Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months, 1 week ago for query Wapchan
Original results
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Note: These boards may or may not be worksafe. All users give up their right to a worksafe enviroment when entering these boards... you have been warned.…
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Wapchan Doodles!
in which you have nothing more to learn and does not change at all also i used to have a desire to be prolific, like oda, or whatever wiki said counting …
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/wap/ - wapchan discussion
I redid the front page/top of board news to be pulled from threads, so all future site news will be posted here. Feel free to give feedback/responses , s…
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/vnt/ - Vidya & Tech
>>122 its the very first text based game, it was released in 1976 by one of the fathers of the internet, Will Crowther, he relesed it for the PDP-10 main…
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/cel/ - Retro Anime & Manga
>>2251 Well...still Dirty Pair. I liked Urashiman a lot, it's a goofy future cop show. Fist of the North Star is a classic if you can handle some shonen …
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/kind/ - Random Acts of Kindness
Family is like "oh its so nice that you are the first in the family to go to uni" And now that I work on my thesis they don't care what I'm doing, neithe…
- — found via Mwmbl
/digi/ - 2000s Anime & Manga
/lum/ will never die - for all of its faults, I appreciate that at least it was given a chance, and while it's probably going to be forgotten about in th…
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/media/ - Mixed Media
I'd like to cycle out the music on the radio monthly going forward, since its had it's current library for a long time now. Doesn't have to be anime rela…
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/chill/ - Chill Out!
Anything you feel like you need to say? Get it off your chest. One thing about me is that sadly, I'm very cold by nature. It is extremely difficult for m…
- — found via Mwmbl
Family is like "oh its so nice that you are the first in the family to go to uni" And now that I work on my thesis they don't care what I'm doing, neithe…
- — found via Mwmbl
/wap/ - News Thread
I redid the front page/top of board news to be pulled from threads, so all future site news will be posted here. Feel free to give feedback/responses , s…
New results
- — found via Mwmbl
Note: These boards may or may not be worksafe. All users give up their right to a worksafe enviroment when entering these boards... you have been warned.…
- — found via Mwmbl
Wapchan Doodles!
in which you have nothing more to learn and does not change at all also i used to have a desire to be prolific, like oda, or whatever wiki said counting …
- — found via Mwmbl
/wap/ - wapchan discussion
I redid the front page/top of board news to be pulled from threads, so all future site news will be posted here. Feel free to give feedback/responses , s…
- — found via Mwmbl
/vnt/ - Vidya & Tech
>>122 its the very first text based game, it was released in 1976 by one of the fathers of the internet, Will Crowther, he relesed it for the PDP-10 main…
- — found via Mwmbl
/cel/ - Retro Anime & Manga
>>2251 Well...still Dirty Pair. I liked Urashiman a lot, it's a goofy future cop show. Fist of the North Star is a classic if you can handle some shonen …
- — found via Mwmbl
/kind/ - Random Acts of Kindness
Family is like "oh its so nice that you are the first in the family to go to uni" And now that I work on my thesis they don't care what I'm doing, neithe…
- — found via Mwmbl
/digi/ - 2000s Anime & Manga
/lum/ will never die - for all of its faults, I appreciate that at least it was given a chance, and while it's probably going to be forgotten about in th…
- — found via Mwmbl
/media/ - Mixed Media
I'd like to cycle out the music on the radio monthly going forward, since its had it's current library for a long time now. Doesn't have to be anime rela…
- — found via Mwmbl
/chill/ - Chill Out!
Anything you feel like you need to say? Get it off your chest. One thing about me is that sadly, I'm very cold by nature. It is extremely difficult for m…
- — found via Mwmbl
Family is like "oh its so nice that you are the first in the family to go to uni" And now that I work on my thesis they don't care what I'm doing, neithe…
- — found via Mwmbl
/wap/ - News Thread
I redid the front page/top of board news to be pulled from threads, so all future site news will be posted here. Feel free to give feedback/responses , s…