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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_library — found via Wikipedia
Shadow library
Shadow libraries are online databases of readily available content that is normally obscured or otherwise not readily accessible. Such content may be inaccessible
https://annas-archive.org — found via User
Anna’s Archive
📚 Full database 🧬 SciDB beta If you run a high-risk anonymous payment processor, please contact us. We are also looking for people looking to place tastef…
https://old.reddit.com/r/libgen/ — found via User
Library Genesis
[NSFW] Library Genesis (LibGen) is the largest free library in history: giving the world free access to 84 million scholarly journal articles, 6.6 million…
https://qz.com/528526/academics-have-found-a-way-to-access-insanely-expensive-research-papers-for-free — found via User
Academics have found a way to access insanely expensive research papers—for free
Academics have found a way to access insanely expensive research papers—for free Watch out. Image: Reuters/Dado Ruvic By Aamna Mohdin PublishedOctober 21,…
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/10/open-access-human-rights-issue — found via User
Open Access Is a Human Rights Issue | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Search form Open Access Is a Human Rights Issue Open Access Is a Human Rights Issue A BBC article has been making the rounds this week about #icanhazpdf, …
https://donovanrimjr.onesmablog.com/ — found via Mwmbl
Indicatori sulla Filmpertutti nuovo indirizzo si deve sapere - B…
Z-Library is a shadow library initiative that allows users to share scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books (some of which…
http://handwiki.org/wiki/Sci-Hub — found via Mwmbl
Sci-Hub - HandWiki
Sci-Hub is a shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers, regardless of copyright,[4] by bypassing publishers' paywal…
https://lists.debian.org/debian-bsd-0204/msg00017.html — found via Mwmbl
shadow library for *BSD
shadow library for *BSD Here is an attempt at a shadow library for *BSD. This library provides getspent, but it reads from /etc/master.passwd. I wrote so…
http://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2022/december/in-the-shadow-library — found via Mwmbl
Georgie Newson | In the Shadow Library
In the Shadow Library Last month, Z-Library – one of the world’s most popular ‘shadow libraries’, or unlicensed eBook databases – was shut down by the FB…
http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_library — found via Mwmbl
Shadow library - Wikipedia
Shadow libraries are online databases of readily available content that is normally obscured or otherwise not readily accessible. Such content may be ina…
http://www.rubyrailways.com/?p=70 — found via Mwmbl
Cool JS Shadow Library | Ruby, Rails, Web2.0
All you have to do is to set up a light source with a few parameters (distance, intensity, size etc.) and add the class ‘shadowThrowing’ to your elements…
http://www.namepros.com/tags/se.2545/ — found via Mwmbl
.se | NamePros
.se Sci-Hub, a shadow library that offers a free gateway to paywalled academic research, has lost control over one of its main domain names. Sci-Hub.se w…
http://www.freertos.org/shadow/index.html — found via Mwmbl
AWS IoT Shadow Library - FreeRTOS
How Wi-Fi and Cellular connectivity modules with ExpressLink can help create secure cloud connected devices. See the blog post. Designing an energy effic…
http://mdwiki.org/wiki/Sci-Hub — found via Mwmbl
Sci-Hub - WikiProjectMed
Sci-Hub is a shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers, regardless of copyright,[4] by bypassing publishers' paywal…
https://universityofglasgowlibrary.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/a-shadow-library-of-lost-books/ — found via Mwmbl
A shadow library of lost books? – University of Glasgow Library …
A shadow library of lost books? I recall reading somewhere that books survive in greater numbers than just about any other human-made object (the excepti…
https://www.wikizero.com/en/Sci-Hub — found via Mwmbl
Wikizero -
Sci-Hub is a shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers, regardless of copyright,[4] by bypassing publishers' paywal…
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sci-Hub — found via Mwmbl
About: Sci-Hub
Sci-Hub is a shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers and books, without regard to copyright, by bypassing publish…