Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months, 3 weeks ago for query the Marshall Project
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
The Marshall Project
The Marshall Project is a nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about inequities within the U.S. criminal
- — found via Wikipedia
Neil Barsky
notable for making the 2012 film Koch and for founding The Marshall Project, a journalism nonprofit intended to shed light on the United States criminal
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Bill Keller
American journalist. He was the founding editor-in-chief of The Marshall Project, a nonprofit that reports on criminal justice in the United States. Previously
- — found via Wikipedia
Cannabis policy of the Joe Biden administration
under federal law. However, according to the Marshall Project, nobody was released from prison as a result of the October 2022 pardons, as no federal inmates
- — found via Wikipedia
Unbelievable (miniseries)
Ken Armstrong for ProPublica and The Marshall Project. It also draws from the related book A False Report (2018), by the same authors. Toni Collette as
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Impact of The Marshall Project’s Journalism on Criminal Justice
The Marshall Project is a journalism outlet, not an advocacy organization . We don’t approach any issue with an outcome in mind. Our reporters examine all…
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About Us | The Marshall Project
About Us Mission Statement The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgenc…
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The Record | The Marshall Project
The Record What are records?Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. In these …
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Employment Opportunities | The Marshall Project
Employment Opportunities The Marshall Project is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes qualified applicants of all races, ethnicities, physical abil…
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Would Expanded Criminal Background Checks Hurt Federal Job Appli…
The Marshall Project is a nonprofit newsroom covering the U.S. criminal justice system. Sign up for our newsletters to receive all of our stories and ana…
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Fonderie Darling | Feedback #6: Marshall McLuhan and the arts
ANTI-ENVIRONMENT Feedback: Marshall McLuhan and the arts is part of a series of recursive exhibitions and public programs focusing on Marshall McLuhan's …
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Wayne Marshall and Brave New World Music – Jillian C. York
Wayne Marshall and Brave New World Music The Berkman Center’s lunch talk today centered on what ethnomusicologist Wayne Marshall terms ‘brave new world m…
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Page not found – Women's & Gender Center
Page Not Found The Marshall University webpage that you were looking for cannot be found. What happened to the page? Either you don't have permission to …
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Marshall Project – Global Investigative Journalism Network
reading tools other Tag Marshall Project News & Analysis The Marshall Project’s recent launch announcement confirmed that in coming years, many new inves…
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Home Page
Reporters from The Marshall Project dig into a new national study showing that at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, people in prisons died at a…
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food Archives - Solitary Watch
food This week, The Marshall Project published a long essay by Matthew Azzano, which was written with the support of a grant from the Solitary Confinemen…
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Marshall Archives - CDM Create Digital Music
The Marshall “Plexi” Super Lead plug-in is the first amp to bear the name Marshall that isn’t actually an amp – the first authorized plug-in. It’s been b…
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AC/DC Archives - CDM Create Digital Music
The Marshall “Plexi” Super Lead plug-in is the first amp to bear the name Marshall that isn’t actually an amp – the first authorized plug-in. It’s been b…
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UAD-2 Archives - CDM Create Digital Music
The Marshall “Plexi” Super Lead plug-in is the first amp to bear the name Marshall that isn’t actually an amp – the first authorized plug-in. It’s been b…
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Dren: Water Challenges in the Marshall Islands on Vimeo
Dren: Water Challenges in the Marshall Islands The Republic of the Marshall Islands are series of atolls in the northern Pacific. These atolls have small…
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Rhythms on Vimeo
Rhythms I projected to a wall in order to keep a good framerate while recording as well as keeping properly synchronised the video and audio signals. It …
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The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing Rising seas are claiming a vulnerable nation. EBEYE, Marshall Islands — Linber Anej waded out in low tide to haul c…
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Trans Mountain blames massive spike in project cost on natural d…
The projected cost for twinning the TransMountain pipeline has nearly tripled because of natural disasters, environmental protection measures and rising …
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Battle lines drawn over Ottawa's suburban sprawl | CBC News
Given the projected population growth, city staff are now contemplating whether the city should again let out its belt, and by how much. Their recommenda…
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“The Marshall County Commissioners have issued a “Burn Ban” for …
Full Notification The Marshall County Commissioners have issued a “Burn Ban” for the County effective immediately. The Marshall County Commissioners have…
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“Marshall County Offices & Courts will be closed on Wednesday an…
Full Notification Marshall County Offices & Courts will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday due to the extreme weather. The Marshall County Board of Comm…
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The Marshall Tucker Band - Apple Music
Compilations About The Marshall Tucker Band Pioneering Southern rock outfit The Marshall Tucker Band has incorporated elements of jazz, gospel, and R&B i…
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The German Marshall Fund of the United States | Strengthening Tr…
The Marshall Plan was an audacious, innovative strategy to tackle the most pressing challenges of its time. Amid Russia's war on Ukraine, the German Mar…
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The German Marshall Fund of the United States | German Marshall …
In launching GMF’s US elections series, this piece contrasts the expected Biden/Democratic and Trump/Republican positions on three of the issues GMF expe…
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The Marshall University HELP Program
For over 40 years, the Marshall University HELP Program has been dedicated to supporting students with learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperacti…
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School of Music - Marshall University | Huntington, WV
The Marshall School of Music offers tons of opportunities for students to perform. Our bands, choirs, jazz ensembles, orchestra, and small ensembles are …
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Center for Wellness in the Arts
The Marshall University Center for Wellness in the Arts is a place where performing artists can be evaluated by licensed athletic trainers, skilled vocal …
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Marshall and the Atomic Bomb - Federation of American Scientists
Marshall and the Atomic Bomb General George C. Marshall and the Atomic Bomb (Praeger, 2016) provides the first full narrative describing General Marshall…
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Black ThenMarshall W. Taylor: The "Black Cyclone" Cycling Champi…
Marshall W. Taylor was born in Indianapolis in 1878. He was one of eight children in his family. His father, Gilbert, the son of a Kentucky slave, fought…
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The Marshall Pruett Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
All Episodes It's The Week In IndyCar Listener Q&A show, which uses listener-driven comments and questions covering a variety of topics submitted by fans…
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Mohamed Nasheed and Loren Legarda|Countdown to climate catastrop…
Jamaica, Rwanda, the Marshall Islands, and Mongolia are among the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, and account for just a small percentage of g…
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ProMarket - ProMarket
The 2024 Marshall Forum held a panel on Chicago Economics, debating its focus on big questions, data-driven research, and the role of markets. Panelists …
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Homepage - The Marshall Society
The Marshall Society is the Economics Society of the University of Cambridge. Established in 1927 in memory of Alfred Marshall, the Society has since uphe…
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The ZMap Project
The ZMap Project ZMap is a fast single-packet network scanner optimized for Internet-wide network surveys. On a computer with a gigabit connection, ZMap …
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The ToBe Project – Adding the missing conversation
The Tobe Project The Center for Wise Democracy, a non-profit headquartered in Port Townsend, WA, has developed a process for implementing the social chan…
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Republic of the Marshall Islands Judiciary – Committed to Justice
Iokwe Iok Welcome to the Marshall Islands Judiciary’s web site. The site, reflecting the Judiciary’s continuing commitment to providing access to justice…
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Economic Policy Institute | Research and Ideas for Shared Prospe…
Today, the projected date is 2035, with rising income inequality contributing to the depletion dates being pushed up , according to the Economic Policy In…
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February 22, 2018 | New York Post
Tragedy struck the Marshall University football team Thursday when redshirt freshman Larry Aaron III passed away after months of hospitalization from a g…
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GCQPA9 The Marshall Depot (Traditional Cache) in Texas, United S…
Watch Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer. Geocache Description: Marshall's Historic Texa…
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The Project Project The Project is a developer community and collection of ISC-licensed (open source) software. It began in 2003 in Riga, Latvia. Today…
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The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget t…
GTK is built on top of GLib. GLib provides the fundamental data types and system integration points to avoid duplicated code in applications. Develop with…
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The Piqi Project
A multi-format (JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers) data serialization system for Erlang and OCaml. Piq — a human-friendly typed data representation language. I…
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The NROC Project
Learners EdReady® lets students see, at a glance, the concepts that they’ve mastered and the concepts that they still need to learn, helping them to prio…
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The Eagle Project
The beta 54 source, binary, and setup packages are now available. They have been extensively tested and should be considered "release candidate" quality.…
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Starting the Marshall Protocol (MPKB)
The Autoimmunity Research Foundation does not support or license the public use of this therapy for patients not actively participating on the Marshall P…
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Taking a break from the Marshall Protocol (MPKB)
For those who have added antibiotics, they may find they need to discontinue the use of antibiotics when the immune response is too strong. The length of…
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Resources for patients (MPKB)
About the Marshall Protocol The Marshall Protocol, sometimes referred to as the MP, was developed by a team led by Trevor Marshall, PhD, as an antimicrob…
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Test: 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-D) (MPKB)
Units of measurement On the Marshall Protocol study site, 25-D levels are typically discussed using ng/ml units rather than pmol/L. The ratio between the…
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How Marshall Rose is building the home of the future | David Str…
Post navigation How Marshall Rose is building the home of the future If you are trying to have more of an autonomous home, you might be interested in tak…
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Eminem’s new album, review | Dear Kitty. Some blog
The Marshall Mathers LP 2 (released November 5, 2013, on Interscope/Aftermath Entertainment/Shady Records) is the eighth full-length studio solo album fr…
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Marshall Journal of Medicine | Marshall University
The Marshall Journal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed,open-access journal published quarterly by Marshall University. The journal's full text is available …
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Marshall Public Library - Pocatello's Library Since 1907
Welcome to the Marshall Public Library Monday - Thursday 10AM to 9PM Friday - Saturday 10AM to 6PM HOLDS WILL BE AVAILABLE NEXT BUSINESS DAY; SAME-DAY HO…
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Imaginations 8-3: Special Issue on Marshall McLuhan & the Arts |…
MARSHALL MCLUHAN AND THE ARTS “The artist tends now to move from the ivory tower to the control tower of society”. —Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Medi…
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Marshall McLuhan – Futurist | McLuhan Galaxy
Marshall McLuhan – Futurist McLuhan isn’t often thought of as a futurist, but consideration of his works indicates a considerable concern about the futur…
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The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with traditional vi…
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Welcome to the home of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Project.
The NTP Project conducts Research and Development in NTP, a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network to a common timebase. …
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Projected Changes in the Global Muslim Population | Pew Research…
The number of Muslims around the world is projected to increase rapidly in the decades ahead, growing from about 1.6 billion in 2010 to nearly 2.8 billio…
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Projected Changes in the Global Buddhist Population | Pew Resear…
The number of Buddhists around the world is expected to increase between 2010 and 2030, rising from 488 million to about 511 million. However, the global…
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Immigration projected to drive potential U.S. labor force growth…
Immigration projected to drive growth in U.S. working-age population through at least 2035 For most of the past half-century, adults in the U.S. Baby Boo…
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Religious 'nones' projected to decline as share of world populat…
Why people with no religion are projected to decline as a share of the world’s population For years, the percentage of Americans who do not identify with…
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7 countries hold half of world’s population as it nears 8 billio…
Global population projected to exceed 8 billion in 2022; half live in just seven countries People shown at a water park in China in 2017. China has the w…
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Aaron Marshall - Composer, Filmmaker, Field Recordist
Aaron Marshall is an ambient music producer and composer based in the enchanted forests of southern Indiana. With a passion for creating immersive and ev…
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MP4MA — Resilient Cities Catalyst
The Marshall Plan for Middle America Introduction FOREWORD The Federal Government’s ambitious climate change agenda is a national call to action. Support…
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The project started as a proper implementation of ReactiveX, with stronger functional programming influences and designed from the ground up for back-pre…
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Project IDX
Welcome to Project IDX Project IDX is an AI-assisted workspace for full-stack, multiplatform app development in the cloud. With support for a broad range…
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A001041 - OEIS
Bob Marshall calls these the "holotomic numbers" and opines: "This sequence, aptly designated as the Holotomic Sequence, represents the minimal plural qu…
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New Orleans, LA Local News, Breaking News, Sports | | N…
Marshall Gaubert, an arson investigator for the East Bank Consolidated Fire Department, has pleaded not guilty to charges he inappropriately touched thre…
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24/6 | Tiffany Shlain
Winner of The Marshall McLuhan Outstanding Book Award Winner of Best Audio Tech Books of All Time National Bestseller "I gave Shlain's idea a try, and I …
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OW2 - Open source community for professional software
Project of The Month: LemonLDAP::NG is June 2024 OW2 Project of the month. There is a lot going on: a new release (2.19), official Fedora packages, an OW…
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The X.Org project provides an open source implementation of the X Window System. The development work is being done in conjunction with the freedesktop.o…
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Hydrogen Mobility Europe
The H2ME Project significantly expanded the European hydrogen vehicles fleet by deploying FCEVs and HRS in 9 European countries between 2015-2023. The H2…
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Marin's internet home
PROJECTS NOTE: these projects are severely outdated and here only for the archive purpose. I haven't been putting time into OSS work since the end of 201…
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The project has been finished I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone who joined my journey with this project! I hope you had a good time listeni…
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Mike Searcy
My Other Projects I'm interested in finding an awesome new software development team so that I can get back to building cool stuff and solving interestin…
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HDF5 for Python
About the project The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format. It lets you store huge amounts of numerical data, and easily m…
- — found via Mwmbl : source of the nula filecasts
About the project This site is the online presence of the project ( ), which consists of a series of filecasts, each an assemblage of sounds, ima…
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1951 - WikiProjectMed
^"Key Dates for the Marshall Plan". For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan. Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress. July…
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nick peelman
But some Marshall voters said they were turned off by Roem’s gender. “She’s never had menstrual cramps, and she’s never had a baby, and she never will be…
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Koke's Journal – Mobile Engineer @ Automattic, making WooCommerc…
The Gutenberg project started as a way to bring a new editor to WordPress, but not only to your admin dashboards. For the past two years, we have been wo…
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Projects I built the core backend GraphQL service and internal data transformation services. I later joined frontend React Native development, and help u…
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Social Projects Other Hello World! I mostly work on open source software in various languages. Some of my favorites are Rust, Kotlin, Haskell, and Python…
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Projected number of people with Parkinson disease in the most po…
Abstract Based on published prevalence studies, we used two different methodologies to project the number of individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) in W…
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NASA MSFC Earth Science Office
WELCOME to the Marshall Space Flight Center Earth Science Office. We provide integrated scientific understanding of the Earth system to enable better dec…
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Photos | MPR News
Like this? The Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium at the University of Minnesota Duluth campus hosted an Astronomy Day Saturday. The event engaged community…
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praise the love; on Tumblr
"Engineers at the Marshall Space Flight Center install the F-1 engines on the S-IC stage thrust structure at the S-IC static test stand. Engines are insta…
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1951 - Wikipedia
^"Key Dates for the Marshall Plan". For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan. Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress. July…
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Mikkel Paulson
Projects Blog There's a speech that has been bouncing around in my head, fully-formed, for years. I suppose it's inspired in part by the la…
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Lorenzo Spinelli - Web 3.0 Fullstack developer
Projects React patterns 💩 For the past seven years, I have been developing React applications that are sh*t 😬 or rather, that work but could be improved …
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March 9, 2016 - WOUB Public Media
The Ohio Bobcats defeated the Marshall Thundering Herd 4-1 Wednesday afternoon, ending a three-game win streak for The Herd. The middle of the Bobcat lin…
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Projects Twelve-Factor App like the Docker voting app but something I created to practice these concepts. Flask Autoversion Automatically version static …
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Projects Online Hello I'm Garry. I'm a video game developer and owner of facepunch. You probably know us best as the creators of the sandbox game Garry's…
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Featured Projects Developing a game that uses the fourth dimension is rarely discussed, if discussed at all. I created an interactive visualisation of 4D…
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Robin Candau | Home
Projects Arch Linux Package Maintainer: As part of the Arch Linux staff, I contribute to the development of the distribution by maintaining packages on A…
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Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas …
Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Western United States Edited by Zhiliang Zhu and Bradley C. R…
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Ear Infection Vaccination Study on Finnish Kids | Yle
During a projected two-year study, the National Institute for Health and Welfare will observe the inoculation of some 90,000 children under the age of on…
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This research project aims to analyse Portugal’s public debt in the early modern period and its impact on private credit. The central issue is the credibi…
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3RGB image lossless compression format |
This project is submitted for Description This project is a study for the design of a new file/stream format, using principles that differ from most exis…
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DoD Project Owners: Learn more about open source at DoD Open Source at DoD The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) faces unique challenges in open sourcing …
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YGREC-РЭС15-bis |
This project is submitted for Description For administrative reasons, I shelved the project "YGREC16 - YG's 16bits Relay Electric Computer". All the back…
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KIE Community - Home
KIE Projects KIE Live events are live streams designed to facilitate knowledge sharing about the Business Automation topic, including business rules, dec…
- — found via Mwmbl Projects Because most people won't be very interested in reading about some random person on the Internet, here's a link directly to my projects.…
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Ryan Scott Brown
Projects Desktop app to manage sessions and roles for one or more AWS IAM Identity Center domains. Built in Rust, the app surfaces frequently used accoun…
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Compare, Download & Develop Open Source & Business Software - So…
The Complete Software Platform Create, collaborate & distribute to nearly 20 million users worldwide Make Your Projects Come To Life With the tools we pr…
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Xiang Li
Projects This device plays physical TicTacToe game with human and I built it for our lab parties. The agent behind comes from Alpha-Zero, which has shown…
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Protecting biodiversity by empowering people | CEPF
Explore Projects With financial and technical support from CEPF, civil society organizations around the globe are delivering innovative solutions that co…
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Hasan Atak's Homepage
Projects Prio Partners AG Website Sequential Experiment Design Developed a web application to recommend the right statistical tool for sampling datapoint…
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This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you. This is a very yo…
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Apaq Development
Many software projects becomes complex and hard to use. We design systems that are easy to use and maintain. Our main products These are the products we p…
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Project yasp is a fully functional web-based assembler development environment, including a real assembler, emulator and debugger. The assembler dialect …
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RVM: Ruby Version Manager - RVM Ruby Version Manager - Doc…
Community Maintained Project Production RVM lets you deploy each project with its own completely self-contained and dedicated environment, from the speci…
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Home » Diversified Educational Systems, Inc. [DES]
Featured Projects Projects That Inspire Us YOUR ONE AND ONLY CLASS A SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR FOR COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS. DES provides all the right solutio…
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Nots | Keep your documentation up‑to‑date
A project is a space for your docs, notes, attachments, discussions, and code. It based on your Git repository, so we need you to grant access to the rep…
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August 2018 – Computer Action Team
Our projected Fall 2018 Linux software list is enclosed. The sponsor/contact column represents who we currently know as the licensing contact or primary/m…
- — found via Mwmbl | Collection of Statistics and charts
With a projected gdp growth rate of 74.40% in 2023, Macao SAR is the fastest growing economy in the world. Macao SAR is followed by Guyana (38.43) and Lib…
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Hire Specialized Developers in the US, CA and LATAM - G2i
React Native Project Over 180 startups, scale-ups and enterprises hire with G2i 'WE’VE HAD A FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH G2I. THEIR DEVELOPERS ARE …
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Very Hot Days (+30°C) | Canada | Climate Atlas of Canada
Projected change in mean This graph shows values from 24 climate models as well as their yearly mean (average) values. Show historical values More Detail…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
The Marshall Project
The Marshall Project is a nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about inequities within the U.S. criminal
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Neil Barsky
notable for making the 2012 film Koch and for founding The Marshall Project, a journalism nonprofit intended to shed light on the United States criminal
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Bill Keller
American journalist. He was the founding editor-in-chief of The Marshall Project, a nonprofit that reports on criminal justice in the United States. Previously
- — found via Wikipedia
Cannabis policy of the Joe Biden administration
under federal law. However, according to the Marshall Project, nobody was released from prison as a result of the October 2022 pardons, as no federal inmates
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Unbelievable (miniseries)
Ken Armstrong for ProPublica and The Marshall Project. It also draws from the related book A False Report (2018), by the same authors. Toni Collette as
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Impact of The Marshall Project’s Journalism on Criminal Justice
The Marshall Project is a journalism outlet, not an advocacy organization . We don’t approach any issue with an outcome in mind. Our reporters examine all…
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About Us | The Marshall Project
About Us Mission Statement The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgenc…
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The Record | The Marshall Project
The Record What are records?Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. In these …
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Employment Opportunities | The Marshall Project
Employment Opportunities The Marshall Project is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes qualified applicants of all races, ethnicities, physical abil…
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Would Expanded Criminal Background Checks Hurt Federal Job Appli…
The Marshall Project is a nonprofit newsroom covering the U.S. criminal justice system. Sign up for our newsletters to receive all of our stories and ana…
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Fonderie Darling | Feedback #6: Marshall McLuhan and the arts
ANTI-ENVIRONMENT Feedback: Marshall McLuhan and the arts is part of a series of recursive exhibitions and public programs focusing on Marshall McLuhan's …
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Wayne Marshall and Brave New World Music – Jillian C. York
Wayne Marshall and Brave New World Music The Berkman Center’s lunch talk today centered on what ethnomusicologist Wayne Marshall terms ‘brave new world m…
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Page not found – Women's & Gender Center
Page Not Found The Marshall University webpage that you were looking for cannot be found. What happened to the page? Either you don't have permission to …
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Marshall Project – Global Investigative Journalism Network
reading tools other Tag Marshall Project News & Analysis The Marshall Project’s recent launch announcement confirmed that in coming years, many new inves…
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Home Page
Reporters from The Marshall Project dig into a new national study showing that at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, people in prisons died at a…
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food Archives - Solitary Watch
food This week, The Marshall Project published a long essay by Matthew Azzano, which was written with the support of a grant from the Solitary Confinemen…
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Marshall Archives - CDM Create Digital Music
The Marshall “Plexi” Super Lead plug-in is the first amp to bear the name Marshall that isn’t actually an amp – the first authorized plug-in. It’s been b…
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AC/DC Archives - CDM Create Digital Music
The Marshall “Plexi” Super Lead plug-in is the first amp to bear the name Marshall that isn’t actually an amp – the first authorized plug-in. It’s been b…
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UAD-2 Archives - CDM Create Digital Music
The Marshall “Plexi” Super Lead plug-in is the first amp to bear the name Marshall that isn’t actually an amp – the first authorized plug-in. It’s been b…
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Dren: Water Challenges in the Marshall Islands on Vimeo
Dren: Water Challenges in the Marshall Islands The Republic of the Marshall Islands are series of atolls in the northern Pacific. These atolls have small…
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Rhythms on Vimeo
Rhythms I projected to a wall in order to keep a good framerate while recording as well as keeping properly synchronised the video and audio signals. It …
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The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing Rising seas are claiming a vulnerable nation. EBEYE, Marshall Islands — Linber Anej waded out in low tide to haul c…
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Trans Mountain blames massive spike in project cost on natural d…
The projected cost for twinning the TransMountain pipeline has nearly tripled because of natural disasters, environmental protection measures and rising …
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Battle lines drawn over Ottawa's suburban sprawl | CBC News
Given the projected population growth, city staff are now contemplating whether the city should again let out its belt, and by how much. Their recommenda…
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“The Marshall County Commissioners have issued a “Burn Ban” for …
Full Notification The Marshall County Commissioners have issued a “Burn Ban” for the County effective immediately. The Marshall County Commissioners have…
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“Marshall County Offices & Courts will be closed on Wednesday an…
Full Notification Marshall County Offices & Courts will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday due to the extreme weather. The Marshall County Board of Comm…
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The Marshall Tucker Band - Apple Music
Compilations About The Marshall Tucker Band Pioneering Southern rock outfit The Marshall Tucker Band has incorporated elements of jazz, gospel, and R&B i…
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The German Marshall Fund of the United States | Strengthening Tr…
The Marshall Plan was an audacious, innovative strategy to tackle the most pressing challenges of its time. Amid Russia's war on Ukraine, the German Mar…
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The German Marshall Fund of the United States | German Marshall …
In launching GMF’s US elections series, this piece contrasts the expected Biden/Democratic and Trump/Republican positions on three of the issues GMF expe…
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The Marshall University HELP Program
For over 40 years, the Marshall University HELP Program has been dedicated to supporting students with learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperacti…
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School of Music - Marshall University | Huntington, WV
The Marshall School of Music offers tons of opportunities for students to perform. Our bands, choirs, jazz ensembles, orchestra, and small ensembles are …
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Center for Wellness in the Arts
The Marshall University Center for Wellness in the Arts is a place where performing artists can be evaluated by licensed athletic trainers, skilled vocal …
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Marshall and the Atomic Bomb - Federation of American Scientists
Marshall and the Atomic Bomb General George C. Marshall and the Atomic Bomb (Praeger, 2016) provides the first full narrative describing General Marshall…
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Black ThenMarshall W. Taylor: The "Black Cyclone" Cycling Champi…
Marshall W. Taylor was born in Indianapolis in 1878. He was one of eight children in his family. His father, Gilbert, the son of a Kentucky slave, fought…
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The Marshall Pruett Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
All Episodes It's The Week In IndyCar Listener Q&A show, which uses listener-driven comments and questions covering a variety of topics submitted by fans…
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Mohamed Nasheed and Loren Legarda|Countdown to climate catastrop…
Jamaica, Rwanda, the Marshall Islands, and Mongolia are among the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, and account for just a small percentage of g…
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ProMarket - ProMarket
The 2024 Marshall Forum held a panel on Chicago Economics, debating its focus on big questions, data-driven research, and the role of markets. Panelists …
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Homepage - The Marshall Society
The Marshall Society is the Economics Society of the University of Cambridge. Established in 1927 in memory of Alfred Marshall, the Society has since uphe…
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The ZMap Project
The ZMap Project ZMap is a fast single-packet network scanner optimized for Internet-wide network surveys. On a computer with a gigabit connection, ZMap …
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The ToBe Project – Adding the missing conversation
The Tobe Project The Center for Wise Democracy, a non-profit headquartered in Port Townsend, WA, has developed a process for implementing the social chan…
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Republic of the Marshall Islands Judiciary – Committed to Justice
Iokwe Iok Welcome to the Marshall Islands Judiciary’s web site. The site, reflecting the Judiciary’s continuing commitment to providing access to justice…
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Economic Policy Institute | Research and Ideas for Shared Prospe…
Today, the projected date is 2035, with rising income inequality contributing to the depletion dates being pushed up , according to the Economic Policy In…
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February 22, 2018 | New York Post
Tragedy struck the Marshall University football team Thursday when redshirt freshman Larry Aaron III passed away after months of hospitalization from a g…
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GCQPA9 The Marshall Depot (Traditional Cache) in Texas, United S…
Watch Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer. Geocache Description: Marshall's Historic Texa…
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The Project Project The Project is a developer community and collection of ISC-licensed (open source) software. It began in 2003 in Riga, Latvia. Today…
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The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget t…
GTK is built on top of GLib. GLib provides the fundamental data types and system integration points to avoid duplicated code in applications. Develop with…
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The Piqi Project
A multi-format (JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers) data serialization system for Erlang and OCaml. Piq — a human-friendly typed data representation language. I…
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The NROC Project
Learners EdReady® lets students see, at a glance, the concepts that they’ve mastered and the concepts that they still need to learn, helping them to prio…
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The Eagle Project
The beta 54 source, binary, and setup packages are now available. They have been extensively tested and should be considered "release candidate" quality.…
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Starting the Marshall Protocol (MPKB)
The Autoimmunity Research Foundation does not support or license the public use of this therapy for patients not actively participating on the Marshall P…
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Taking a break from the Marshall Protocol (MPKB)
For those who have added antibiotics, they may find they need to discontinue the use of antibiotics when the immune response is too strong. The length of…
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Resources for patients (MPKB)
About the Marshall Protocol The Marshall Protocol, sometimes referred to as the MP, was developed by a team led by Trevor Marshall, PhD, as an antimicrob…
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Test: 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-D) (MPKB)
Units of measurement On the Marshall Protocol study site, 25-D levels are typically discussed using ng/ml units rather than pmol/L. The ratio between the…
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How Marshall Rose is building the home of the future | David Str…
Post navigation How Marshall Rose is building the home of the future If you are trying to have more of an autonomous home, you might be interested in tak…
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Eminem’s new album, review | Dear Kitty. Some blog
The Marshall Mathers LP 2 (released November 5, 2013, on Interscope/Aftermath Entertainment/Shady Records) is the eighth full-length studio solo album fr…
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Marshall Journal of Medicine | Marshall University
The Marshall Journal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed,open-access journal published quarterly by Marshall University. The journal's full text is available …
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Marshall Public Library - Pocatello's Library Since 1907
Welcome to the Marshall Public Library Monday - Thursday 10AM to 9PM Friday - Saturday 10AM to 6PM HOLDS WILL BE AVAILABLE NEXT BUSINESS DAY; SAME-DAY HO…
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Imaginations 8-3: Special Issue on Marshall McLuhan & the Arts |…
MARSHALL MCLUHAN AND THE ARTS “The artist tends now to move from the ivory tower to the control tower of society”. —Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Medi…
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Marshall McLuhan – Futurist | McLuhan Galaxy
Marshall McLuhan – Futurist McLuhan isn’t often thought of as a futurist, but consideration of his works indicates a considerable concern about the futur…
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The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with traditional vi…
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Welcome to the home of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Project.
The NTP Project conducts Research and Development in NTP, a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network to a common timebase. …
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Projected Changes in the Global Muslim Population | Pew Research…
The number of Muslims around the world is projected to increase rapidly in the decades ahead, growing from about 1.6 billion in 2010 to nearly 2.8 billio…
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Projected Changes in the Global Buddhist Population | Pew Resear…
The number of Buddhists around the world is expected to increase between 2010 and 2030, rising from 488 million to about 511 million. However, the global…
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Immigration projected to drive potential U.S. labor force growth…
Immigration projected to drive growth in U.S. working-age population through at least 2035 For most of the past half-century, adults in the U.S. Baby Boo…
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Religious 'nones' projected to decline as share of world populat…
Why people with no religion are projected to decline as a share of the world’s population For years, the percentage of Americans who do not identify with…
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7 countries hold half of world’s population as it nears 8 billio…
Global population projected to exceed 8 billion in 2022; half live in just seven countries People shown at a water park in China in 2017. China has the w…
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Aaron Marshall - Composer, Filmmaker, Field Recordist
Aaron Marshall is an ambient music producer and composer based in the enchanted forests of southern Indiana. With a passion for creating immersive and ev…
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MP4MA — Resilient Cities Catalyst
The Marshall Plan for Middle America Introduction FOREWORD The Federal Government’s ambitious climate change agenda is a national call to action. Support…
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The project started as a proper implementation of ReactiveX, with stronger functional programming influences and designed from the ground up for back-pre…
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Project IDX
Welcome to Project IDX Project IDX is an AI-assisted workspace for full-stack, multiplatform app development in the cloud. With support for a broad range…
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A001041 - OEIS
Bob Marshall calls these the "holotomic numbers" and opines: "This sequence, aptly designated as the Holotomic Sequence, represents the minimal plural qu…
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New Orleans, LA Local News, Breaking News, Sports | | N…
Marshall Gaubert, an arson investigator for the East Bank Consolidated Fire Department, has pleaded not guilty to charges he inappropriately touched thre…
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24/6 | Tiffany Shlain
Winner of The Marshall McLuhan Outstanding Book Award Winner of Best Audio Tech Books of All Time National Bestseller "I gave Shlain's idea a try, and I …
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OW2 - Open source community for professional software
Project of The Month: LemonLDAP::NG is June 2024 OW2 Project of the month. There is a lot going on: a new release (2.19), official Fedora packages, an OW…
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The X.Org project provides an open source implementation of the X Window System. The development work is being done in conjunction with the freedesktop.o…
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Hydrogen Mobility Europe
The H2ME Project significantly expanded the European hydrogen vehicles fleet by deploying FCEVs and HRS in 9 European countries between 2015-2023. The H2…
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Marin's internet home
PROJECTS NOTE: these projects are severely outdated and here only for the archive purpose. I haven't been putting time into OSS work since the end of 201…
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The project has been finished I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone who joined my journey with this project! I hope you had a good time listeni…
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Mike Searcy
My Other Projects I'm interested in finding an awesome new software development team so that I can get back to building cool stuff and solving interestin…
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HDF5 for Python
About the project The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format. It lets you store huge amounts of numerical data, and easily m…
- — found via Mwmbl : source of the nula filecasts
About the project This site is the online presence of the project ( ), which consists of a series of filecasts, each an assemblage of sounds, ima…
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1951 - WikiProjectMed
^"Key Dates for the Marshall Plan". For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan. Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress. July…
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nick peelman
But some Marshall voters said they were turned off by Roem’s gender. “She’s never had menstrual cramps, and she’s never had a baby, and she never will be…
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Koke's Journal – Mobile Engineer @ Automattic, making WooCommerc…
The Gutenberg project started as a way to bring a new editor to WordPress, but not only to your admin dashboards. For the past two years, we have been wo…
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Projects I built the core backend GraphQL service and internal data transformation services. I later joined frontend React Native development, and help u…
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Social Projects Other Hello World! I mostly work on open source software in various languages. Some of my favorites are Rust, Kotlin, Haskell, and Python…
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Projected number of people with Parkinson disease in the most po…
Abstract Based on published prevalence studies, we used two different methodologies to project the number of individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) in W…
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NASA MSFC Earth Science Office
WELCOME to the Marshall Space Flight Center Earth Science Office. We provide integrated scientific understanding of the Earth system to enable better dec…
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Photos | MPR News
Like this? The Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium at the University of Minnesota Duluth campus hosted an Astronomy Day Saturday. The event engaged community…
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praise the love; on Tumblr
"Engineers at the Marshall Space Flight Center install the F-1 engines on the S-IC stage thrust structure at the S-IC static test stand. Engines are insta…
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1951 - Wikipedia
^"Key Dates for the Marshall Plan". For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan. Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress. July…
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Mikkel Paulson
Projects Blog There's a speech that has been bouncing around in my head, fully-formed, for years. I suppose it's inspired in part by the la…
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Lorenzo Spinelli - Web 3.0 Fullstack developer
Projects React patterns 💩 For the past seven years, I have been developing React applications that are sh*t 😬 or rather, that work but could be improved …
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March 9, 2016 - WOUB Public Media
The Ohio Bobcats defeated the Marshall Thundering Herd 4-1 Wednesday afternoon, ending a three-game win streak for The Herd. The middle of the Bobcat lin…
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Projects Twelve-Factor App like the Docker voting app but something I created to practice these concepts. Flask Autoversion Automatically version static …
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Projects Online Hello I'm Garry. I'm a video game developer and owner of facepunch. You probably know us best as the creators of the sandbox game Garry's…
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Featured Projects Developing a game that uses the fourth dimension is rarely discussed, if discussed at all. I created an interactive visualisation of 4D…
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Robin Candau | Home
Projects Arch Linux Package Maintainer: As part of the Arch Linux staff, I contribute to the development of the distribution by maintaining packages on A…
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Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas …
Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the Western United States Edited by Zhiliang Zhu and Bradley C. R…
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Ear Infection Vaccination Study on Finnish Kids | Yle
During a projected two-year study, the National Institute for Health and Welfare will observe the inoculation of some 90,000 children under the age of on…
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This research project aims to analyse Portugal’s public debt in the early modern period and its impact on private credit. The central issue is the credibi…
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3RGB image lossless compression format |
This project is submitted for Description This project is a study for the design of a new file/stream format, using principles that differ from most exis…
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DoD Project Owners: Learn more about open source at DoD Open Source at DoD The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) faces unique challenges in open sourcing …
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YGREC-РЭС15-bis |
This project is submitted for Description For administrative reasons, I shelved the project "YGREC16 - YG's 16bits Relay Electric Computer". All the back…
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KIE Community - Home
KIE Projects KIE Live events are live streams designed to facilitate knowledge sharing about the Business Automation topic, including business rules, dec…
- — found via Mwmbl Projects Because most people won't be very interested in reading about some random person on the Internet, here's a link directly to my projects.…
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Ryan Scott Brown
Projects Desktop app to manage sessions and roles for one or more AWS IAM Identity Center domains. Built in Rust, the app surfaces frequently used accoun…
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Compare, Download & Develop Open Source & Business Software - So…
The Complete Software Platform Create, collaborate & distribute to nearly 20 million users worldwide Make Your Projects Come To Life With the tools we pr…
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Xiang Li
Projects This device plays physical TicTacToe game with human and I built it for our lab parties. The agent behind comes from Alpha-Zero, which has shown…
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Protecting biodiversity by empowering people | CEPF
Explore Projects With financial and technical support from CEPF, civil society organizations around the globe are delivering innovative solutions that co…
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Hasan Atak's Homepage
Projects Prio Partners AG Website Sequential Experiment Design Developed a web application to recommend the right statistical tool for sampling datapoint…
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This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the power that d3.js gives you. This is a very yo…
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Apaq Development
Many software projects becomes complex and hard to use. We design systems that are easy to use and maintain. Our main products These are the products we p…
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Project yasp is a fully functional web-based assembler development environment, including a real assembler, emulator and debugger. The assembler dialect …
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RVM: Ruby Version Manager - RVM Ruby Version Manager - Doc…
Community Maintained Project Production RVM lets you deploy each project with its own completely self-contained and dedicated environment, from the speci…
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Home » Diversified Educational Systems, Inc. [DES]
Featured Projects Projects That Inspire Us YOUR ONE AND ONLY CLASS A SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR FOR COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS. DES provides all the right solutio…
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Nots | Keep your documentation up‑to‑date
A project is a space for your docs, notes, attachments, discussions, and code. It based on your Git repository, so we need you to grant access to the rep…
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August 2018 – Computer Action Team
Our projected Fall 2018 Linux software list is enclosed. The sponsor/contact column represents who we currently know as the licensing contact or primary/m…
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With a projected gdp growth rate of 74.40% in 2023, Macao SAR is the fastest growing economy in the world. Macao SAR is followed by Guyana (38.43) and Lib…
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Hire Specialized Developers in the US, CA and LATAM - G2i
React Native Project Over 180 startups, scale-ups and enterprises hire with G2i 'WE’VE HAD A FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH G2I. THEIR DEVELOPERS ARE …
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Very Hot Days (+30°C) | Canada | Climate Atlas of Canada
Projected change in mean This graph shows values from 24 climate models as well as their yearly mean (average) values. Show historical values More Detail…