Curation by fmrq 1 year, 2 months ago for query science of light
Original results
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The Enduring Mystery of Light | Live Science
It goes through walls, but slows to a standstill in ultra-cold gases. It carries electronic information for radios and TVs, but destroys genetic informati…
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Speed of light | Definition, Equation, Constant, & Facts | Brita…
The speed of light is considered a fundamental constant of nature. Its significance is far broader than its role in describing a property of electromagnet…
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The Science of Doom | Evaluating and Explaining Climate Science
Here we will look at two of the four emissions scenarios. We compare 2081-2100 vs 1979-2005. Note that we are not comparing the end of the 21st century fr…
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Science of body odor - Doctor Armpit
The forearm is the desert, the scalps are the cool woods and the armpit is the tropical rainforest . Mary J Marples Mary J Marples couldn’t have put it in…
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Science Mission Directorate | Science
As we sail the sands of time & space, science gives context & meaning to measures great & small, like stars. There are as many stars in the universe as gr…
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NOAA's National Ocean Service
Science can shed light on how we make conservation and environmental decisions, such as developing our coastal areas. In this episode, listen to an interv…
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Science X Network ::, Medical Xpress, Tech Xplore
These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy govern your use of Science X and its network ('Science X'), including all of the products, services, and websites (p…
- — found via Mwmbl - The Science of Women’s Pleasure
Findings from the largest-ever research study In partnership with researchers at Indiana University, the Kinsey Institute and Yale University, we've condu…
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Science News | The latest news from all areas of science
Science News was founded in 1921 as an independent, nonprofit source of accurate information on the latest news of science, medicine and technology. Today…
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The science of champagne - CBS News
The science of champagne As you ring in the new year, why not give a toast to the chemistry and physics behind that festive bottle of bubbly? Feel free t…
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Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life
If you rely on Greater Good for science-based positivity, please keep us going strong into 2023. Donate to support our work by December 31 and your gift w…
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The Science of Well-Being | Coursera
In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for thes…
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Climate Science Special Report
This report is an authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, with a focus on the United States. It represents the first of two volumes of …
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Good to Go by Christie Aschwanden
Acclaimed science journalist Christie Aschwanden takes readers on an entertaining and enlightening tour through the latest science on sports and fitness r…
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Advancing the Science of Climate Change |The National Academies …
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing …
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University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen
The Science of Ice Cream Cathrine Østerberg is the owner of Østerberg Ice Cream. She has studied food science, and her education provides the framework fo…
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The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress | WI…
Not since Monica Lewinsky was a White House intern has one blue dress been the source of so much consternation. (And yes, it's blue.) The fact that a sing…
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Management Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering (MS&E) is one of Stanford’s most innovative and expansive departments. Our unique focus on the interface of engineering…
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70 Intriguing Sleep Facts That Will Mess With Your Mind
The science of sleep is one of the biggest mysteries in the world. If you think about it, sleep is kind of like a preview of death – no one can fully desc…
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Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control - Kathleen Taylor -…
Throughout history, humans have attempted to influence and control the thoughts of others. Since the word 'brainwashing' was coined in the aftermath of th…
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Tower of Light | Flue tower and facade in Manchester City Centre…
The Tower of Light is a 40-metre tall tower supporting and enclosing flues for a new low-carbon energy centre in Manchester’s city centre. The biomimetic …
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Landsat Science
With a trio of smaller satellites that can each detect 26 wavelengths of light and thermal energy, the Landsat Next mission is expected to look very diffe…
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On Friday July 12th, 2019, Lights for Liberty, along with organizers worldwide, brought hundreds of thousands of people to 818 locations across the countr…
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The Flavor Equation: The Science of Great Cooking Explained in M…
Go beyond recipes in this groundbreaking and bestselling guide to elevating elemental ingredients to make delicious dishes that hit all the right notes, e…
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The Science of Why We Don’t Believe Science – Mother Jones
Fight disinformation: Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. “ A MAN WITH A CONVICTION is a hard man to chan…
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Home - Points of Light Engage
There are hundreds of thousands of volunteer opportunities throughout the world just waiting for the right volunteer to step up. Search our database for v…
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The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men – Mother Jones
I’m sitting in the soft-spoken cognitive neuroscientist ‘s spotless office nestled within New York University’s psychology department, but it feels like I…
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Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy: Todd, Zazie, Becker D…
Whether you are training a new puppy, considering adopting a dog, researching dog breeds, or simply curious about your own dog's happiness and behavior, W…
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Kupfer (APA) statement on National Institute of Mental Health (N…
The promise of the science of mental disorders is great. In the future, we hope to be able to identify disorders using biological and genetic markers tha…
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The science of scares: what makes us love fear | Newsroom
Fight, flight or freeze? A psychologist explains how the body processes the chills and thrills of Halloween. Getty Images Halloween inspires people of all…
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Speed of light - Wikipedia
All forms of electromagnetic radiation , including visible light , travel at the speed of light. For many practical purposes, light and other electromagne…
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National Governors Association
“The theme of light prevailing over darkness has always been so important to [First Lady Tammy Murphy] and me on Hannukah. This year it held additional me…
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Real Nutrition NYC - Real Nutrition NYC
In light of COVID-19, Real Nutrition is currently hosting all appointments and lectures virtually. If you are a new client interested in working togethe…
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Alova.JS - Lightweight request strategy library | Alova.JS
A lightweight request strategy library Choose the request strategy you want, the declarative implementation of complex network requests with minimal code…
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The Age of Light by Whitney Scharer
Scharer’s stellar debut chronicles the tumultuous working and romantic relationships of photographer Man Ray and model-turned-photographer Lee Miller in e…
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Physics - The Weight of Light
Before he worked out the general theory of relativity, Einstein had already deduced that gravity must affect a light wave’s frequency and wavelength. Ligh…
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Smart lighting | Philips Hue US
Smart light lets you do more. Whether that’s creating the perfect atmosphere for a relaxing night in or bringing the thrill of the theater into your livin…
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How Fast Does Light Travel? | The Speed of Light | Space
The speed of light traveling through a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 meters (983,571,056 feet) per second. That's about 186,282 miles per second — a unive…
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How Light Bulbs Work | HowStuffWorks
Before the invention of the light bulb, illuminating the world after the sun went down was a messy, arduous, hazardous task. It took a bunch of candles or…
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Photon Sciences | About the National Synchrotron Light Source II
Brookhaven’s current light source — the National Synchrotron Light Source ( NSLS ) — is one of the world’s most widely used scientific facilities. Each ye…
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Moët & Chandon owns some of the largest and most exceptional plots in Champagne, and with this comes great responsibility. Today more than ever, we are …
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Northern Lights Tour | Albatros Arctic Circle
- Join us, as we try to spot one of the world’s most incredible natural phenomena Northern lights are, without a doubt, one of the most amazing experience…
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ACID - Wikipedia
In computer science , ACID ( atomicity , consistency , isolation , durability ) is a set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee data…
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exemplar - Wiktionary
A ray of light amid all this nonsense was Gwyn Topham's piece in the Guardian , which was timely, measured, accurate and of appropriate tone. That this si…
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The Speed of Light Sucks - Stack Overflow Blog
The Speed of Light Sucks Our current datacenter is in New York City. Yep, where they make all that great salsa. So whenever you make a request to any Stac…
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English | 光の館 新潟県十日町市
The House of Light was created at the first Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (2000) as a work of James Turrell, a light artist. In this unique experimental wo…
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We Need a New Science of Progress - The Atlantic
In 1861, the American scientist and educator William Barton Rogers published a manifesto calling for a new kind of research institution. Recognizing the “…
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Why is the speed of light the way it is? | Space
We all know and love the speed of light — 299,792,458 meters per second — but why does it have the value that it does? Why isn't it some other number? And…
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The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain
At the end of May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a notable, yet mostly ignored, large-scale study of COVID transmission in Amer…
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Projects/JsonGlib - GNOME Wiki!
a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of …
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The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food - The New York …
On the evening of April 8, 1999, a long line of Town Cars and taxis pulled up to the Minneapolis headquarters of Pillsbury and discharged 11 men who contr…
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Separation of concerns - Wikipedia
In computer science , separation of concerns is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections. Each section addresses a sepa…
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Negative effects of light pollution on pollinator visits are out…
Cities are home to several species of pollinators that play an important role in the reproductive success of wild and cultivated plants that grow in these…
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'Heartbeat' Bills Get the Science of Fetal Heartbeats All Wrong …
Recent anti-abortion "heartbeat" bills aren't even the most draconian: Alabama is set to vote on a bill that would make performing an abortion a crime pun…
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TeX-PDF - Lightweight : vim online
This plugin provides support for specialized lightweight "stay-out-of-your-way" TeX-to-PDF compilation and viewing. In contrast to some of the other mor…
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Turning the lights on | Uber Newsroom
Turning the lights on The past 12 months have been a period of widespread change at Uber. After just 8 weeks on the job, our CEO Dara Khosrowshahi introdu…
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Global Science Report | Cato @ Liberty
Global Science Report is a weekly feature from the Center for the Study of Science , where we highlight one or two important new items in the scientific l…
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Sun Pillars: vertical shafts of light
A sun pillar is a vertical shaft of light extending upward or downward from the sun. Typically seen during sunrise or sunset, sun pillars form when sunli…
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US NSF - News - The Science of Speed
The Science of Speed , produced for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and written and hosted by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, explains the scientific princi…
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CS7GV2 – Mathematics of Light and Sound – Teaching and Learning
Most of our SCSS computer labs are now available for you to use on an “open access” basis when there are no scheduled classes taking place. These are Trin…
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This Month in Physics History
The speed of light is one of the most well-established values in physics, measured so accurately that the meter is now defined in terms of it. But before …
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American Wits: An Anthology of Light Verse: (American Poets Proj…
Irreverent, playful, and inventive, the American light verse of the past century offers a brimming feast of urbane pleasures. Bubbling over with engaging …
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National Science Board - STEM
The STEM Innovators discussion brought together experts from a variety of relevant disciplines to provide input to the National Science Board's developmen…
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JCT: ACA Repeal Will Cut Taxes by At Least $600 Billion | Commit…
In light of the House GOP releasing their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA or "Obamacare"), the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) t…
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Greenwood | Book | Scribe UK
Alexander MacLeod, author of Light Lifting ‘A lyrical, meditative take on a world in which forests have become such rare commodities that they are turned…
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Blue light has a dark side - Harvard Health
Although it is environmentally friendly, blue light can affect your sleep and potentially cause disease. Until the advent of artificial lighting, the sun …
- — found via Mwmbl Fairest: A Memoir: 9780525561309: Talusan, Meredith:…
"A ball of light hurled into the dark undertow of migration and survival." --Ocean Vuong, author of On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous A singular, beautifu…
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Lightweight RFC Process - Geode - Apache Software Foundation
With some of our recent efforts, we have seen consensus on design decisions take a very long time. In order to be able to keep moving forward as a success…
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News: Bud Light Sales Decrease Accelerates
Bud Light Sales Decrease Accelerates Sales of Anheuser-Busch's Bud Light have continued to decline over the Dylan Mulvaney controversy. Sales of Anheuser…
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VFAX Naval Fighter Attack Experimental
Lightweight Fighter (LWF) During the transitional period of the late 1960s, when fighter planes were growing ever heavier and more complex, an ad hoc grou…
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Northern lights (aurora borealis): What they are & how to see th…
The northern lights, or the aurora borealis, are beautiful dancing waves of light that have captivated people for millennia. But for all its beauty, this …
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Trtl Travel Sleep Mask for Flying | Adjustable Eye Mask for Flyi…
Cabin lights and open window shades aren’t great when you want to get some sleep on your flight. Shut out the rest of the world and get some quality shut …
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Northern Lights photography | ICEHOTEL
Join a nightly excursion to hidden places in the wilderness around Jukkasjärvi – away from the intruding electric lights of human civilization, the condit…
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Vincent and Alice and Alice: Jones, Shane: 9780999218679: Amazon…
From the visionary author of Light Boxes , a mind-bending office comedy, and a touching modern love story set against the backdrop of an ever-increasingly…
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The Millions: An Arrangement of Light (Kindle Single) by
Reading—my most familiar and constant activity—has been more of a struggle for me during the pandemic years. There are the obvious distractions—stress, pa…
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Science & Technology — Central Intelligence Agency
The Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) is one of four major components whose employees carry out the CIA's mission. The DS&T brings expertise to…
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In e-mails, science of warming is hot debate -
Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that …
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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 -
With the aid of light we can get a fantastic picture of the world of atoms. This field is called spectroscopy and is a way of investigating the energy-lev…
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Short Story Craft: Tom Drury's "Path Lights"
Path Lights is a short story by Tom Drury published in The New Yorker (Oct. 17, 2005). Drury is a master at achieving profluence in quiet stories, never r…
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The Facts Around Zoom and Encryption for Meetings/Webinars - Zoo…
In light of recent interest in our encryption practices, we want to start by apologizing for the confusion we have caused by incorrectly suggesting that Z…
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Harvey Weinstein Fired From His Production Company | HuffPost En…
“In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company - Robert W…
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Self-healing weak spots could boost aluminum's longevity by 25 t…
Lightweight and with great resistance to corrosion, aluminum offers very desirable characteristics when it comes to vehicle construction. Where it can run…
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Inflation hit 4.9% in April, the lowest it's been in two years
"In light of the strong April jobs report, the [Federal Reserve] will be comforted by the number and it reinforces its policy slant towards a pause" in in…
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FBI — Laboratory Services
Using cutting-edge science to solve cases and prevent acts of crime and terror. That’s what the FBI Laboratory has been about since 1932, when our first c…
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US-CERT - Traffic Light Protocol
The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) is a set of designations used to ensure that sensitive information is shared with the correct audience. It employs four c…
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‘Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ Top Intelligence Officer Says…
As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share. Give this article Give this article Give this article The c…
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Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform…
Instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV episodes with Prime Video A Kindle book to borrow for free each month - with no due dates Listen to over 2…
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‘Emily In Paris’ Blasted by French Critics – The Hollywood Repor…
The City of Light is pretty dark on Netflix's new series Emily in Paris, with Parisians up in arms over the romantic comedy that stars Lily Collins as an …
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N°68 WM Brown Madras Summer Short – Original Madras Trading Comp…
Men's Madras lightweight Summer Short with unfinished bottoms. Cut them as short as you want, and then hem or let fray. Part of our SPECIAL ISSUE MADRAS c…
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combinatorics - Minimal number of moves needed to solve a "Light…
Lights Out was a popular puzzle in which all lights in some device had to be turned off by pressing on them, which turned off all neighbouring lights as w…
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Attorney General Underwood Announces Lawsuit Against Donald J. T…
In Light Of Misconduct And Total Lack of Oversight, Lawsuit Seeks To Dissolve Donald J. Trump Foundation and Bar Donald J. Trump And Members Of Trump Foun…
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The End of the World: The Imminence and Art of the Doomsday Cloc…
The last shreds of light fade into a confused, chaotic darkness. The Earth reaches its twilight, and the end is near. A brutal and unforgiving end to huma…
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In 1947, A High-Altitude Balloon Crash Landed in Roswell. The Al…
The metallic-looking, lightweight fabric was scattered, shredded across the gravel and sagebrush of the New Mexico desert. Brazel didn’t know what to do w…
New results
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Speed of light | Definition, Equation, Constant, & Facts | Brita…
The speed of light is considered a fundamental constant of nature. Its significance is far broader than its role in describing a property of electromagnet…
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The Enduring Mystery of Light | Live Science
It goes through walls, but slows to a standstill in ultra-cold gases. It carries electronic information for radios and TVs, but destroys genetic informati…
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The Science of Doom | Evaluating and Explaining Climate Science
Here we will look at two of the four emissions scenarios. We compare 2081-2100 vs 1979-2005. Note that we are not comparing the end of the 21st century fr…
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Science of body odor - Doctor Armpit
The forearm is the desert, the scalps are the cool woods and the armpit is the tropical rainforest . Mary J Marples Mary J Marples couldn’t have put it in…
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Science Mission Directorate | Science
As we sail the sands of time & space, science gives context & meaning to measures great & small, like stars. There are as many stars in the universe as gr…
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NOAA's National Ocean Service
Science can shed light on how we make conservation and environmental decisions, such as developing our coastal areas. In this episode, listen to an interv…
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Science X Network ::, Medical Xpress, Tech Xplore
These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy govern your use of Science X and its network ('Science X'), including all of the products, services, and websites (p…
- — found via Mwmbl - The Science of Women’s Pleasure
Findings from the largest-ever research study In partnership with researchers at Indiana University, the Kinsey Institute and Yale University, we've condu…
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Science News | The latest news from all areas of science
Science News was founded in 1921 as an independent, nonprofit source of accurate information on the latest news of science, medicine and technology. Today…
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The science of champagne - CBS News
The science of champagne As you ring in the new year, why not give a toast to the chemistry and physics behind that festive bottle of bubbly? Feel free t…
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Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life
If you rely on Greater Good for science-based positivity, please keep us going strong into 2023. Donate to support our work by December 31 and your gift w…
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The Science of Well-Being | Coursera
In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for thes…
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Climate Science Special Report
This report is an authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, with a focus on the United States. It represents the first of two volumes of …
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Good to Go by Christie Aschwanden
Acclaimed science journalist Christie Aschwanden takes readers on an entertaining and enlightening tour through the latest science on sports and fitness r…
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Advancing the Science of Climate Change |The National Academies …
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing …
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University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen
The Science of Ice Cream Cathrine Østerberg is the owner of Østerberg Ice Cream. She has studied food science, and her education provides the framework fo…
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The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress | WI…
Not since Monica Lewinsky was a White House intern has one blue dress been the source of so much consternation. (And yes, it's blue.) The fact that a sing…
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Management Science and Engineering
Management Science and Engineering (MS&E) is one of Stanford’s most innovative and expansive departments. Our unique focus on the interface of engineering…
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70 Intriguing Sleep Facts That Will Mess With Your Mind
The science of sleep is one of the biggest mysteries in the world. If you think about it, sleep is kind of like a preview of death – no one can fully desc…
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Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control - Kathleen Taylor -…
Throughout history, humans have attempted to influence and control the thoughts of others. Since the word 'brainwashing' was coined in the aftermath of th…
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Tower of Light | Flue tower and facade in Manchester City Centre…
The Tower of Light is a 40-metre tall tower supporting and enclosing flues for a new low-carbon energy centre in Manchester’s city centre. The biomimetic …
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Landsat Science
With a trio of smaller satellites that can each detect 26 wavelengths of light and thermal energy, the Landsat Next mission is expected to look very diffe…
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On Friday July 12th, 2019, Lights for Liberty, along with organizers worldwide, brought hundreds of thousands of people to 818 locations across the countr…
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The Flavor Equation: The Science of Great Cooking Explained in M…
Go beyond recipes in this groundbreaking and bestselling guide to elevating elemental ingredients to make delicious dishes that hit all the right notes, e…
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The Science of Why We Don’t Believe Science – Mother Jones
Fight disinformation: Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. “ A MAN WITH A CONVICTION is a hard man to chan…
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Home - Points of Light Engage
There are hundreds of thousands of volunteer opportunities throughout the world just waiting for the right volunteer to step up. Search our database for v…
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The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men – Mother Jones
I’m sitting in the soft-spoken cognitive neuroscientist ‘s spotless office nestled within New York University’s psychology department, but it feels like I…
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Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy: Todd, Zazie, Becker D…
Whether you are training a new puppy, considering adopting a dog, researching dog breeds, or simply curious about your own dog's happiness and behavior, W…
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Kupfer (APA) statement on National Institute of Mental Health (N…
The promise of the science of mental disorders is great. In the future, we hope to be able to identify disorders using biological and genetic markers tha…
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The science of scares: what makes us love fear | Newsroom
Fight, flight or freeze? A psychologist explains how the body processes the chills and thrills of Halloween. Getty Images Halloween inspires people of all…
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Speed of light - Wikipedia
All forms of electromagnetic radiation , including visible light , travel at the speed of light. For many practical purposes, light and other electromagne…
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National Governors Association
“The theme of light prevailing over darkness has always been so important to [First Lady Tammy Murphy] and me on Hannukah. This year it held additional me…
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Real Nutrition NYC - Real Nutrition NYC
In light of COVID-19, Real Nutrition is currently hosting all appointments and lectures virtually. If you are a new client interested in working togethe…
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Alova.JS - Lightweight request strategy library | Alova.JS
A lightweight request strategy library Choose the request strategy you want, the declarative implementation of complex network requests with minimal code…
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The Age of Light by Whitney Scharer
Scharer’s stellar debut chronicles the tumultuous working and romantic relationships of photographer Man Ray and model-turned-photographer Lee Miller in e…
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Physics - The Weight of Light
Before he worked out the general theory of relativity, Einstein had already deduced that gravity must affect a light wave’s frequency and wavelength. Ligh…
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Smart lighting | Philips Hue US
Smart light lets you do more. Whether that’s creating the perfect atmosphere for a relaxing night in or bringing the thrill of the theater into your livin…
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How Fast Does Light Travel? | The Speed of Light | Space
The speed of light traveling through a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 meters (983,571,056 feet) per second. That's about 186,282 miles per second — a unive…
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How Light Bulbs Work | HowStuffWorks
Before the invention of the light bulb, illuminating the world after the sun went down was a messy, arduous, hazardous task. It took a bunch of candles or…
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Photon Sciences | About the National Synchrotron Light Source II
Brookhaven’s current light source — the National Synchrotron Light Source ( NSLS ) — is one of the world’s most widely used scientific facilities. Each ye…
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Moët & Chandon owns some of the largest and most exceptional plots in Champagne, and with this comes great responsibility. Today more than ever, we are …
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Northern Lights Tour | Albatros Arctic Circle
- Join us, as we try to spot one of the world’s most incredible natural phenomena Northern lights are, without a doubt, one of the most amazing experience…
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ACID - Wikipedia
In computer science , ACID ( atomicity , consistency , isolation , durability ) is a set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee data…
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exemplar - Wiktionary
A ray of light amid all this nonsense was Gwyn Topham's piece in the Guardian , which was timely, measured, accurate and of appropriate tone. That this si…
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The Speed of Light Sucks - Stack Overflow Blog
The Speed of Light Sucks Our current datacenter is in New York City. Yep, where they make all that great salsa. So whenever you make a request to any Stac…
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English | 光の館 新潟県十日町市
The House of Light was created at the first Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (2000) as a work of James Turrell, a light artist. In this unique experimental wo…
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We Need a New Science of Progress - The Atlantic
In 1861, the American scientist and educator William Barton Rogers published a manifesto calling for a new kind of research institution. Recognizing the “…
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Why is the speed of light the way it is? | Space
We all know and love the speed of light — 299,792,458 meters per second — but why does it have the value that it does? Why isn't it some other number? And…
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The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain
At the end of May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a notable, yet mostly ignored, large-scale study of COVID transmission in Amer…
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Projects/JsonGlib - GNOME Wiki!
a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of …
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The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food - The New York …
On the evening of April 8, 1999, a long line of Town Cars and taxis pulled up to the Minneapolis headquarters of Pillsbury and discharged 11 men who contr…
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Separation of concerns - Wikipedia
In computer science , separation of concerns is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections. Each section addresses a sepa…
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Negative effects of light pollution on pollinator visits are out…
Cities are home to several species of pollinators that play an important role in the reproductive success of wild and cultivated plants that grow in these…
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'Heartbeat' Bills Get the Science of Fetal Heartbeats All Wrong …
Recent anti-abortion "heartbeat" bills aren't even the most draconian: Alabama is set to vote on a bill that would make performing an abortion a crime pun…
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TeX-PDF - Lightweight : vim online
This plugin provides support for specialized lightweight "stay-out-of-your-way" TeX-to-PDF compilation and viewing. In contrast to some of the other mor…
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Turning the lights on | Uber Newsroom
Turning the lights on The past 12 months have been a period of widespread change at Uber. After just 8 weeks on the job, our CEO Dara Khosrowshahi introdu…
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Global Science Report | Cato @ Liberty
Global Science Report is a weekly feature from the Center for the Study of Science , where we highlight one or two important new items in the scientific l…
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Sun Pillars: vertical shafts of light
A sun pillar is a vertical shaft of light extending upward or downward from the sun. Typically seen during sunrise or sunset, sun pillars form when sunli…
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US NSF - News - The Science of Speed
The Science of Speed , produced for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and written and hosted by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, explains the scientific princi…
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CS7GV2 – Mathematics of Light and Sound – Teaching and Learning
Most of our SCSS computer labs are now available for you to use on an “open access” basis when there are no scheduled classes taking place. These are Trin…
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This Month in Physics History
The speed of light is one of the most well-established values in physics, measured so accurately that the meter is now defined in terms of it. But before …
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American Wits: An Anthology of Light Verse: (American Poets Proj…
Irreverent, playful, and inventive, the American light verse of the past century offers a brimming feast of urbane pleasures. Bubbling over with engaging …
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National Science Board - STEM
The STEM Innovators discussion brought together experts from a variety of relevant disciplines to provide input to the National Science Board's developmen…
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JCT: ACA Repeal Will Cut Taxes by At Least $600 Billion | Commit…
In light of the House GOP releasing their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA or "Obamacare"), the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) t…
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Greenwood | Book | Scribe UK
Alexander MacLeod, author of Light Lifting ‘A lyrical, meditative take on a world in which forests have become such rare commodities that they are turned…
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Blue light has a dark side - Harvard Health
Although it is environmentally friendly, blue light can affect your sleep and potentially cause disease. Until the advent of artificial lighting, the sun …
- — found via Mwmbl Fairest: A Memoir: 9780525561309: Talusan, Meredith:…
"A ball of light hurled into the dark undertow of migration and survival." --Ocean Vuong, author of On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous A singular, beautifu…
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Lightweight RFC Process - Geode - Apache Software Foundation
With some of our recent efforts, we have seen consensus on design decisions take a very long time. In order to be able to keep moving forward as a success…
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News: Bud Light Sales Decrease Accelerates
Bud Light Sales Decrease Accelerates Sales of Anheuser-Busch's Bud Light have continued to decline over the Dylan Mulvaney controversy. Sales of Anheuser…
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VFAX Naval Fighter Attack Experimental
Lightweight Fighter (LWF) During the transitional period of the late 1960s, when fighter planes were growing ever heavier and more complex, an ad hoc grou…
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Northern lights (aurora borealis): What they are & how to see th…
The northern lights, or the aurora borealis, are beautiful dancing waves of light that have captivated people for millennia. But for all its beauty, this …
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Trtl Travel Sleep Mask for Flying | Adjustable Eye Mask for Flyi…
Cabin lights and open window shades aren’t great when you want to get some sleep on your flight. Shut out the rest of the world and get some quality shut …
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Northern Lights photography | ICEHOTEL
Join a nightly excursion to hidden places in the wilderness around Jukkasjärvi – away from the intruding electric lights of human civilization, the condit…
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Vincent and Alice and Alice: Jones, Shane: 9780999218679: Amazon…
From the visionary author of Light Boxes , a mind-bending office comedy, and a touching modern love story set against the backdrop of an ever-increasingly…
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The Millions: An Arrangement of Light (Kindle Single) by
Reading—my most familiar and constant activity—has been more of a struggle for me during the pandemic years. There are the obvious distractions—stress, pa…
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Science & Technology — Central Intelligence Agency
The Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) is one of four major components whose employees carry out the CIA's mission. The DS&T brings expertise to…
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In e-mails, science of warming is hot debate -
Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site. Additionally, entries that …
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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 -
With the aid of light we can get a fantastic picture of the world of atoms. This field is called spectroscopy and is a way of investigating the energy-lev…
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Short Story Craft: Tom Drury's "Path Lights"
Path Lights is a short story by Tom Drury published in The New Yorker (Oct. 17, 2005). Drury is a master at achieving profluence in quiet stories, never r…
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The Facts Around Zoom and Encryption for Meetings/Webinars - Zoo…
In light of recent interest in our encryption practices, we want to start by apologizing for the confusion we have caused by incorrectly suggesting that Z…
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Harvey Weinstein Fired From His Production Company | HuffPost En…
“In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company - Robert W…
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Self-healing weak spots could boost aluminum's longevity by 25 t…
Lightweight and with great resistance to corrosion, aluminum offers very desirable characteristics when it comes to vehicle construction. Where it can run…
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Inflation hit 4.9% in April, the lowest it's been in two years
"In light of the strong April jobs report, the [Federal Reserve] will be comforted by the number and it reinforces its policy slant towards a pause" in in…
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FBI — Laboratory Services
Using cutting-edge science to solve cases and prevent acts of crime and terror. That’s what the FBI Laboratory has been about since 1932, when our first c…
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US-CERT - Traffic Light Protocol
The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) is a set of designations used to ensure that sensitive information is shared with the correct audience. It employs four c…
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‘Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ Top Intelligence Officer Says…
As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share. Give this article Give this article Give this article The c…
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Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform…
Instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV episodes with Prime Video A Kindle book to borrow for free each month - with no due dates Listen to over 2…
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‘Emily In Paris’ Blasted by French Critics – The Hollywood Repor…
The City of Light is pretty dark on Netflix's new series Emily in Paris, with Parisians up in arms over the romantic comedy that stars Lily Collins as an …
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N°68 WM Brown Madras Summer Short – Original Madras Trading Comp…
Men's Madras lightweight Summer Short with unfinished bottoms. Cut them as short as you want, and then hem or let fray. Part of our SPECIAL ISSUE MADRAS c…
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combinatorics - Minimal number of moves needed to solve a "Light…
Lights Out was a popular puzzle in which all lights in some device had to be turned off by pressing on them, which turned off all neighbouring lights as w…
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Attorney General Underwood Announces Lawsuit Against Donald J. T…
In Light Of Misconduct And Total Lack of Oversight, Lawsuit Seeks To Dissolve Donald J. Trump Foundation and Bar Donald J. Trump And Members Of Trump Foun…
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The End of the World: The Imminence and Art of the Doomsday Cloc…
The last shreds of light fade into a confused, chaotic darkness. The Earth reaches its twilight, and the end is near. A brutal and unforgiving end to huma…
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In 1947, A High-Altitude Balloon Crash Landed in Roswell. The Al…
The metallic-looking, lightweight fabric was scattered, shredded across the gravel and sagebrush of the New Mexico desert. Brazel didn’t know what to do w…