Ang…
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News – FOR-USA
LATEST POSTS Join the Fellowship of Reconciliation for our monthly Gathering Voices series, featuring a conversation with Dr. Elliot Ratzman. An academic…
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Circle of Friends | Mennonite Central Committee
In British Columbia and Ontario, Circle of Friends supports individuals and families transitioning from homelessness and shelter-living back into the com…
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BC Circle of Friends volunteer application | Mennonite Central C…
BC Circle of Friends volunteer application Volunteers support individuals making the transition out of homelessness. No special experience or background …
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The Fight
A couple of months ago, I received a text message that hit me like a brick. It said that one of my closest friends, who is in his early twenties and in p…
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Home - Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and …
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What is A.A.? | Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There …
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Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We wel…
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Home | Department of Pathology
Pathology Fellowship Program The Department of Pathology offers 15 unique training opportunities. Training is provided through extensive clinical, resear…
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Friendship Is Magic 01: P2 by mauroz on DeviantArt
Friendship Is Magic 01: P2 Description Thanks to to offer their help and also to send their translations (use the translation of Toniasis, being the firs…
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Crane Center for Transgender Surgery - Gender Surgery Experts
With fellowship training in transgender surgery and craniofacial surgery, our surgeons have the training and experience to provide superior FFS results. …
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Home — The National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC)
Representing Friendship Centres since 1972 The National Association of Friendship Centres is a network of over 100 Friendship Centres and Provincial/Terr…
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The Brew Coffee House – Friendships and Coffee
Friendships and Coffee. Welcome to the best coffee in town. The Brew Coffee House is located in historic downtown Pella. We feature a full espresso and s…
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Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - RUDN University
In RUDN University you can Choose the profession you’re dreaming about. RUDN University offers any specialization e.g. technical, scientific, medical, ec…
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British Association of Friends of Museums
BAFM's new President Baron Cormack of Enville in the County of Staffordshire Drinks Reception at the Doncaster Conference 2023 The British Association of…
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Alumni and Friends - School of Social Sciences and Philosophy - …
Language Alumni Dear Alumni and Friends Welcome to the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy Alumni Page. We are privileged to have connections with m…
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AAMSX Website Association of Friends of the MSX
AAMSX Website Association of Friends of the MSX Website of the Association of Friends of the MSX, meetings and related activities.enA…
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friendships 🔥 khasiat obat ranitidine hcl 150 mg
friendships 🔥 khasiat obat ranitidine hcl 150 mg friendships Learn the benefits of friendships, how to meet new friends, and how to nourish your existing…
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Beegit - Farewell, Friends
Farewell, Friends As of July 1, 2018, the Beegit SaaS platform has closed down. This means there is no longer a log in for existing users and no way for …
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CRPIT - One Stop Destination For Education
Fellowship Grants Our Process We provide tips for writing scholarship essays, finding scholarships for specific fields of study, or strategies for maximi…
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Underappreciated Philosophical Friendships - Daily Nous
“Margaret MacDonald and Gilbert Ryle: a philosophical friendship” appears in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy (it is paywalled, though r…
- — found via Mwmbl [World Map of Friends]
World Map of Friends Using a Plate Carrée style map I have written PHP code to map Latitude/Longitude to X/Y coordinates. If you want to add a friend or …
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Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research | Homepage
Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline is June 21, 2024 Image Unparalleled access to world-class mentorship in the heart of San Francisco Image Our…
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Home | Independent Social Research Foundation
MID-CAREER FELLOWSHIP COMPETITION The Independent Social Research Foundation is a public benefit foundation funded by a group of private philanthropists …
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Victoria Native Friendship Centre
The VNFC is a partner of the National Association of Friendship Centres and the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres. The VNFC supports local …
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Asian American adolescents’ cross-race friendships are poorly understood. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study for Adolescent to Adult Health,…
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Livingston Area Parents of Multiples - Home
Offering friendship and support for parents, guardians, and primary caregivers of multiple birth children. Welcome! Livingston Area Parents of Multiples…
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Haxx is a bunch of friends who work as software developers and hackers in Sweden. Haxx developers do embedded programming, realtime magic, network deep di…
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Home - Korean Friendship Association
Korean Friendship Association Korean Friendship Association Korean Friendship Association Korean Friendship Association Our Story The KFA was officially …
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8KPeak | AT Skiing & Mountaineering Gear
We are a group of friends who grew up skiing, climbing, and playing baseball together in Aspen Colorado. Our passion for the mountains was instilled in u…
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Main Home - Amici
In 1993, a group of friends got together to make their dream of owning a pizzeria a reality. The result was Amici, a place where you’ll always find pizza,…
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Rohan Kapoor
Recently, a group of friends and I discovered Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, a 4-6 person PC game that lets you command and run a starship while wor…
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Archive: 2022-05 -
I met a couple of friends from university for an evening of live music from Mount Forel, Anteloper (who are looking for a new name, I think because there…
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Quaker Beliefs & Worship - Quaker Resources
The Religious Society of Friends (better known as the Quakers) is a diverse global community. You may have heard about Quakers sitting in silence, waiting…
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Store Watch: eco|stems at KITKA design toronto
We have two pairs of friends who recently got engaged to be married. Congratulations Jen & Taylor and Julia & Payman!!! So in honor of our bridezillas to…
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GCAP1CA Meeting in Belgium (Event Cache) in Liège, Belgium creat…
We are a group of friends who were enchanted by geocaching. We are from the Czech Republic, Vysočina region from the city of Žďár nad Sázavou (Tulak50, M…
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About Revision | Revision
About As a group of friends and tech enthusiasts from all over the world, we have dedicated ourselves to the idea of sharing insights and ideas freely am…
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Ralph DORMER [1898-1948] | Gwulo
A large crowd of friends and brother Scouts from the St. Andrew's Troop, St. Paul's College Troop and 1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph's College) Troop, gathere…
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Comments my group of friends had a spate at frequenting the speakeasy - short lived as you couldn't hop elsewhere in the vicinity which is what we did. b…
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quit buggin on Tumblr
ladynoir are the type of friends who plan out their futures together. they'll say stuff like 'our kids are going to be best friends. they HAVE to be' or …
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@embbu on Tumblr
maintaining friendships as an adult be like you know i don’t think we often talk about how difficult it actually is to suddenly realize that a belief you…
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@nakhtflug on Tumblr
On Particular Friendships Those who have these types of friendships usually stray from the rest of the community to converse together, and to have a hear…
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@ayetroyler on Tumblr
Friendships can be just as toxic as any other type of relationship. It’s okay to cut toxic friends out of your life. You don’t have to suffer through it …
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Alumni | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security a…
Association of Friends and Supporters of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law e.V. (Alumni) The purpose of the Association…
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Welcome to Hamilton - Tourism Hamilton
Top Events Festival of Friends Art Crawl RBG After Dark: Summer Salsa STAY IN THE KNOW Thanks for signing up! You can unsubscribe at any time using the U…
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Events - Queensland Brain Institute - University of Queensland
Gather a group of friends and join us for a magnificent day of racing and fashion which raises funds to support research at the Queensland Brain Institut…
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Give — Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival
Support Join our family of friends Make a one-time or recurring gift to our annual fund. We try to make our concerts as accessbile as possible and only 1…
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Join FIAF - French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF)
Join an intimate circle of friends for luncheons with best-selling authors, talks by renowned journalists and luminaries from the worlds of French litera…
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Native Daughters of the Golden West – Est. 1886
Friendship and Charity The Native Daughters of the Golden West is a fraternal and patriotic organization who strive to improve the state of California th…
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Home -
KFAUK Korean Friendship Association UK UK KFA is part of the worldwide Korean Friendship Association which has over 17,000 members worldwide with new mem…
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#585636 - safe, artist:el-yeguero, applejack, rainbow dash, rari…
@Poptard Platonic friendships is of course the main theme, they aren’t going to change that, but they aren’t going to erase romantic inclinations from th…
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DAFG: البداية
The German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG) is a vibrant and lively association that works in the fields of politics, business & economy, culture, scien…
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♡ mezucore ♡
FRIENDS about me i'm mezu!! i'm 22, and my dream is to one day become a princess! well, at least, dress and behave like one: a perfect mix of elegant, pr…
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A Bangladesh hospital is world’s ‘best new building’ | In Pictur…
Friendship Hospital in cyclone-prone Satkhira district gains recognition from the Royal Institute of British Architects. A community hospital in a remote…
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here for a good time not a long time
Friendships can be just as toxic as any other type of relationship. It’s okay to cut toxic friends out of your life. You don’t have to suffer through it …
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CPEC | China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Secretariat Offic…
Pakistan-China friendship is deep rooted and eternal. This friendship is rooted in the hearts of people of the two countries. The all-weather strategic co…
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★gays into the iris★
maintaining friendships as an adult be like you know i don’t think we often talk about how difficult it actually is to suddenly realize that a belief you…
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Lasting Friendships Students build strong friendships and bonds through a diverse and spirited set of student-run clubs and organizations, sports, field …
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Portofelice Family Camping Village | Seaside holidays near Venice
Where long-lasting friendships are born ! Private Pool Club Portofelice. The wonderful holiday village for families! All the team here at Portofelice are…