Curation by goouser 1 year ago for query military intelligence
Original results
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Military Intelligence Exposes Dangerous British Scheme Led by Al…
Military intelligence in Aden revealed on Wednesday, a dangerous scheme hatched by Rashad al-Alimi, head of the Presidential Authority, with British coord…
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DOD Releases Military Intelligence Program 2010 Topline Budget
The DoD determined that releasing this top line figure does not jeopardize any classified activities within the MIP. No other MIP budget figures or progra…
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Why Russia's GRU military intelligence service is so feared - BB…
If the definition of a successful intelligence service is obscurity, the GRU is probably Russia's most effective spy agency. In communist times, the KGB b…
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Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service - Wikipedia
The Military Intelligence and Security Service ( Dutch : Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst , MIVD ) is the military intelligence service of the…
-ème_Bureau — found via Mwmbl
Deuxième Bureau - Wikipedia
French military intelligence was composed of two separate bureaus prior to World War II. The Premier Bureau was charged with informing the high command ab…
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U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Inte…
“I commend President Biden, our Intelligence Community, military, and all those who contributed to bringing Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, to …
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DEMOCRACY NOW! EXCLUSIVE: Fmr. Military Intelligence Sgt. Reveal…
Last month marked the fifth anniversary of the US military shelling of the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad. The attack killed two journalists: Reuters camerama…
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ESP Used in Effort to Ferret Out Iraqi Weapons Sites | AP News
Dames, a retired military intelligence major, and an associate drew the sketches through ″remote viewing″ - the ability to locate and accurately describe …
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U.S. Intelligence Puts New Focus on Afghan Graft - The New York …
Military intelligence officers in Afghanistan are scouring seized documents and interrogating captured fighters and facilitators but not just to learn a…
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Ukrainian military intelligence claims Russian forces blew up No…
Russian forces blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam “in panic,” according to a statement Tuesday from the intelligence department of Ukraine's Ministry of Defens…
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New Russian Hacking Targeted Republican Groups, Microsoft Says -…
BOSTON — The Russian military intelligence unit that sought to influence the 2016 election appears to have a new target: conservative American think tanks…
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Inside Ukraine’s ‘impossible’ military intelligence raid on Azov…
Inside Ukraine’s ‘impossible’ military intelligence raid on Azovstal The men of the Azov regiment boarded each helicopter in the knowledge that none of t…
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Russian Military Intelligence Coordinating Syrian-Iranian Attack…
The Syrian rebels, in what appears to be a joint operation between several Free Syrian Army (FSA) brigades, have captured an important Syrian Army install…
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Exclusive: US intel assessment documents Chinese spy balloon inc…
A US military intelligence report from last year that focused on China’s use of high-altitude balloons mentioned sightings in Hawaii and Florida during t…
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ISW Blog: Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, September 10, 2…
Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Head Kyrylo Budanov stated on September 10 that Ukrainian forces will continue counteroffensive ope…
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Guantanamo prisoner threat assessments shaped by a few, often-qu…
WASHINGTON — U.S. military intelligence assessing the threat of nearly 800 men held at Guantanamo in many cases used information from a small group of cap…
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Was the joint investigation team’s work on the MH17 tragedy adeq…
Dutch Military intelligence has been completely incapable of finding any Buk air defense systems that could bring down the Malaysian Boeing that crashed n…
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Leader, Warrior, Military Intelligence Operative: Harriet Tubman…
FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. – This June, the Military Intelligence Corps will induct Harriet Tubman Davis and four others from the Class of 2021 into the Milita…
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Russia preparing to mobilise extra 500,000 conscripts, claims Uk…
Ukraine’s military intelligence has claimed that Russia is set to order the mobilisation of as many as 500,000 conscripts in January in addition to the 30…
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Ukraine-Russia war latest: Russian troops accidentally blew up t…
Ukraine’s military intelligence published what it says was a conversation between a Russian soldier and his father in which the soldier described confusio…
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UK exposes series of Russian cyber attacks against Olympic and P…
Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, conducted cyber reconnaissance against officials and organisations at the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Gam…
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The Sinpo-C-Class: A New North Korean Ballistic Missile Submarin…
U.S. military intelligence has detected a new diesel-electric submarine under construction at North Korea’s Sinpo shipyard, on the country’s east coast, a…
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We’re almost out of ammunition and relying on western arms, says…
Ukraine’s deputy head of military intelligence has said Ukraine is losing against Russia on the frontlines and is now reliant almost solely on weapons fro…
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Putin cuts FSB from lead intelligence role in Ukraine for man 'w…
The military intelligence officer believed to have orchestrated the 2018 poisoning of former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisb…
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UFO hearing key takeaways: What a whistleblower told Congress ab…
Washington — A former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower told House lawmakers that Congress is being kept in the dark about unidentified …
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Signals Intelligence - NSA/CSS
The National Security Agency is responsible for providing foreign Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) to our nation's policy-makers and military forces. SIGINT …
New results
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Military Intelligence Exposes Dangerous British Scheme Led by Al…
Military intelligence in Aden revealed on Wednesday, a dangerous scheme hatched by Rashad al-Alimi, head of the Presidential Authority, with British coord…
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DOD Releases Military Intelligence Program 2010 Topline Budget
The DoD determined that releasing this top line figure does not jeopardize any classified activities within the MIP. No other MIP budget figures or progra…
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Why Russia's GRU military intelligence service is so feared - BB…
If the definition of a successful intelligence service is obscurity, the GRU is probably Russia's most effective spy agency. In communist times, the KGB b…
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Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service - Wikipedia
The Military Intelligence and Security Service ( Dutch : Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst , MIVD ) is the military intelligence service of the…
-ème_Bureau — found via Mwmbl
Deuxième Bureau - Wikipedia
French military intelligence was composed of two separate bureaus prior to World War II. The Premier Bureau was charged with informing the high command ab…
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U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Inte…
“I commend President Biden, our Intelligence Community, military, and all those who contributed to bringing Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, to …
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DEMOCRACY NOW! EXCLUSIVE: Fmr. Military Intelligence Sgt. Reveal…
Last month marked the fifth anniversary of the US military shelling of the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad. The attack killed two journalists: Reuters camerama…
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ESP Used in Effort to Ferret Out Iraqi Weapons Sites | AP News
Dames, a retired military intelligence major, and an associate drew the sketches through ″remote viewing″ - the ability to locate and accurately describe …
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U.S. Intelligence Puts New Focus on Afghan Graft - The New York …
Military intelligence officers in Afghanistan are scouring seized documents and interrogating captured fighters and facilitators but not just to learn a…
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Ukrainian military intelligence claims Russian forces blew up No…
Russian forces blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam “in panic,” according to a statement Tuesday from the intelligence department of Ukraine's Ministry of Defens…
- — found via Mwmbl
New Russian Hacking Targeted Republican Groups, Microsoft Says -…
BOSTON — The Russian military intelligence unit that sought to influence the 2016 election appears to have a new target: conservative American think tanks…
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Inside Ukraine’s ‘impossible’ military intelligence raid on Azov…
Inside Ukraine’s ‘impossible’ military intelligence raid on Azovstal The men of the Azov regiment boarded each helicopter in the knowledge that none of t…
- — found via Mwmbl
Russian Military Intelligence Coordinating Syrian-Iranian Attack…
The Syrian rebels, in what appears to be a joint operation between several Free Syrian Army (FSA) brigades, have captured an important Syrian Army install…
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Exclusive: US intel assessment documents Chinese spy balloon inc…
A US military intelligence report from last year that focused on China’s use of high-altitude balloons mentioned sightings in Hawaii and Florida during t…
- — found via Mwmbl
ISW Blog: Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, September 10, 2…
Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Head Kyrylo Budanov stated on September 10 that Ukrainian forces will continue counteroffensive ope…
- — found via Mwmbl
Guantanamo prisoner threat assessments shaped by a few, often-qu…
WASHINGTON — U.S. military intelligence assessing the threat of nearly 800 men held at Guantanamo in many cases used information from a small group of cap…
- — found via Mwmbl
Was the joint investigation team’s work on the MH17 tragedy adeq…
Dutch Military intelligence has been completely incapable of finding any Buk air defense systems that could bring down the Malaysian Boeing that crashed n…
- — found via Mwmbl
Leader, Warrior, Military Intelligence Operative: Harriet Tubman…
FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. – This June, the Military Intelligence Corps will induct Harriet Tubman Davis and four others from the Class of 2021 into the Milita…
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Russia preparing to mobilise extra 500,000 conscripts, claims Uk…
Ukraine’s military intelligence has claimed that Russia is set to order the mobilisation of as many as 500,000 conscripts in January in addition to the 30…
- — found via Mwmbl
Ukraine-Russia war latest: Russian troops accidentally blew up t…
Ukraine’s military intelligence published what it says was a conversation between a Russian soldier and his father in which the soldier described confusio…
- — found via Mwmbl
UK exposes series of Russian cyber attacks against Olympic and P…
Russia’s military intelligence service, the GRU, conducted cyber reconnaissance against officials and organisations at the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Gam…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Sinpo-C-Class: A New North Korean Ballistic Missile Submarin…
U.S. military intelligence has detected a new diesel-electric submarine under construction at North Korea’s Sinpo shipyard, on the country’s east coast, a…
- — found via Mwmbl
We’re almost out of ammunition and relying on western arms, says…
Ukraine’s deputy head of military intelligence has said Ukraine is losing against Russia on the frontlines and is now reliant almost solely on weapons fro…
- — found via Mwmbl
Putin cuts FSB from lead intelligence role in Ukraine for man 'w…
The military intelligence officer believed to have orchestrated the 2018 poisoning of former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisb…
- — found via Mwmbl
UFO hearing key takeaways: What a whistleblower told Congress ab…
Washington — A former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower told House lawmakers that Congress is being kept in the dark about unidentified …
- — found via Mwmbl
Signals Intelligence - NSA/CSS
The National Security Agency is responsible for providing foreign Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) to our nation's policy-makers and military forces. SIGINT …