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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pimp_That_Snack — found via Wikipedia
Pimp That Snack
Pimp That Snack is a website which received media attention during April 2006. The website features guides on creating giant versions of everyday snacks
https://www.cbc.ca/1.7021544 — found via Mwmbl
Is that snack chocolate or 'chocolatey'? How skimpflation might …
Is that snack chocolate or 'chocolatey'? How skimpflation might be affecting your groceries Skimpflation is when companies swap out ingredients in food p…
http://tinyurl.com/pimptwix — found via Mwmbl
404 Not Found - Pimp That Snack - Epically Supersized Food
404 Not Found Page not found! Unfortunately you’ve followed a link to something that isn’t at this location! But never fear, check out the Search bar and…
http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/50821 — found via Mwmbl
Pimp My Snack | MetaFilter
(Though I still find the use of the term 'pimping' in this sense rather disturbing. I mean, are they missing out the bit where they beat the shit out of …
https://www.businessinsider.com/retro-snacks-lunchbox-2018-8 — found via Mwmbl
Snacks That Every '90s Kid Had in Their Lunchbox - Business Insi…
Every kid begged for Hi-C Ecto Coolers after seeing "Ghostbusters." Hi-C was always popular, but never more so than when it launched its Ecto Cooler spec…
https://hackaday.com/tag/snack-attack/ — found via Mwmbl
Snack Attack | Hackaday
Hacking and snacking often go hand in hand. They go together even better if you have a robot that can throw a tasty treat to you on command. That’s the d…
http://www.washington.edu/doit/snackmagic-snack-packs — found via Mwmbl
SnackMagic Snack Packs | DO-IT
SnackMagic Snack Packs SnackMagic is a company that sends snacks boxes to you in the mail that you can customize with amazing items such as snacks, bever…
https://news.vice.com/en/topic/pimp-c — found via Mwmbl
Pimp C - VICE
Pimp C Souped-up cars are so central to 'Ridin Dirty' that Bun and Pimp actually appear in a whip on the cover. In celebration of the record's 20th anniv…
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/tags/pimp-c/ — found via Mwmbl
Pimp C - Intelligencer
Pimp C In Death, We Are All the SameWe smirked a little when we saw that the Times had juxtaposed the obituaries of renowned author and critic Elizabeth …
http://bavatuesdays.com/pimp-that-bliki/ — found via Mwmbl
Pimp that bliki! | bavatuesdays
I responded to a comment by Sue Mayberry -who was asking for more details about creating a bliki (a WordPress MediaWiki mashup)- offering a kind of quick …
https://definithing.com/raz-clat/ — found via Mwmbl
Raz Clat – Defining Anything
the pimp that straight f-cked you up in pimpwar. normally packing all aks. just showing you fools that all the skills are in the pimp cane. d-mn fool, th…
http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rizzicist — found via Mwmbl
Urban Dictionary: Rizzicist
A pimp that resides in another realm of reality. A man that has mastered the flow of the universe, living in balance and accordance with his own nature t…
https://library.stanford.edu/all/?q=%22Animals%22 — found via Mwmbl
"Animals" | Search | Stanford Libraries
Hebe Uhart's Animals tells of piglets that snack on crackers, parrots that rehearse their words at night, southern screamers that lurk at the front door …
http://www.getfrank.co.nz/forums/articles/bloody-mary — found via Mwmbl
Viewing Bloody Mary - Article Discussions - Getfrank forums
If you want to Pimp that Mary add 1/4 tspn Horseraddish, some red wine (1/2shot), some green olives and a little bit of the brine from the olive jar. Bad…
https://users.livejournal.com/-pinkchocolate/tag/art — found via Mwmbl
In Essence Divided — LiveJournal
And a shameless ldws pimp that I forgot to add into my post yesterday: go check out the challenge 5 entries because omg, they're awesome. These writers m…