Curation by m 1 year, 3 months ago for query judaism
Original results
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2012 Moderator Election - Mi Yodeya
In the election phase, the candidates who made it through the nomination phase or primary phase (if required) advance to final community voting. Candidate…
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Judaism and the Vatican : Vicomte Leon de Poncins : Free Downloa…
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Close banner Thank you so much for helping us close out…
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Mi Yodeya's updated site theme is live! - Mi Yodeya Meta
UPDATE - We've pushed this live for everyone now. Thanks to those who took the time to give feedback. Please do know, being live doesn't mean we can't add…
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New Mi Yodeya site theme coming soon - Mi Yodeya Meta
You all get the nicest community award. Your feedback was on point and very constructive. You're all awesome. I've added tags to the feedback below and we…
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Let's make Mi Yodeya more friendly to people and machines that c…
Today in the chatroom, we were discussing the practice of adding meaningful alt text to images on the web. Alt text is displayed when the image cannot be …
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What is Judaism's View of Jesus?
Stated simply, the Jewish view of Jesus of Nazareth is that he was an ordinary Jewish man and, most likely, a preacher living during the Roman occupation …
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Mi Yodeya Launch Party! - Mi Yodeya Meta
If you're not familiar with Mi Yodeya - Stack Exchange yet, go check out our aweseome Jewish Q&A community at . When If you're looking for t…
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Jeremiah's Judaism Survival Guide
Jeremiah’s Judaism Survival Guide Chapter 29 From Babylon to Brooklyn, Inquisition to pogrom, Jews have always managed to prosper. It’s pretty remarkabl…
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genealogy - Who was Abraham’s Mother? - Mi Yodeya
And Rav Chanan bar Rava says that Rav says: The mother of Avraham was called Amaslai bas Karnevo. The mother of Haman was called Amaslai bas Orevti. And y…
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Why did God create sleep? - Mi Yodeya
Is there any profound explanation why God created sleep for humans? Are there animals that don't sleep and rest by shutting down one hemisphere of the bra…
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Mi Yodeya Publications - Mi Yodeya Meta
Hagada - Mi Yodeya? - Real questions and answers that spring from the Passover Seder Our companion to the Passover Hagada, featuring questions practice,…
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American Judaism in transition : the secularization of a religio…
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Close banner Thank you so much for helping us close out…
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meat - Is human flesh a kosher food? - Mi Yodeya
@DoubleAA - By Genesis 9:3, humans were given permission to eat kol remes asher hu-chai ("every moving thing that lives", according to ArtScroll). Would …
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blessing - Shehecheyanu on new website - Mi Yodeya
Following the lead of the new fruit for the second day of Rosh Hashana (because we're not sure if we should say that bracha for that day), shouldn't you f…
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Supersessionism - Wikipedia
Rabbinic Judaism disregards supersessionism as offensive to Jewish history . However, Islam teaches that it is the final and most authentic expression of …
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sources mekorot - Properties of honey and the Chafetz Chaim - Mi…
I've heard in an online shiur from Rabbi Daniel Glatstein that the Chafetz Chaim wrote an explanation on the connection between honey and the Torah. Why i…
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How shall we fund “Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya?”? - Mi Yodeya Meta
Our current publication project is a book for the high holy days. In addition to distributing online as with our past books, we'd like to also distribute …
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Tsuyoku Naritai! (I Want To Become Stronger) - LessWrong
In Orthodox Judaism there is a saying: “The previous generation is to the next one as angels are to men; the next generation is to the previous one as don…
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halacha - Do you have to close your blog / website on shabbos? -…
3 Answers 3 Firstly, many blogs are hosted by some company, so you don't even own your blog. Even if you hosted it on your own server, this was settled 1…
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purim torah in jest - PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Int…
In what may one insulate a pot of cooked food on Shabbat eve, and in what may one not insulate it? One may neither insulate it in GPT. However, Rambam exp…
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Living Humanistic Judaism – Society for Humanistic Judaism
Jews who no longer find resonance in praying for supernatural intervention don’t need to “throw out the baby with the bathwater” when it comes to meaningf…
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Stack Overflow Inc., sinat chinam, and the goat for Azazel - Mi …
On Friday, half an hour before Shabbat and two days before Rosh Hashana , Stack Overflow Inc. suddenly revoked my moderator status on all sites where I ha…
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Policy regarding changing questions after a period of time? - Mi…
It is subjective to the community and will depend on the average population size, a factor which will change with time as the site grows. I strongly belie…
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number - What is the source for the idea that doing some good th…
What is the source for the idea that doing some good thing 3 times constitutes a vow? I looked through Hilkhot Sevuot and Nedarim, and in the Entziklopedi…
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How effective is the weekly topic challenge proposal in generati…
The topic challenge ran continuously from 5772-03 (November 2, 2011) to 5772-23 (March 21, 2012). It was then briefly resumed from 5772-40 (June 18, 2012)…
New results
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Israel, JFK and the bomb: The rest of the story on the assassination of John F. Kennedy -
Israel, JFK and the bomb: The rest of the story on the assassination of John F. Kennedy After viewing Oliver Stone's film JFK long ago, i wondered for yea…
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -
I finally uploaded a copy of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (pdf) because i got tired of replacing broken links every time the document is ta…
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -
I finally uploaded a copy of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (pdf) because i got tired of replacing broken links every time the document is ta…
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Remembering Michael Collins Piper -
Remembering Michael Collins Piper "Michael Collins Piper's courage and sacrifice for his country cannot be denied. He deserved better than to die alone in…
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Remembering Benjamin Freedman -
Remembering Benjamin Freedman Benjamin Harrison Freedman (1890 - 1984), former secretary for Henry Morgenthau Sr., was born in New York City to a Jewish f…
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How To Became A Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Racist, White Supremacist, Anti-Semitic, Holocaust-Denying Puppy-Hater - For Dummies! -
How To Became A Neo-Nazi, Skinhead, Racist, White Supremacist, Anti-Semitic, Holocaust-Denying Puppy-Hater - For Dummies! "I was in the big concentration …
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The Architects Of Western Decline -
The Architects Of Western Decline "But as the Jew assimilates, acquires your languages, cultivates a certain intimacy, penetrates into your life, begins t…
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2012 Moderator Election - Mi Yodeya
In the election phase, the candidates who made it through the nomination phase or primary phase (if required) advance to final community voting. Candidate…
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Judaism and the Vatican : Vicomte Leon de Poncins : Free Downloa…
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Close banner Thank you so much for helping us close out…
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Mi Yodeya's updated site theme is live! - Mi Yodeya Meta
UPDATE - We've pushed this live for everyone now. Thanks to those who took the time to give feedback. Please do know, being live doesn't mean we can't add…
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New Mi Yodeya site theme coming soon - Mi Yodeya Meta
You all get the nicest community award. Your feedback was on point and very constructive. You're all awesome. I've added tags to the feedback below and we…
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Let's make Mi Yodeya more friendly to people and machines that c…
Today in the chatroom, we were discussing the practice of adding meaningful alt text to images on the web. Alt text is displayed when the image cannot be …
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What is Judaism's View of Jesus?
Stated simply, the Jewish view of Jesus of Nazareth is that he was an ordinary Jewish man and, most likely, a preacher living during the Roman occupation …
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Mi Yodeya Launch Party! - Mi Yodeya Meta
If you're not familiar with Mi Yodeya - Stack Exchange yet, go check out our aweseome Jewish Q&A community at . When If you're looking for t…
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Jeremiah's Judaism Survival Guide
Jeremiah’s Judaism Survival Guide Chapter 29 From Babylon to Brooklyn, Inquisition to pogrom, Jews have always managed to prosper. It’s pretty remarkabl…
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genealogy - Who was Abraham’s Mother? - Mi Yodeya
And Rav Chanan bar Rava says that Rav says: The mother of Avraham was called Amaslai bas Karnevo. The mother of Haman was called Amaslai bas Orevti. And y…
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Why did God create sleep? - Mi Yodeya
Is there any profound explanation why God created sleep for humans? Are there animals that don't sleep and rest by shutting down one hemisphere of the bra…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mi Yodeya Publications - Mi Yodeya Meta
Hagada - Mi Yodeya? - Real questions and answers that spring from the Passover Seder Our companion to the Passover Hagada, featuring questions practice,…
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American Judaism in transition : the secularization of a religio…
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Close banner Thank you so much for helping us close out…
- — found via Mwmbl
meat - Is human flesh a kosher food? - Mi Yodeya
@DoubleAA - By Genesis 9:3, humans were given permission to eat kol remes asher hu-chai ("every moving thing that lives", according to ArtScroll). Would …
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blessing - Shehecheyanu on new website - Mi Yodeya
Following the lead of the new fruit for the second day of Rosh Hashana (because we're not sure if we should say that bracha for that day), shouldn't you f…
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Supersessionism - Wikipedia
Rabbinic Judaism disregards supersessionism as offensive to Jewish history . However, Islam teaches that it is the final and most authentic expression of …
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sources mekorot - Properties of honey and the Chafetz Chaim - Mi…
I've heard in an online shiur from Rabbi Daniel Glatstein that the Chafetz Chaim wrote an explanation on the connection between honey and the Torah. Why i…
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How shall we fund “Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya?”? - Mi Yodeya Meta
Our current publication project is a book for the high holy days. In addition to distributing online as with our past books, we'd like to also distribute …
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Tsuyoku Naritai! (I Want To Become Stronger) - LessWrong
In Orthodox Judaism there is a saying: “The previous generation is to the next one as angels are to men; the next generation is to the previous one as don…
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halacha - Do you have to close your blog / website on shabbos? -…
3 Answers 3 Firstly, many blogs are hosted by some company, so you don't even own your blog. Even if you hosted it on your own server, this was settled 1…
- — found via Mwmbl
purim torah in jest - PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Int…
In what may one insulate a pot of cooked food on Shabbat eve, and in what may one not insulate it? One may neither insulate it in GPT. However, Rambam exp…
- — found via Mwmbl
Living Humanistic Judaism – Society for Humanistic Judaism
Jews who no longer find resonance in praying for supernatural intervention don’t need to “throw out the baby with the bathwater” when it comes to meaningf…
- — found via Mwmbl
Stack Overflow Inc., sinat chinam, and the goat for Azazel - Mi …
On Friday, half an hour before Shabbat and two days before Rosh Hashana , Stack Overflow Inc. suddenly revoked my moderator status on all sites where I ha…
- — found via Mwmbl
Policy regarding changing questions after a period of time? - Mi…
It is subjective to the community and will depend on the average population size, a factor which will change with time as the site grows. I strongly belie…
- — found via Mwmbl
number - What is the source for the idea that doing some good th…
What is the source for the idea that doing some good thing 3 times constitutes a vow? I looked through Hilkhot Sevuot and Nedarim, and in the Entziklopedi…
- — found via Mwmbl
How effective is the weekly topic challenge proposal in generati…
The topic challenge ran continuously from 5772-03 (November 2, 2011) to 5772-23 (March 21, 2012). It was then briefly resumed from 5772-40 (June 18, 2012)…