Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months, 2 weeks ago for query Dot Earth
Original results
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Dot Earth - Wikipedia
Featuring videos, interviews and other types of information like environmental and climate change issues, including energy policy, conservation, biodiver…
- — found via Wikipedia
Pale Blue Dot
Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken on February 14, 1990, by the Voyager 1 space probe from an unprecedented distance of approximately 6 billion
- — found via Wikipedia
Andrew Revkin
for The New York Times from 1995 through 2009. In 2007, he created the Dot Earth environmental blog for The Times. The blog moved to the Opinion Pages
- — found via Wikipedia
Dot-com bubble
The dot-com bubble (or dot-com boom) was a stock market bubble that ballooned during the late-1990s and peaked on Friday, March 10, 2000. This period of
- — found via Wikipedia
Pale Blue Dot (book)
Pale Blue Dot at the United States Library of Congress Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive A new picture of Earth taken through
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New York Times Dot Earth Update on Wheat Stem Rust Menace
New York Times Dot Earth Update on Wheat Stem Rust Menace New York Times science reporter Andrew Revkin reports on the findings of an urgent meeting of c…
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Dot Earth Defender aka NYTimes Blog Valet - formatting/filtering…
As of Sept 24 2008, the NYTimes has changed their blog format, in a way that breaks this script. I'll get to it when I can, but I'm told the formatting is…
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dot earth Archives — Sea Change Radio
This week on Sea Change Radio we hear from noted environmental journalist, Andrew Revkin, about a recent Yale/Utah State survey and mapping project desig…
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growth - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
At the recent United Nations conference on “gross national happiness,” a scattering of young participants looked on with a clear sense of urgency as main…
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Drought - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
But she’s arguably just as talented at communicating science and its significance in clear and compelling ways. I’ve gotten to know this through our chat…
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postcard - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
The state has been slow to gird for this calamity, which is not surprising considering that the last great quake (and tsunami) struck in 1700. (That tsun…
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book report - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Ari Phillips, who’s pursuing a master’s degree in global policy studies and journalism at the University of Texas, Austin, sent this fine Dot Earth Book R…
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ipcc - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
[Y]ou should acknowledge that everyone prominently involved in the IPCC has been subjected to violent personal abuse. It’s small wonder if they feel an a…
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cop15 - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
A couple of years ago, the Center for Collective Intelligence (I wonder about the potential for this every day in running a blog) at the Massachusetts In…
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basics - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
The National Academies, the nation’s preeminent independent scientific advisory body, has released a series of videos building on themes laid out in its A…
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arcship - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
What’s notable here is the relatively low value of the cargo, distinguishing the voyage from the Arctic passage of two German vessels last year hauling c…
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Dot Earth 2.0 - The New York Times
Site Navigation Site Mobile Navigation Dot Earth 2.0 After 940 posts as a news blog, Dot Earth is moving to the Opinion side of The New York Times, where…
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sea level - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Justin Gillis of The Times has summarized new research pointing to rising odds of costly coastal flooding coming from greenhouse heating of the planet. T…
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energy quest - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Now there’s a new offering, with a difference. It’s Stoveman, a four-part video series documenting the efforts of two young men who are part of a “low pr…
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climate files - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I reached her via Twitter last night and then emailed a longer reaction (which you can read at the end of this post). I also said I’d answer a few questi…
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noosphere - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
In an Op-Ed article this weekend, Parag Khanna, a Singapore-based analyst of geopolitical and economic trends, proposes a shift in the United States from…
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nuclear power - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Site Mobile Navigation NUCLEAR POWER Stanford University staged a debate featuring two Nobel laureates in physics supporting this proposition: “The World…
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Andrew C. Revkin - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I can’t think of a better way to describe my beat there than by pasting the reply I offered after a friend asked me over the weekend to come up with a Ne…
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Climate Change - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Site Navigation Site Mobile Navigation CLIMATE CHANGE A planned fire burned through needles, branches and logs around sequoias and other trees on June 11…
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diy - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I love the exploratory nature of Shanker’s work, and her blog, which charts how she became interested in the idea while working on an unrelated, and also…
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Art - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I apologize for 10 days of blog silence while I co-led our Pace University documentary production class on a filmmaking trip in Brazil. Now comes crunch …
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iwc - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
A nice post on The Times blog Green explores this division, noting that it is even reflected in the nature of the scientific research Japan says it’s bee…
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ccs - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Aug. 13, 8:20 a.m. | Updated The vast remaining deposits of coal in the world guarantee that this fossil fuel will remain a big part of the global energy…
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ENSO - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
[7:25 p.m. | Updated | There’s a separate peer-reviewed paper underpinning some of the findings in the climate report, and it contains some noteworthy co…
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Tuna - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Site Mobile Navigation Posts tagged with TUNA A detail from a Pew Charitable Trusts information sheet on the impact of longlines set for other species on…
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pcb’s - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
The first phase of the cleanup, which ran from May to October of last year, turned up more contamination than expected in some areas, according to drafts…
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Wikizero - Dot Earth
Featuring videos, interviews and other types of information like environmental and climate change issues, including energy policy, conservation, biodiver…
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Dot Earth - Patch demo (920757,8 920322,7 920323,3 930718,1)
Featuring videos, interviews and other types of information like environmental and climate change issues, including energy policy, conservation, biodiver…
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affect – 1X57
Andrew Revkin from Dot Earth explores whether China will soon switch to natural gas and the answer appears to be, yes. Reports showed that China — which w…
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Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Dot Earth 2.0
09 April 2010 Dot Earth 2.0 Andy Revkin's Dot Earth has moved to the NYT opinion page. Congrats to Andy and to the NYT. Judging from Andy's first post, w…
New results
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Dot Earth - Wikipedia
Featuring videos, interviews and other types of information like environmental and climate change issues, including energy policy, conservation, biodiver…
- — found via User
Natural Resources and the Environment - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I can’t think of a better way to describe my beat there than by pasting the reply I offered after a friend asked me over the weekend to come up with a New…
- — found via Wikipedia
Pale Blue Dot
Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken on February 14, 1990, by the Voyager 1 space probe from an unprecedented distance of approximately 6 billion
- — found via Wikipedia
Andrew Revkin
for The New York Times from 1995 through 2009. In 2007, he created the Dot Earth environmental blog for The Times. The blog moved to the Opinion Pages
- — found via Wikipedia
Dot-com bubble
The dot-com bubble (or dot-com boom) was a stock market bubble that ballooned during the late-1990s and peaked on Friday, March 10, 2000. This period of
- — found via Wikipedia
Pale Blue Dot (book)
Pale Blue Dot at the United States Library of Congress Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive A new picture of Earth taken through
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New York Times Dot Earth Update on Wheat Stem Rust Menace
New York Times Dot Earth Update on Wheat Stem Rust Menace New York Times science reporter Andrew Revkin reports on the findings of an urgent meeting of c…
- — found via Mwmbl
Dot Earth Defender aka NYTimes Blog Valet - formatting/filtering…
As of Sept 24 2008, the NYTimes has changed their blog format, in a way that breaks this script. I'll get to it when I can, but I'm told the formatting is…
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dot earth Archives — Sea Change Radio
This week on Sea Change Radio we hear from noted environmental journalist, Andrew Revkin, about a recent Yale/Utah State survey and mapping project desig…
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growth - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
At the recent United Nations conference on “gross national happiness,” a scattering of young participants looked on with a clear sense of urgency as main…
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Drought - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
But she’s arguably just as talented at communicating science and its significance in clear and compelling ways. I’ve gotten to know this through our chat…
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postcard - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
The state has been slow to gird for this calamity, which is not surprising considering that the last great quake (and tsunami) struck in 1700. (That tsun…
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book report - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Ari Phillips, who’s pursuing a master’s degree in global policy studies and journalism at the University of Texas, Austin, sent this fine Dot Earth Book R…
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ipcc - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
[Y]ou should acknowledge that everyone prominently involved in the IPCC has been subjected to violent personal abuse. It’s small wonder if they feel an a…
- — found via Mwmbl
cop15 - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
A couple of years ago, the Center for Collective Intelligence (I wonder about the potential for this every day in running a blog) at the Massachusetts In…
- — found via Mwmbl
basics - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
The National Academies, the nation’s preeminent independent scientific advisory body, has released a series of videos building on themes laid out in its A…
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arcship - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
What’s notable here is the relatively low value of the cargo, distinguishing the voyage from the Arctic passage of two German vessels last year hauling c…
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Dot Earth 2.0 - The New York Times
Site Navigation Site Mobile Navigation Dot Earth 2.0 After 940 posts as a news blog, Dot Earth is moving to the Opinion side of The New York Times, where…
- — found via Mwmbl
sea level - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Justin Gillis of The Times has summarized new research pointing to rising odds of costly coastal flooding coming from greenhouse heating of the planet. T…
- — found via Mwmbl
energy quest - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Now there’s a new offering, with a difference. It’s Stoveman, a four-part video series documenting the efforts of two young men who are part of a “low pr…
- — found via Mwmbl
climate files - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I reached her via Twitter last night and then emailed a longer reaction (which you can read at the end of this post). I also said I’d answer a few questi…
- — found via Mwmbl
noosphere - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
In an Op-Ed article this weekend, Parag Khanna, a Singapore-based analyst of geopolitical and economic trends, proposes a shift in the United States from…
- — found via Mwmbl
nuclear power - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Site Mobile Navigation NUCLEAR POWER Stanford University staged a debate featuring two Nobel laureates in physics supporting this proposition: “The World…
- — found via Mwmbl
Andrew C. Revkin - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I can’t think of a better way to describe my beat there than by pasting the reply I offered after a friend asked me over the weekend to come up with a Ne…
- — found via Mwmbl
Climate Change - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Site Navigation Site Mobile Navigation CLIMATE CHANGE A planned fire burned through needles, branches and logs around sequoias and other trees on June 11…
- — found via Mwmbl
diy - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I love the exploratory nature of Shanker’s work, and her blog, which charts how she became interested in the idea while working on an unrelated, and also…
- — found via Mwmbl
Art - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
I apologize for 10 days of blog silence while I co-led our Pace University documentary production class on a filmmaking trip in Brazil. Now comes crunch …
- — found via Mwmbl
iwc - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
A nice post on The Times blog Green explores this division, noting that it is even reflected in the nature of the scientific research Japan says it’s bee…
- — found via Mwmbl
ccs - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Aug. 13, 8:20 a.m. | Updated The vast remaining deposits of coal in the world guarantee that this fossil fuel will remain a big part of the global energy…
- — found via Mwmbl
ENSO - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
[7:25 p.m. | Updated | There’s a separate peer-reviewed paper underpinning some of the findings in the climate report, and it contains some noteworthy co…
- — found via Mwmbl
Tuna - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
Site Mobile Navigation Posts tagged with TUNA A detail from a Pew Charitable Trusts information sheet on the impact of longlines set for other species on…
- — found via Mwmbl
pcb’s - Dot Earth Blog - The New York Times
The first phase of the cleanup, which ran from May to October of last year, turned up more contamination than expected in some areas, according to drafts…
- — found via Mwmbl
Wikizero - Dot Earth
Featuring videos, interviews and other types of information like environmental and climate change issues, including energy policy, conservation, biodiver…
- — found via Mwmbl
Dot Earth - Patch demo (920757,8 920322,7 920323,3 930718,1)
Featuring videos, interviews and other types of information like environmental and climate change issues, including energy policy, conservation, biodiver…
- — found via Mwmbl
affect – 1X57
Andrew Revkin from Dot Earth explores whether China will soon switch to natural gas and the answer appears to be, yes. Reports showed that China — which w…
- — found via Mwmbl
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Dot Earth 2.0
09 April 2010 Dot Earth 2.0 Andy Revkin's Dot Earth has moved to the NYT opinion page. Congrats to Andy and to the NYT. Judging from Andy's first post, w…