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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punternet — found via Wikipedia
Punternet, also known as Punternet.com, is a review site that allows customers to rate their experiences with call girls. Customers are referred to as
https://www.punternet.com/ — found via User
UK Escort Directory and Reviews | PunterNet UK
PunterNet UK - Escort Reviews and Directory The UK's oldest escort directory and escort review site Established 1999 This site was created to facilitate t…
https://www.techdirt.com/company/punternet/ — found via Mwmbl
Punternet stories at Techdirt.
from the nice-advertising dept There was some news coverage last week of the UK’s “equalities minister” (what the hell is that?), Harriet Harman, asking …
https://wikimili.com/en/Punternet — found via Mwmbl
Punternet - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader
Contents The website was initially an information source run by enthusiasts and service users rather than a commercial enterprise. It described itself as…
http://wikileaks.org/wiki/The_truth_behind_Punternet.com,_2009 — found via Mwmbl
The truth behind Punternet.com, 2009 - WikiLeaks
Tor Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or goi…
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Punternet — found via Mwmbl
About: Punternet
Punternet, also known as Punternet.com, is a review site that allows customers to rate their experiences with call girls. Customers are referred to as "p…