Curation by Esperteyo 11 months, 3 weeks ago for query map
Original results
- — found via Mwmbl
Maps - Apple
Getting around town is a snap with Maps. See real-time information about transit arrival and departure times, outages, current locations of buses and trai…
- — found via Mwmbl - Support Psychedelic Science - Multidisciplinary Assoc…
Check out Netflix’s provocative new docuseries on psychedelics, How to Change Your Mind. This four-episode limited series is based on bestselling author M…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Decline | Colin Gordon | The University of Iowa
This web project accompanies the book Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City (PennPress, 2008). It presents four interactive series …
- — found via Mwmbl
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is a NASA Explorer mission that launched June 2001 to make fundamental measurements of cosmology -- the st…
- — found via Mwmbl
EJAtlas | Mapping Environmental Justice
Welcome to Environmental Justice Atlas The EJ Atlas is a teaching, networking and advocacy resource. Strategists, activist organizers, scholars, and teach…
- — found via Mwmbl
Maps and Statistics | Plague | CDC
Plague was first introduced into the United States in 1900, by rat–infested steamships that had sailed from affected areas, mostly from Asia. Epidemics oc…
- — found via Mwmbl
Turkey Blocks: Mapping Internet Freedom in Realtime
As shown in data compiled by the volunteer-run TurkeyBlocks project, there were widespread complaints of slow access to social media platforms, to the ext…
- — found via Mwmbl
UCLA Brain Mapping Center
UCLA Brain Mapping Center believes that the purpose and goal of brain mapping is to advance the understanding of the relationship between structure and fu…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center
Tarrio, who resigned as the leader of the Proud Boys, made the claim on Feb. 4, during an interview with the select committee’s investigative counsel. Tar…
- — found via Mwmbl
Create Your Mind Maps Online - On Any Device | MindMeister
Mind mapping starts with a main idea in the center of your mind map. Create unlimited subtopics and explore your thoughts, color coding for clarity and st…
- — found via Mwmbl
Airline Maps
While we get that this map is targeted at showing shareholders Pacific Western’s expanded reach after acquiring Transair — and not what cities it actually…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform - Location and Mapping Solutions
The Costa Coffee footprint now spreads physically and digitally around the globe, and with the help of Google Maps Platform we can still offer the same ta…
- — found via Mwmbl
SPM - Statistical Parametric Mapping
Statistical Parametric Mapping refers to the construction and assessment of spatially extended statistical processes used to test hypotheses about functio…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Custom Domains | App Engine standard environment for P…
Notice: Over the next few months, we're reorganizing the App Engine documentation site to make it easier to find content and better align with the rest of…
- — found via Mwmbl
Community Network Map | community broadband networks
Communities invest in telecommunications networks for a variety of reasons - economic development, improving access to education and health care, price st…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform Terms Of Service | Google Cloud
If your billing address is in Indonesia, please review these Terms of Service , which apply to your use of Google Maps Platform. Google Maps Platform Lice…
- — found via Mwmbl
Crime Maps & Stats | Philadelphia Police Department
The homicide statistics represent the daily count (statistics reflect the accurate count during normal business hours, Monday through Friday) and year-to-…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping America’s Futures
The map tool was updated with new data on December 1, 2017. Data and figures in this article have not been updated and correspond with the map tool's orig…
- — found via Mwmbl
El Nino Theme Page - A comprehensive Resource
Map of the tropical Pacific showing the positions of DART buoys operated by NOAA and international partners as well as saildrone 1065 and 1066 relative to…
- — found via Mwmbl
Abortion Laws by State - Center for Reproductive Rights
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade , opening the door for states to ban abortion outright. Just weeks after the decision, nearly all 1…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the black homeownership gap | Urban Institute
The drop in black homeownership has not been uniform. Some regions have wider gaps than other regions between black and white homeownership rates. To show…
- — found via Mwmbl
Syria: Mapping the conflict - BBC News
Territorial control in Syria has changed many times since the country's uprising began more than four years ago, with long periods of attrition characteri…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Taliban Control in Afghanistan | FDD's Long War Journal
Description: For nearly two decades, the government of Afghanistan – with the help of U.S. and coalition forces – battled for control of the country again…
- — found via Mwmbl
HTML Standard
The map element, in conjunction with an img element and any area element descendants, defines an image map . The element represents its children. The name…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform Billing | Google Developers
For each billing account, for qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs, a $200 USD Google Maps Platform credit is available each month (which resets the first…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform Incident Management | Google Developers
When Google detects an incident, the Support team leads communication with you. Initial notification of an incident is often sparse, frequently only menti…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures | Ame…
In the last few years states have advanced a record number of bills that attack LGBTQ rights, especially transgender youth. The ACLU is tracking these att…
- — found via Mwmbl
Statistics and Maps - 2021 | Dengue | CDC Privacy Settings We take your privacy seriously. You can review and change the way we collect information below. Performance Cookies Checkbox The…
- — found via Mwmbl
Stingray Tracking Devices: Who's Got Them? | American Civil Libe…
The map below tracks what we know, based on press reports and publicly available documents, about the use of stingray tracking devices by state and local …
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the Global Muslim Population | Pew Research Center
A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware
In this post, we map out covert networks of “proxy servers” used to launder data that RCS exfiltrates from infected computers, through third countries, to…
- — found via Mwmbl
Extreme Maps | Brennan Center for Justice
Using data from the 2012, 2014, and 2016 election cycles, Extreme Maps finds that partisan bias resulting largely from the worst gerrymandering abuses in …
- — found via Mwmbl
What Would It Take To Flip States In The 2016 Election? | FiveTh…
These maps were This map was shared by someone. Click to start from scratch . Clinton Electoral votes: 332 ✔ Popular vote: 51.6% Trump Electoral votes: 20…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping out a spectrum of the Chinese public’s discrimination to…
Among 29,125 participants, 2066 (7.1%) identified as lesbian, 9491 (32.6%) as gay, 3441 (11.8%) as bisexual, 3195 (11.0%) as transgender, and 10,932 (37.5…
- — found via Mwmbl
Comprehensive mapping of mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-bi…
The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 could impair recognition of the virus by human antibody-mediated immunity. To facilitate prospective surveillance for such evo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps on the App Store
Navigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps. Over 220 countries and territories mapped and hundreds of millions of businesses and places on the…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Map of Tulsa: A Novel: Lytal, Benjamin: 9780142422595: Amazon.…
“If Catcher in the Rye has lost its raw clout for recent generations of Internet-suckled American youth, here is a coming-of-age novel to replace it.” — P…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Map Is Only One Story: Twenty Writers on Immigration, Family, …
From rediscovering an ancestral village in China to experiencing the realities of American life as a Nigerian, the search for belonging crosses borders an…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Covid-19 outbreaks in the food system | Food and Environ…
Since April 2020, FERN has been closely tracking the spread of Covid-19 at meatpacking plants, food processing facilities, and farms. This dashboard is ho…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the 2020 Latino electorate | Pew Research Center
About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.…
- — found via Mwmbl
Map - JavaScript | MDN
Map objects are collections of key-value pairs. A key in the Map may only occur once ; it is unique in the Map 's collection. A Map object is iterated by …
- — found via Mwmbl
2022 U.S. Map & Case Count | Mpox | Poxvirus | CDC
We take your privacy seriously. You can review and change the way we collect information below. Performance Cookies Checkbox Performance Cookies These coo…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Map of Salt and Stars: A Novel: Joukhadar, Zeyn: 97815011690…
This “beguiling” ( Seattle Times ) and stunning novel begins in the summer of 2011. Nour has just lost her father to cancer, and her mother moves Nour and…
- — found via Mwmbl
CURB: Victor, Divya: 9781643620701: Books
Curb maps our post-9/11 political landscape by locating the wounds of domestic terrorism at unacknowledged sites of racial and religious conflict across c…
- — found via Mwmbl
Maps & Directions | Brookhaven National Laboratory
The route provided is automatically generated and, while it is the most direct, it may not require the fewest number of turns. Double left-click within th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping racial disparities in deaths by police | News | Harvard …
Black people more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter Black Americans are 3.23 times more likely than white …
- — found via Mwmbl
User:Rjw62/UK Address Mapping - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Notes / reasoning for items in the table Since the Post Town is required in every address, and takes a finite set of values, it makes sense to have a con…
- — found via Mwmbl
Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2021 - Yale Program on Climate Change …
These maps show how Americans’ climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and policy support vary at the state, congressional district, metro area, and cou…
- — found via Mwmbl A Map of Betrayal: A Novel: 9780307911605: Jin, Ha: …
This product is from a small business brand. Support small. Learn more A Christian Science Monitor Best Book of the Year From the award-winning author o…
- — found via Mwmbl
Dispatches: Mapping the Sarin Flight Path | Human Rights Watch
The UN inspectors investigating the chemical weapons attack on two suburbs in Damascus last month weren’t supposed to point the finger at the party respon…
- — found via Mwmbl
Texas Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 4,676 cases per day were reported in Texas in the last week. Cases have increased by 9 percent from the average two weeks ago.…
- — found via Mwmbl The Map and the Territory: 9780307701558: Houellebec…
The most celebrated and controversial French novelist of our time now delivers his magnum opus—about art and money, love and friendship and death, fathers…
- — found via Mwmbl
Florida Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 3,040 cases per day were reported in Florida in the last week. Cases remained at about the same level from the average two wee…
- — found via Mwmbl
Chapter 5. Basic O/R Mapping
5.1. Mapping declaration Object/relational mappings are usually defined in an XML document. The mapping document is designed to be readable and hand-edit…
- — found via Mwmbl
Louisiana Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 915 cases per day were reported in Louisiana in the last week. Cases have increased by 36 percent from the average two weeks a…
- — found via Mwmbl
California Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 7,705 cases per day were reported in California in the last week. Cases have decreased by 21 percent from the average two week…
- — found via Mwmbl
India Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
About this data Source: Vaccination data is based on government reports and is provided by the Our World in Data project at the University of Oxford. Data…
- — found via Mwmbl
Announcing DRIVE Map Scalable, Multi-Modal Engine | NVIDIA Blog
With a detailed knowledge of the world and everything in it, maps provide the foresight AI uses to make advanced and safe driving decisions. At his GTC ke…
- — found via Mwmbl
Map of protests in the wake of George Floyd's death
Floyd's death came on the heels of the shootings of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery – two other high-profile incidents in which Black people were killed …
- — found via Mwmbl
RdfAndSql - W3C Wiki
Some implementations map the database contents to an RDF vocabulary that is created automatically from the database schema. Others require a manual mappi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Detailed Maps of the Donors Powering the 2020 Democratic Campaig…
Darker shades on the map indicate a greater share of estimated donors. 1. Sanders 746,000 1. Sanders 746,000 2. Warren 421,000 2. Warren 421,000 3. Buttig…
- — found via Mwmbl
FBI — Map of Field Offices
The FBI has 56 field offices (also called divisions) centrally located in major metropolitan areas across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. They are the places wh…
- — found via Mwmbl
Visiting the Library - Maps | Visitors - The Library of Congress
Resources Maps and Floor Plans The Library of Congress The Library of Congress occupies three buildings on Capitol Hill. The buildings are remarkable pub…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the Hot Summer : Image of the Day
July 2012 was the hottest month on record for the contiguous (lower 48) United States, according to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) of the Nation…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hazard Mapping Images and Data
Probabilistic seismic hazard maps have been prepared for Alaska portraying ground motion values (peak ground acceleration and spectral amplitude at period…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrat…
When Democrats think about their party’s problems on the political map, they tend to think of President Trump’s ability to win the White House despite los…
- — found via Mwmbl
Premiums and Tax Credits Under the Affordable Care Act vs. the A…
These maps compare county-level estimates of premiums and tax credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2020 with what they’d receive under the House…
- — found via Mwmbl
The 1562 Map of America by Diego Gutiérrez
The late fifteenth-century landfall by Christopher Columbus on the island of Guanahani, in the Bahamas, forced open the gates to a whole new world for th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Railroad Maps Collection
All of the items presented here are documented in RAILROAD MAPS of the United States compiled by Andrew M. Modelski in 1975. The bibliography contains 623…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Android API v2 — Google Developers
The new Google Maps Android API v2 allows you to offer interactive, feature-rich maps to users of your Android application. This version offers the follow…
- — found via Mwmbl
Coronavirus update: Maps and charts for U.S. cases and deaths : …
Coronavirus update: Maps and charts for U.S. cases and deaths : Shots - Health News View NPR's maps and graphics to see where COVID-19 is hitting hardest …
- — found via Mwmbl
Section 706 Fixed Broadband Deployment Map |
Map Section 706 Fixed Broadband Deployment Map This map was created by the FCC to illustrate the Commission’s broadband deployment results found in the E…
New results
- — found via Mwmbl
Maps - Apple
Getting around town is a snap with Maps. See real-time information about transit arrival and departure times, outages, current locations of buses and trai…
- — found via Mwmbl - Support Psychedelic Science - Multidisciplinary Assoc…
Check out Netflix’s provocative new docuseries on psychedelics, How to Change Your Mind. This four-episode limited series is based on bestselling author M…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Decline | Colin Gordon | The University of Iowa
This web project accompanies the book Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City (PennPress, 2008). It presents four interactive series …
- — found via Mwmbl
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is a NASA Explorer mission that launched June 2001 to make fundamental measurements of cosmology -- the st…
- — found via Mwmbl
EJAtlas | Mapping Environmental Justice
Welcome to Environmental Justice Atlas The EJ Atlas is a teaching, networking and advocacy resource. Strategists, activist organizers, scholars, and teach…
- — found via Mwmbl
Maps and Statistics | Plague | CDC
Plague was first introduced into the United States in 1900, by rat–infested steamships that had sailed from affected areas, mostly from Asia. Epidemics oc…
- — found via Mwmbl
Turkey Blocks: Mapping Internet Freedom in Realtime
As shown in data compiled by the volunteer-run TurkeyBlocks project, there were widespread complaints of slow access to social media platforms, to the ext…
- — found via Mwmbl
UCLA Brain Mapping Center
UCLA Brain Mapping Center believes that the purpose and goal of brain mapping is to advance the understanding of the relationship between structure and fu…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center
Tarrio, who resigned as the leader of the Proud Boys, made the claim on Feb. 4, during an interview with the select committee’s investigative counsel. Tar…
- — found via Mwmbl
Create Your Mind Maps Online - On Any Device | MindMeister
Mind mapping starts with a main idea in the center of your mind map. Create unlimited subtopics and explore your thoughts, color coding for clarity and st…
- — found via Mwmbl
Airline Maps
While we get that this map is targeted at showing shareholders Pacific Western’s expanded reach after acquiring Transair — and not what cities it actually…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform - Location and Mapping Solutions
The Costa Coffee footprint now spreads physically and digitally around the globe, and with the help of Google Maps Platform we can still offer the same ta…
- — found via Mwmbl
SPM - Statistical Parametric Mapping
Statistical Parametric Mapping refers to the construction and assessment of spatially extended statistical processes used to test hypotheses about functio…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Custom Domains | App Engine standard environment for P…
Notice: Over the next few months, we're reorganizing the App Engine documentation site to make it easier to find content and better align with the rest of…
- — found via Mwmbl
Community Network Map | community broadband networks
Communities invest in telecommunications networks for a variety of reasons - economic development, improving access to education and health care, price st…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform Terms Of Service | Google Cloud
If your billing address is in Indonesia, please review these Terms of Service , which apply to your use of Google Maps Platform. Google Maps Platform Lice…
- — found via Mwmbl
Crime Maps & Stats | Philadelphia Police Department
The homicide statistics represent the daily count (statistics reflect the accurate count during normal business hours, Monday through Friday) and year-to-…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping America’s Futures
The map tool was updated with new data on December 1, 2017. Data and figures in this article have not been updated and correspond with the map tool's orig…
- — found via Mwmbl
El Nino Theme Page - A comprehensive Resource
Map of the tropical Pacific showing the positions of DART buoys operated by NOAA and international partners as well as saildrone 1065 and 1066 relative to…
- — found via Mwmbl
Abortion Laws by State - Center for Reproductive Rights
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade , opening the door for states to ban abortion outright. Just weeks after the decision, nearly all 1…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the black homeownership gap | Urban Institute
The drop in black homeownership has not been uniform. Some regions have wider gaps than other regions between black and white homeownership rates. To show…
- — found via Mwmbl
Syria: Mapping the conflict - BBC News
Territorial control in Syria has changed many times since the country's uprising began more than four years ago, with long periods of attrition characteri…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Taliban Control in Afghanistan | FDD's Long War Journal
Description: For nearly two decades, the government of Afghanistan – with the help of U.S. and coalition forces – battled for control of the country again…
- — found via Mwmbl
HTML Standard
The map element, in conjunction with an img element and any area element descendants, defines an image map . The element represents its children. The name…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform Billing | Google Developers
For each billing account, for qualifying Google Maps Platform SKUs, a $200 USD Google Maps Platform credit is available each month (which resets the first…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Platform Incident Management | Google Developers
When Google detects an incident, the Support team leads communication with you. Initial notification of an incident is often sparse, frequently only menti…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures | Ame…
In the last few years states have advanced a record number of bills that attack LGBTQ rights, especially transgender youth. The ACLU is tracking these att…
- — found via Mwmbl
Statistics and Maps - 2021 | Dengue | CDC Privacy Settings We take your privacy seriously. You can review and change the way we collect information below. Performance Cookies Checkbox The…
- — found via Mwmbl
Stingray Tracking Devices: Who's Got Them? | American Civil Libe…
The map below tracks what we know, based on press reports and publicly available documents, about the use of stingray tracking devices by state and local …
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the Global Muslim Population | Pew Research Center
A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Hacking Team’s “Untraceable” Spyware
In this post, we map out covert networks of “proxy servers” used to launder data that RCS exfiltrates from infected computers, through third countries, to…
- — found via Mwmbl
Extreme Maps | Brennan Center for Justice
Using data from the 2012, 2014, and 2016 election cycles, Extreme Maps finds that partisan bias resulting largely from the worst gerrymandering abuses in …
- — found via Mwmbl
What Would It Take To Flip States In The 2016 Election? | FiveTh…
These maps were This map was shared by someone. Click to start from scratch . Clinton Electoral votes: 332 ✔ Popular vote: 51.6% Trump Electoral votes: 20…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping out a spectrum of the Chinese public’s discrimination to…
Among 29,125 participants, 2066 (7.1%) identified as lesbian, 9491 (32.6%) as gay, 3441 (11.8%) as bisexual, 3195 (11.0%) as transgender, and 10,932 (37.5…
- — found via Mwmbl
Comprehensive mapping of mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-bi…
The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 could impair recognition of the virus by human antibody-mediated immunity. To facilitate prospective surveillance for such evo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps on the App Store
Navigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps. Over 220 countries and territories mapped and hundreds of millions of businesses and places on the…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Map of Tulsa: A Novel: Lytal, Benjamin: 9780142422595: Amazon.…
“If Catcher in the Rye has lost its raw clout for recent generations of Internet-suckled American youth, here is a coming-of-age novel to replace it.” — P…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Map Is Only One Story: Twenty Writers on Immigration, Family, …
From rediscovering an ancestral village in China to experiencing the realities of American life as a Nigerian, the search for belonging crosses borders an…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping Covid-19 outbreaks in the food system | Food and Environ…
Since April 2020, FERN has been closely tracking the spread of Covid-19 at meatpacking plants, food processing facilities, and farms. This dashboard is ho…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the 2020 Latino electorate | Pew Research Center
About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.…
- — found via Mwmbl
Map - JavaScript | MDN
Map objects are collections of key-value pairs. A key in the Map may only occur once ; it is unique in the Map 's collection. A Map object is iterated by …
- — found via Mwmbl
2022 U.S. Map & Case Count | Mpox | Poxvirus | CDC
We take your privacy seriously. You can review and change the way we collect information below. Performance Cookies Checkbox Performance Cookies These coo…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Map of Salt and Stars: A Novel: Joukhadar, Zeyn: 97815011690…
This “beguiling” ( Seattle Times ) and stunning novel begins in the summer of 2011. Nour has just lost her father to cancer, and her mother moves Nour and…
- — found via Mwmbl
CURB: Victor, Divya: 9781643620701: Books
Curb maps our post-9/11 political landscape by locating the wounds of domestic terrorism at unacknowledged sites of racial and religious conflict across c…
- — found via Mwmbl
Maps & Directions | Brookhaven National Laboratory
The route provided is automatically generated and, while it is the most direct, it may not require the fewest number of turns. Double left-click within th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping racial disparities in deaths by police | News | Harvard …
Black people more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter Black Americans are 3.23 times more likely than white …
- — found via Mwmbl
User:Rjw62/UK Address Mapping - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Notes / reasoning for items in the table Since the Post Town is required in every address, and takes a finite set of values, it makes sense to have a con…
- — found via Mwmbl
Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2021 - Yale Program on Climate Change …
These maps show how Americans’ climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and policy support vary at the state, congressional district, metro area, and cou…
- — found via Mwmbl A Map of Betrayal: A Novel: 9780307911605: Jin, Ha: …
This product is from a small business brand. Support small. Learn more A Christian Science Monitor Best Book of the Year From the award-winning author o…
- — found via Mwmbl
Dispatches: Mapping the Sarin Flight Path | Human Rights Watch
The UN inspectors investigating the chemical weapons attack on two suburbs in Damascus last month weren’t supposed to point the finger at the party respon…
- — found via Mwmbl
Texas Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 4,676 cases per day were reported in Texas in the last week. Cases have increased by 9 percent from the average two weeks ago.…
- — found via Mwmbl The Map and the Territory: 9780307701558: Houellebec…
The most celebrated and controversial French novelist of our time now delivers his magnum opus—about art and money, love and friendship and death, fathers…
- — found via Mwmbl
Florida Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 3,040 cases per day were reported in Florida in the last week. Cases remained at about the same level from the average two wee…
- — found via Mwmbl
Chapter 5. Basic O/R Mapping
5.1. Mapping declaration Object/relational mappings are usually defined in an XML document. The mapping document is designed to be readable and hand-edit…
- — found via Mwmbl
Louisiana Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 915 cases per day were reported in Louisiana in the last week. Cases have increased by 36 percent from the average two weeks a…
- — found via Mwmbl
California Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
Latest trends An average of 7,705 cases per day were reported in California in the last week. Cases have decreased by 21 percent from the average two week…
- — found via Mwmbl
India Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times
About this data Source: Vaccination data is based on government reports and is provided by the Our World in Data project at the University of Oxford. Data…
- — found via Mwmbl
Announcing DRIVE Map Scalable, Multi-Modal Engine | NVIDIA Blog
With a detailed knowledge of the world and everything in it, maps provide the foresight AI uses to make advanced and safe driving decisions. At his GTC ke…
- — found via Mwmbl
Map of protests in the wake of George Floyd's death
Floyd's death came on the heels of the shootings of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery – two other high-profile incidents in which Black people were killed …
- — found via Mwmbl
RdfAndSql - W3C Wiki
Some implementations map the database contents to an RDF vocabulary that is created automatically from the database schema. Others require a manual mappi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Detailed Maps of the Donors Powering the 2020 Democratic Campaig…
Darker shades on the map indicate a greater share of estimated donors. 1. Sanders 746,000 1. Sanders 746,000 2. Warren 421,000 2. Warren 421,000 3. Buttig…
- — found via Mwmbl
FBI — Map of Field Offices
The FBI has 56 field offices (also called divisions) centrally located in major metropolitan areas across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. They are the places wh…
- — found via Mwmbl
Visiting the Library - Maps | Visitors - The Library of Congress
Resources Maps and Floor Plans The Library of Congress The Library of Congress occupies three buildings on Capitol Hill. The buildings are remarkable pub…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mapping the Hot Summer : Image of the Day
July 2012 was the hottest month on record for the contiguous (lower 48) United States, according to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) of the Nation…
- — found via Mwmbl
Hazard Mapping Images and Data
Probabilistic seismic hazard maps have been prepared for Alaska portraying ground motion values (peak ground acceleration and spectral amplitude at period…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrat…
When Democrats think about their party’s problems on the political map, they tend to think of President Trump’s ability to win the White House despite los…
- — found via Mwmbl
Premiums and Tax Credits Under the Affordable Care Act vs. the A…
These maps compare county-level estimates of premiums and tax credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2020 with what they’d receive under the House…
- — found via Mwmbl
The 1562 Map of America by Diego Gutiérrez
The late fifteenth-century landfall by Christopher Columbus on the island of Guanahani, in the Bahamas, forced open the gates to a whole new world for th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Railroad Maps Collection
All of the items presented here are documented in RAILROAD MAPS of the United States compiled by Andrew M. Modelski in 1975. The bibliography contains 623…
- — found via Mwmbl
Google Maps Android API v2 — Google Developers
The new Google Maps Android API v2 allows you to offer interactive, feature-rich maps to users of your Android application. This version offers the follow…
- — found via Mwmbl
Coronavirus update: Maps and charts for U.S. cases and deaths : …
Coronavirus update: Maps and charts for U.S. cases and deaths : Shots - Health News View NPR's maps and graphics to see where COVID-19 is hitting hardest …
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Section 706 Fixed Broadband Deployment Map |
Map Section 706 Fixed Broadband Deployment Map This map was created by the FCC to illustrate the Commission’s broadband deployment results found in the E…