Curation by brochard 1 year ago for query La Quadrature du net
Original results
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Sharing Is Legitimate – La Quadrature du Net
Sharing Is Legitimate By various steps along the past 30 years, not-for-profit file sharing between individuals for works covered by copyright was render…
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Who are we? – La Quadrature du Net
La Quadrature du Net is a non-profit association that defends the rights and freedom of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for the …
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Surblocage - La Quadrature du Net
A significant portion of British citizens are currently blocked from accessing the Chaos Computer Club's (CCC) website. On top of that, Vodafone customers…
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How to Help — La Quadrature du Net
Stay informed!. To be able to stay informed of our publications and future actions, you can subscribe to the following RSS feeds news and press review. O…
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FinalAmendments - La Quadrature du Net
After several months of negotiations, between the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Parliament, the European Parliam…
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Portal:How To Help - La Quadrature du Net
You can also subscribe here to receive our newsletter (also available in English since 2015). Your email address will only be used to send you information…
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« La quadrature du cercle » des législations sur la prostitution…
Given the fact that the conception and the application of Greek law regarding prostitution are rooted in a long tradition of regulation, our article atte…
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Orange UK blocking La Quadrature du Net | Open Rights Group
La Quadrature du Net is similar to ORG – it is an advocacy group that seeks to defend citizen’s fundamental rights on the Internet. They have been a leadi…
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Trilogue/Trilogue neutralité du net - La Quadrature du Net
Providers of internet access services and end-users may agree on the commercial conditions for internet access services related to price, data volumes or …
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Directive Terrorisme/Amendements LIBE/en - La Quadrature du Net
The recital 7a in the directive is originally about the definition of the public provocation to terrorist acts and writes it down in all the actions that …
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How will ACTA affect UK copyright law? – TechnoLlama
Thanks to La Quadrature Du Net we now have a leak of the consolidated text for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) after the Luzern round of ne…
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Message to NETmundial: protect fundamental Internet freedoms | B…
Jeremie from France's La Quadrature du Net sez, "The farcical illusion of 'multistakeholder' discussions around 'Internet governance' must be denounced! F…
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QAM - MythTV Official Wiki
Quadrature amplitude modulation ( QAM ) is a method of modulating (encoding) digital signals on a cable television system. It is commonly used to transmit…
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C-QUAM - Wikipedia
C-QUAM (Compatible QUadrature Amplitude Modulation) is the method of AM stereo broadcasting used in Canada, the United States and most other countries. I…
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Quadrature Demodulato: Coincidence FM Detector » Electronics Not…
The FM quadrature demodulator and its relation the coincidence detector or demodulator provide another form of FM detector circuit that is used in many ar…
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What is QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation » Electronics Notes
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, QAM utilises both amplitude and phase components to provide a form of modulation that is able to provide high levels of s…
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Le Vosgien du Net · Parce que la vérité n’est pas toujours bonne…
Repairing broken Firebird database can be sometimes a bit difficult. The official tools (gfix and gbak) not always can help you so you will have to find …
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What’s Your IQ – About Quadrature Signals… | Tektronix
Quadrature signals, also called IQ signals, IQ data or IQ samples, are often used in RF applications. They form the basis of complex RF signal modulation …
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Marketing Automation | Email Marketing Platform - ActiveTrail
FinanceOnline La Fabrique du Net Elad Kessler | Internet Activities Manager, Crocs Personally, the most important elements of an email marketing system a…
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Home - Action Network
Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not …
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Planned Parenthood | Official Site
Join our network and be the first to take action in the fight to protect reproductive rights. Thank you! Online activists for Planned Parenthood stay on t…
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QAM Formats: 8QAM, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM, Types » …
QAM, quadrature amplitude modulation provides some significant benefits for data transmission. As 16QAM transitions to 64QAM, 64QAM to 256 QAM and so fort…
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Home - Sociological Images
Social networks are a great way to introduce people to the power of Sociology. In my Intro class, I make a point to show students the way their social net…
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Neural Networks—Wolfram Language Documentation
Neural networks are a powerful machine learning technique that allows a modular composition of operations (layers) that can model a wide variety of functi…
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US-CERT Tip ST05-003 - Securing Wireless Networks
Wireless networks are becoming increasingly popular, but they introduce additional security risks. If you have a wireless network, make sure to take appro…
New results
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Sharing Is Legitimate – La Quadrature du Net
Sharing Is Legitimate By various steps along the past 30 years, not-for-profit file sharing between individuals for works covered by copyright was render…
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Who are we? – La Quadrature du Net
La Quadrature du Net is a non-profit association that defends the rights and freedom of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for the …
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Surblocage - La Quadrature du Net
A significant portion of British citizens are currently blocked from accessing the Chaos Computer Club's (CCC) website. On top of that, Vodafone customers…
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How to Help — La Quadrature du Net
Stay informed!. To be able to stay informed of our publications and future actions, you can subscribe to the following RSS feeds news and press review. O…
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FinalAmendments - La Quadrature du Net
After several months of negotiations, between the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Parliament, the European Parliam…
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Portal:How To Help - La Quadrature du Net
You can also subscribe here to receive our newsletter (also available in English since 2015). Your email address will only be used to send you information…
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« La quadrature du cercle » des législations sur la prostitution…
Given the fact that the conception and the application of Greek law regarding prostitution are rooted in a long tradition of regulation, our article atte…
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Orange UK blocking La Quadrature du Net | Open Rights Group
La Quadrature du Net is similar to ORG – it is an advocacy group that seeks to defend citizen’s fundamental rights on the Internet. They have been a leadi…
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Trilogue/Trilogue neutralité du net - La Quadrature du Net
Providers of internet access services and end-users may agree on the commercial conditions for internet access services related to price, data volumes or …
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Directive Terrorisme/Amendements LIBE/en - La Quadrature du Net
The recital 7a in the directive is originally about the definition of the public provocation to terrorist acts and writes it down in all the actions that …
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How will ACTA affect UK copyright law? – TechnoLlama
Thanks to La Quadrature Du Net we now have a leak of the consolidated text for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) after the Luzern round of ne…
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Message to NETmundial: protect fundamental Internet freedoms | B…
Jeremie from France's La Quadrature du Net sez, "The farcical illusion of 'multistakeholder' discussions around 'Internet governance' must be denounced! F…
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QAM - MythTV Official Wiki
Quadrature amplitude modulation ( QAM ) is a method of modulating (encoding) digital signals on a cable television system. It is commonly used to transmit…
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C-QUAM - Wikipedia
C-QUAM (Compatible QUadrature Amplitude Modulation) is the method of AM stereo broadcasting used in Canada, the United States and most other countries. I…
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Quadrature Demodulato: Coincidence FM Detector » Electronics Not…
The FM quadrature demodulator and its relation the coincidence detector or demodulator provide another form of FM detector circuit that is used in many ar…
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What is QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation » Electronics Notes
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, QAM utilises both amplitude and phase components to provide a form of modulation that is able to provide high levels of s…
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Le Vosgien du Net · Parce que la vérité n’est pas toujours bonne…
Repairing broken Firebird database can be sometimes a bit difficult. The official tools (gfix and gbak) not always can help you so you will have to find …
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What’s Your IQ – About Quadrature Signals… | Tektronix
Quadrature signals, also called IQ signals, IQ data or IQ samples, are often used in RF applications. They form the basis of complex RF signal modulation …
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Marketing Automation | Email Marketing Platform - ActiveTrail
FinanceOnline La Fabrique du Net Elad Kessler | Internet Activities Manager, Crocs Personally, the most important elements of an email marketing system a…
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Home - Action Network
Action Network is an open platform that empowers individuals and groups to organize for progressive causes. We encourage responsible activism, and do not …
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Planned Parenthood | Official Site
Join our network and be the first to take action in the fight to protect reproductive rights. Thank you! Online activists for Planned Parenthood stay on t…
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QAM Formats: 8QAM, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM, Types » …
QAM, quadrature amplitude modulation provides some significant benefits for data transmission. As 16QAM transitions to 64QAM, 64QAM to 256 QAM and so fort…
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Home - Sociological Images
Social networks are a great way to introduce people to the power of Sociology. In my Intro class, I make a point to show students the way their social net…
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Neural Networks—Wolfram Language Documentation
Neural networks are a powerful machine learning technique that allows a modular composition of operations (layers) that can model a wide variety of functi…
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US-CERT Tip ST05-003 - Securing Wireless Networks
Wireless networks are becoming increasingly popular, but they introduce additional security risks. If you have a wireless network, make sure to take appro…