Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months, 3 weeks ago for query The New Republic
Original results
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The New Republic
The New Republic is an American publisher focused on domestic politics, news, culture, and the arts, with ten magazines a year and a daily online platform
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New Republic
New Republic may refer to: New Republic, California, former name of Santa Rita, Monterey County, California New Republic (Santarem), district in the city
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Galactic Republic
After the end of the Galactic Empire, the New Republic was founded. It was enforced by the original Rebel Alliance, eventually known as the New Republic Military
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Union for the New Republic
The Union for the New Republic (French: L'Union pour la nouvelle République, UNR) was a Gaullist political party in France, formed in support of Charles
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New Republic Pictures
New Republic Pictures, LLC is an American production company and independent financier of feature films founded by Brian Oliver in 2017. The first co-financed
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The New Republic syndrome |
The number one problem facing the Democratic Party is that, as events of the last week demonstrate, it continues to be plagued by The New Republic Syndrom…
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The New Republic | Scribd
Providing intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy, and culture since 1914.Providing intelligent, stimulati…
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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy The New Republic (“TNR,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) understands that you care about how we collect, use, and share information when you interac…
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Can the New Republic find its digital footing? - Digiday
Can the New Republic find its digital footing? It’s been two years since Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes acquired the New Republic, the Washington insid…
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London 2012 Olympics: Mitt Romney's wife's horse Rafalca heading…
The Republican candidate to become the next American president, Mitt Romney, will be heading to the London Olympics to watch the opening ceremony – and h…
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Delegate Apocalypse: Can Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul Force a Co…
The Republican presidential campaign is turning into a race for delegates, and if Republicans held their nominating convention today, the party's 2012 pr…
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Colbert Sacrifices a Baby to Grover Norquist [VIDEO]
"Virtually every Republican in congress has signed a pledge to never raise taxes," Colbert explained. "A pledge extracted by the president of Americans f…
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The New Republic and the state of niche news magazines | Pew Res…
The New Republic and the state of niche news magazines Late last week, after the firing of two top editors at the century-old New Republic magazine, more…
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New Republic - New York Magazine
Lawyers Advocate an Oscar for ‘Michael Clayton’ — That George Clooney Makes Them Look So Good!LEGAL • Lawyers everywhere are crossing their fingers for a…
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New York Magazine
2024 rnc Republicans Have Bed-Wetters, Too At the RNC, some Trump campaign officials and allies think their good luck will run out and worry that their th…
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The new republic model - Pearls and Irritations
The new republic model Under the ARM’s new model the Head of State will be elected by popular vote for a term of 5 years. Image: Pixabay There were two m…
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No Deal | The New Republic
Does the New Deal provide a useful model for fixing our own troubled economy? In many respects, yes. The frenzy of activity and innovation that marked Fra…
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The New Republic ’s travel program is designed in the spirit of our political, social, and cultural content. TNR’s excursions started with our iconic Cuba…
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About The New Republic was founded in 1914 to bring liberalism into the modern era. The founders understood that the challenges facing a nation transform…
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Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss education and democracy
The New Republic published a hypothetical speech by Sidney Blumenthal that Joe Biden might give if were as ruthless as Trump. However, he won’t because h…
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What's new in Harper's, the Weekly Standard, Newsweek, and more.
Rethinking Jihad The New Republic and The New Yorker on recent blows to al-Qaida in the Muslim world. New Republic, June 11 The cover story investigates …
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The New Republic | Substack
The New Republic As an independent newsroom, we exercise the freedom to be skeptical of all policies regardless of party—we understand that the challenge…
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5 reasons Republicans oppose the new anti-gay-discrimination law…
5 reasons Republicans oppose the new anti-gay-discrimination law On Monday, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which bans workplace discrimina…
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Ad Absurdum | The New Republic
Ad Absurdum When I was growing up, a household rule dictated that my brother and I mute all television commercials. If my father found either of us stari…
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The Republic CyberBunker
Background: CyberBunker was built as a NATO base in 1955 In 1995 it was sold to a company under the control of it's present royal family and government. …
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A Republic is born: The Hindu Editorial on January 26, 1950 - T…
The Editorial on the The Hindu issue dated January 26, 1950 is republished on the occasion of the 71st Republic Day. The inauguration of the Republic of …
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Republic of Korea achieves the highest WHO level for regulatio…
Republic of Korea achieves the highest WHO level for regulation of medicines and vaccines Republic of Korea achieves the highest WHO level for regulation…
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New Mexico governor tells Colorado Republicans that real talk, n…
Colorado Republicans trekked from all across the state to Littleton on Friday night for the party’s fourth-annual Centennial Dinner. New Mexico Gov. Susa…
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Reality Bites Republicans | The Nation
Subscribe to The Nation Get The Nation’s Weekly Newsletter By signing up, you confirm that you are over the age of 16 and agree to receive occasional pro…
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Article: Republicans Finally Caught up in Their Own Hypocrisy | …
Finally and at long last, it seems to be true. The many lies and hypocritical positions taken by top Republican politicians over the past several years i…
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Article: Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Ris…
Gas prices continue to rise, which is finally giving Republicans an issue. Mitt Romney is demanding the President open up more domestic drilling; the sup…
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The Delegate Fight: 2016
The Republicans have a small number of unpledged delegates who are free to change their vote on the first ballot; these are indicated in the above counts…
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Did Republican House Landslide Kill Net Neutrality? | WIRED
Did Republican House Landslide Kill Net Neutrality? The Federal Communications Commission has published the agenda for its November Open Meeting. It come…
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Donald Trump blaming Democrats for blocking his nominees ignores…
Republicans control the White House and Congress for the first time since 2006. The Democratic party has not had this little power over the Washington ag…
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PolitiFact | Conservative blogger says proposed tax could hit wi…
Republicans often complain that the Democratic health care bills would impose a heavy tax burden on Americans. So when the Senate Finance Committee began …
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Berwick: "I've Got The Back" Of Medicare Beneficiaries - The KHN…
As Republicans battle with Democrats and President Barack Obama over the future of the health care law, Donald Berwick, the administrator of the Centers …
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KFF Health News
The Republican National Convention highlighted a number of policy issues this week, but health care was not among them. That was not much of a surprise, …
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New Republic Design House - Design Driven by Performance We help… has global traffic rank of 865,982. has an estimated worth of US$ 8,083, based on its estimated Ads revenue.…
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The Republic of Boblycat
We are a small nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We provide various social benefits to our citizens, such as a free web hosting, she…
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Mankind in the Making by H. G. Wells | Project Gutenberg
The New Republic -- The problem of the birth supply -- Certain wholesale aspects of man-making -- The beginnings of the mind and language -- The man-makin…
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The Novel Démeublé | Willa Cather Archive
The New Republic by WILLA SIBERT CATHER. The Novel Démeublé THE novel, for a long while, has been over-furnished. The property-man has been so busy on it…
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#mccarthy -
The New Republic reported that following two failed votes on the #House floor for Israel aid and the #impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandr…
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#McCarthy -
The New Republic reported that following two failed votes on the #House floor for Israel aid and the #impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandr…
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The People's Republic of Interactive Fiction
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Friday, Dec. 29, 2023 online. Doug, anjchang, Stephen Eric Jablonski, Hugh (StrandGames), and Jo…
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US Govt: Doing what it can to forbid people to join a union
The New Republic by the Editors Post date 10.12.06 | Issue date 10.23.06 Keeping labor organizers at bay used to be a bloody business. In May 1937, when …
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Republic of the Marshall Islands Judiciary – Committed to Justice
Iokwe Iok Welcome to the Marshall Islands Judiciary’s web site. The site, reflecting the Judiciary’s continuing commitment to providing access to justice…
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NWO Archives - Granite Grok
NWO The New Republic was gobsmacked by a 2022 report that claimed only 5-6% of plastics entering the recycling stream in America were actually recycled. …
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Live-blogging the Republican debate
Live-blogging the Republican debate The Republican presidential candidates meet in Florida YOU may think two debates in six days is overkill, but the mon…
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Republicans Determined Not to Get Fooled Again – Mother Jones
We’ve reached the point in Republicans politics at which GOP candidates are considered too liberal if they sided with the Bush/Cheney administration on m…
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Please RSVP for Iowa GOP open house
The Republican Party of Iowa is hosting an open house for supporters and volunteers Sat., Aug. 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This isn't just any open house: w…
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Republicans demand consequences for 'willful lie' by intelligenc…
Seven Republican members of Congress called on attorney general Eric Holder on Thursday to open an investigation into the leader of the US intelligence c…
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The Arizona Republic
The statement is co-signed by the Anti-Defamation League%27s Arizona branch and 23 others Much of the recent activity was sparked by a new ASU course on …
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Republicans want you to gut the minimum wage law
Counting on our stupidity The Republicans in control are happy that you elected them, but when it comes to creating public policy, like an increased mini…
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Results Page 14 for 1918 | Bartleby
Problems the New Republic in Germany Faced from 1918-1923 The Weimar Republic faced a number of serious problems from it’s birth in 1918 to 1923. These in…
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2015 – Edward Docx
2015 Written for The New Republic Magazine (USA): Despite being just a short hop across the Thames from the Houses of Parliament, Vauxhall used to be Lon…
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Czech Republic shifts to the right - Antonin Hořčica
Czech Republic shifts to the right The Czech Republic held parliamentary elections last weekend. Members of our DiEM25 local group (DSC) in České Budějov…
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Éirígí For A New Republic
Private waste companies in the Twenty-Six Counties are promising to increase their already extortionate bin charges, targeting already hard-pressed famil…
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Updates - Page 5 of 5 - Republican Voters Against Trump
Updates & Press The New Republic covered the launch of Republican Voters Against Trump. Host Greg Sargent spoke with Sarah Longwell: This week, a group o…
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Home - Republican Voters Against Trump
“For the first time in over 50 years of voting in presidential elections, I will not vote Republican.” These are former Donald Trump voters. They support…
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Republican | LAGOP | Republican Party of Louisiana
For information on Events or Party News, Call (225) 928-2998 or Email us at Our Mission The Republican Party of Louisiana is dedicated to …
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Obama the Planner – The Antiplanner
Obama the Planner New Republic editor John Judis has a couple of insights about the Obama administration’s economic and social goals. He points out that,…
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The Thoreau Institute
Visit Our New Blog: In the past thirty years, the Thoreau Institute has critiqued well over one hundred forest plans, park plans, transportation plans, a…
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List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2016 presidenti…
This is a list of Republicans and conservatives who announced their opposition to the election of Donald Trump, the 2016 Republican Party nominee and eve…
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IMU Archives - Solitary Watch
IMU This week, The New Republic published a long essay by Arthur Longworth, which was written with the support of a grant from the Solitary Confinement R…
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MUNGUIN'S NEW REPUBLIC – This site supports Scottish Independence
I’m not sure why they don’t just form a coalition Rishi Sunak has called for a more robust police response to pro-Palestine protest. The BBC reports that…
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Republicans Try One Last Effort To Repeal Obamacare : Shots - He…
Republicans Try One Last Effort To Repeal Obamacare : Shots - Health NewsRepublicans are taking one last shot at repealing and replacing the Affordable C…
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American Center for Law and Justice
The Republican National Convention is underway in Milwaukee, and our nation is still reeling from this weekend’s horrific assassination attempt on Presid…
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Scripting News for 3/6/2008 | Scripting News Annex
Scripting News for 3/6/2008 New Republic says Michigan will announce its caucus in the next few days. Clinton running for VP? Hillary Clinton: “Look, I h…
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Home - Republican Party of Virginia
Join the Team Republican Party of Virginia *By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and text messages, including autodialed a…
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The Republican National Committee’s platform committee has adopted a policy document that reflects former President Donald Trump’s position opposing a fe…
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Connecticut Public | Media for the curious | Connecticut Public
As the Republican convention gets underway in Wisconsin, Connecticut officials are saying Americans should dial back heated political rhetoric. That come…
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Republican National Lawyers Association
On Monday afternoon, President Donald Trump announced Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), a fellow Republican lawyer, as his running mate for the 2024 presidential e…
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Republican Jewish Coalition
RJC ANNUAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT The RJC the unique bridge between the Jewish community and Republican decision-makers. We are committed to building a …
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35mmc - Photography Blog - Reviews, Theory, Reflections, Tutoria…
Religiously, the Republic of Moldova belongs to the Eastern Orthodox Church; the fact that it’s of the “old” Byzantine style, or the “new” orthodox style…
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Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs
While every effort has been made to provide accurate, complete and updated information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic …
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Home - Republican Liberty Caucus
RECOMMENDED VIDEO GET UPDATES VIA EMAIL The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within t…
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Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft and Stokes Croft China
Since 2007, the People’s Republic of Stokes Croft – PRSC – has worked tirelessly to promote civil liberty with a particular focus on public space. Sweepin…
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/b/ - Random - 4chan
Yeah the Republican party probably shouldn't have invested so heavily into trump and his cult, after the failed insurrection imo. They probably won't eve…
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The New York Stock Exchange | NYSE
Community happens here. Your browser is unsupported Today's market The seasonals held true to form yet again. As has been well documented the first two w…
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Home Czech Republic
Czech Republic For two decades, the Czech Republic has been unique among European countries on the environmental and remedial services market. During the…
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Republicans admit they have a problem with Hispanic voters. They have an even bigger problem with Asian Americans — a group that was a majority GOP voting…
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South Carolina Governor Election Results: Nikki Haley Wins Re-El…
Republican Nikki Haley was re-elected to a second term as South Carolina's governor on Tuesday, the Associated Press reports. Haley faced Democrat Vincen…
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VTDigger - News in pursuit of truth
The Vermont Republican Party’s executive committee conducted its vote this week in a closed-door meeting, despite saying earlier this month that it would…
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MSGOP | Mississippi Republican Party
MISSISSIPPI REPUBLICAN PARTY The MSGOP helps elect and support Republican candidates and uphold the MSGOP platform. Chairman Frank Bordeaux “Freedom matt…
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HOME · Republicans for Environmental Protection
REPUBLICANS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Once upon a time, between 1995 and 2010 to be precise, there was an active and energetic national organization c…
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NPR - Breaking News, Analysis, Music, Arts & Podcasts : NPR
Republican Presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump speaks to attendees during his campaign rally in Charlotte Wednesday. The rally is the for…
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ROG - Republic of Gamers|Global | For Those Who Dare
Technology never sleeps, nor should the action. For those keen on winning power, the Republic of Gamers awaits. Driven by relentless innovation, ROG is co…
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The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial & E…
As Republicans assemble for the first full-scale national political convention in eight years, they gather in a battleground state that suddenly looks mor…
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Home - Republican Party of Kentucky
Donate Today Press Releases Get the latest NEWS from RPK Statement in Response to Governor Beshear’s latest Comments on President Biden’s Campaign July 1…
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Matt Mullenweg | Unlucky in Cards
A nice new WordPress 6.6 is out, our 50th release, on the same day people are getting hit with huge bills from Webflow. I really enjoy working in Open So…
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House Republicans
Latest News While Joe Biden is in hiding at Camp David, the American people learned last night that over 50 illegal immigrants with ties to the terrorist…
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Radio & Television Business Report | The Voice Of The Broadcasti…
Barbs by Republicans about the FCC's return of "net neutrality" rules and Democrats' defense of the action dominated the divisive chatter as all five vot…
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FOX6 News Milwaukee | Wisconsin & Local Milwaukee News WITI
Senate Republicans blocked the Right to IVF Act, a bill championed by Sen. Tammy Duckworth to establish a nationwide right for women to access IVF and oth…
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Log Cabin Republicans
LOG CABIN PAC JOIN A CHAPTER LIBERTY EDUCATION FORUM Would you like to become one of our Donors? ABOUT LCR Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s largest …
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Texas Public Radio | TPR
Cruz and Republicans in some of the country’s highest elected offices didn’t pull any punches when it came to their criticism of President Joe Biden’s bor…
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RedTea News - Independent News For The Right Minded American
Republican lawmakers have introduced the “Dismantle DEI Act,” a comprehensive bill targeting the elimination of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) pr…
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MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A new computational method can predict chemical reactions that could generate compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties. The approach could help …
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DR Congo: Child soldiers and the conflict in Kasai-Central | Hum…
Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – For the past three years, the Kasai-Central province has been the scene of deadly clashes between the Kamuina…
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‘Living in fear’ amid relentless battle for eastern DR Congo | C…
Kanyabayonga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – Innocent Kasereka sits in a rundown hospital in the war-torn eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (D…
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Sister Angelique’s bakery | Poverty and Development | Al Jazeera
Dungu, Democratic Republic of Congo – It was a momentous day for the community of Dungu, a small and dusty town in a poverty-stricken and unstable corner…
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In Pictures: DR Congo’s deadly volcano | Gallery | Al Jazeera
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo – Mount Nyiragongo towers over the city of Goma, in the east of the DRC. In 2012 and 2013, M23 rebels and Congolese ar…
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- Center for Democracy and Technology
CDT Launches New Working Group to Address NCII CDT, CCRI, & the NNEDV announced the formation of a multistakeholder working group that will identify inte…
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The New Quarterly | Canadian Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfi…
Forty years of Canadian writers and writing — now becoming available digitally for the first time. Get access to our growing back catalogue from all your…
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Montana Public Radio | Montana Public Radio
Montana Republicans met in Billings over the weekend to update their party’s platform. Montana Public Radio’s Shaylee Ragar was at the event and joined h…
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The New Yorker
Nanotechnology can drill into drug-resistant bacteria and puncture cancer cells. But some of the same qualities that make molecular machines powerful aga…
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The new standard for the creative business
I've been looking for good studio manager and CRM for most of my career. When I found Bloom, I was amazed how powerful and easy it is to use. It's absolut…
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The New Haven Preservation Trust
Preserving historic districts, buildings, and landscapes that are New Haven’s heritage. Builder Focus William Lanson (c.1785-1851) William Lanson was a r…
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Illinois Republicans appeared upbeat and optimistic as the GOP’s national convention got underway Monday, calling for unity and showing little sign of th…
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KMUW - Homepage | KMUW
Republicans hold huge majorities and can override the Democratic governor on topics like abortion restrictions and transgender issues. Democrats have set …
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AnR | Lyrics, Song Meanings & Music Videos
ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Brian Roberston,…Read Full Bio ↴ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Bri…
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m | AnR Lyrics, Meaning & Videos
ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Brian Roberston,…Read Full Bio ↴ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Bri…
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WVTF - Homepage | WVTF
Republicans don't usually have statewide primaries to choose their candidates. But a recent change to the law upended that, and now Republicans across Vir…
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90.5 WESA: Pittsburgh news on politics, arts, transportation, ed…
Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler on Friday proposed a special committee of the Legislature to investigate how a 20-year-old man with a r…
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Explore the New Overstock
Sign Up For Emails Get an additional 15% off your first order + the craziest deals, straight to your inbox. Your email Thanks for subscribing Overstock.c…
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Hcash | The New Standard of Value
The Next Generation of HCASH The HCASH network has two chains running laterally, with each serving different functions within the ecosystem. These two ch…
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Gaga — the new meme coin heroine Gaga joins forces with Pepe to …
$GAGA about GAGA, a new heroine in the cryptocurrency world, partners with PEPE to tackle memcoin dogs. In the chaotic realm of meme coins, GAGA, PEPE's …
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LPM Investigations
A Kentucky Republican wants to pass a law that would allow industrial companies to avoid being fined for excessive pollution. The issue, according to eth…
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LPM News
Kentucky's Republican auditor is embroiled in a dispute with Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear's administration over access to a database that tracks the state…
- — found via Mwmbl The New Standard for TV Ad Measurement
Drive Ad Effectiveness with Unified TV Measurement Remove blindspots across linear and streaming ad investments. Take control with transparent, cross-pla…
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The Official Website of New York State
The State of New York does not imply approval of the listed destinations, warrant the accuracy of any information set out in those destinations, or endor…
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Route Fifty - State and Local News and Analysis
Congressional Republicans called for more information about executive compensation and more board transparency for the passenger rail company, citing rid…
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Republic of Karakalpakstan Samarkand region Surkhandarya region Syrdarya region Tashkent city Tashkent region This website is made possible by the suppor…
- — found via Mwmbl - The new generation of interconnection
Overview We are! Our platform provides secure and private connectivity for everyone. Today The current state of the internet is plagued by issue…
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The File Format Optimized for 3D printing - 3MF Consortium
The 3MF Consortium is an industry association formed to develop and promote a new full-fidelity file format for 3D printing/additive manufacturing, known …
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Polars — DataFrames for the new era
DataFrames for the new era Polars is written from the ground up with performance in mind. Its multi-threaded query engine is written in Rust and designed…
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Fleek: Build on the New Internet
Different Use Cases, Same Awesome Benefits. All Fleek products are built on the underlying protocols that power the new Open Web (Internet Computer, IPFS…
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NJASL - Home
The New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) is the only statewide organization for school librarians in New Jersey. NJASL believes that every…
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Posts |
On the new Retina Macbook Pro (2012), in “System Preferences -> Display” it will not let you set your display to the available maximum resolution of 2880…
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Capture Life's Moments With 1 Second Everyday Video Diary
Ring In The New Year Future You Will Thank You This is my favorite app. I have found myself having a more productive, interesting, and happy life as a re…
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NRF | Voice of Retail
Explore the new report, The Economic Contribution of the U.S. Retail Industry, compiled by PwC, to see a view of the retail industry by the numbers, incl…
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NDN - A Progressive Think Tank and Advocacy Organization | NDN
To start the New Year with a dash of hope and optimism, NDN shares (and updates) one of our foundational essays, "The Case for Optimism: Rejecting Trump'…
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BMC Software
Discover the new BMC at our biggest-ever customer event! In three powerful days at the Fontainebleau Las Vegas, you will experience change-making learnin…
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Ordnance Survey | See A Better Place
See the world in a new light We help governments make smarter decisions that ensure our safety and security, we show businesses how to gain a location da…
- — found via Mwmbl - New Model Acceleration provides the best solutions for … - New Model Acceleration provides the best solutions for startup-driven innovation! Since 2015 we successfully accelerate early stage tech startup…
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Xin Wang's Personal Homepage
Embracing the new opportunities and challenges of large foundation models, I'm now more focused on understanding the emergence of intelligence of large l…
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Home - StarQuest Media
Welcome to the new StarQuest web site. We have a whole new site that’s been created to provide you with all the access to our shows and related materials…
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Andrew Shitov – Science, Programming, Electronics, Languages
This week, the new version of Perl was announced. The new version 5.38 is extremely interesting because it introduces classes, which are built-in in the …
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MikroTik Routers and Wireless
CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ The new MikroTik flagship with the power of a whole fleet. Unleash the power of 100 Gigabit networking with L3 Hardware Offloading! T…
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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Introducing the New Workforce Competencies Website CCSA’s Substance Use Health and Mental Health (SUMH) Competencies outline the technical and behavioura…
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trms – by Lorenzo Gravina
My new hobby: editing the Wikipedia of maps, OpenStreetMap (OSM). Click on the link and you’re greeted with a map of the world that’s been drawn entirely…
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ESJ -- All Things Next Gen Web -- Enterprise Systems
Earlier this week, The New Computer Corporation (NCC) announced Inkey, a new set of tools for launching and running decentralized application program ser…
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Guided By Voices
strut of kings the new album from Guided by Voices. out NOW. NEW STRUT OF KINGS MERCH IS AVAILABLE NOW! Out on 8/23/24 - superior viaduct is reissuing th…
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Law Enforcement Action Partnership | Advancing Justice and Publi…
Law Enforcement: The New Voice of Criminal Justice Reform LEAP Speakers - all of whom have worked in law enforcement - write, consult, and meet with advo…
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John Firebaugh
JavaScript borrowed the new and delete keywords from its less-dynamic predecessor languages. They feel a bit out of place in a garbage collected language …
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GLP Capital Partners - Alternative Asset Management
A global leader for the new economy Respect drives results As a leading alternative asset management firm, GLP Capital Partners invests in areas that wil…
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HackSpace magazine
HackSpace magazine is the new monthly magazine for people who love to make things and those who want to learn. Grab some duct tape, fire up a microcontrol…
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Peter Lik Fine Art Photography | Buy Limited Edition Art Prints
Explore stunning new images from the Open Edition collection. There's no better way to bring powerful photography into your home or office space. All LIK…
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CUNY Academic Commons
Groups Featured Groups THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of…
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Test and Measurement Systems, a part of Emerson - NI
New FlexLogger Lite—Data in Minutes, Zero Coding The new FlexLogger Lite edition is free companion software for NI data acquisition hardware. Quickly con…
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New thoughts rarely happen in a vacuum — collaborate with others and build from existing libraries of references Long-term vision has many co-foun…
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Wolph The new edition of Mastering Python includes many new chapters and all chapters have either be…
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AI platform for web3 social developers
AI CURATION MARKETPLACE FOR THE NEW WEB LET'S GET PEOPLE'S VOICES HEARD mbd is building decentralized AI that respects user privacy. We turn on-chain dat…
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Home - Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Forward Together 2023 Announcing the new $25 Million Forward Together Grant from JCamp 180, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. This matching g…
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University of Notre Dame
The incidence of low birth weight rose sharply in India amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research from Santosh Kumar, associate professor of …
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Scott Loftesness – Serendipity explorer…
In a New Yorker article a couple of months ago, Newport wrote of a climate of “Great Exhaustion” in the workplace – a “vibe of weary disappointment”. He …
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IT Professionals NZ
IT Professionals New Zealand is Aotearoa’s body for software and IT Professionals, where thousands of members come together to connect with experts, advan…
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MSP — Nonprofit Math Publishing
What’s New at MSP Thanks to renewed subscriptions and, in turn, the support of the mathematical community, we are happy to announce that all 20…
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Homepage | Portland State University
Unlock new solutions, expand your network and advance your career in graduate programs led by some of the nation's best faculty and researchers. Paying f…
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URJ | Union for Reform Judaism
What's New This Monday, I was honored to be invited to represent Women of Reform Judaism and our Reform Movement at the White House. I attended a conveni…
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Online Racing Simulator - Live for Speed
New LFS version 0.7E added Sun, 17 Dec 2023 17:39 We have a lot of updates for you today, in Live for Speed 0.7E and the LFS Editor! The main focus was t…
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WNYC | New York Public Radio, Podcasts, Live Streaming Radio, Ne…
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy takes questions from WNYC’s Nancy Solomon, other guest journalists and listeners for an hour every month during this live…
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University of New Hampshire | University of New Hampshire
Homepage Experience the University of New Hampshire 5 Things I Learned As A Sustainability Fellow Sustainability work is applicable to any field of study…
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American Enterprise Institute - AEI | The American Enterprise In…
A New China Playbook The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spun a narrative that China is destined for dominance—a narrative that many inside and outside…
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NHDP | Concord | New Hampshire Democratic Party
Let's Elect More Democrats! The New Hampshire Democratic Party is fighting for policies that support strong, healthy, and resilient communities and famil…
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Thomson Reuters: Clarifying the complex | Thomson Reuters
New and noteworthy Thomson Reuters showcases the power of CoCounsel combined with Microsoft Copilot during the 2024 Microsoft Build In an on-stage demo d…
New results
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The New Republic
The New Republic is an American publisher focused on domestic politics, news, culture, and the arts, with ten magazines a year and a daily online platform
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New Republic
New Republic may refer to: New Republic, California, former name of Santa Rita, Monterey County, California New Republic (Santarem), district in the city
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Galactic Republic
After the end of the Galactic Empire, the New Republic was founded. It was enforced by the original Rebel Alliance, eventually known as the New Republic Military
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Union for the New Republic
The Union for the New Republic (French: L'Union pour la nouvelle République, UNR) was a Gaullist political party in France, formed in support of Charles
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New Republic Pictures
New Republic Pictures, LLC is an American production company and independent financier of feature films founded by Brian Oliver in 2017. The first co-financed
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The New Republic syndrome |
The number one problem facing the Democratic Party is that, as events of the last week demonstrate, it continues to be plagued by The New Republic Syndrom…
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The New Republic | Scribd
Providing intelligent, stimulating and rigorous examination of American politics, foreign policy, and culture since 1914.Providing intelligent, stimulati…
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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy The New Republic (“TNR,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) understands that you care about how we collect, use, and share information when you interac…
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Can the New Republic find its digital footing? - Digiday
Can the New Republic find its digital footing? It’s been two years since Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes acquired the New Republic, the Washington insid…
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London 2012 Olympics: Mitt Romney's wife's horse Rafalca heading…
The Republican candidate to become the next American president, Mitt Romney, will be heading to the London Olympics to watch the opening ceremony – and h…
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Delegate Apocalypse: Can Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul Force a Co…
The Republican presidential campaign is turning into a race for delegates, and if Republicans held their nominating convention today, the party's 2012 pr…
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Colbert Sacrifices a Baby to Grover Norquist [VIDEO]
"Virtually every Republican in congress has signed a pledge to never raise taxes," Colbert explained. "A pledge extracted by the president of Americans f…
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The New Republic and the state of niche news magazines | Pew Res…
The New Republic and the state of niche news magazines Late last week, after the firing of two top editors at the century-old New Republic magazine, more…
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New Republic - New York Magazine
Lawyers Advocate an Oscar for ‘Michael Clayton’ — That George Clooney Makes Them Look So Good!LEGAL • Lawyers everywhere are crossing their fingers for a…
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New York Magazine
2024 rnc Republicans Have Bed-Wetters, Too At the RNC, some Trump campaign officials and allies think their good luck will run out and worry that their th…
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The new republic model - Pearls and Irritations
The new republic model Under the ARM’s new model the Head of State will be elected by popular vote for a term of 5 years. Image: Pixabay There were two m…
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No Deal | The New Republic
Does the New Deal provide a useful model for fixing our own troubled economy? In many respects, yes. The frenzy of activity and innovation that marked Fra…
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The New Republic ’s travel program is designed in the spirit of our political, social, and cultural content. TNR’s excursions started with our iconic Cuba…
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About The New Republic was founded in 1914 to bring liberalism into the modern era. The founders understood that the challenges facing a nation transform…
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Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss education and democracy
The New Republic published a hypothetical speech by Sidney Blumenthal that Joe Biden might give if were as ruthless as Trump. However, he won’t because h…
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What's new in Harper's, the Weekly Standard, Newsweek, and more.
Rethinking Jihad The New Republic and The New Yorker on recent blows to al-Qaida in the Muslim world. New Republic, June 11 The cover story investigates …
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The New Republic | Substack
The New Republic As an independent newsroom, we exercise the freedom to be skeptical of all policies regardless of party—we understand that the challenge…
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5 reasons Republicans oppose the new anti-gay-discrimination law…
5 reasons Republicans oppose the new anti-gay-discrimination law On Monday, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which bans workplace discrimina…
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Ad Absurdum | The New Republic
Ad Absurdum When I was growing up, a household rule dictated that my brother and I mute all television commercials. If my father found either of us stari…
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The Republic CyberBunker
Background: CyberBunker was built as a NATO base in 1955 In 1995 it was sold to a company under the control of it's present royal family and government. …
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A Republic is born: The Hindu Editorial on January 26, 1950 - T…
The Editorial on the The Hindu issue dated January 26, 1950 is republished on the occasion of the 71st Republic Day. The inauguration of the Republic of …
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Republic of Korea achieves the highest WHO level for regulatio…
Republic of Korea achieves the highest WHO level for regulation of medicines and vaccines Republic of Korea achieves the highest WHO level for regulation…
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New Mexico governor tells Colorado Republicans that real talk, n…
Colorado Republicans trekked from all across the state to Littleton on Friday night for the party’s fourth-annual Centennial Dinner. New Mexico Gov. Susa…
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Reality Bites Republicans | The Nation
Subscribe to The Nation Get The Nation’s Weekly Newsletter By signing up, you confirm that you are over the age of 16 and agree to receive occasional pro…
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Article: Republicans Finally Caught up in Their Own Hypocrisy | …
Finally and at long last, it seems to be true. The many lies and hypocritical positions taken by top Republican politicians over the past several years i…
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Article: Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Ris…
Gas prices continue to rise, which is finally giving Republicans an issue. Mitt Romney is demanding the President open up more domestic drilling; the sup…
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The Delegate Fight: 2016
The Republicans have a small number of unpledged delegates who are free to change their vote on the first ballot; these are indicated in the above counts…
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Did Republican House Landslide Kill Net Neutrality? | WIRED
Did Republican House Landslide Kill Net Neutrality? The Federal Communications Commission has published the agenda for its November Open Meeting. It come…
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Donald Trump blaming Democrats for blocking his nominees ignores…
Republicans control the White House and Congress for the first time since 2006. The Democratic party has not had this little power over the Washington ag…
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PolitiFact | Conservative blogger says proposed tax could hit wi…
Republicans often complain that the Democratic health care bills would impose a heavy tax burden on Americans. So when the Senate Finance Committee began …
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Berwick: "I've Got The Back" Of Medicare Beneficiaries - The KHN…
As Republicans battle with Democrats and President Barack Obama over the future of the health care law, Donald Berwick, the administrator of the Centers …
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KFF Health News
The Republican National Convention highlighted a number of policy issues this week, but health care was not among them. That was not much of a surprise, …
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New Republic Design House - Design Driven by Performance We help… has global traffic rank of 865,982. has an estimated worth of US$ 8,083, based on its estimated Ads revenue.…
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The Republic of Boblycat
We are a small nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We provide various social benefits to our citizens, such as a free web hosting, she…
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Mankind in the Making by H. G. Wells | Project Gutenberg
The New Republic -- The problem of the birth supply -- Certain wholesale aspects of man-making -- The beginnings of the mind and language -- The man-makin…
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The Novel Démeublé | Willa Cather Archive
The New Republic by WILLA SIBERT CATHER. The Novel Démeublé THE novel, for a long while, has been over-furnished. The property-man has been so busy on it…
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#mccarthy -
The New Republic reported that following two failed votes on the #House floor for Israel aid and the #impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandr…
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#McCarthy -
The New Republic reported that following two failed votes on the #House floor for Israel aid and the #impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandr…
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The People's Republic of Interactive Fiction
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Friday, Dec. 29, 2023 online. Doug, anjchang, Stephen Eric Jablonski, Hugh (StrandGames), and Jo…
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US Govt: Doing what it can to forbid people to join a union
The New Republic by the Editors Post date 10.12.06 | Issue date 10.23.06 Keeping labor organizers at bay used to be a bloody business. In May 1937, when …
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Republic of the Marshall Islands Judiciary – Committed to Justice
Iokwe Iok Welcome to the Marshall Islands Judiciary’s web site. The site, reflecting the Judiciary’s continuing commitment to providing access to justice…
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NWO Archives - Granite Grok
NWO The New Republic was gobsmacked by a 2022 report that claimed only 5-6% of plastics entering the recycling stream in America were actually recycled. …
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Live-blogging the Republican debate
Live-blogging the Republican debate The Republican presidential candidates meet in Florida YOU may think two debates in six days is overkill, but the mon…
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Republicans Determined Not to Get Fooled Again – Mother Jones
We’ve reached the point in Republicans politics at which GOP candidates are considered too liberal if they sided with the Bush/Cheney administration on m…
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Please RSVP for Iowa GOP open house
The Republican Party of Iowa is hosting an open house for supporters and volunteers Sat., Aug. 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This isn't just any open house: w…
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Republicans demand consequences for 'willful lie' by intelligenc…
Seven Republican members of Congress called on attorney general Eric Holder on Thursday to open an investigation into the leader of the US intelligence c…
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The Arizona Republic
The statement is co-signed by the Anti-Defamation League%27s Arizona branch and 23 others Much of the recent activity was sparked by a new ASU course on …
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Republicans want you to gut the minimum wage law
Counting on our stupidity The Republicans in control are happy that you elected them, but when it comes to creating public policy, like an increased mini…
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Results Page 14 for 1918 | Bartleby
Problems the New Republic in Germany Faced from 1918-1923 The Weimar Republic faced a number of serious problems from it’s birth in 1918 to 1923. These in…
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2015 – Edward Docx
2015 Written for The New Republic Magazine (USA): Despite being just a short hop across the Thames from the Houses of Parliament, Vauxhall used to be Lon…
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Czech Republic shifts to the right - Antonin Hořčica
Czech Republic shifts to the right The Czech Republic held parliamentary elections last weekend. Members of our DiEM25 local group (DSC) in České Budějov…
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Éirígí For A New Republic
Private waste companies in the Twenty-Six Counties are promising to increase their already extortionate bin charges, targeting already hard-pressed famil…
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Updates - Page 5 of 5 - Republican Voters Against Trump
Updates & Press The New Republic covered the launch of Republican Voters Against Trump. Host Greg Sargent spoke with Sarah Longwell: This week, a group o…
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Home - Republican Voters Against Trump
“For the first time in over 50 years of voting in presidential elections, I will not vote Republican.” These are former Donald Trump voters. They support…
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Republican | LAGOP | Republican Party of Louisiana
For information on Events or Party News, Call (225) 928-2998 or Email us at Our Mission The Republican Party of Louisiana is dedicated to …
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Obama the Planner – The Antiplanner
Obama the Planner New Republic editor John Judis has a couple of insights about the Obama administration’s economic and social goals. He points out that,…
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The Thoreau Institute
Visit Our New Blog: In the past thirty years, the Thoreau Institute has critiqued well over one hundred forest plans, park plans, transportation plans, a…
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List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2016 presidenti…
This is a list of Republicans and conservatives who announced their opposition to the election of Donald Trump, the 2016 Republican Party nominee and eve…
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IMU Archives - Solitary Watch
IMU This week, The New Republic published a long essay by Arthur Longworth, which was written with the support of a grant from the Solitary Confinement R…
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MUNGUIN'S NEW REPUBLIC – This site supports Scottish Independence
I’m not sure why they don’t just form a coalition Rishi Sunak has called for a more robust police response to pro-Palestine protest. The BBC reports that…
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Republicans Try One Last Effort To Repeal Obamacare : Shots - He…
Republicans Try One Last Effort To Repeal Obamacare : Shots - Health NewsRepublicans are taking one last shot at repealing and replacing the Affordable C…
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American Center for Law and Justice
The Republican National Convention is underway in Milwaukee, and our nation is still reeling from this weekend’s horrific assassination attempt on Presid…
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Scripting News for 3/6/2008 | Scripting News Annex
Scripting News for 3/6/2008 New Republic says Michigan will announce its caucus in the next few days. Clinton running for VP? Hillary Clinton: “Look, I h…
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Home - Republican Party of Virginia
Join the Team Republican Party of Virginia *By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and text messages, including autodialed a…
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The Republican National Committee’s platform committee has adopted a policy document that reflects former President Donald Trump’s position opposing a fe…
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Connecticut Public | Media for the curious | Connecticut Public
As the Republican convention gets underway in Wisconsin, Connecticut officials are saying Americans should dial back heated political rhetoric. That come…
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Republican National Lawyers Association
On Monday afternoon, President Donald Trump announced Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), a fellow Republican lawyer, as his running mate for the 2024 presidential e…
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Republican Jewish Coalition
RJC ANNUAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT The RJC the unique bridge between the Jewish community and Republican decision-makers. We are committed to building a …
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35mmc - Photography Blog - Reviews, Theory, Reflections, Tutoria…
Religiously, the Republic of Moldova belongs to the Eastern Orthodox Church; the fact that it’s of the “old” Byzantine style, or the “new” orthodox style…
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Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs
While every effort has been made to provide accurate, complete and updated information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic …
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Home - Republican Liberty Caucus
RECOMMENDED VIDEO GET UPDATES VIA EMAIL The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within t…
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Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft and Stokes Croft China
Since 2007, the People’s Republic of Stokes Croft – PRSC – has worked tirelessly to promote civil liberty with a particular focus on public space. Sweepin…
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/b/ - Random - 4chan
Yeah the Republican party probably shouldn't have invested so heavily into trump and his cult, after the failed insurrection imo. They probably won't eve…
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The New York Stock Exchange | NYSE
Community happens here. Your browser is unsupported Today's market The seasonals held true to form yet again. As has been well documented the first two w…
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Home Czech Republic
Czech Republic For two decades, the Czech Republic has been unique among European countries on the environmental and remedial services market. During the…
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Republicans admit they have a problem with Hispanic voters. They have an even bigger problem with Asian Americans — a group that was a majority GOP voting…
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South Carolina Governor Election Results: Nikki Haley Wins Re-El…
Republican Nikki Haley was re-elected to a second term as South Carolina's governor on Tuesday, the Associated Press reports. Haley faced Democrat Vincen…
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VTDigger - News in pursuit of truth
The Vermont Republican Party’s executive committee conducted its vote this week in a closed-door meeting, despite saying earlier this month that it would…
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MSGOP | Mississippi Republican Party
MISSISSIPPI REPUBLICAN PARTY The MSGOP helps elect and support Republican candidates and uphold the MSGOP platform. Chairman Frank Bordeaux “Freedom matt…
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HOME · Republicans for Environmental Protection
REPUBLICANS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Once upon a time, between 1995 and 2010 to be precise, there was an active and energetic national organization c…
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NPR - Breaking News, Analysis, Music, Arts & Podcasts : NPR
Republican Presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump speaks to attendees during his campaign rally in Charlotte Wednesday. The rally is the for…
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ROG - Republic of Gamers|Global | For Those Who Dare
Technology never sleeps, nor should the action. For those keen on winning power, the Republic of Gamers awaits. Driven by relentless innovation, ROG is co…
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The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial & E…
As Republicans assemble for the first full-scale national political convention in eight years, they gather in a battleground state that suddenly looks mor…
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Home - Republican Party of Kentucky
Donate Today Press Releases Get the latest NEWS from RPK Statement in Response to Governor Beshear’s latest Comments on President Biden’s Campaign July 1…
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Matt Mullenweg | Unlucky in Cards
A nice new WordPress 6.6 is out, our 50th release, on the same day people are getting hit with huge bills from Webflow. I really enjoy working in Open So…
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House Republicans
Latest News While Joe Biden is in hiding at Camp David, the American people learned last night that over 50 illegal immigrants with ties to the terrorist…
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Radio & Television Business Report | The Voice Of The Broadcasti…
Barbs by Republicans about the FCC's return of "net neutrality" rules and Democrats' defense of the action dominated the divisive chatter as all five vot…
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FOX6 News Milwaukee | Wisconsin & Local Milwaukee News WITI
Senate Republicans blocked the Right to IVF Act, a bill championed by Sen. Tammy Duckworth to establish a nationwide right for women to access IVF and oth…
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Log Cabin Republicans
LOG CABIN PAC JOIN A CHAPTER LIBERTY EDUCATION FORUM Would you like to become one of our Donors? ABOUT LCR Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s largest …
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Texas Public Radio | TPR
Cruz and Republicans in some of the country’s highest elected offices didn’t pull any punches when it came to their criticism of President Joe Biden’s bor…
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RedTea News - Independent News For The Right Minded American
Republican lawmakers have introduced the “Dismantle DEI Act,” a comprehensive bill targeting the elimination of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) pr…
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MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A new computational method can predict chemical reactions that could generate compounds with desirable pharmaceutical properties. The approach could help …
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DR Congo: Child soldiers and the conflict in Kasai-Central | Hum…
Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – For the past three years, the Kasai-Central province has been the scene of deadly clashes between the Kamuina…
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‘Living in fear’ amid relentless battle for eastern DR Congo | C…
Kanyabayonga, Democratic Republic of the Congo – Innocent Kasereka sits in a rundown hospital in the war-torn eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (D…
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Sister Angelique’s bakery | Poverty and Development | Al Jazeera
Dungu, Democratic Republic of Congo – It was a momentous day for the community of Dungu, a small and dusty town in a poverty-stricken and unstable corner…
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In Pictures: DR Congo’s deadly volcano | Gallery | Al Jazeera
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo – Mount Nyiragongo towers over the city of Goma, in the east of the DRC. In 2012 and 2013, M23 rebels and Congolese ar…
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- Center for Democracy and Technology
CDT Launches New Working Group to Address NCII CDT, CCRI, & the NNEDV announced the formation of a multistakeholder working group that will identify inte…
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The New Quarterly | Canadian Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfi…
Forty years of Canadian writers and writing — now becoming available digitally for the first time. Get access to our growing back catalogue from all your…
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Montana Public Radio | Montana Public Radio
Montana Republicans met in Billings over the weekend to update their party’s platform. Montana Public Radio’s Shaylee Ragar was at the event and joined h…
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The New Yorker
Nanotechnology can drill into drug-resistant bacteria and puncture cancer cells. But some of the same qualities that make molecular machines powerful aga…
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The new standard for the creative business
I've been looking for good studio manager and CRM for most of my career. When I found Bloom, I was amazed how powerful and easy it is to use. It's absolut…
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The New Haven Preservation Trust
Preserving historic districts, buildings, and landscapes that are New Haven’s heritage. Builder Focus William Lanson (c.1785-1851) William Lanson was a r…
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Illinois Republicans appeared upbeat and optimistic as the GOP’s national convention got underway Monday, calling for unity and showing little sign of th…
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KMUW - Homepage | KMUW
Republicans hold huge majorities and can override the Democratic governor on topics like abortion restrictions and transgender issues. Democrats have set …
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AnR | Lyrics, Song Meanings & Music Videos
ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Brian Roberston,…Read Full Bio ↴ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Bri…
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m | AnR Lyrics, Meaning & Videos
ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Brian Roberston,…Read Full Bio ↴ANR (short for Awesome New Republic ) are John Hancock and Bri…
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WVTF - Homepage | WVTF
Republicans don't usually have statewide primaries to choose their candidates. But a recent change to the law upended that, and now Republicans across Vir…
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90.5 WESA: Pittsburgh news on politics, arts, transportation, ed…
Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler on Friday proposed a special committee of the Legislature to investigate how a 20-year-old man with a r…
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Explore the New Overstock
Sign Up For Emails Get an additional 15% off your first order + the craziest deals, straight to your inbox. Your email Thanks for subscribing Overstock.c…
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Hcash | The New Standard of Value
The Next Generation of HCASH The HCASH network has two chains running laterally, with each serving different functions within the ecosystem. These two ch…
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Gaga — the new meme coin heroine Gaga joins forces with Pepe to …
$GAGA about GAGA, a new heroine in the cryptocurrency world, partners with PEPE to tackle memcoin dogs. In the chaotic realm of meme coins, GAGA, PEPE's …
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LPM Investigations
A Kentucky Republican wants to pass a law that would allow industrial companies to avoid being fined for excessive pollution. The issue, according to eth…
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LPM News
Kentucky's Republican auditor is embroiled in a dispute with Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear's administration over access to a database that tracks the state…
- — found via Mwmbl The New Standard for TV Ad Measurement
Drive Ad Effectiveness with Unified TV Measurement Remove blindspots across linear and streaming ad investments. Take control with transparent, cross-pla…
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The Official Website of New York State
The State of New York does not imply approval of the listed destinations, warrant the accuracy of any information set out in those destinations, or endor…
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Route Fifty - State and Local News and Analysis
Congressional Republicans called for more information about executive compensation and more board transparency for the passenger rail company, citing rid…
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Republic of Karakalpakstan Samarkand region Surkhandarya region Syrdarya region Tashkent city Tashkent region This website is made possible by the suppor…
- — found via Mwmbl - The new generation of interconnection
Overview We are! Our platform provides secure and private connectivity for everyone. Today The current state of the internet is plagued by issue…
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The File Format Optimized for 3D printing - 3MF Consortium
The 3MF Consortium is an industry association formed to develop and promote a new full-fidelity file format for 3D printing/additive manufacturing, known …
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Polars — DataFrames for the new era
DataFrames for the new era Polars is written from the ground up with performance in mind. Its multi-threaded query engine is written in Rust and designed…
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Fleek: Build on the New Internet
Different Use Cases, Same Awesome Benefits. All Fleek products are built on the underlying protocols that power the new Open Web (Internet Computer, IPFS…
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NJASL - Home
The New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) is the only statewide organization for school librarians in New Jersey. NJASL believes that every…
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Posts |
On the new Retina Macbook Pro (2012), in “System Preferences -> Display” it will not let you set your display to the available maximum resolution of 2880…
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Capture Life's Moments With 1 Second Everyday Video Diary
Ring In The New Year Future You Will Thank You This is my favorite app. I have found myself having a more productive, interesting, and happy life as a re…
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NRF | Voice of Retail
Explore the new report, The Economic Contribution of the U.S. Retail Industry, compiled by PwC, to see a view of the retail industry by the numbers, incl…
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NDN - A Progressive Think Tank and Advocacy Organization | NDN
To start the New Year with a dash of hope and optimism, NDN shares (and updates) one of our foundational essays, "The Case for Optimism: Rejecting Trump'…
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BMC Software
Discover the new BMC at our biggest-ever customer event! In three powerful days at the Fontainebleau Las Vegas, you will experience change-making learnin…
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Ordnance Survey | See A Better Place
See the world in a new light We help governments make smarter decisions that ensure our safety and security, we show businesses how to gain a location da…
- — found via Mwmbl - New Model Acceleration provides the best solutions for … - New Model Acceleration provides the best solutions for startup-driven innovation! Since 2015 we successfully accelerate early stage tech startup…
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Xin Wang's Personal Homepage
Embracing the new opportunities and challenges of large foundation models, I'm now more focused on understanding the emergence of intelligence of large l…
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Home - StarQuest Media
Welcome to the new StarQuest web site. We have a whole new site that’s been created to provide you with all the access to our shows and related materials…
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Andrew Shitov – Science, Programming, Electronics, Languages
This week, the new version of Perl was announced. The new version 5.38 is extremely interesting because it introduces classes, which are built-in in the …
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MikroTik Routers and Wireless
CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ The new MikroTik flagship with the power of a whole fleet. Unleash the power of 100 Gigabit networking with L3 Hardware Offloading! T…
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Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Introducing the New Workforce Competencies Website CCSA’s Substance Use Health and Mental Health (SUMH) Competencies outline the technical and behavioura…
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trms – by Lorenzo Gravina
My new hobby: editing the Wikipedia of maps, OpenStreetMap (OSM). Click on the link and you’re greeted with a map of the world that’s been drawn entirely…
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ESJ -- All Things Next Gen Web -- Enterprise Systems
Earlier this week, The New Computer Corporation (NCC) announced Inkey, a new set of tools for launching and running decentralized application program ser…
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Guided By Voices
strut of kings the new album from Guided by Voices. out NOW. NEW STRUT OF KINGS MERCH IS AVAILABLE NOW! Out on 8/23/24 - superior viaduct is reissuing th…
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Law Enforcement Action Partnership | Advancing Justice and Publi…
Law Enforcement: The New Voice of Criminal Justice Reform LEAP Speakers - all of whom have worked in law enforcement - write, consult, and meet with advo…
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John Firebaugh
JavaScript borrowed the new and delete keywords from its less-dynamic predecessor languages. They feel a bit out of place in a garbage collected language …
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GLP Capital Partners - Alternative Asset Management
A global leader for the new economy Respect drives results As a leading alternative asset management firm, GLP Capital Partners invests in areas that wil…
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HackSpace magazine
HackSpace magazine is the new monthly magazine for people who love to make things and those who want to learn. Grab some duct tape, fire up a microcontrol…
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Peter Lik Fine Art Photography | Buy Limited Edition Art Prints
Explore stunning new images from the Open Edition collection. There's no better way to bring powerful photography into your home or office space. All LIK…
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CUNY Academic Commons
Groups Featured Groups THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of…
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Test and Measurement Systems, a part of Emerson - NI
New FlexLogger Lite—Data in Minutes, Zero Coding The new FlexLogger Lite edition is free companion software for NI data acquisition hardware. Quickly con…
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New thoughts rarely happen in a vacuum — collaborate with others and build from existing libraries of references Long-term vision has many co-foun…
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Wolph The new edition of Mastering Python includes many new chapters and all chapters have either be…
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AI platform for web3 social developers
AI CURATION MARKETPLACE FOR THE NEW WEB LET'S GET PEOPLE'S VOICES HEARD mbd is building decentralized AI that respects user privacy. We turn on-chain dat…
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Home - Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Forward Together 2023 Announcing the new $25 Million Forward Together Grant from JCamp 180, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. This matching g…
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University of Notre Dame
The incidence of low birth weight rose sharply in India amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research from Santosh Kumar, associate professor of …
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Scott Loftesness – Serendipity explorer…
In a New Yorker article a couple of months ago, Newport wrote of a climate of “Great Exhaustion” in the workplace – a “vibe of weary disappointment”. He …
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IT Professionals NZ
IT Professionals New Zealand is Aotearoa’s body for software and IT Professionals, where thousands of members come together to connect with experts, advan…
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MSP — Nonprofit Math Publishing
What’s New at MSP Thanks to renewed subscriptions and, in turn, the support of the mathematical community, we are happy to announce that all 20…
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Homepage | Portland State University
Unlock new solutions, expand your network and advance your career in graduate programs led by some of the nation's best faculty and researchers. Paying f…
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URJ | Union for Reform Judaism
What's New This Monday, I was honored to be invited to represent Women of Reform Judaism and our Reform Movement at the White House. I attended a conveni…
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Online Racing Simulator - Live for Speed
New LFS version 0.7E added Sun, 17 Dec 2023 17:39 We have a lot of updates for you today, in Live for Speed 0.7E and the LFS Editor! The main focus was t…
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WNYC | New York Public Radio, Podcasts, Live Streaming Radio, Ne…
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy takes questions from WNYC’s Nancy Solomon, other guest journalists and listeners for an hour every month during this live…
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University of New Hampshire | University of New Hampshire
Homepage Experience the University of New Hampshire 5 Things I Learned As A Sustainability Fellow Sustainability work is applicable to any field of study…
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American Enterprise Institute - AEI | The American Enterprise In…
A New China Playbook The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spun a narrative that China is destined for dominance—a narrative that many inside and outside…
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NHDP | Concord | New Hampshire Democratic Party
Let's Elect More Democrats! The New Hampshire Democratic Party is fighting for policies that support strong, healthy, and resilient communities and famil…
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Thomson Reuters: Clarifying the complex | Thomson Reuters
New and noteworthy Thomson Reuters showcases the power of CoCounsel combined with Microsoft Copilot during the 2024 Microsoft Build In an on-stage demo d…