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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Youth_in_Care_Network — found via Wikipedia
National Youth in Care Network
Youth in Care Canada (formerly known as the National Youth in Care Network) is a non-profit, charitable organization driven and staffed by youth and alumni
https://youthincare.ca/ — found via User
The National Youth in Care Network: Youth in Care Canada
Posts Our national network of “brothers and sisters from care” spans generations, ethnicity, education, and socioeconomic status – bringing us all togethe…
https://www.cbc.ca/1.5262680 — found via Mwmbl
How former youth in care are working to fix Canada's child welfa…
How former youth in care are working to fix Canada's child welfare system Connie Walker speaks with Ashley Bach, an Indigenous youth leader, Arisha Khan,…
https://care.ca/shesoars — found via Mwmbl
SHE SOARS podcast - CARE Canada
SHE SOARS podcast What does Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) looklike around the world for young people? Join CARE Canada’s Youth Champions, a passio…
https://growjo.com/company/CARE_Canada — found via Mwmbl
CARE Canada: Revenue, Competitors, Alternatives
What Is CARE Canada? CARE helps women and girls in developing countries lift themselves and their families out of poverty and out of crisis. \n\nWe bring…
https://kidcarecanada.org/resources/ — found via Mwmbl
Resources - Kid Care Canada
Resources KidCareCanada sits on the shoulders of giants! All of our work is based on current science. Much of it is done by others. In this section you w…