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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_(programming_language) — found via Wikipedia
Ruby (programming language)
Another goal of Ruby 3.0 is to improve concurrency and two more utilities Fibre Scheduler, and experimental Ractor facilitate the goal. Ractor is light-weight
https://rubyapi.org/3.2/o/ractor — found via User
Ractor | Ruby API (v3.2)
In addition to that, an argument to Ractor.new would be passed to block and available there as if received by Ractor.receive, and the last block value wou…
https://scoutapm.com/blog/ruby-ractor — found via User
Ractor: Ruby’s Version of the Actor Model | Scout APM Blog
Ractor: Ruby’s Version of the Actor Model Concurrency has always been an important factor in determining the feasibility of a programming environment. If …
https://www.honeybadger.io/blog/ractors/ — found via User
A Beginner's Guide to Ractors in Ruby - Honeybadger Developer Blog
A Beginner's Guide to Ractors in Ruby Ractor is Ruby's new Actor-like concurrency abstraction—it lets execute code in parallel without worrying about thre…
https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/ractor_md.html — found via User
ractor - Documentation for Ruby 3.3
Threads in a Ractor shares a Ractor-wide global lock like GIL (GVL in MRI terminology), so they can’t run in parallel (without releasing GVL explicitly in…
https://blog.appsignal.com/2022/08/24/an-introduction-to-ractors-in-ruby.html — found via User
An Introduction to Ractors in Ruby | AppSignal Blog
Supported Languages An Introduction to Ractors in Ruby In this post, we'll dive into ractors in Ruby, exploring how to build a ractor. You'll send and rec…
http://brandur.org/nanoglyphs/018-ractors — found via Mwmbl
Ruby 3's Ractors — brandur.org
Ruby 3's Ractors On December 25th 2020, Christmas Day in much of the world, Ruby 3 was released. The timing might seem unusual, but it’s part of an ongoi…
http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/20112 — found via Mwmbl
Bug #20112: Ractors not working properly in ruby 3.3.0 - Ruby ma…
I recently installed Ruby 3.3.0, and noticed that some of my scripts that use Ractors started to struggle with performance. After doing some benchmarks, …
https://blog.kiprosh.com/ruby-3-introduction-to-ractors/ — found via Mwmbl
Introduction to Ractors in Ruby 3
ruby3 Published on 30 November 2022 • Updated on 30 November 2022 • 7 min read Introduction to Ractors in Ruby 3 Ruby 3 has introduced an experimental fe…
https://rubyweekly.com/issues/643 — found via Mwmbl
Ruby Weekly Issue 643: March 2, 2023
A Beginner's Guide to Ractors — A quick, elementary introduction to ractors (once known as ‘guilds’) which, in Ruby 3 and up, provide an actor-like concu…