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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metapedia — found via Wikipedia
Metapedia is an online wiki-based encyclopedia. Its views have been described by many as fascist, far-right, white nationalist, white supremacist, anti-feminist
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metapedian — found via Mwmbl
Metapedianism - Meta
Metapedianism is the philosophy of focusing on the internal workings of Wikimedia projects, including guidelines and policies, and the social side of the…
http://metapedia.org — found via Mwmbl
Metapedia — countering semantic distortion worldwide
The Alternative Encyclopedia About Metapedia Metapedia is an electronic encyclopedia which focuses on culture, art, science, philosophy and politics. The…
http://wikiindex.org/Metapedia — found via Mwmbl
Metapedia – WikiIndex – the index of all wiki
The word 'Metapedia' is derived from two concepts from classical greek: 'metá' (μετά) that means 'outside' or 'beyond'; and 'enkýklios paideía' (ἐγκύκλιο…
http://fstdt.com/HVLGBGGS579R7 — found via Mwmbl
Various Editors #racist #wingnut
Metapedia was founded in 2006 back when people naively thought Scientology was this dangerous religion and Scientologists ran Hollywood, not Jews. People…