Curation by Cutiesniffer 1 year, 2 months ago for query zerobrane studio
Original results
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ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows, Mac OSX,…
It is feature-rich and extensible for experienced developers, yet simple and instantly usable for beginners (as tested with middle and high school student…
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Community - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windo…
Use the issues list to review existing issues and open a new issue or a feature request. Mailing list subscription To post a message send it to [email pro…
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Frequently Asked Questions - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/d…
Frequently Asked Questions What are the dotted and dashed lines under variable names? These are scope indicators: global variables are marked with solid …
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Features - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Window…
Project file browser Don’t worry about creating a new project, simply open a folder. The current file will be highlighted in the project tree (as long as …
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Plugins - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows…
In addition to these options, it also provides plugin API to extend its functionality in a more fine graned way. For example, one can write a plugin to ad…
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Translation - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Win…
You can either copy one of the existing files or create a new one with all messages that need to be translated using the following command (let’s say your…
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Lua Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for W…
The debugger allows to execute Lua scripts and applications step by step, pause them, inspect variables, evaluate expressions, make changes to variables, …
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Remote Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger fo…
Remote Debugging ZeroBrane Studio supports remote debugging that allows to debug arbitrary Lua applications. The application may be running on the same o…
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Lua 5.3 Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger f…
Lua 5.3 Debugging (v0.90+) A Lua 5.3 interpreter is included in ZeroBrane Studio. You can select it by going to Project | Lua Interpreter | Lua 5.3. A Lu…
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Tips and Tricks - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for…
Tips and Tricks Use arbitrary expressions in watches Watches can be used to display not only variables, but also any expression or function call; for exa…
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Getting Started - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for…
The IDE allows you to open several programs or files and work on them at the same time. Each file is opened in its own page, with its name in a tab at the…
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Lua 5.4 Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger f…
If you are using Lua 5.4 interpreter that is statically compiled on Windows , you have two options to get it working: statically compile luasocket into yo…
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Lua 5.2 Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger f…
If you are using your own Lua 5.2 interpreter and have it statically compiled on Windows , you may run into issues with debugging as the luasocket library…
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LuaJIT Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger fo…
A LuaJIT application can be debugged as any other application using remote debugging . Or, if you are running v0.38 or earlier : A LuaJIT interpreter can …
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Editor Preferences - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger …
editor.commentlinetoggle = false : set to toggle comments all at once (when set to false ) or line-by-line (when set to true ) ( v1.31+ ). The difference …
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ZeroBrane Studio is one year old - ZeroBrane
ZeroBrane Studio is one year old About a year ago I released the first public version of ZeroBrane Studio. I would like to use this opportunity and thank…
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Löve debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Löve is a simple and powerful framework for developing 2D games in Lua, which makes it a natural fit to support in ZeroBrane Studio . The just released ve…
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Moai debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Moai is an open-source 2D game engine for mobile development created by Zipline Games . The engine runs on various platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, …
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Lapis debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
The easiest way to get Lapis and its dependencies is to use luarocks package manager and run luarocks install lapis command. You then need to make Lapis a…
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Redis Lua debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Redis Lua debugging with ZeroBrane Studio Redis is a popular open-source in-memory datastore that provides Lua scripting among its other interesting feat…
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Gideros debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Gideros is a flexible framework for developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. It is using Lua as its scripting language and after seve…
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Moonscript debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Moonscript is an interesting dynamic scripting language that compiles to Lua . Moonscript can be dynamically compiled and run using a component called moo…
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Gideros live coding with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
See it for yourself (you may need to switch the video to 720p/HD to see the code being typed): What's remarkable about it is that Andy goes in front of yo…
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Marmalade Quick debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Marmalade SDK is a cross-platform toolkit for developing games and mobile applications on a variety of desktop and mobile platforms. It also provides Marm…
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Scope aware variable indicators - ZeroBrane
ZeroBrane Studio provides default indicators that can be updated; both the colors and the appearance can be changed as described in the documentation . Fo…
New results
- — found via Mwmbl
ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows, Mac OSX,…
It is feature-rich and extensible for experienced developers, yet simple and instantly usable for beginners (as tested with middle and high school student…
- — found via Mwmbl
Community - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windo…
Use the issues list to review existing issues and open a new issue or a feature request. Mailing list subscription To post a message send it to [email pro…
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Frequently Asked Questions - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/d…
Frequently Asked Questions What are the dotted and dashed lines under variable names? These are scope indicators: global variables are marked with solid …
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Features - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Window…
Project file browser Don’t worry about creating a new project, simply open a folder. The current file will be highlighted in the project tree (as long as …
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Plugins - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows…
In addition to these options, it also provides plugin API to extend its functionality in a more fine graned way. For example, one can write a plugin to ad…
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Translation - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Win…
You can either copy one of the existing files or create a new one with all messages that need to be translated using the following command (let’s say your…
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Lua Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for W…
The debugger allows to execute Lua scripts and applications step by step, pause them, inspect variables, evaluate expressions, make changes to variables, …
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Remote Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger fo…
Remote Debugging ZeroBrane Studio supports remote debugging that allows to debug arbitrary Lua applications. The application may be running on the same o…
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Lua 5.3 Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger f…
Lua 5.3 Debugging (v0.90+) A Lua 5.3 interpreter is included in ZeroBrane Studio. You can select it by going to Project | Lua Interpreter | Lua 5.3. A Lu…
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Tips and Tricks - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for…
Tips and Tricks Use arbitrary expressions in watches Watches can be used to display not only variables, but also any expression or function call; for exa…
- — found via Mwmbl
Getting Started - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for…
The IDE allows you to open several programs or files and work on them at the same time. Each file is opened in its own page, with its name in a tab at the…
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Lua 5.4 Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger f…
If you are using Lua 5.4 interpreter that is statically compiled on Windows , you have two options to get it working: statically compile luasocket into yo…
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Lua 5.2 Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger f…
If you are using your own Lua 5.2 interpreter and have it statically compiled on Windows , you may run into issues with debugging as the luasocket library…
- — found via Mwmbl
LuaJIT Debugging - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger fo…
A LuaJIT application can be debugged as any other application using remote debugging . Or, if you are running v0.38 or earlier : A LuaJIT interpreter can …
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Editor Preferences - ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger …
editor.commentlinetoggle = false : set to toggle comments all at once (when set to false ) or line-by-line (when set to true ) ( v1.31+ ). The difference …
- — found via Mwmbl
ZeroBrane Studio is one year old - ZeroBrane
ZeroBrane Studio is one year old About a year ago I released the first public version of ZeroBrane Studio. I would like to use this opportunity and thank…
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Löve debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Löve is a simple and powerful framework for developing 2D games in Lua, which makes it a natural fit to support in ZeroBrane Studio . The just released ve…
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Moai debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Moai is an open-source 2D game engine for mobile development created by Zipline Games . The engine runs on various platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, …
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Lapis debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
The easiest way to get Lapis and its dependencies is to use luarocks package manager and run luarocks install lapis command. You then need to make Lapis a…
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Redis Lua debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Redis Lua debugging with ZeroBrane Studio Redis is a popular open-source in-memory datastore that provides Lua scripting among its other interesting feat…
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Gideros debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Gideros is a flexible framework for developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. It is using Lua as its scripting language and after seve…
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Moonscript debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Moonscript is an interesting dynamic scripting language that compiles to Lua . Moonscript can be dynamically compiled and run using a component called moo…
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Gideros live coding with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
See it for yourself (you may need to switch the video to 720p/HD to see the code being typed): What's remarkable about it is that Andy goes in front of yo…
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Marmalade Quick debugging with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane
Marmalade SDK is a cross-platform toolkit for developing games and mobile applications on a variety of desktop and mobile platforms. It also provides Marm…
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Scope aware variable indicators - ZeroBrane
ZeroBrane Studio provides default indicators that can be updated; both the colors and the appearance can be changed as described in the documentation . Fo…