Curation by None 1 year, 3 months ago for query The Biobot Network of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Original results
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Clean up community Wastewater treatment plants work to clean water contaminated with sewage so that it can be returned to the environment. A network of s…
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Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic res…
Urban wastewater treatment plants (UWTPs) are among the main sources of antibiotics' release into the environment. The occurrence of antibiotics may promo…
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Transport and fate of microplastic particles in wastewater treat…
Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are frequently suspected as significant point sources or conduits of microplastics to the environment. To di…
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Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastics in rive…
It is now well established that the oceans contain significant accumulations of plastic debris but only very recently have studies began to look at source…
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Wastewater sector emits nearly twice as much methane as previous…
Municipal wastewater treatment plants emit nearly double the amount of methane into the atmosphere than scientists previously believed, according to new r…
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Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility | Clackamas County
In 1986, the Tri-City wastewater treatment facility replaced obsolete treatment plants in Oregon City and West Linn. Today, the Tri-City facility cleans m…
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Nitrification and Treatment Plants | PPT
Nitrification and Treatment Plants 2. Wastewater Treatment Plant A WWTP is the place where wastewater is treated to remove pollutants before it enters a …
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New Wastewater Treatment Technology in the Works
Wastewater treatment plants such as this one are often unable to clean heavily polluted water of all its contaminants On June 24th, 2009, a new agreement …
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Wastewater Treatment Plant | City of Gresham
Related Links Wastewater Treatment Plant The City’s treatment plant treats 13 million gallons of water daily and serves 114,000 customers in the cities o…
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Louisiana Coronavirus | La Dept. of Health
Testing wastewater for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 can serve as an early warning that COVID-19 is spreading in a community. Wastewater data for treatment p…
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Overview of micropollutants that are discharged into the environ…
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been identified as important point sources of micropollutants and microplastics into the environment. Existing fo…
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Wastewater Treatment in the Tequila Industry
In the 16 years that I've been working as wastewater treatment expert, the questions that I get asked most often are about how is the tequila industry doi…
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Careless disposal of antibiotics can create aquatic superbugs | …
ANN ARBOR—A wastewater treatment plant can provide the perfect mating ground for carelessly disposed of antibiotics to form superbugs that are eventually …
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Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technolog…
Blue Diversion Autarky – Wastewater Treatment off the Grid Autarky at a glance The Blue Diversion Autarky toilet is a sanitation system which provides hy…
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Disposal of wastewater | PPT
Disposal of wastewater Disposal of wastewater The study of the source of disposal is important because the amount of treatment required to be given to se…
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Biobot Analytics - Greentown Labs
Biobot analyzes wastewater in order to assess the scope of epidemics, allocate resources, and gauge the effectiveness of programming over time. Biobot has…
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Bastrop building $32.6 million wastewater treatment plant
'It is the right thing to do': Bastrop breaks ground on $32.6M wastewater treatment plant The city of Bastrop broke ground on its $32.6 million wastewate…
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Sewage treatment plants may contribute to antibiotic resistance …
Water discharged into lakes and rivers from municipal sewage treatment plants may contain significant concentrations of the genes that make bacteria antib…
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Are Covid Cases Going Back Up? Sewer Data Has Potential Warning …
A wastewater network that monitors for Covid-19 trends is warning that cases are once again rising in many parts of the U.S., according to an analysis of …
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Are waste-water treatment plants failing to protect the ecologic…
Are waste-water treatment plants failing to protect the ecological health of European streams? News article 15 February 2023 Directorate-General for Envir…
New results
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Clean up community Wastewater treatment plants work to clean water contaminated with sewage so that it can be returned to the environment. A network of s…
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Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic res…
Urban wastewater treatment plants (UWTPs) are among the main sources of antibiotics' release into the environment. The occurrence of antibiotics may promo…
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Transport and fate of microplastic particles in wastewater treat…
Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are frequently suspected as significant point sources or conduits of microplastics to the environment. To di…
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Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastics in rive…
It is now well established that the oceans contain significant accumulations of plastic debris but only very recently have studies began to look at source…
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Wastewater sector emits nearly twice as much methane as previous…
Municipal wastewater treatment plants emit nearly double the amount of methane into the atmosphere than scientists previously believed, according to new r…
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Tri-City Water Resource Recovery Facility | Clackamas County
In 1986, the Tri-City wastewater treatment facility replaced obsolete treatment plants in Oregon City and West Linn. Today, the Tri-City facility cleans m…
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Nitrification and Treatment Plants | PPT
Nitrification and Treatment Plants 2. Wastewater Treatment Plant A WWTP is the place where wastewater is treated to remove pollutants before it enters a …
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New Wastewater Treatment Technology in the Works
Wastewater treatment plants such as this one are often unable to clean heavily polluted water of all its contaminants On June 24th, 2009, a new agreement …
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Wastewater Treatment Plant | City of Gresham
Related Links Wastewater Treatment Plant The City’s treatment plant treats 13 million gallons of water daily and serves 114,000 customers in the cities o…
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Louisiana Coronavirus | La Dept. of Health
Testing wastewater for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 can serve as an early warning that COVID-19 is spreading in a community. Wastewater data for treatment p…
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Overview of micropollutants that are discharged into the environ…
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been identified as important point sources of micropollutants and microplastics into the environment. Existing fo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Wastewater Treatment in the Tequila Industry
In the 16 years that I've been working as wastewater treatment expert, the questions that I get asked most often are about how is the tequila industry doi…
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Careless disposal of antibiotics can create aquatic superbugs | …
ANN ARBOR—A wastewater treatment plant can provide the perfect mating ground for carelessly disposed of antibiotics to form superbugs that are eventually …
- — found via Mwmbl
Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technolog…
Blue Diversion Autarky – Wastewater Treatment off the Grid Autarky at a glance The Blue Diversion Autarky toilet is a sanitation system which provides hy…
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Disposal of wastewater | PPT
Disposal of wastewater Disposal of wastewater The study of the source of disposal is important because the amount of treatment required to be given to se…
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Biobot Analytics - Greentown Labs
Biobot analyzes wastewater in order to assess the scope of epidemics, allocate resources, and gauge the effectiveness of programming over time. Biobot has…
- — found via Mwmbl
Bastrop building $32.6 million wastewater treatment plant
'It is the right thing to do': Bastrop breaks ground on $32.6M wastewater treatment plant The city of Bastrop broke ground on its $32.6 million wastewate…
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Sewage treatment plants may contribute to antibiotic resistance …
Water discharged into lakes and rivers from municipal sewage treatment plants may contain significant concentrations of the genes that make bacteria antib…
- — found via Mwmbl
Are Covid Cases Going Back Up? Sewer Data Has Potential Warning …
A wastewater network that monitors for Covid-19 trends is warning that cases are once again rising in many parts of the U.S., according to an analysis of …
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Are waste-water treatment plants failing to protect the ecologic…
Are waste-water treatment plants failing to protect the ecological health of European streams? News article 15 February 2023 Directorate-General for Envir…