Curation by brochard 1 year ago for query The Entropy Centre
Original results
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The Entropy Centre - Out now!
The Entropy Centre is a mind-bending puzzle adventure where you reverse objects through time to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and conundrums.
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The Entropy Centre on Steam
Reviews “A must-have game that I strongly recommend to any puzzle fan” 10/10 – GameTyrant “Not only the best puzzle game of 2022, but it’s one of the bes…
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Save 60% on The Entropy Centre on Steam
The Entropy Centre is a mind-bending puzzle adventure where you reverse objects through time to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and conundrums.
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Save 10% on The Entropy Centre on Steam
The truth behind The Entropy Centre’s imminent collapse, and the Earth’s demise, can be found at the heart of this sprawling dangerous facility. But will …
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Portal-style puzzler The Entropy Centre gets new level editor up…
The Entropy Centre: Level Editor Update, as the name suggests, will introduce a new editing suite allowing players on PC the chance to design and build th…
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Économisez 60 % sur The Entropy Centre sur Steam
The Entropy Centre est une aventure époustouflante remplie d'énigmes dans laquelle vous ramenez des objets dans le temps pour surmonter des obstacles ...
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[TEST] The Entropy Centre : Un Portal-like Indépendant ...
Nov 8, 2022 — The Entropy Centre est vraiment très réussi. À la fois beau, intéressant et suffisamment long, on prend plaisir à résoudre les puzzles avec ...
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The Entropy Centre | Jeux à télécharger sur Nintendo Switch
Jul 27, 2023 — The Entropy Centre est une aventure époustouflante remplie d'énigmes dans laquelle vous ramenez des objets dans le temps pour surmonter des ...
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Save 15% on The Entropy Centre on Steam
The truth behind The Entropy Centre’s imminent collapse, and the Earth’s demise, can be found at the heart of this sprawling dangerous facility. But will …
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The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk is an interdisciplinary research centre within the University of Cambridge dedicated to the study and mitigat…
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The Entropy Center
The Entropy Center : retrouvez toutes les informations et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. Pensez à l'envers. Défiez l'impossible.
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The Centre for Computing History - Computer and Video Game Museu…
The Centre for Computing History is much more than a museum. Based in Cambridge, it hosts hands-on exhibitions, educational workshops and a wide range of …
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Measuring the Entropy of the MOS 6502 CPU –
You have probably already seen Visual 6502 , a simulator of the 6502 that operates at the transistor level and visualizes what’s going on inside the CPU. …
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Centre for Theoretical Cosmology Home page
“The CTC exists to develop theories of the Universe that are both mathematically consistent and observationally testable.” Professor Stephen Hawking The…
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[1307.6018] Beyond the entropy power inequality, via rearrangeme…
Abstract: A lower bound on the Rényi differential entropy of a sum of independent random vectors is demonstrated in terms of rearrangements. For the speci…
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The Entropy Effect | Memory Alpha | Fandom
THE UNIVERSE HAS LESS THAN A CENTURY LEFT… UNLESS SPOCK CAN CHANGE HISTORY! The Enterprise is summoned to transport a dangerous criminal from starbase pri…
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[math/0211159] The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its ge…
Abstract: We present a monotonic expression for the Ricci flow, valid in all dimensions and without curvature assumptions. It is interpreted as an entropy…
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Entropy and the second law
The second law of thermodynamics is one of the most fundamental laws of nature, having profound implications. In essence, it says this: The second law - T…
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Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism. School of Humanities…
Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism (EXESESO) It is with great sadness that we write of the death of Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Director …
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CSEP – Centre for Social and Economic Progress
The Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) is an independent, public policy think tank with a mandate to conduct research and analysis on critical…
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Centre for European Studies (CES) | | University of Exeter
The Centre for European Studies (CES) is part of the College of Social Sciences and international Studies and is based in Amory on Streatham Campus. It is…
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Centre for European Reform | The Centre for European Reform is a…
Centre for European Reform | The Centre for European Reform is an award winning independent think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthe…
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[1102.5144] An interpretation for the entropy of a black hole
Abstract: We investigate the meaning of the entropy carried away by Hawking radiations from a black hole. We propose that the entropy for a black hole mea…
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[1006.3028] Representation formula for the entropy and functiona…
Abstract: We prove a stochastic formula for the Gaussian relative entropy in the spirit of Borell's formula for the Laplace transform. As an application, …
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[2006.09843] When the entropy has no maximum: A new perspective …
Abstract: The first-order relativistic fluid theories of dissipation proposed by Eckart and Landau-Lifshitz have been proved to be unstable. They admit so…
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[1509.06859v1] Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of…
Abstract: We consider random walks on a non-elementary hyperbolic group endowed with a word distance. To a probability measure on the group are associated…
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[1509.06859v2] Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of…
Abstract: We consider random walks on a non-elementary hyperbolic group endowed with a word distance. To a probability measure on the group are associated…
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Centre | USD Coin
Following the Merge and Ethereum’s transition from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to the more sustainable Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Centre and its …
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[1410.4089] Entanglement entropy in Galilean conformal field the…
Abstract: We present the analytical calculation of entanglement entropy for a class of two dimensional field theories governed by the symmetries of the Ga…
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The Entropy of Bones | Small Beer Press
A Liminal People novel. A young martial artist finds there is more to the world than she can kick, more than she can see Chabi doesn’t realize her martial…
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Entropy of entanglement - Wikipedia
The entropy of entanglement (or entanglement entropy ) is a measure of the degree of quantum entanglement between two subsystems constituting a two-part c…
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The Psychometrics Centre | Cambridge Judge Business School
We provide a wide range of research and consultancy services to both academia and the business world. Our team combines skills in psychometrics with exper…
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Entropy (information theory) - Wikipedia
Two bits of entropy: In the case of two fair coin tosses, the information entropy in bits is the base-2 logarithm of the number of possible outcomes; with…
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Legacies of British Slavery
The Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slavery has been established at UCL with the generous support of the Hutchins Center at Harvard . The …
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Homepage - Quantumlah
The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) in Singapore brings together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physi…
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Taught Course Centre | Mathematical Institute
Welcome to The Taught Course Centre (TCC). The TCC is a collaboration between the Mathematics Departments at the Universities of Bath , Bristol , Imperial…
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Refining the Estimated Entropy of English by Shannon Game Simula…
Shannon (1950) estimated the entropy of written English to be between 0.6 and 1.3 bits per character (bpc), based on the ability of human subjects to gues…
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UX Centred Bootstrap Templates & Themes For Developers | UX & Bo…
Why Use Our Templates? UX-Centered Say goodbye to "all purpose" templates. Our templates are designed with targeting specific audiences in mind to give y…
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The Entropy Principle: Thermodynamics for the Unsatisfied | Spri…
Entropy – the key concept of thermodynamics, clearly explained and carefully illustrated. This book presents an accurate definition of entropy in classica…
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Entropy (computing) - Wikipedia
In computing , entropy is the randomness collected by an operating system or application for use in cryptography or other uses that require random data. T…
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Centre for Literature and Archives | Centre for Literature and …
Centre for Literature and Archives The Centre for Literature and Archives encourages students to use the resources kept in the Special Collections The Ce…
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systemd-random-seed should credit the entropy · Issue #4271 · sy…
NOTE: Do not submit anything other than bug reports or RFEs via the issue tracker! systemd version the issue has been seen with 231 NOTE: Do not submit bu…
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The Entropy of Bones Is One of the Year's Best Action Movies, Ex…
The Entropy of Bones Is One of the Year's Best Action Movies, Except It's a Book Sometimes the best books are the ones which just kick your ass on the fi…
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Home - ICSR
The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) is a world-class and internationally acclaimed academic research centre based in the Depar…
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Centre for Women's Justice
Centre for Women’s Justice was founded in 2016. We aim to bring together specialist lawyers, academics and other experts in the field of violence against …
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Tizzy Canucci - Video artist and printmaker, and writer: Tess Ba…
Centred on the artist as avatar, she builds, breaks down, gestures, cries, dissolves. Colour passes over her monochromatic existence. At all times somebo…
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Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory - Wikipedia
where p i {\displaystyle p_{i}} is the probability of the message m i {\displaystyle m_{i}} taken from the message space M , and b is the base of the loga…
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Cross entropy - Wikipedia
In information theory , the cross-entropy between two probability distributions p {\displaystyle p} and q {\displaystyle q} over the same underlying set o…
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Entropy as a functor in John Baez
These are notes by John Baez , Tobias Fritz and Tom Leinster . The idea is to develop a deeper understanding of entropy, free energy, the partition functi…
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Rényi entropy - Wikipedia
As α approaches zero, the Rényi entropy increasingly weighs all events with nonzero probability more equally, regardless of their probabilities. In the li…
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[2107.09581] Entropy as a Topological Operad Derivation
Abstract: We share a small connection between information theory, algebra, and topology - namely, a correspondence between Shannon entropy and derivations…
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Information Entropy | Adding information about information to th…
I’ve been working a lot with NLTK lately and as I was working through the book I couldn’t get the Maximum Entropy classifier to work because I didn’t have…
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When “patient centred” is no longer enough: the challenge of col…
Patient centred care is being subsumed by collaborative health, enabled by sweeping technological, economic, and social changes. Doctors are losing some o…
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Expert Service Centres - Space Weather
ESA Space Weather data and products are provided through a network of Expert Service Centres. Each of these comprises a distributed set of expert groups c…
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Home | Human Centred Computing at Oxford
Human Centred Computing at Oxford Computational systems are now deeply integrated into the fabric of people’s lives. Human Centred Computing examines the…
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[1609.01287] Holographic Entanglement Entropy
Title:Holographic Entanglement Entropy Abstract: We review the developments in the past decade on holographic entanglement entropy, a subject that has ga…
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The Loved Dead - Wikipedia
The plot centres around an unnamed narrator living in the rural village of Fenham who is a necrophile . He describes his repressive childhood and what dro…
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Centres | School of Education | University of Exeter
Research centres Our research centres are externally funded through major research grants, strategic funding or local partnerships. They conduct internat…
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Subtropical gyre | Ocean Circulation & Climate Effects | Britann…
The centres of subtropical gyres are shifted to the west. This westward intensification of ocean currents was explained by the American meteorologist and …
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The entropy force: a new direction for gravity | New Scientist
WHAT exactly is gravity? Everybody experiences it, but pinning down why the universe has gravity in the first place has proved difficult . Although gravit…
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Information Entropy for an Image | Physics Forums
I wanted to find the Information Entropy (Shannon Entropy) for a given image. I basically wanted to study the effects of image compression on the Shannon …
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Tag entropy density per month - Stack Exchange Data Explorer
Tag entropy density per month Smaller value means, that the asked questions were more concentrated around a few technologies. Higher value means, that we…
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Attack the Block - Wikipedia
The film centres on a teenage street gang who have to defend themselves from predatory alien invaders on a council estate in South London on Guy Fawkes Ni…
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Kezia Dugdale wins Wings Over Scotland defamation case - BBC News
The case centred on a tweet posted by Mr Campbell during the Conservative Party conference in 2017, which said that Conservative MSP Oliver Mundell "is th…
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Lacerta - Wikipedia
Centred on a region of the sky without apparently bright stars, Lacerta was apparently not regarded as a constellation by ancient Western astronomers. Joh…
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It's Centred That | Test Your Designer Eye
This game is very simple. There are ten levels created to test your design eye. Simply guess whether or not the dot is in the centre of each shape by sele…
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Centre for Medical History | Centre for Medical History | Unive…
Centre for Medical History The Centre for Medical History brings together academic staff and postgraduate students across the University studying various…
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Who Shot Phil? - Wikipedia
The storyline centred around one of EastEnders' longest-running characters, Phil Mitchell (played by Steve McFadden), who had first appeared in February …
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Igor Aleksander - Wikipedia
His work centred on the modelling capability of artificial neural networks . He devised neuromodels of the visual system in primates, visuo-verbal system …
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Old Ways, New
Country Centred Design Country Centred Design Country Centred Design is our methodology which utilises Indigenous knowledges in the design of places, exp…
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Tickets and Packages | TRNSMT
Now centred around Glasgow Green’s famous Doulton Fountain and The People’s Palace, there is more space to chill out and grab a bite to eat in the TRNSMT …
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Peepshow (album) - Wikipedia
Praise centred around the unpredictability of the orchestrations and new nuances in Siouxsie 's voice. The album was later remastered and reissued on CD w…
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Porthcurno - Wikipedia
It is centred 6.6 miles (10.6 km) west of the railway, market and resort town of Penzance and 2.5 miles (4.0 km) from Land's End , the most westerly point…
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Entropy | Special Issue : Cybersemiotics—Integration of the info…
All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special permission is required to reuse all or pa…
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Centred family of sets - Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Namespaces Variants Views Actions Centred family of sets A family of sets with the finite intersection property: the intersection of any finite subfamily…
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Hayy Jameel, Jeddah - Art Jameel
Art Jameel’s new centre in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, opened its doors December 6, 2021 . Hayy Jameel, the Kingdom’s dedicated home for the arts, is designed b…
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The Catalyst Newcastle | Homepage for the Catalyst at the Helix
Our Innovation Centres remain operational and accessible, and provide a safe environment for our staff and customers. We continue to assess the risk of CO…
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passwords - Exhausting the entropy of a hash function - Cryptogr…
I have an idea that one can exhaust the entropy of input to the MD5 function by using a 128 bit random value as the password (indeed, any hash function, u…
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How should I calculate the entropy of a password? - Cryptography…
If part of the password is a whole regular English word, does the entropy of that part depend on the number of English words in existence, the number of E…
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Impact of 2008 global economic crisis on suicide: time trend stu…
1HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, 5 Sassoon R…
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On the Trail and Trial of a Palestinian Diaspora: Mapping South …
Abstract Centred around a May 1970 shooting at the Israeli embassy in Asunción, this article traces a chain of actions and reactions that began with Israe…
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Sorry! (TV series) - Wikipedia
Sorry! is centred on Timothy Lumsden who, 41 years old in the first three series (his age increased to 42 and then 48 in subsequent series - Corbett was …
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Insufficient Entropy For Random Values — Survive The Deep End: P…
Random values are everywhere in PHP. They are used in all frameworks, many libraries and you probably have tons of code relying on them for generating tok…
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Shopping Malls Are Going Extinct
The Canton Centre Mall in Canton, Ohio is boarded up and vacant. Nicholas Eckhart All across America, once-vibrant shopping malls are boarded up and decay…
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Softly, Softly (TV series) - Wikipedia
Softly, Softly centred on the work of regional police crime squads, plain-clothes CID officers based in the fictional region of Wyvern, supposedly in the…
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I Shall Wear Midnight - Wikipedia
It centres on Tiffany Aching, who is now fifteen years old and getting on with the hard work of being a witch . The title is taken from a quotation in A H…
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VLTI Expertise Centres | Eii
Structured development of optical interferometry requires leaping towards a European network of VLTI Expertise Centres. These centres are the backbone of …
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Data centres could use 70% of Ireland’s electricity by 2030, com…
If all the proposed data centres for Ireland were to be connected they could use as much as 70 per cent of Ireland’s electricity grid capacity in 2030, ac…
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User Centred Design Approach?. User Centred Design (UCD), has al…
User Centred Design (UCD), has always being mention in the industry. It seems like this word is on of the keys to design for products and services, but wh…
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National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024 - Canadian Centre for…
The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) is Canada’s technical authority on cyber security. Part of the Communications Security Establishment…
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⚓ T5691 Release libgcrypt 1.10.0
Simplification of the entropy gatherer when using the getentropy system call. Interface changes relative to the 1.10.0 release: GCRYCTL_SET_DECRYPTION_TA…
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[1102.2098] Renyi Entropy and Free Energy
Title:Renyi Entropy and Free Energy Abstract: The Renyi entropy is a generalization of the usual concept of entropy which depends on a parameter q. In fa…
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Frontiers | The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states inf…
Entropy is a dimensionless quantity that is used for measuring uncertainty about the state of a system but it can also imply physical qualities, where hig…
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Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of random walks i…
Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of random walks in hyperbolic groups Editorial introduction Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate…
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How the Star Wars kickstarted a craze for toy collection
Centred around the “long time ago” adventures of an adolescent farmer, a reckless smuggler and a strong-willed princess, the original film starred Mark Ha…
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RealTime Data Compression: Finite State Entropy - A new breed of…
In compression theory, the entropy encoding stage is typically the last stage of a compression algorithm, the one where the gains from the model are reali…
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Just Married: User Centered Design and Agile
User Centred Design (UCD) and Agile Development are two of the most exciting and productive Methods to achieve high quality appication both desired by the…
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RKI - RKI-Ratgeber - Keuchhusten (Pertussis)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Guidance and protocol for the use of realtime PCR in laboratory diagnosis of human infection with Bord…
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C16975 User Centred Design Partner 1 - Digital Marketplace
Important dates Overview We’re looking for a supplier who can provide the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to help meet demand for user-centred…
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SS7 hack explained: what can you do about it? | Hacking | The Gu…
The exploit centres on a global system that connects mobile phone networks, and can give hackers, governments or anyone else with access to it remote surv…
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Kim Kardashian Says Kendall Felt "Really Awful" About The Pepsi …
The advert centred around a protest. Kendall was shown stumbling across the rally, grabbing a can of Pepsi, and handing it to one of the police offers mon…
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Coronavirus test centres can close, self-testing can stop, advis…
The government’s coronavirus advisory team says mass testing at regional centres can be wound down and that the recommendation to use self tests if peopl…
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The pandemic will accelerate the evolution of our cities | Norma…
City centres are likely to see fewer cars in future, but that would have happened eventually without Covid-19 Norman Foster’s illustration on the future o…
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Bombings, Bullets and Begging: Organised Crime in Sweden - Intel…
Although primarily centred in the major urban cities of Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg, one of the trends witnessed is the spreading of gang conflict and…
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Fretting over past wireless 'failures', Ottawa aimed to freeze B…
Ottawa's strategy centred around keeping cellular airwaves specifically earmarked for new players in the sector indefinitely out of the hands of Rogers, B…
New results
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The Entropy Centre - Out now!
The Entropy Centre is a mind-bending puzzle adventure where you reverse objects through time to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and conundrums.
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Save 60% on The Entropy Centre on Steam
Reviews “A must-have game that I strongly recommend to any puzzle fan” 10/10 – GameTyrant “Not only the best puzzle game of 2022, but it’s one of the best…
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The Entropy Centre - Wikipedia
The game's protagonist, Aria, wakes in a lunar facility. An AI named Astra explains to her that the Earth is about to explode. With Astra's help, Aria att…
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The Entropy Centre on Steam
Reviews “A must-have game that I strongly recommend to any puzzle fan” 10/10 – GameTyrant “Not only the best puzzle game of 2022, but it’s one of the bes…
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Save 10% on The Entropy Centre on Steam
The truth behind The Entropy Centre’s imminent collapse, and the Earth’s demise, can be found at the heart of this sprawling dangerous facility. But will …
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Portal-style puzzler The Entropy Centre gets new level editor up…
The Entropy Centre: Level Editor Update, as the name suggests, will introduce a new editing suite allowing players on PC the chance to design and build th…
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Économisez 60 % sur The Entropy Centre sur Steam
The Entropy Centre est une aventure époustouflante remplie d'énigmes dans laquelle vous ramenez des objets dans le temps pour surmonter des obstacles ...
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[TEST] The Entropy Centre : Un Portal-like Indépendant ...
Nov 8, 2022 — The Entropy Centre est vraiment très réussi. À la fois beau, intéressant et suffisamment long, on prend plaisir à résoudre les puzzles avec ...
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The Entropy Centre | Jeux à télécharger sur Nintendo Switch
Jul 27, 2023 — The Entropy Centre est une aventure époustouflante remplie d'énigmes dans laquelle vous ramenez des objets dans le temps pour surmonter des ...
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Save 15% on The Entropy Centre on Steam
The truth behind The Entropy Centre’s imminent collapse, and the Earth’s demise, can be found at the heart of this sprawling dangerous facility. But will …
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The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk is an interdisciplinary research centre within the University of Cambridge dedicated to the study and mitigat…
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The Entropy Center
The Entropy Center : retrouvez toutes les informations et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. Pensez à l'envers. Défiez l'impossible.
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The Centre for Computing History - Computer and Video Game Museu…
The Centre for Computing History is much more than a museum. Based in Cambridge, it hosts hands-on exhibitions, educational workshops and a wide range of …
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Measuring the Entropy of the MOS 6502 CPU –
You have probably already seen Visual 6502 , a simulator of the 6502 that operates at the transistor level and visualizes what’s going on inside the CPU. …
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Centre for Theoretical Cosmology Home page
“The CTC exists to develop theories of the Universe that are both mathematically consistent and observationally testable.” Professor Stephen Hawking The…
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[1307.6018] Beyond the entropy power inequality, via rearrangeme…
Abstract: A lower bound on the Rényi differential entropy of a sum of independent random vectors is demonstrated in terms of rearrangements. For the speci…
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The Entropy Effect | Memory Alpha | Fandom
THE UNIVERSE HAS LESS THAN A CENTURY LEFT… UNLESS SPOCK CAN CHANGE HISTORY! The Enterprise is summoned to transport a dangerous criminal from starbase pri…
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[math/0211159] The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its ge…
Abstract: We present a monotonic expression for the Ricci flow, valid in all dimensions and without curvature assumptions. It is interpreted as an entropy…
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Entropy and the second law
The second law of thermodynamics is one of the most fundamental laws of nature, having profound implications. In essence, it says this: The second law - T…
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Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism. School of Humanities…
Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism (EXESESO) It is with great sadness that we write of the death of Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Director …
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CSEP – Centre for Social and Economic Progress
The Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) is an independent, public policy think tank with a mandate to conduct research and analysis on critical…
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Centre for European Studies (CES) | | University of Exeter
The Centre for European Studies (CES) is part of the College of Social Sciences and international Studies and is based in Amory on Streatham Campus. It is…
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Centre for European Reform | The Centre for European Reform is a…
Centre for European Reform | The Centre for European Reform is an award winning independent think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthe…
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[1102.5144] An interpretation for the entropy of a black hole
Abstract: We investigate the meaning of the entropy carried away by Hawking radiations from a black hole. We propose that the entropy for a black hole mea…
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[1006.3028] Representation formula for the entropy and functiona…
Abstract: We prove a stochastic formula for the Gaussian relative entropy in the spirit of Borell's formula for the Laplace transform. As an application, …
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[2006.09843] When the entropy has no maximum: A new perspective …
Abstract: The first-order relativistic fluid theories of dissipation proposed by Eckart and Landau-Lifshitz have been proved to be unstable. They admit so…
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[1509.06859v1] Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of…
Abstract: We consider random walks on a non-elementary hyperbolic group endowed with a word distance. To a probability measure on the group are associated…
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[1509.06859v2] Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of…
Abstract: We consider random walks on a non-elementary hyperbolic group endowed with a word distance. To a probability measure on the group are associated…
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Centre | USD Coin
Following the Merge and Ethereum’s transition from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to the more sustainable Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Centre and its …
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[1410.4089] Entanglement entropy in Galilean conformal field the…
Abstract: We present the analytical calculation of entanglement entropy for a class of two dimensional field theories governed by the symmetries of the Ga…
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The Entropy of Bones | Small Beer Press
A Liminal People novel. A young martial artist finds there is more to the world than she can kick, more than she can see Chabi doesn’t realize her martial…
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Entropy of entanglement - Wikipedia
The entropy of entanglement (or entanglement entropy ) is a measure of the degree of quantum entanglement between two subsystems constituting a two-part c…
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The Psychometrics Centre | Cambridge Judge Business School
We provide a wide range of research and consultancy services to both academia and the business world. Our team combines skills in psychometrics with exper…
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Entropy (information theory) - Wikipedia
Two bits of entropy: In the case of two fair coin tosses, the information entropy in bits is the base-2 logarithm of the number of possible outcomes; with…
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Legacies of British Slavery
The Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slavery has been established at UCL with the generous support of the Hutchins Center at Harvard . The …
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Homepage - Quantumlah
The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) in Singapore brings together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physi…
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Taught Course Centre | Mathematical Institute
Welcome to The Taught Course Centre (TCC). The TCC is a collaboration between the Mathematics Departments at the Universities of Bath , Bristol , Imperial…
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Refining the Estimated Entropy of English by Shannon Game Simula…
Shannon (1950) estimated the entropy of written English to be between 0.6 and 1.3 bits per character (bpc), based on the ability of human subjects to gues…
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UX Centred Bootstrap Templates & Themes For Developers | UX & Bo…
Why Use Our Templates? UX-Centered Say goodbye to "all purpose" templates. Our templates are designed with targeting specific audiences in mind to give y…
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The Entropy Principle: Thermodynamics for the Unsatisfied | Spri…
Entropy – the key concept of thermodynamics, clearly explained and carefully illustrated. This book presents an accurate definition of entropy in classica…
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Entropy (computing) - Wikipedia
In computing , entropy is the randomness collected by an operating system or application for use in cryptography or other uses that require random data. T…
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Centre for Literature and Archives | Centre for Literature and …
Centre for Literature and Archives The Centre for Literature and Archives encourages students to use the resources kept in the Special Collections The Ce…
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systemd-random-seed should credit the entropy · Issue #4271 · sy…
NOTE: Do not submit anything other than bug reports or RFEs via the issue tracker! systemd version the issue has been seen with 231 NOTE: Do not submit bu…
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The Entropy of Bones Is One of the Year's Best Action Movies, Ex…
The Entropy of Bones Is One of the Year's Best Action Movies, Except It's a Book Sometimes the best books are the ones which just kick your ass on the fi…
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Home - ICSR
The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) is a world-class and internationally acclaimed academic research centre based in the Depar…
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Centre for Women's Justice
Centre for Women’s Justice was founded in 2016. We aim to bring together specialist lawyers, academics and other experts in the field of violence against …
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Tizzy Canucci - Video artist and printmaker, and writer: Tess Ba…
Centred on the artist as avatar, she builds, breaks down, gestures, cries, dissolves. Colour passes over her monochromatic existence. At all times somebo…
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Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory - Wikipedia
where p i {\displaystyle p_{i}} is the probability of the message m i {\displaystyle m_{i}} taken from the message space M , and b is the base of the loga…
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Cross entropy - Wikipedia
In information theory , the cross-entropy between two probability distributions p {\displaystyle p} and q {\displaystyle q} over the same underlying set o…
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Entropy as a functor in John Baez
These are notes by John Baez , Tobias Fritz and Tom Leinster . The idea is to develop a deeper understanding of entropy, free energy, the partition functi…
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Rényi entropy - Wikipedia
As α approaches zero, the Rényi entropy increasingly weighs all events with nonzero probability more equally, regardless of their probabilities. In the li…
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[2107.09581] Entropy as a Topological Operad Derivation
Abstract: We share a small connection between information theory, algebra, and topology - namely, a correspondence between Shannon entropy and derivations…
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Information Entropy | Adding information about information to th…
I’ve been working a lot with NLTK lately and as I was working through the book I couldn’t get the Maximum Entropy classifier to work because I didn’t have…
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When “patient centred” is no longer enough: the challenge of col…
Patient centred care is being subsumed by collaborative health, enabled by sweeping technological, economic, and social changes. Doctors are losing some o…
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Expert Service Centres - Space Weather
ESA Space Weather data and products are provided through a network of Expert Service Centres. Each of these comprises a distributed set of expert groups c…
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Home | Human Centred Computing at Oxford
Human Centred Computing at Oxford Computational systems are now deeply integrated into the fabric of people’s lives. Human Centred Computing examines the…
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[1609.01287] Holographic Entanglement Entropy
Title:Holographic Entanglement Entropy Abstract: We review the developments in the past decade on holographic entanglement entropy, a subject that has ga…
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The Loved Dead - Wikipedia
The plot centres around an unnamed narrator living in the rural village of Fenham who is a necrophile . He describes his repressive childhood and what dro…
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Centres | School of Education | University of Exeter
Research centres Our research centres are externally funded through major research grants, strategic funding or local partnerships. They conduct internat…
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Subtropical gyre | Ocean Circulation & Climate Effects | Britann…
The centres of subtropical gyres are shifted to the west. This westward intensification of ocean currents was explained by the American meteorologist and …
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The entropy force: a new direction for gravity | New Scientist
WHAT exactly is gravity? Everybody experiences it, but pinning down why the universe has gravity in the first place has proved difficult . Although gravit…
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Information Entropy for an Image | Physics Forums
I wanted to find the Information Entropy (Shannon Entropy) for a given image. I basically wanted to study the effects of image compression on the Shannon …
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Tag entropy density per month - Stack Exchange Data Explorer
Tag entropy density per month Smaller value means, that the asked questions were more concentrated around a few technologies. Higher value means, that we…
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Attack the Block - Wikipedia
The film centres on a teenage street gang who have to defend themselves from predatory alien invaders on a council estate in South London on Guy Fawkes Ni…
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Kezia Dugdale wins Wings Over Scotland defamation case - BBC News
The case centred on a tweet posted by Mr Campbell during the Conservative Party conference in 2017, which said that Conservative MSP Oliver Mundell "is th…
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Lacerta - Wikipedia
Centred on a region of the sky without apparently bright stars, Lacerta was apparently not regarded as a constellation by ancient Western astronomers. Joh…
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It's Centred That | Test Your Designer Eye
This game is very simple. There are ten levels created to test your design eye. Simply guess whether or not the dot is in the centre of each shape by sele…
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Centre for Medical History | Centre for Medical History | Unive…
Centre for Medical History The Centre for Medical History brings together academic staff and postgraduate students across the University studying various…
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Who Shot Phil? - Wikipedia
The storyline centred around one of EastEnders' longest-running characters, Phil Mitchell (played by Steve McFadden), who had first appeared in February …
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Igor Aleksander - Wikipedia
His work centred on the modelling capability of artificial neural networks . He devised neuromodels of the visual system in primates, visuo-verbal system …
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Old Ways, New
Country Centred Design Country Centred Design Country Centred Design is our methodology which utilises Indigenous knowledges in the design of places, exp…
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Tickets and Packages | TRNSMT
Now centred around Glasgow Green’s famous Doulton Fountain and The People’s Palace, there is more space to chill out and grab a bite to eat in the TRNSMT …
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Peepshow (album) - Wikipedia
Praise centred around the unpredictability of the orchestrations and new nuances in Siouxsie 's voice. The album was later remastered and reissued on CD w…
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Porthcurno - Wikipedia
It is centred 6.6 miles (10.6 km) west of the railway, market and resort town of Penzance and 2.5 miles (4.0 km) from Land's End , the most westerly point…
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Entropy | Special Issue : Cybersemiotics—Integration of the info…
All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special permission is required to reuse all or pa…
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Centred family of sets - Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Namespaces Variants Views Actions Centred family of sets A family of sets with the finite intersection property: the intersection of any finite subfamily…
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Hayy Jameel, Jeddah - Art Jameel
Art Jameel’s new centre in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, opened its doors December 6, 2021 . Hayy Jameel, the Kingdom’s dedicated home for the arts, is designed b…
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The Catalyst Newcastle | Homepage for the Catalyst at the Helix
Our Innovation Centres remain operational and accessible, and provide a safe environment for our staff and customers. We continue to assess the risk of CO…
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passwords - Exhausting the entropy of a hash function - Cryptogr…
I have an idea that one can exhaust the entropy of input to the MD5 function by using a 128 bit random value as the password (indeed, any hash function, u…
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How should I calculate the entropy of a password? - Cryptography…
If part of the password is a whole regular English word, does the entropy of that part depend on the number of English words in existence, the number of E…
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Impact of 2008 global economic crisis on suicide: time trend stu…
1HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, 5 Sassoon R…
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On the Trail and Trial of a Palestinian Diaspora: Mapping South …
Abstract Centred around a May 1970 shooting at the Israeli embassy in Asunción, this article traces a chain of actions and reactions that began with Israe…
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Sorry! (TV series) - Wikipedia
Sorry! is centred on Timothy Lumsden who, 41 years old in the first three series (his age increased to 42 and then 48 in subsequent series - Corbett was …
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Insufficient Entropy For Random Values — Survive The Deep End: P…
Random values are everywhere in PHP. They are used in all frameworks, many libraries and you probably have tons of code relying on them for generating tok…
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Shopping Malls Are Going Extinct
The Canton Centre Mall in Canton, Ohio is boarded up and vacant. Nicholas Eckhart All across America, once-vibrant shopping malls are boarded up and decay…
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Softly, Softly (TV series) - Wikipedia
Softly, Softly centred on the work of regional police crime squads, plain-clothes CID officers based in the fictional region of Wyvern, supposedly in the…
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I Shall Wear Midnight - Wikipedia
It centres on Tiffany Aching, who is now fifteen years old and getting on with the hard work of being a witch . The title is taken from a quotation in A H…
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VLTI Expertise Centres | Eii
Structured development of optical interferometry requires leaping towards a European network of VLTI Expertise Centres. These centres are the backbone of …
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Data centres could use 70% of Ireland’s electricity by 2030, com…
If all the proposed data centres for Ireland were to be connected they could use as much as 70 per cent of Ireland’s electricity grid capacity in 2030, ac…
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User Centred Design Approach?. User Centred Design (UCD), has al…
User Centred Design (UCD), has always being mention in the industry. It seems like this word is on of the keys to design for products and services, but wh…
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National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024 - Canadian Centre for…
The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) is Canada’s technical authority on cyber security. Part of the Communications Security Establishment…
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⚓ T5691 Release libgcrypt 1.10.0
Simplification of the entropy gatherer when using the getentropy system call. Interface changes relative to the 1.10.0 release: GCRYCTL_SET_DECRYPTION_TA…
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[1102.2098] Renyi Entropy and Free Energy
Title:Renyi Entropy and Free Energy Abstract: The Renyi entropy is a generalization of the usual concept of entropy which depends on a parameter q. In fa…
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Frontiers | The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states inf…
Entropy is a dimensionless quantity that is used for measuring uncertainty about the state of a system but it can also imply physical qualities, where hig…
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Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of random walks i…
Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate of random walks in hyperbolic groups Editorial introduction Analyticity of the entropy and the escape rate…
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How the Star Wars kickstarted a craze for toy collection
Centred around the “long time ago” adventures of an adolescent farmer, a reckless smuggler and a strong-willed princess, the original film starred Mark Ha…
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RealTime Data Compression: Finite State Entropy - A new breed of…
In compression theory, the entropy encoding stage is typically the last stage of a compression algorithm, the one where the gains from the model are reali…
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Just Married: User Centered Design and Agile
User Centred Design (UCD) and Agile Development are two of the most exciting and productive Methods to achieve high quality appication both desired by the…
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RKI - RKI-Ratgeber - Keuchhusten (Pertussis)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Guidance and protocol for the use of realtime PCR in laboratory diagnosis of human infection with Bord…
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C16975 User Centred Design Partner 1 - Digital Marketplace
Important dates Overview We’re looking for a supplier who can provide the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to help meet demand for user-centred…
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SS7 hack explained: what can you do about it? | Hacking | The Gu…
The exploit centres on a global system that connects mobile phone networks, and can give hackers, governments or anyone else with access to it remote surv…
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Kim Kardashian Says Kendall Felt "Really Awful" About The Pepsi …
The advert centred around a protest. Kendall was shown stumbling across the rally, grabbing a can of Pepsi, and handing it to one of the police offers mon…
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Coronavirus test centres can close, self-testing can stop, advis…
The government’s coronavirus advisory team says mass testing at regional centres can be wound down and that the recommendation to use self tests if peopl…
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The pandemic will accelerate the evolution of our cities | Norma…
City centres are likely to see fewer cars in future, but that would have happened eventually without Covid-19 Norman Foster’s illustration on the future o…
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Bombings, Bullets and Begging: Organised Crime in Sweden - Intel…
Although primarily centred in the major urban cities of Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg, one of the trends witnessed is the spreading of gang conflict and…
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Fretting over past wireless 'failures', Ottawa aimed to freeze B…
Ottawa's strategy centred around keeping cellular airwaves specifically earmarked for new players in the sector indefinitely out of the hands of Rogers, B…