Curation by anijatsu 10 months, 4 weeks ago for query lacan
Original results
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Lacan Circle of Australia
A cartel is a small group of ‘cartelisands’ who elect to study and research together. They choose a ‘plus-one’ to lead and animate the life of the cartel,…
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LACAN – Los Angeles Community Action Network
LA CAN maintains that housing is a human right and has engaged in preserving and improving extremely low-income housing since our inception through tenant…
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The Lesbian Session/ 12
Can a Lacanian learn something from Ayn Rand? Rand, who wrote the two absolute best-sellers of our century, The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (…
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Lacanian Ink
Certainly marked by the work of Jacques Lacan, much as by the writing on Jacques Lacan, lacanian ink has been going for 19 consecutive years. And lacani…
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Adrian Dannatt
Adrian Dannatt is not a man easily persuaded to perform manual labor, or labor of any kind. Anything that requires physical effort usually elicits from h…
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In His Bold Gaze
To comply with the dialectical axiom that the only way to reach the underlying law of an universe is through its exception, let's begin with The Wrong Ma…
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Slavoj Zizek - A Pervert's Guide to Family
When Sophie Fiennes approached me with the idea to do a "pervert's guide" to cinema, our shared goal was to demonstrate how psychoanalytic cinema-critici…
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Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/The Obscenity Of Human Rights/Lacan Do…
The anxious expectation that nothing will happen, that capitalism will go on indefinitely, the desperate demand to do something, to revolutionize capital…
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Slavoj Zizek - Some Politically Incorrect Reflections on Violenc…
The recent outbursts in Paris bear witness to the same Wall in Europe itself. The thing to resist, when we are faced with shocking reports and images of …
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The symptom 11
Translation by Asunción Álvarez. Among all semblances in the world, some operate in the psychoanalytic experience to deal with the relations between men…
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Slavoj Zizek - Are We Allowed To Enjoy Daphn�e du Maurier?
A year or so ago, while waiting in line to pay at a London Waterstone bookstore, I overheard a young man asking one of the staff: 'I just finished Mrs de …
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Lacan Derrida
(This presentation is a transcription from a speech in the Tenth Symposium of the Fundacion Mexicana de Psicoanálisis, on Writing and psychoanalysis ) Fro…
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Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/The Big Other Doesn't Exist/Lacan Dot …
Why did Freud supplement the Oedipal myth with the mythical narrative of the "primordial father" in Totem and Taboo (T&T)? The lesson of this second myth …
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Alain Badiou-Bibliography/Contemporary Politics and the Crisis o…
Q We would like to begin by asking you to clarify the relation between philosophy and politics. What do you mean when you speak, for example, of a "milita…
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In 2000, the 100th anniversary of the publication of Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams was accompanied by a new wave of triumphalist acclamations of h…
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Slavoj Zizek- Tolerance as an Ideological Category
The Culturalization of Politics Why are today so many problems perceived as problems of intolerance, not as problems of inequality, exploitation, injust…
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Jacques Lacan - Wikipedia
Lacan took up and discussed the whole range of Freudian concepts, emphasizing the philosophical dimension of Freud's thought and applying concepts derived…
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Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/What Rumsfeld Doesn't Know/Lacan Dot C…
What Rumsfeld Doesn't Know That He Knows About Abu Ghraib by Slavoj Zizek In These Times May 21 2004 Does anyone still remember the unfortunate Mu…
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Jacques Lacan (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Jacques Marie Émile Lacan (April 13, 1901 to September 9, 1981) was a major figure in Parisian intellectual life for much of the twentieth century. Someti…
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The Symbolic - Wikipedia
Early on, Lacan considered his attempt "to distinguish between those elementary registers whose grounding I later put forward in these terms: the symbolic…
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Jacques Lacan & Co: A History of Psychoanalysis in France, 1925-…
"Roudinesco provides a finely drawn map of the intellectual debates within French psychoanalysis, especially under the influence of the German emigrés dur…
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The single most ‘French’ moment in all of 1972: Jacques Lacan ac…
Jacques Lacan is all well and good, if you’re into all that Freudian post-structuralism stuff. With his emphatic delivery, the dude really is quite an eng…
New results
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Jacques Lacan - Wikipedia
Lacan took up and discussed the whole range of Freudian concepts, emphasizing the philosophical dimension of Freud's thought and applying concepts derived…
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Lacan Circle of Australia
A cartel is a small group of ‘cartelisands’ who elect to study and research together. They choose a ‘plus-one’ to lead and animate the life of the cartel,…
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LACAN – Los Angeles Community Action Network
LA CAN maintains that housing is a human right and has engaged in preserving and improving extremely low-income housing since our inception through tenant…
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The Lesbian Session/ 12
Can a Lacanian learn something from Ayn Rand? Rand, who wrote the two absolute best-sellers of our century, The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (…
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Lacanian Ink
Certainly marked by the work of Jacques Lacan, much as by the writing on Jacques Lacan, lacanian ink has been going for 19 consecutive years. And lacani…
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Adrian Dannatt
Adrian Dannatt is not a man easily persuaded to perform manual labor, or labor of any kind. Anything that requires physical effort usually elicits from h…
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In His Bold Gaze
To comply with the dialectical axiom that the only way to reach the underlying law of an universe is through its exception, let's begin with The Wrong Ma…
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Slavoj Zizek - A Pervert's Guide to Family
When Sophie Fiennes approached me with the idea to do a "pervert's guide" to cinema, our shared goal was to demonstrate how psychoanalytic cinema-critici…
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Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/The Obscenity Of Human Rights/Lacan Do…
The anxious expectation that nothing will happen, that capitalism will go on indefinitely, the desperate demand to do something, to revolutionize capital…
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Slavoj Zizek - Some Politically Incorrect Reflections on Violenc…
The recent outbursts in Paris bear witness to the same Wall in Europe itself. The thing to resist, when we are faced with shocking reports and images of …
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The symptom 11
Translation by Asunción Álvarez. Among all semblances in the world, some operate in the psychoanalytic experience to deal with the relations between men…
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Slavoj Zizek - Are We Allowed To Enjoy Daphn�e du Maurier?
A year or so ago, while waiting in line to pay at a London Waterstone bookstore, I overheard a young man asking one of the staff: 'I just finished Mrs de …
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Lacan Derrida
(This presentation is a transcription from a speech in the Tenth Symposium of the Fundacion Mexicana de Psicoanálisis, on Writing and psychoanalysis ) Fro…
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Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/The Big Other Doesn't Exist/Lacan Dot …
Why did Freud supplement the Oedipal myth with the mythical narrative of the "primordial father" in Totem and Taboo (T&T)? The lesson of this second myth …
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Alain Badiou-Bibliography/Contemporary Politics and the Crisis o…
Q We would like to begin by asking you to clarify the relation between philosophy and politics. What do you mean when you speak, for example, of a "milita…
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In 2000, the 100th anniversary of the publication of Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams was accompanied by a new wave of triumphalist acclamations of h…
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Slavoj Zizek- Tolerance as an Ideological Category
The Culturalization of Politics Why are today so many problems perceived as problems of intolerance, not as problems of inequality, exploitation, injust…
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Jacques Lacan - Wikipedia
Lacan took up and discussed the whole range of Freudian concepts, emphasizing the philosophical dimension of Freud's thought and applying concepts derived…
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Slavoj Zizek-Bibliography/What Rumsfeld Doesn't Know/Lacan Dot C…
What Rumsfeld Doesn't Know That He Knows About Abu Ghraib by Slavoj Zizek In These Times May 21 2004 Does anyone still remember the unfortunate Mu…
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Jacques Lacan (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Jacques Marie Émile Lacan (April 13, 1901 to September 9, 1981) was a major figure in Parisian intellectual life for much of the twentieth century. Someti…
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The Symbolic - Wikipedia
Early on, Lacan considered his attempt "to distinguish between those elementary registers whose grounding I later put forward in these terms: the symbolic…
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Jacques Lacan & Co: A History of Psychoanalysis in France, 1925-…
"Roudinesco provides a finely drawn map of the intellectual debates within French psychoanalysis, especially under the influence of the German emigrés dur…
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The single most ‘French’ moment in all of 1972: Jacques Lacan ac…
Jacques Lacan is all well and good, if you’re into all that Freudian post-structuralism stuff. With his emphatic delivery, the dude really is quite an eng…