Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months, 2 weeks ago for query Arkansas Times
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
Arkansas Times
Arkansas Times, a weekly alternative newspaper based in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, is a publication that has circulated more than 40 years
- — found via Wikipedia
Anti-BDS laws
11, 2019. Retrieved August 18, 2020. "Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, No. 19-1378 (8th Cir. 2021)". "Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, No. 19-1378 (8th Cir.
-,_Arkansas — found via Wikipedia
Harrison, Arkansas
The city of Harrison is the county seat of Boone County, Arkansas, United States. It is named after Marcus LaRue Harrison, a surveyor who laid out the
- — found via Wikipedia
List of governors of Arkansas
governor of Arkansas is the head of government of the U.S. state of Arkansas. The governor is the head of the executive branch of the Arkansas government
-,_Arkansas — found via Wikipedia
Little Rock, Arkansas
within Arkansas and the American South. Several cultural institutions are in Little Rock, such as the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, the Arkansas Repertory
- — found via Mwmbl
Arkansas Times | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, …
To celebrate the Arkansas Times' golden anniversary, we’re looking back at the history of the publication and sharing some of our favorite moments of the…
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Podcast - Arkansas Times
Podcast The Arkansas Times podcast is back! Since 2011, the Week in Review Podcast has been the place to go for the straight dirt on Arkansas news, polit…
- — found via Mwmbl
Dining - Arkansas Times
George’s looks to be an outstanding addition to the Little Rock restaurant scene in general and to our Italian offerings specifically. They’ve successful…
- — found via Mwmbl
Trending - Arkansas Times
Shaniya Abrams of Raduno — winner of Best Server in the 2024 Arkansas Times Readers Choice poll — takes an in-depth look at the local food scene offering…
- — found via Mwmbl
Features - Arkansas Times
Before Joshua Asante was even born, the idea that he was chosen followed him around. After learning by way of pure intuition that she was pregnant with Jo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Subscribe - Arkansas Times
Subscribe Support independent journalism in Arkansas! We continue to be so impressed by the commitment and loyalty of Arkansas Times supporters like you …
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Long Form - Arkansas Times
While barbershops and churches and gyms and restaurants across the country are easing their doors open incrementally, theaters, nightclubs and performing …
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Va Archives - Arkansas Times
The Washington Post has published an extensive review of the case of Dr. Robert Levy, the former VA pathologist in Fayetteville accused of thousands of m…
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Savvy Archives - Arkansas Times
In a year when Arkansas’s librarians are fending off book bans, and an executive order from Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders restricts what topics can be taug…
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Law Archives - Arkansas Times
Law The Arkansas Municipal League filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against a number of major distributors and manufacturers of prescription opioids in the U.S.…
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pie Archives - Arkansas Times
pie In Hope, Arkansas, food historian Kat Robinson discovered a way to once again savor a fried apple pie similar to the bubble-crusted, napalm filled pa…
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Mud Archives - Arkansas Times
The movie’s obviously filmed in DeWitt and elsewhere in Southeast Arkansas and stars Yell County’s Jacob Lofland. And those who know Lucero, undoubtedly,…
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DNC Archives - Arkansas Times
The Hill is reporting that the Democratic National Committee has booted Arkansas native Vincent Tolliver out of the race for DNC chair after he wrote an …
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ADH Archives - Arkansas Times
Gov. Sarah Sanders almost immediately declared that the pandemic was over in Arkansas during her first week in office in January. In the time since, at l…
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CMS Archives - Arkansas Times
On Friday, the Trump administration filed a motion to dismiss a federal lawsuit attempting to stop Arkansas's first-of-its-kind Medicaid work requirement…
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FCC Archives - Arkansas Times
FCC As telecommunications companies improve their infrastructure to pave the way for 5G technology, a new type of wireless tower is popping up around cit…
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DWI Archives - Arkansas Times
William Asa Hutchinson III, the 48-year-old son of former Gov. Asa Hutchinson, was sentenced to ten days in jail for possession of a controlled substance…
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SB6 Archives - Arkansas Times
SB6 Pocahontas native Caroline Jackson Morgan fled for bluer pastures a few years ago, moving her family to Rhode Island for an East Coast reprieve from …
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Q&A Archives - Arkansas Times
“I’ve had CEOs of billion-dollar international companies come up to me at events and art openings over the past few years and say, ‘I’m very concerned ab…
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NRA Archives - Arkansas Times
NRA “Far more needs to be done to keep our children safe in and out of the classroom, but militarizing their schools is not the answer,” said Anna Morshe…
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EJs Archives - Arkansas Times
EJs Glynda Tarpley, co-owner of EJ’s Eats and Drinks at 523 Center Street, said that a second location of the restaurant will be coming to a space at 360…
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IRS Archives - Arkansas Times
The Satanic Temple, among those challenging religious statuary on the state Capitol grounds, can now claim discrimination as a church denied a place for …
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ACT Archives - Arkansas Times
In his opinion, Griffin cited a single “misleading provision” of the text of the proposed act and ballot title. The attorney general said he would “expedi…
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ASO Archives - Arkansas Times
In addition to selections from “Romeo & Juliet,” a ballet by Prokofiev, the two-performance-only program includes a 1903 Gabriel Pierné piece that revolv…
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GOP Archives - Arkansas Times
Yes, let us hope. From a Republican blogger: THE TEA PARTY CONVENTION: On a conference call with the Republican National Committee’s temporary delegate s…
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gun Archives - Arkansas Times
KARK reports that a person with a gun in a stopped vehicle has closed the I-430 and Maumelle Boulevard exit and both roadways. UPDATE: Shortly before 11:…
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BCW Archives - Arkansas Times
BCW BCW (Bread Cheese Wine), chef Nathan Miller’s restaurant in downtown’s SoMa neighborhood, is making a few tweaks to its menu about six months after o…
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BDS Archives - Arkansas Times
BDS Here was an opportunity to collect more information and perspective to better understand the Israel-Hamas war. Instead, an overreaching state law inf…
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ATF Archives - Arkansas Times
There’s been a lack of information available about what happened when agents arrived at Bryan Malinowski's West Little Rock home with a search warrant. L…
- — found via Mwmbl
Travel Archives - Arkansas Times
Shreveport is a hybrid of ArkLaTex elements and therefore its own thing entirely — too Cajun to resemble its geographical neighbors in East Texas, too la…
- — found via Mwmbl
AT&T Archives - Arkansas Times
So if you turned on your television today and you subscribe to ATT cable and satellite, you found that Channel 4 (in Little Rock) was off the air. A mess…
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UAMS Archives - Arkansas Times
Arkansas’s shamefully high maternal mortality rate is not enough to convince Arkansas officials to extend Medicaid for new moms, even though the federal …
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WREG Archives - Arkansas Times
WREG On a party line vote controlled by Republican appointees, the Federal Commuinications Commission rule that limited ownership of multiple media outle…
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KFSM Archives - Arkansas Times
And lays his fate at U.S. Rep. Steve Womack’s feet. If all goes according to the Tiger King’s plan, he is headed straight from prison into the arms of hi…
- — found via Mwmbl
FIRE Archives - Arkansas Times
The Grind Coffee Bistro on Cantrell mostly suffered water damage, Mckinney said, and she expects to reopen within the next two weeks. “The Pettaway locat…
- — found via Mwmbl
History Archives - Arkansas Times
In spite of the museum’s impressive work over the past 10 years, many Arkansans remain unaware that this meaningful resource exists in our state, or that…
- — found via Mwmbl
Cannabiz Archives - Arkansas Times
The amendment would extend patient cards to three years, eliminate fees on patient cards and allow patients to grow up to seven plants. Marijuana advocat…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Arkansas Times
Arkansas Times, a weekly alternative newspaper based in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, is a publication that has circulated more than 40 years
- — found via User
Arkansas Times | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art
From Rock Candy Earth, Wind & Fire was seminal not only because they so elegantly merged disparate elements of multiple kinds of music (jazz, R&B, gospel,…
- — found via Wikipedia
Anti-BDS laws
11, 2019. Retrieved August 18, 2020. "Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, No. 19-1378 (8th Cir. 2021)". "Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, No. 19-1378 (8th Cir.
-,_Arkansas — found via Wikipedia
Harrison, Arkansas
The city of Harrison is the county seat of Boone County, Arkansas, United States. It is named after Marcus LaRue Harrison, a surveyor who laid out the
- — found via Wikipedia
List of governors of Arkansas
governor of Arkansas is the head of government of the U.S. state of Arkansas. The governor is the head of the executive branch of the Arkansas government
-,_Arkansas — found via Wikipedia
Little Rock, Arkansas
within Arkansas and the American South. Several cultural institutions are in Little Rock, such as the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, the Arkansas Repertory
- — found via Mwmbl
Arkansas Times | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, …
To celebrate the Arkansas Times' golden anniversary, we’re looking back at the history of the publication and sharing some of our favorite moments of the…
- — found via Mwmbl
Podcast - Arkansas Times
Podcast The Arkansas Times podcast is back! Since 2011, the Week in Review Podcast has been the place to go for the straight dirt on Arkansas news, polit…
- — found via Mwmbl
Dining - Arkansas Times
George’s looks to be an outstanding addition to the Little Rock restaurant scene in general and to our Italian offerings specifically. They’ve successful…
- — found via Mwmbl
Trending - Arkansas Times
Shaniya Abrams of Raduno — winner of Best Server in the 2024 Arkansas Times Readers Choice poll — takes an in-depth look at the local food scene offering…
- — found via Mwmbl
Features - Arkansas Times
Before Joshua Asante was even born, the idea that he was chosen followed him around. After learning by way of pure intuition that she was pregnant with Jo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Subscribe - Arkansas Times
Subscribe Support independent journalism in Arkansas! We continue to be so impressed by the commitment and loyalty of Arkansas Times supporters like you …
- — found via Mwmbl
Long Form - Arkansas Times
While barbershops and churches and gyms and restaurants across the country are easing their doors open incrementally, theaters, nightclubs and performing …
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Va Archives - Arkansas Times
The Washington Post has published an extensive review of the case of Dr. Robert Levy, the former VA pathologist in Fayetteville accused of thousands of m…
- — found via Mwmbl
Savvy Archives - Arkansas Times
In a year when Arkansas’s librarians are fending off book bans, and an executive order from Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders restricts what topics can be taug…
- — found via Mwmbl
Law Archives - Arkansas Times
Law The Arkansas Municipal League filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against a number of major distributors and manufacturers of prescription opioids in the U.S.…
- — found via Mwmbl
pie Archives - Arkansas Times
pie In Hope, Arkansas, food historian Kat Robinson discovered a way to once again savor a fried apple pie similar to the bubble-crusted, napalm filled pa…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mud Archives - Arkansas Times
The movie’s obviously filmed in DeWitt and elsewhere in Southeast Arkansas and stars Yell County’s Jacob Lofland. And those who know Lucero, undoubtedly,…
- — found via Mwmbl
DNC Archives - Arkansas Times
The Hill is reporting that the Democratic National Committee has booted Arkansas native Vincent Tolliver out of the race for DNC chair after he wrote an …
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ADH Archives - Arkansas Times
Gov. Sarah Sanders almost immediately declared that the pandemic was over in Arkansas during her first week in office in January. In the time since, at l…
- — found via Mwmbl
CMS Archives - Arkansas Times
On Friday, the Trump administration filed a motion to dismiss a federal lawsuit attempting to stop Arkansas's first-of-its-kind Medicaid work requirement…
- — found via Mwmbl
FCC Archives - Arkansas Times
FCC As telecommunications companies improve their infrastructure to pave the way for 5G technology, a new type of wireless tower is popping up around cit…
- — found via Mwmbl
DWI Archives - Arkansas Times
William Asa Hutchinson III, the 48-year-old son of former Gov. Asa Hutchinson, was sentenced to ten days in jail for possession of a controlled substance…
- — found via Mwmbl
SB6 Archives - Arkansas Times
SB6 Pocahontas native Caroline Jackson Morgan fled for bluer pastures a few years ago, moving her family to Rhode Island for an East Coast reprieve from …
- — found via Mwmbl
Q&A Archives - Arkansas Times
“I’ve had CEOs of billion-dollar international companies come up to me at events and art openings over the past few years and say, ‘I’m very concerned ab…
- — found via Mwmbl
NRA Archives - Arkansas Times
NRA “Far more needs to be done to keep our children safe in and out of the classroom, but militarizing their schools is not the answer,” said Anna Morshe…
- — found via Mwmbl
EJs Archives - Arkansas Times
EJs Glynda Tarpley, co-owner of EJ’s Eats and Drinks at 523 Center Street, said that a second location of the restaurant will be coming to a space at 360…
- — found via Mwmbl
IRS Archives - Arkansas Times
The Satanic Temple, among those challenging religious statuary on the state Capitol grounds, can now claim discrimination as a church denied a place for …
- — found via Mwmbl
ACT Archives - Arkansas Times
In his opinion, Griffin cited a single “misleading provision” of the text of the proposed act and ballot title. The attorney general said he would “expedi…
- — found via Mwmbl
ASO Archives - Arkansas Times
In addition to selections from “Romeo & Juliet,” a ballet by Prokofiev, the two-performance-only program includes a 1903 Gabriel Pierné piece that revolv…
- — found via Mwmbl
GOP Archives - Arkansas Times
Yes, let us hope. From a Republican blogger: THE TEA PARTY CONVENTION: On a conference call with the Republican National Committee’s temporary delegate s…
- — found via Mwmbl
gun Archives - Arkansas Times
KARK reports that a person with a gun in a stopped vehicle has closed the I-430 and Maumelle Boulevard exit and both roadways. UPDATE: Shortly before 11:…
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BCW Archives - Arkansas Times
BCW BCW (Bread Cheese Wine), chef Nathan Miller’s restaurant in downtown’s SoMa neighborhood, is making a few tweaks to its menu about six months after o…
- — found via Mwmbl
BDS Archives - Arkansas Times
BDS Here was an opportunity to collect more information and perspective to better understand the Israel-Hamas war. Instead, an overreaching state law inf…
- — found via Mwmbl
ATF Archives - Arkansas Times
There’s been a lack of information available about what happened when agents arrived at Bryan Malinowski's West Little Rock home with a search warrant. L…
- — found via Mwmbl
Travel Archives - Arkansas Times
Shreveport is a hybrid of ArkLaTex elements and therefore its own thing entirely — too Cajun to resemble its geographical neighbors in East Texas, too la…
- — found via Mwmbl
AT&T Archives - Arkansas Times
So if you turned on your television today and you subscribe to ATT cable and satellite, you found that Channel 4 (in Little Rock) was off the air. A mess…
- — found via Mwmbl
UAMS Archives - Arkansas Times
Arkansas’s shamefully high maternal mortality rate is not enough to convince Arkansas officials to extend Medicaid for new moms, even though the federal …
- — found via Mwmbl
WREG Archives - Arkansas Times
WREG On a party line vote controlled by Republican appointees, the Federal Commuinications Commission rule that limited ownership of multiple media outle…
- — found via Mwmbl
KFSM Archives - Arkansas Times
And lays his fate at U.S. Rep. Steve Womack’s feet. If all goes according to the Tiger King’s plan, he is headed straight from prison into the arms of hi…
- — found via Mwmbl
FIRE Archives - Arkansas Times
The Grind Coffee Bistro on Cantrell mostly suffered water damage, Mckinney said, and she expects to reopen within the next two weeks. “The Pettaway locat…
- — found via Mwmbl
History Archives - Arkansas Times
In spite of the museum’s impressive work over the past 10 years, many Arkansans remain unaware that this meaningful resource exists in our state, or that…
- — found via Mwmbl
Cannabiz Archives - Arkansas Times
The amendment would extend patient cards to three years, eliminate fees on patient cards and allow patients to grow up to seven plants. Marijuana advocat…